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Last active January 5, 2024 14:20
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NRSDK 2.1.1 Crash logs - 2
2024/01/05 21:24:52.270 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.269] [25563] [WARN] [NRSDK] Log Info: pid:25535, time:2024-01-05 21:24:52 (+0800)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.270 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.270] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRSDK Version:
2024/01/05 21:24:52.270 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.270] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRSDK Create!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.285 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.285] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRSDK Init!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.290 25535 25563 Info CONTROLLER loadplugin controller run with ControllerSimple: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.293 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.293] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRSDK Init Switch!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.297 24339 24736 Debug ServerHelper Asked by:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.302 24339 24736 Debug ServerHelper Asked by:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.306 24339 24736 Debug ServerHelper Asked by:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.309 24339 24736 Debug ServerHelper Asked by:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.312 24339 24736 Debug ServerHelper Asked by:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.313 25535 25563 Warn ServerHelper Get server is:ai.nreal.nebula.mainland
2024/01/05 21:24:52.314 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.314] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Detected Server Info:ai.nreal.nebula.mainland
2024/01/05 21:24:52.314 25535 25563 Debug Connector connect
2024/01/05 21:24:52.314 25535 25563 Debug Connector Executor Connect
2024/01/05 21:24:52.315 2221 2298 Error Watchdog !@Sync: 897 heap: 118 / 125 FD: 1094 [2024-01-05 21:24:52.315]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.317 2221 4819 Info ActivityManager Changes in 99063 4 to 3, 14 to 8
2024/01/05 21:24:52.317 2221 4819 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10227 4 to 3, 14 to 8
2024/01/05 21:24:52.317 25535 25563 Debug Connector connect
2024/01/05 21:24:52.317 25535 25563 Debug Connector Executor Connect
2024/01/05 21:24:52.319 1774 4612 Info CameraService onUidStateChanged: uid=10227, procState is changed. (4 -> 3)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.323 25535 25670 Debug Connector onServiceConnected
2024/01/05 21:24:52.323 25535 25669 Debug Connector onServiceConnected
2024/01/05 21:24:52.324 24339 24357 Debug Acceptor accept
2024/01/05 21:24:52.324 25535 25669 Debug Connector disconnect
2024/01/05 21:24:52.325 24339 24354 Debug Acceptor accept
2024/01/05 21:24:52.327 25535 25670 Debug Connector disconnect
2024/01/05 21:24:52.328 2221 2235 Info ActivityManager Changes in 99063 3 to 4, 8 to 14
2024/01/05 21:24:52.328 2221 2235 Info AppOps updateUidProcState uid: 99063 procState: 4 capability:14
2024/01/05 21:24:52.328 2221 2235 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10227 3 to 4, 8 to 14
2024/01/05 21:24:52.328 2221 2235 Info AppOps updateUidProcState uid: 10227 procState: 4 capability:14
2024/01/05 21:24:52.328 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.328] [25671] [INFO] [NRSDK] Server Version: 2.1.0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.329 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.329] [24737] [INFO] [NRService] Client Version: 2.1.0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.329 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.329] [24737] [INFO] [NRService] Client Package Name: com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.329 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.329] [24737] [INFO] [NRService] Load config
2024/01/05 21:24:52.330 1774 10020 Info CameraService onUidStateChanged: uid=10227, procState is changed. (3 -> 4)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.358 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.357] [25671] [INFO] [NRSDK] HMD Device type :1,1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.359 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.359] [25671] [INFO] [NRSDK] Property 1 : 0.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.359 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.359] [25671] [INFO] [NRSDK] Property 2 : 0.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.359 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.359] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRSDK Configure Mode=0!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.384 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDeviceSubsystem] Create
2024/01/05 21:24:52.390 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeHMD] Create: hmdHandle=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.390 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDeviceSubsystem] Created
2024/01/05 21:24:52.391 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDevice] Created: nrapi version=2.1.0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.391 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(0/2) onDataActivity: direction=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.392 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(0/2) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=false, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=CMCC
2024/01/05 21:24:52.401 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingDataProvider] Create
2024/01/05 21:24:52.401 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onDataActivity: direction=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.401 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativePerception] Create: PerceptionHandle=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.401 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(1/3) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=true, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=ETC
2024/01/05 21:24:52.403 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingDataProvider] Created
2024/01/05 21:24:52.405 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] Create
2024/01/05 21:24:52.408 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRRender] Create
2024/01/05 21:24:52.409 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRRender] Created
2024/01/05 21:24:52.454 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRSessionManager] CreateSession finish.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.454 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SessionBehaviour] OnEnable: ResumeSession
2024/01/05 21:24:52.455 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRInput] OnEnable
