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Created November 28, 2021 05:49
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json to class for autocomplete
# for key,value in x.iteritems():
# new_key = key.replace(" ","_")
# del x[key] # Deleting Previous Key
# x[new_key] = value # Adding Modified key
# for key,value in x.iteritems():
# new_key = key.replace(" ","_")
# del x[key] # Deleting Previous Key
# x[new_key] = value # Adding Modified key
def convert(k):
k=k.replace(':',"_") #replace : with _ since ":" not acceptable in syntax
return k.replace(' ', '_') #replace space with underscore in string k
def change_keys(obj, convert):
Recursively goes through the dictionary obj and replaces keys with the convert function.
if isinstance(obj, (str, int, float)):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, dict):
new = obj.__class__()
for k, v in obj.items():
new[convert(k)] = change_keys(v, convert)
elif isinstance(obj, (list, set, tuple)):
new = obj.__class__(change_keys(v, convert) for v in obj)
return obj
return new
#------------- usage. replace with your json file ----------------
import json
from types import SimpleNamespace
fpath=r"C:\temp\data 5842 dibwFri_ Sep 10_ 2021_5_12 PM.json"
dnew=json.load(f) #json.dumps is inverse of loads
dnew=change_keys(dnew,convert) #remove invalid characters with underscores in names
dnew=json.loads(json.dumps(dnew), object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d))
# Turns a dictionary into a class
# type variable name such as t4. and wait for the class attributes to appear in editor using Kite or other language processors
class Dict2Class(object):
def __init__(self, my_dict):
for key in my_dict:
key2=key.replace(" ","_") #key2 for valid names without spaces for object attributes
setattr(self, key2, my_dict[key])
def print_attributes (d):
[print (x) for x in dir(d) if "__" not in x ]
# ------------ display JSON file in heirachical format
import json
from IPython.display import display, JSON
with open(file_path) as f:
my_dict= json.load(f)
display(JSON(my_dict)) #show json heirarchy in jupyter notebook
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