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Created October 27, 2020 21:12
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# Return a representative of each conjugacy class of maximal subgroups of a
# permutation group that stabilize a block or point. These are the maximal
# subgroups whose orbit parition is a strict refinement of the whole groups
# orbit partition.
# The result is a list of pairs containing the representative subgroup and the
# block or point for which it is the stabilizer. A point is returned as a block
# of size 1.
MaximalBlockStabilizerClassReps := function ( G )
local i, pt, pt2, orb, lorb, on_lorb, l2g, block_reps, block_rep,
block_system, partition, part, partitions, candidate_blocks,
candidate_rep, candidate_reps, candidate_rep_orbits, pending_reps,
maximal, on_blocks, stab, stab_moved, candidate_stab_index;
# Below whenever a block is mentioned, we also consider "blocks" consisting
# of a single point.
# In candidate_blocks we collect all blocks that we will consider
# stabilizing to find a maximal subgroup among those stabilizing a block.
# This list must be closed under the action of G.
# We initialize it with all points of G, so we can easily recover a
# subgroup of G from a subgroup of the action of G on these blocks.
candidate_blocks := List([1..LargestMovedPoint(G)], pt -> [pt]);
# For each candidate block, at the position of a representative element in
# candidate_blocks, we store the size of its orbit/the index of the
# corresponding stabilizer subgroup.
candidate_stab_index := [];
# This stores the position of the representative elements of each orbit in
# candidate_blocks.
candidate_reps := [];
# For each orbit we compute the maximal blocks, the stabilizers of these
# blocks are our candidate subgroups.
# Using AllBlocks and then filtering the result is probably not the most
# efficient way to get all maximal blocks, but for every example I've run
# into AllBlocks is fast enough.
for orb in Orbits(G) do
# AllBlocks only works on transitive groups, so we work with the action
# of G restricted to the current orbit.
lorb := [1 .. Size(orb)];
on_lorb := Action(G, orb);
l2g := MappingPermListList(lorb, orb); # maps points back to all of G
block_reps := List(AllBlocks(on_lorb));
# If the action of G on orb is primitive, add a point stabilizer to the
# candidates.
if block_reps = [] then
Add(candidate_reps, orb[1]);
candidate_stab_index[orb[1]] := Size(orb);
# Otherwise process blocks in decreasing size, so maximal blocks come
# before blocks contained in them.
SortBy(block_reps, block_rep -> -Size(block_rep));
# We store the block systems we already processed as a list mapping
# points to the orbit position of the block they are contained in. This
# allows us to very quickly check whether a candidate block is fully
# contained in a block system we already saw.
partitions := [];
for block_rep in block_reps do
# If the representative block is contained in a block of another
# block system it is not maximal, so skip it.
for partition in partitions do
part := partition{block_rep};
if PositionProperty(part, p -> p <> part[1], 1) = fail then
block_rep := [];
if block_rep = [] then
# Here we know the block is maximal, so we add it to partition,
# candidate_blocks, etc.
block_system := Orbit(on_lorb, block_rep, OnSets);
partition := [];
for i in [1..Size(block_system)] do
for pt in block_system[i] do
partition[pt] := i;
candidate_rep := Size(candidate_blocks) + 1;
Add(partitions, partition);
Add(candidate_reps, candidate_rep);
candidate_stab_index[candidate_rep] := Size(block_system);
Append(candidate_blocks, OnSetsSets(block_system, l2g));
# Every maximal subgroup that stabilizes a block must stabilize a maximal
# block, but the converse is not necesserily true, so we have to filter our
# candidates.
# For that we extend the domain of G to include our candidate blocks
on_blocks := Action(G, candidate_blocks, OnSets);
# And we process the candidates by increasing index, so we get maximal
# groups before any contained groups.
SortBy(candidate_reps, rep -> candidate_stab_index[rep]);
# During the filtering we might learn that a not-yet-processed group is
# either not maximal or in the same conjugacy class as a group coming
# before it. We exclude them by removing the point representing the
# candidate block from pending_reps. We also remove already processed
# blocks from pending_reps.
pending_reps := Set(candidate_reps);
maximal := [];
for pt in candidate_reps do
if not pt in pending_reps then
# If the candidate hasn't been excluded yet, its stabilizer is a
# maximal subgroup among the candidates.
RemoveSet(pending_reps, pt);
stab := Stabilizer(on_blocks, pt);
stab_moved := MovedPoints(stab);
# If stabilizing the current candidate block (stab) also stabilizes a
# block of the orbit of later candidate, the stabilizer of that later
# candidate is conjugate to a subgroup of/to stab, so we can exclude
# it.
for pt2 in Set(pending_reps) do
if not ForAll(Orbit(G, pt2), p -> p in stab_moved) then
RemoveSet(pending_reps, pt2);
Add(maximal, [
Action(stab, [1..LargestMovedPoint(G)]),
return maximal;
Example := function ()
local G, U, Gs, dom, blocks;
dom := ListX([1..24], [1,2], {x, y} -> [x, y]);
G := Group(Concatenation([
Action(TransitiveGroup(24, 11), dom, {x, g} -> [x[1]^g, x[2]])),
Action(SymmetricGroup(2), dom, {x, g} -> [x[1], x[2]^g]))
Gs := Concatenation([[G], MaximalSubgroupClassReps(G)]);
for G in Gs do
Display(Set(Orbits(G), Set));
for U in MaximalBlockStabilizerClassReps(G) do
Display(Set(Orbits(U[1]), Set));
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