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Created March 29, 2022 10:15
mode bmc
depth 20
expect pass
smtbmc boolector
read -formal test.v
prep -top test
tribuf -formal
[file test.v]
module test(
input clk,
input data_a, data_b,
input en_a, en_b,
output data_bus
reg [7:0] counter_a = 1;
reg [7:0] counter_b = 1;
wire bus;
always @(posedge clk) begin
counter_a <= counter_a == 3 ? 0 : counter_a + 1;
counter_b <= counter_b == 5 ? 0 : counter_b + 1;
tristate_driver driver_a(
.en(en_a && counter_a == 0),
tristate_driver driver_b(
.en(en_b && counter_b == 0)
module tristate_driver(
input to_bus,
output from_bus,
input en,
inout bus
assign bus = en ? to_bus : 1'bz;
assign from_bus = bus;
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