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Last active December 10, 2015 00:49
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  • Save jj0hns0n/4354118 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jj0hns0n/4354118 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'geonode',
'USER': 'geonode',
'PASSWORD': 'geonode',
# GeoNode vector data backend configuration.
#Import uploaded shapefiles into a database such as PostGIS?
#Database datastore connection settings
DB_DATASTORE_HOST = 'localhost'
sudo su - postgres
createuser -d geohub
createuser -d geonode
createdb -O geohub geohub
psql -d geohub -c "create extension postgis"
createdb -O geonode geonode
# switch to geonode checkout
workon geonode
#Super important, creatsuperuser in syncdb wont work without this and indexes wont get installed
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
python syncdb --all
# Create a superuser at the prompt
# Check that geoserver is using geonode for authentication (geonodeAuthProvider is pointing to the right pace http://localhost/)
# Check that you can login to geoserver with geonode superuser login credentials created above
# Check if the geohub store is created (if not geonode will create it for you based on the above)
# Check that geoserver has an empty data dir (no layers, geonode workspace)
# Load sample data into geoserver + postgis
paver setup_data
# You should now have 16 layers
# Check layers in GeoNode UI
# Check Layers in GeoNode Admin
# Check Layers in GeoNode GeoExplorer Admin
# Check Layers in Standalone GeoExplorer
# Check Layers in Custom Suite App (Salamati)
# Check Layers in GeoServer Admin
# Check Layers in GeoServices Rest Endpoint
# Setup your geogit user
geogit config --global jj0hns0n
geogit config --global
# Create the geogit repo
cd <your project dir>
mkdir geogit-repo
cd geogit-repo
geogit init
geogit pg import --database geohub --user geohub --password geohub --all
geogit status
geogit add
geogit commit -m "Initial add sample data"
geogit status
# Go do some edits with GeoExplorer, Salamati or GeoNode's GeoExplorer then come back to the CLI
geogit status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "geogit add <path/to/fid>..." to update what will be committed
# (use "geogit checkout -- <path/to/fid>..." to discard changes in working directory
# added san_andres_y_providencia_coastline/san_andres_y_providencia_coastline.3
# 1 total.
geogit diff --raw
000000... 83ff30... 000000... 1234e1... A san_andres_y_providencia_coastline/san_andres_y_providencia_coastline.3
geogit add
geogit commit -m "Added feature with GeoNode's GeoExplorer"
# Now go edit an existing feature in a different tool
geogit pg import --database geohub --user geohub --password geohub -t san_andres_y_providencia_coastline
geogit diff --raw
83ff30... 83ff30... cac850... c30669... M san_andres_y_providencia_coastline/san_andres_y_providencia_coastline.1
geogit status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "geogit add <path/to/fid>..." to update what will be committed
# (use "geogit checkout -- <path/to/fid>..." to discard changes in working directory
# modified san_andres_y_providencia_coastline/san_andres_y_providencia_coastline.1
# 1 total.
geogit add
Counting unstaged features...1
Staging changes...
1 features staged for commit
0 features not staged for commit
commit -m "Modified one coastline feature"
[8e0abd6e69f6feb0ad8ace1072c06317ae91ad11] Modified one coastline feature
Committed, counting objects...0 features added, 1 changed, 0 deleted.
# Import some osm History
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