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Created August 21, 2020 21:16
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module Main where
import qualified Data.List as List
import System.Environment
import System.IO
-- | Remove duplicates in sorted (descending order) list
dedupe :: [Int] -> [Int]
dedupe [] = []
dedupe (x : xs) = reverse $ dedupeX [] x xs
dedupeX res b [] = b : res
dedupeX res b (c : cs) =
if b == c
then dedupeX res c cs
else dedupeX (b : res) c cs
type Count = Int
-- | Remove duplicates in sorted (descending order) list,
-- | keeping count of how many times each number appeared in the original list
dedupeWithCount :: [Int] -> [(Int, Count)]
dedupeWithCount [] = []
dedupeWithCount (x : xs) = reverse $ dedupeX [] 1 x xs
dedupeX :: [(Int, Count)] -> Count -> Int -> [Int] -> [(Int, Count)]
dedupeX res count b [] = (b, count) : res
dedupeX res count b (c : cs) =
if b == c
then dedupeX res (count + 1) c cs
else dedupeX ((b, count) : res) 1 c cs
-- | Returns the ranks alice would have with a given scores
-- | Assumes both lists are in descending order.
aliceRanks :: [Int] -> [(Int, Count)] -> [Int]
aliceranks [] [] = []
aliceranks scores [] = []
aliceRanks scores ((aliceScore, count) : restAliceScores) = go 1 [] (aliceScore, count) restAliceScores scores
go :: Int -> [Int] -> (Int, Count) -> [(Int, Count)] -> [Int] -> [Int]
go currentRank aliceRanks (aliceScore, count) [] [] = List.replicate count currentRank ++ aliceRanks
go currentRank aliceRanks (aliceScore, count) aliceScores [] =
List.replicate (List.sum ( snd ((aliceScore, count) : aliceScores))) currentRank ++ aliceRanks
go currentRank aliceRanks (aliceScore, count) [] (topScore : restScores) =
if aliceScore >= topScore
then List.replicate count currentRank ++ aliceRanks
else go (currentRank + 1) aliceRanks (aliceScore, count) [] restScores
go currentRank aliceRanks (aliceScore, count) (newAliceScore : restAliceScores) (topScore : restScores) =
if aliceScore >= topScore
then go currentRank (List.replicate count currentRank ++ aliceRanks) newAliceScore restAliceScores (topScore : restScores)
else go (currentRank + 1) aliceRanks (aliceScore, count) (newAliceScore : restAliceScores) restScores
climbingLeaderboard :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
climbingLeaderboard allScores aliceScores =
aliceRanks (dedupe allScores) (reverse $ dedupeWithCount aliceScores)
---- Misc: Hackerrank boilerplate ----
readMultipleLinesAsStringArray :: Int -> IO [String]
readMultipleLinesAsStringArray 0 = return []
readMultipleLinesAsStringArray n = do
line <- getLine
rest <- readMultipleLinesAsStringArray (n - 1)
return (line : rest)
main :: IO ()
main = do
stdout <- getEnv "OUTPUT_PATH"
fptr <- openFile stdout WriteMode
_ <- readLn :: IO Int
scoresTemp <- getLine
let allScores :: [Int]
allScores = (read :: String -> Int) . words $ scoresTemp
_ <- readLn :: IO Int
aliceTemp <- getLine
let aliceScores :: [Int]
aliceScores = (read :: String -> Int) . words $ aliceTemp
let result = climbingLeaderboard allScores aliceScores
hPutStrLn fptr $ List.intercalate "\n" $ (\x -> show x) $ result
hFlush fptr
hClose fptr
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