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Last active November 28, 2021 17:46
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acessing dataframe columns using dot notation with namedtuple. Typing var_df2. in jupyter lab will show column names to select as dropdown
from collections import namedtuple
import re
#str1, n = re.subn('[0-9]', 'X',str1)
def ntuples(df):
list_of_names = df.columns.values
list_of_names_dict = {x:x for x in list_of_names}
Varnames = namedtuple('Varnames', list_of_names)
return Varnames(**list_of_names_dict)
def change_to_valid_column_names(df3):
df3.columns=[(re.sub("[/' ()-]","_",x)) for x in df3.columns.to_list()] #replace invalid char with _
df3.columns=[(re.sub("_+","_",x)) for x in df3.columns.to_list()] #replace 1 or more _ with single _ to compact
# + is quantifier for 1 or more
df3.columns=[x.replace("_","n",1) for x in df3.columns.to_list()] #cant start with underscore so change first underscore
return (df3)
def abbreviate_names(df):
my_ab={'Phase Noise':'PN','Phase_Noise':'PN','Phase_Noise_at':'PN',
for word in my_ab:
df2.columns=[x.replace(word,my_ab[word]) for x in df2.columns.to_list()] #list comprehension to substiture abbreviations in names
return (df)
var_df2= ntuples(df2) # get a named tuple from columns of dataframe for autofill butfirst convert to valid names
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