2024/01/05 21:24:52.497 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.089271 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:52.498 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.939114 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:52.526 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ead5f8
2024/01/05 21:24:52.535 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] OnEnable, built-in pipeline: True
2024/01/05 21:24:52.540 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SessionBehaviour] OnApplicationPause: False
2024/01/05 21:24:52.544 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:52.550 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] OnApplicationPause: pause=False, headPos=((0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)), cachedWorldMatrix=1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:52.550 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:52.550 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:52.550 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:52.550 25535 25563 Info Unity , AutoCacheWorldPose=True
2024/01/05 21:24:52.551 25535 25535 Info DecorView notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger [SurfaceView[com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity]@0(BLAST)#15987] setFrameRate: 1000.000000, Compatibility: 0, Strategy: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] performTraversals params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x1030309
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] fl=80810580
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] vsysui=1707
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] performTraversals mFirst=false windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] fl=80810580
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] vsysui=1707
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.558 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.560 1511 1511 Warn SurfaceFlinger Multiple displays claim to accept input for the same layer stack: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.559 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager Relayout Window{b5a838c u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2340 d0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.560 2221 4819 Warn SensorService sensor 0000000b already enabled in connection 0xb40000717afda790 (ignoring)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.562 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:24:52.562 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:510, resampler is used, set resampler config
2024/01/05 21:24:52.562 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:52.562 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:52.564 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.565 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 2 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.565 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:24:52.566 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:532, android.sensor.accelerometer/11
2024/01/05 21:24:52.567 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:52.567 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 2 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager Relayout hash=b5a838c, pid=25535, syncId=-1: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager fl=80810580
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager vsysui=1707
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.569 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:538, android.sensor.accelerometer/11 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:52.570 2221 4819 Error SensorService BigData:Pakage) 1 already enabled.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.570 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 20000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:24:52.570 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:510, resampler is used, set resampler config
2024/01/05 21:24:52.571 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:52.571 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:52.571 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=0xeabc4a60 isSameSurfaceControl=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.572 25535 25535 Info BLASTBufferQueue update, w= 1080 h= 2340 mName = ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] mNativeObject= 0xeabc4a60 sc.mNativeObject= 0xeb1d6570 format= -3 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2898 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:24:52.572 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(0,0,1080,2340) req=(1080,2340)0 dur=13 res=0x0 s={true 0xeaa960b0} ch=false seqId=1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.572 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.572 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] updateBoundsLayer: t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@39e4730 sc = Surface(name=Bounds for - com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity@0)/@0x3351fa9 frame = 8
2024/01/05 21:24:52.572 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.572 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:24:52.572 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] mWNT: t=0xe3cf5e30 mBlastBufferQueue=0xeabc4a60 fn= 8 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.prepareSurfaces:2985 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4233 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116
2024/01/05 21:24:52.573 25535 25535 Verbose ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Surface Surface(name=null)/@0x51c0c94 drawing to bitmap w=1080, h=2340
2024/01/05 21:24:52.574 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Drawing: package:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly, metrics=DisplayMetrics{density=3.0, width=1080, height=2115, scaledDensity=3.0, xdpi=428.625, ydpi=424.542}, compatibilityInfo={480dpi always-compat}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.586 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:52.592 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SessionBehaviour] Start: StartSession
2024/01/05 21:24:52.595 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRSessionManager] StartSession.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.596 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDevice] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:52.598 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDeviceSubsystem] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:52.599 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.599] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRGlassesControl START!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.599 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.599] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU initializing
