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Last active September 2, 2020 02:11
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kakao local api
import requests
import sys
$ python {query}
# curl -v -X GET "" \
# --data-urlencode "query=카카오" \
# -H "Authorization: KakaoAK kkkkk"
def get_header():
return {
'Authorization': 'KakaoAK kkkkkkkk'
def main(query: str):
assert query
is_end = False
page = 1
while is_end == False:
query_url = f"{KAKAO_LOCAL_BASE_URL}&page={page}&query={query}"
res = requests.get(query_url, headers=get_header())
meta = res.json().get("meta")
results = res.json().get("documents")
print("page ", page , " : ", len(results), "/", meta.get("total_count"))
is_end = meta.get("is_end")
page += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
argv = sys.argv
q = argv[1]
result = main(q)
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