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Created September 7, 2015 15:44
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Example file for `mdless` issue #2 ( - Don't you love the fact you can't add attachments to Issues in GitHub??

Testing mdless sample file:

Here are 4 examples of a code snippet inserted in differente ways.

Snippet 1: - Using triple back quotes and specifying the language (ref:

<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
    document.cookie = "COOKIE_NAME=" + encodeURIComponent(Math.random()) + ";path=/;domain=DOMAIN-HERE";

Snippet 2: - Indenting the code block

<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
	document.cookie = "COOKIE_NAME=" + encodeURIComponent(Math.random()) + ";path=/;domain=DOMAIN-HERE";

Snippet 3: - Using triple back quotes without specifying the language:

<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
    document.cookie = "COOKIE_NAME=" + encodeURIComponent(Math.random()) + ";path=/;domain=DOMAIN-HERE";

Snippet 4: - Using a single back tick in every line (ugly! and probably invalid Markdown?)

<script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var f=document,e=window,i=e.location.protocol,b=[["src",[i=="https:"?"https:/":"http:/","HOST-HERE/TRUSTEER-ID-HERE/FILE-NAME-HERE.js"].join("/")],["type","text/javascript"],["async",true]],g="XMLHttpRequest",a=null,j=e[g]&&(a=new e[g]()).withCredentials!==undefined,c=f.createElement("script"),h=f.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];if(j){"GET",b[0][1],b[2][1]);a.withCredentials=true;a.onreadystatechange=function(d){if(a.readyState==4&&a.status==200){c.type="script/meta";c.src=b[0][1];h.appendChild(c);new Function(a.responseText)()}};a.send()}else{setTimeout(function(){for(var d=0,k=b.length;d<k;d++){c.setAttribute(b[d][0],b[d][1])}h.appendChild(c)},0)}})(); </script>

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