2024/01/05 21:24:52.599 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.599] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU device type [1]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.600 24339 24469 Debug UsbDeviceConnectionJNI close
2024/01/05 21:24:52.601 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.600] [24469] [INFO] [NRService] close device ok
2024/01/05 21:24:52.605 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.605] [24469] [INFO] [NRService] MCU Open Device Success~
2024/01/05 21:24:52.606 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.606] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU got handle, work type = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.607 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461092.605:177916): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="usb" dev="tmpfs" ino=977 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:usb_device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:52.609 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461092.605:177917): avc: denied { create } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tclass=netlink_kobject_uevent_socket permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:52.609 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461092.605:177918): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="devices" dev="sysfs" ino=55803 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:52.620 2221 2752 Debug UsbUI onUEvent(Host Interface): {SUBSYSTEM=usb, SEQNUM=42493, ACTION=unbind, INTERFACE=3/0/0, DEVTYPE=usb_interface, PRODUCT=486/573c/200, DEVPATH=/devices/platform/soc/a600000.ssusb/a600000.dwc3/, TYPE=0/0/0}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.620 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.620] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Control open with handle
2024/01/05 21:24:52.621 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.620] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU initialized
2024/01/05 21:24:52.621 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.620] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU starting
2024/01/05 21:24:52.621 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.620] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Control callback true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.621 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.620] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU type = 1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.666 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.665] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU software version :
2024/01/05 21:24:52.682 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.682] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses ID : B118F01117
2024/01/05 21:24:52.683 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.683] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU protocol build date( not exist, using default protocol, which may cause some functions to not work properly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.686 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.686] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Response of GET Display Mode 3D_1080 3
2024/01/05 21:24:52.694 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.694] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU started
2024/01/05 21:24:52.704 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.704] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting first signal
2024/01/05 21:24:52.705 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.705] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.705 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.705] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.708 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.708] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Supported Devices 1575
2024/01/05 21:24:52.711 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.711] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Supported Displays 15
2024/01/05 21:24:52.711 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.711] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRGlassesControl RUN!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.715 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.715] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Function <GetBrightnessLevelNumber> res:0-8
2024/01/05 21:24:52.715 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDeviceSubsystem] MaxBrightness = 7
2024/01/05 21:24:52.720 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeHMD] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:52.721 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.721] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRHMD START!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.752 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.752] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRHMD RUN!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.752 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDeviceSubsystem] Started
2024/01/05 21:24:52.754 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.753] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Get Display Stereo Mode: 3D
2024/01/05 21:24:52.757 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDevice] Started: supportMono=False, curStereoMode=Stereo, MonoMode=False
2024/01/05 21:24:52.758 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRVirtualDisplayer] Start.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.759 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplaySubsystem] Create
2024/01/05 21:24:52.759 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeDisplay] Create: displayHandle=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.760 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplaySubsystem] Created
2024/01/05 21:24:52.761 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.761] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRDisplay START!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.763 25535 25563 Warn NRSDK DISPLAY initialize finish
2024/01/05 21:24:52.765 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.765] [25563] [WARN] [NRSDK] Display has wrong resolution: 1080x2340
2024/01/05 21:24:52.765 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.765] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Display name Light
2024/01/05 21:24:52.765 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.765] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] OnDisplayEvent: id:0 ev:3
2024/01/05 21:24:52.766 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRVirtualDisplayer] Use default phone sceen provider.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.767 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.765] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRDisplay RUN!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.767 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][VirtualController] RegistFragment...
