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Created November 20, 2022 01:21
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#!/usr/bin/env sage
import itertools
# cycle decomposition of a permutation
def cycles(perm):
seen = [False] * len(perm)
for i in range(len(perm)):
if seen[i]:
cycle = [i]
seen[i] = True
while not seen[i := perm[i]]:
seen[i] = True
yield cycle
for n in (5..8):
print("===", n, "===", flush=True)
counter = 0
# The tiling we're looking for has fewer faces than vertices so it's faster to
# enumerate candidates for the dual graph. There's a catch though, because in our
# tiling the corners of the square can be degree-2 vertices which turn into parallel
# edges of the dual graph. The enumeration doesn't produce parallel edges, but as
# the square corners are the only place where we can have a degree 2 vertex, it's
# faster to ignore them for the initial enumeration and to insert them manually
# after selecting the outside face.
# Unfortunately this does mean we can only restrict the minimum degree to 5 - c
# where c is the maximal number of square corners in one pentagon. This makes the
# planar graph enumeration quite a bit slower but it's still fast enough.
for dual_g in graphs.planar_graphs(n + 1, minimum_degree=2, minimum_connectivity=2):
hist = dual_g.degree_histogram() + [0, 0, 0]
# dual_g vertices with degree < 5 are either a) the outside face of our tiling
# or b) pentagons that use square corners we still need to add. Let's call them
# bad dual_g vertices
d2 = hist[2]
d3 = hist[3]
d4 = hist[4]
# count missing number of half edges
missing = d4 + 2 * d3 + 3 * d2
# we can add at most 4 dual_g edges from the dual_g vertex for the outside face
# to up to 4 corners:
if missing > 8 or (d2 + d3 + d4) > 5:
# find the set of bad dual_g vertices
bad = set(v for v in dual_g if < 5)
# The closed neighborhood of the dual_g vertex corresponding to the tiling's
# outside face must contain all bad dual_g vertices, but isn't necessarily a bad
# vertex itself. This finds all candidates:
outside_candidates = set(bad) if len(bad) > 4 else None
for b in bad:
bn = set(dual_g.neighbors(b))
if outside_candidates is None:
outside_candidates = bn
outside_candidates &= bn
# With no bad vertices, any vertex could correspond to the outside face. This
# never happens for small enough values of n. As is, this is would most likely
# be quite slow and would really need some way to only make non-isomorphic
# choices.
if not bad:
outside_candidates = set(dual_g)
# If no candidates are left, dual_g cannot be the dual graph of the kind of
# tiling we're looking for.
if not outside_candidates:
# Go through the candidates, most of the time there is only one
for outside in outside_candidates:
corners = []
# The bad vertices besides outside correspond to the pentagons that need
# square corners
for needs_corners in bad:
if needs_corners == outside:
# Add as many corners as required to make it at least a pentagon
corners.extend([needs_corners] * (5 -
# If we needed more than 4 corners, that's not a valid tiling
if len(corners) > 4:
# If we have corners left, we can add them to any pentagon touching the
# outside, but we also need to consider the case where we don't add them, as
# split corners shared by two or more pentagons are already considered by
# the enumartion of dual_g.
for extra_corner_count in (0..(4 - len(corners))):
for extra_corners in itertools.combinations(
dual_g.neighbors(outside), extra_corner_count):
# To add the parallel edges to dual_g we first convert it from the
# `get_embedding()` representation which doesn't handle parallel
# edges, to a combinatorial embedding of dual_g's dual, i.e. the
# pentagon tiling of the square.
# See also
# The edge-flip involution is fixed and exchanges adjacent odd and
# even pairs.
idmap = {}
face_ccw = [None] * dual_g.num_edges() * 2
face_cw = [None] * dual_g.num_edges() * 2
for v, ns in dual_g.get_embedding().items():
for n in ns:
if (v, n) not in idmap:
idmap[v,n] = len(idmap)
idmap[n,v] = len(idmap)
for n, nn in zip(ns, ns[1:] + ns[:1]):
face_ccw[idmap[v, n]] = idmap[v, nn]
face_cw[idmap[v, nn]] = idmap[v, n]
# Then we can add the square corners one by one, with some linked
# list manipulation
for rb in [*corners, *extra_corners]:
new = len(face_ccw)
face_ccw.extend([None] * 2)
face_cw.extend([None] * 2)
orig_r_next = face_ccw[idmap[outside, rb]]
face_ccw[idmap[outside, rb]] = new
face_cw[new] = idmap[outside, rb]
face_ccw[new] = orig_r_next
face_cw[orig_r_next] = new
orig_rb_next = face_cw[idmap[rb, outside]]
face_cw[idmap[rb, outside]] = new + 1
face_ccw[new + 1] = idmap[rb, outside]
face_cw[new + 1] = orig_rb_next
face_ccw[orig_rb_next] = new + 1
# From the face links and we can compute the vertex links
vertex_ccw = [face_cw[i ^^ 1] for i in range(len(face_cw))]
# And from those, we can build a graph
edges = {}
tiling = Graph()
for i, half_edges in enumerate(cycles(vertex_ccw)):
for half_edge in half_edges:
edges.setdefault(half_edge // 2, []).append(i)
for edge in edges.values():
counter += 1
# There's quite a few things we haven't checked yet. We would need
# to make sure that the combinatorial embedding corresponds to a
# geometric embedding where exactly 5 vertices of every pentagon is
# a corner with <180deg and every additional vertex is on a side.
# But we're lucky and this excludes enough candidates to manually
# check this.
print(f"==> Found candidate #{counter} with {n} pentagons!")
# We don't actually use our embedding for plotting this, so we plot
# a few random layouts in the hope that one obviously looks like the
# tiling we're looking for.
for plot_variation in range(4):
fname = f"penta_{n}_{plot_variation}.png"
print(f" writing {fname!r}")
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