2024/01/05 21:24:52.771 25535 25535 Info Dialog mIsDeviceDefault = false, mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
2024/01/05 21:24:52.773 25535 25535 Info DecorView [INFO] isPopOver=false config=false
2024/01/05 21:24:52.773 25535 25535 Info DecorView updateCaptionType: isFloating=false isApplication=false hasWindowDecorCaption=false this=DecorView@9f49090[]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.773 25535 25535 Debug DecorView setCaptionType = 0, this = DecorView@9f49090[]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.773 25535 25535 Info DecorView setWindowBackground: isPopOver=false color=fffafafa
2024/01/05 21:24:52.775 2221 2290 Debug WifiDisplayAdapter SEM_PRESENTATION_START displayID : 25, PackageName : com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:52.783 25535 25691 Debug NativeCustomFrequencyManager [NativeCFMS] BpCustomFrequencyManager::BpCustomFrequencyManager()
2024/01/05 21:24:52.786 25535 25535 Info DecorView onImmersiveModeChanged: isStatusBarHidden=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.787 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: 'e6082c2', fd=1071
2024/01/05 21:24:52.787 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: 'e6082c2', fd=1072
2024/01/05 21:24:52.787 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: 'e6082c2', fd=1073
2024/01/05 21:24:52.787 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15992 createSurf, flag=80004, WindowToken{ade6c10 type=2037 android.os.BinderProxy@fd50936}#15992
2024/01/05 21:24:52.788 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15993 createSurf, flag=80004, e6082c2 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly#15993
2024/01/05 21:24:52.788 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel destroyed: 'e6082c2', fd=1073
2024/01/05 21:24:52.788 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRVirtualDisplayer] Bind android native controller
2024/01/05 21:24:52.788 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRVirtualDisplayer] Started
2024/01/05 21:24:52.789 25535 25535 Debug InsetsController onStateChanged: InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 3840, 1080), mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=0 displayHeight=0 physicalDisplayWidth=0 physicalDisplayHeight=0 density={0.0} cutoutSpec={} rotation={0} scale={0.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={0.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]} mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=null rotation=0}, mSources= { } host= from=android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView:1732
2024/01/05 21:24:52.790 2221 2984 Debug CoreBackPreview Window{e6082c2 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@a011309, mPriority=0}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.791 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] setView = TM=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.791 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRSessionManager] targetDeviceCategory : curDevice=REALITY, targetDevices=1|NrealLight|2|NrealAir
2024/01/05 21:24:52.791 25535 25535 Debug NRGlassesDisplay startDisplay: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.792 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 onWindowVisibilityChanged(0) true android.view.SurfaceView{3aa71b6 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} of ViewRootImpl@298945[]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.792 25535 25535 Debug SurfaceView@3aa71b6 updateSurface: has no frame
2024/01/05 21:24:52.792 25535 25535 Info DecorView notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false
2024/01/05 21:24:52.792 1511 1511 Warn SurfaceFlinger Multiple displays claim to accept input for the same layer stack: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] performTraversals params={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=FILL CENTER sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=PRESENTATION wanim=0x1030309
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] fl=81810518
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] vsysui=1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] performTraversals mFirst=true windowShouldResize=true viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=FILL CENTER sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=PRESENTATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] fl=81810518
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] vsysui=1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.793 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.794 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRSessionManager] StartSession: InitTrackingType=Tracking6Dof
2024/01/05 21:24:52.795 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager Relayout Window{e6082c2 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly}: viewVisibility=0 req=3840x1080 d25
2024/01/05 21:24:52.795 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.795 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativePerception] SwitchTrackingType: Tracking6Dof
2024/01/05 21:24:52.795 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15994 createSurf, flag=40004, $_25535#15994
2024/01/05 21:24:52.795 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativePerception] SwitchTrackingType NRPerceptionGroupGetCount:16
2024/01/05 21:24:52.796 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativePerception] NRPerceptionCreate:2912695792 TrackingType:Tracking6Dof
2024/01/05 21:24:52.796 2221 2984 Debug WindowManager makeSurface duration=1 name=$_25535
2024/01/05 21:24:52.796 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRSessionManager] Tracking Start.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.797 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingDataProvider] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:52.797 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativePerception] Start: 2912695792
2024/01/05 21:24:52.797 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.796] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Perception Support Features: 31
2024/01/05 21:24:52.797 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.797] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRPerception START!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.797 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.797] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Gray Camera initializing
2024/01/05 21:24:52.797 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.797] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Gray Camera device type [1]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.797 24339 24469 Debug UsbDeviceConnectionJNI close
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager Relayout hash=e6082c2, pid=25535, syncId=-1: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=FILL CENTER sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=PRESENTATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager fl=81810518
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager vsysui=1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.798] [24469] [INFO] [NRService] close device ok
2024/01/05 21:24:52.798 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=null isSameSurfaceControl=false
2024/01/05 21:24:52.799 25535 25535 Info BLASTBufferQueue new BLASTBufferQueue, mName= ViewRootImpl@298945[] mNativeObject= 0xeabc5ab0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xa40c05b0 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:923 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:852 android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:24:52.799 25535 25535 Info BLASTBufferQueue update, w= 3840 h= 1080 mName = ViewRootImpl@298945[] mNativeObject= 0xeabc5ab0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xa40c05b0 format= -3 caller=<init>:84 android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$
2024/01/05 21:24:52.799 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] Relayout returned: old=(0,0,3840,1080) new=(0,0,3840,1080) req=(3840,1080)0 dur=5 res=0x3 s={true 0xa3d80010} ch=true seqId=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.799 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.799] [24469] [INFO] [NRService] Gray Camera Open Device Success~
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] mThreadedRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 0xa3d80010} hwInitialized=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 25535 25691 Debug OpenGLRenderer RenderThread::requireGlContext()
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 25535 25535 Debug SurfaceView@3aa71b6 updateSurface: has no frame
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 windowStopped(false) true android.view.SurfaceView{3aa71b6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-3840,1080} of ViewRootImpl@298945[]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 25535 25535 Debug SurfaceView@3aa71b6 updateSurface: has no frame
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4438 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 Changes: creating=true format=true size=true visible=true alpha=false hint=false mUseAlpha=false visible=true left=true top=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.800 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15995 createSurf, flag=20004, Bounds for - @0#15995
2024/01/05 21:24:52.801 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15996 createSurf, flag=80004, SurfaceView[]@0#15996
2024/01/05 21:24:52.801 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15997 createSurf, flag=40400, SurfaceView[]@0(BLAST)#15997
2024/01/05 21:24:52.801 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15998 createSurf, flag=20404, Background for SurfaceView[]@0#15998
2024/01/05 21:24:52.801 25535 25535 Info BLASTBufferQueue update, w= 3840 h= 1080 mName = null mNativeObject= 0xeabc3100 sc.mNativeObject= 0xa40c0fd0 format= 4 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.createBlastSurfaceControls:1383 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1079 android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0$android-view-SurfaceView:200 android.view.SurfaceView$$ExternalSyntheticLambda5.onPreDraw:2 android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw:1121 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4442
2024/01/05 21:24:52.801 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 61501878 Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0xc1bfaf9
2024/01/05 21:24:52.801 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 pST: sr = Rect(0, 0 - 3840, 1080) sw = 3840 sh = 1080
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Debug SurfaceView@3aa71b6 performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 0, 3840, 1080] surfaceSize = 3840x1080
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 applyTransactionOnVriDraw: vri = ViewRootImpl@298945[] fRS = false t = 0xad2425e0 android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0$android-view-SurfaceView:200
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] applyTransactionOnDraw: mRemoved = false isHardwareEnabled = true t = 0xad2425e0android.view.SurfaceView.applyTransactionOnVriDraw:2048 android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0$android-view-SurfaceView:200 android.view.SurfaceView$$ExternalSyntheticLambda5.onPreDraw:2
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 updateSurface: mVisible = true mSurface.isValid() = true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated = false surfaceChanged = true visibleChanged = true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 visibleChanged -- surfaceCreated
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 surfaceCreated 1 #8 android.view.SurfaceView{3aa71b6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-3840,1080}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Warn NRSDK DISPLAY OnDisplaySurfaceCreate 0xffb86210
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=3840 h=1080
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 surfaceChanged (3840,1080) 1 #8 android.view.SurfaceView{3aa71b6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-3840,1080}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 surfaceRedrawNeeded
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.802] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Gray Camera got handle, work type = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Verbose SurfaceView@3aa71b6 Layout: x=0 y=0 w=3840 h=1080, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 3840, 1080)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] Setup new sync id=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] Setting syncFrameCallback
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.802 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
2024/01/05 21:24:52.809 1392 25531 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10702271
2024/01/05 21:24:52.809 1511 1511 Warn SurfaceFlinger Multiple displays claim to accept input for the same layer stack: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.810 25535 25691 Debug OpenGLRenderer RenderThread::setGrContext()
2024/01/05 21:24:52.812 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModeCount: Supported color mode count = 3
2024/01/05 21:24:52.812 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModes: Color mode = 0 is supported
2024/01/05 21:24:52.812 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModes: Color mode = 7 is supported
2024/01/05 21:24:52.812 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModes: Color mode = 9 is supported
2024/01/05 21:24:52.813 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCDisplay::GetColorModeCount: Supported color mode count = 1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.813 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCDisplay::GetColorModes: Color mode = 0 is supported
2024/01/05 21:24:52.814 25535 25691 Debug OpenGLRenderer eglCreateWindowSurface
2024/01/05 21:24:52.815 4606 4910 Info R0 limitGPUFreq:: freq = 285
2024/01/05 21:24:52.816 4606 4910 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - SIOP_GPU_FREQ_MAX/4606@4, type = 536875010
2024/01/05 21:24:52.816 4606 4910 Info R0 limitCPUFreq:: freq = 892800
2024/01/05 21:24:52.816 4606 4910 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - SIOP_ARM_MAX/4606@2, type = 301993986
2024/01/05 21:24:52.816 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10628359 [4606 / 4] HINT : list : [GPUMaxFreq / 285]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.817 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10619138 [4606 / 2] HINT : list : [CPUMaxFreq / 892800]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.818 25535 25692 Debug SurfaceView@3aa71b6 updateSurfacePosition RenderWorker, frameNr = 1, position = [0, 0, 3840, 1080] surfaceSize = 3840x1080
2024/01/05 21:24:52.819 25535 25692 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 0 - 3840, 1080) rtsw = 3840 rtsh = 1080
2024/01/05 21:24:52.819 25535 25692 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 0 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.819 25535 25693 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] mWNT: t=0xad2425e0 mBlastBufferQueue=0xeabc5ab0 fn= 1 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$applyTransactionOnDraw$11$android-view-ViewRootImpl:12865 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.onFrameDraw:4$FrameDrawingCallback.onFrameDraw:924
2024/01/05 21:24:52.819 25535 25693 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] Received frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=1.
2024/01/05 21:24:52.819 25535 25693 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] Setting up sync and frameCommitCallback
2024/01/05 21:24:52.821 25535 25692 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 aOrMT: ViewRootImpl@298945[] t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@8846c4a fN = 1 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0 android.view.SurfaceView$SurfaceViewPositionUpdateListener.positionChanged:1537$CompositePositionUpdateListener.positionChanged:373
2024/01/05 21:24:52.821 25535 25692 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] mWNT: t=0xad240a60 mBlastBufferQueue=0xeabc5ab0 fn= 1 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1455 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0 android.view.SurfaceView$SurfaceViewPositionUpdateListener.positionChanged:1537
2024/01/05 21:24:52.825 1511 1511 Warn SurfaceFlinger Multiple displays claim to accept input for the same layer stack: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.827 25535 25691 Info BLASTBufferQueue [ViewRootImpl@298945[]#2](f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
2024/01/05 21:24:52.828 25535 25691 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.829 25535 25691 Debug OpenGLRenderer CFMS:: SetUp Pid : 25535 Tid : 25691
2024/01/05 21:24:52.833 25535 25691 Warn Parcel Expecting binder but got null!
2024/01/05 21:24:52.833 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] onSyncComplete
2024/01/05 21:24:52.833 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] setupSync seqId=0 mSyncId=0 fn=1 caller=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11.accept:6 android.window.SurfaceSyncer.lambda$setupSync$1$android-window-SurfaceSyncer:128 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.accept:8 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.checkIfSyncIsComplete:382 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.markSyncReady:359 android.window.SurfaceSyncer.markSyncReady:151 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4503
2024/01/05 21:24:52.833 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461092.829:177919): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="usb" dev="tmpfs" ino=977 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:usb_device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:52.833 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@298945[] reportDrawFinished seqId=0 mSyncId=-1 fn=1 mSurfaceChangedTransaction=0xad2421c0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.834 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461092.829:177920): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="devices" dev="sysfs" ino=55803 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:52.834 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.834] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] CameraUvc open with handle (usb_fd passed in)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.834 2221 5212 Debug WindowManager finishDrawingWindow: Window{e6082c2 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING seqId=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.835 2221 2291 Verbose WindowManager performShowLocked: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN in Window{e6082c2 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.839 2221 2792 Info EventHub Removing device '/dev/input/event16' due to inotify event
2024/01/05 21:24:52.840 2221 2792 Info EventHub Removed device: path=/dev/input/event16 name=USB Camera-OV580: USB Camera-OV id=131 fd=899 classes=KEYBOARD | EXTERNAL
2024/01/05 21:24:52.842 2221 2291 Debug DisplayDevice setLayerStackLocked, layerStack=25, uniqueId=local:4626964470317753604
2024/01/05 21:24:52.842 2221 2291 Debug SurfaceControl setDisplayProjection, displayToken=android.os.BinderProxy@4547aa, orientation=0, layerStackRect=Rect(0, 0 - 3840, 1080), displayRect=Rect(0, 0 - 3840, 1080)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.843 1511 1511 Warn SurfaceFlinger Multiple displays claim to accept input for the same layer stack: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.844 2221 2752 Debug UsbUI onUEvent(Host Interface): {SUBSYSTEM=usb, SEQNUM=42499, ACTION=unbind, INTERFACE=14/2/0, DEVTYPE=usb_interface, PRODUCT=5a9/680/100, DEVPATH=/devices/platform/soc/a600000.ssusb/a600000.dwc3/, TYPE=239/2/1}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.845 2221 2752 Debug UsbUI onUEvent(Host Interface): {SUBSYSTEM=usb, SEQNUM=42500, ACTION=unbind, INTERFACE=14/1/0, DEVTYPE=usb_interface, PRODUCT=5a9/680/100, DEVPATH=/devices/platform/soc/a600000.ssusb/a600000.dwc3/, TYPE=239/2/1}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.847 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.847] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] CameraUvc opened
2024/01/05 21:24:52.848 2221 2290 Info InputManager-JNI Viewport [0] to add: local:4630947232161729154, isActive: true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.848 2221 2290 Debug InputManager-JNI Viewport [0] type:1, displayId=0, uniqueId=local:4630947232161729154, orientation=0, logicalFrame=[0, 0][1080, 2340], physicalFrame=[0, 0][1080, 2340], deviceSize=[1080, 2340]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.848 2221 2290 Info InputManager-JNI Viewport [1] to add: local:4626964470317753604, isActive: true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.848 2221 2290 Debug InputManager-JNI Viewport [1] type:2, displayId=25, uniqueId=local:4626964470317753604, orientation=0, logicalFrame=[0, 0][3840, 1080], physicalFrame=[0, 0][3840, 1080], deviceSize=[3840, 1080]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.849 24339 24469 Debug UsbDeviceConnectionJNI close
2024/01/05 21:24:52.850 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.849] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Gray Camera initialized
2024/01/05 21:24:52.850 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.849] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU initializing
2024/01/05 21:24:52.850 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.849] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU device type [1]
2024/01/05 21:24:52.852 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.850] [24469] [INFO] [NRService] close device ok
2024/01/05 21:24:52.852 24339 24735 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.852] [24469] [INFO] [NRService] IMU Open Device Success~
2024/01/05 21:24:52.854 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.853] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU got handle, work type = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.855 2221 2792 Info InputReader Device removed: id=104, eventHubId=131, name='USB Camera-OV580: USB Camera-OV', descriptor='8ffe7aaa31c6050a709e4532db9f24c1d00be4c9', sources=0x00000101
2024/01/05 21:24:52.855 2221 2792 Debug InputReader verified(0->0), type(-1->-1), front(0->0), back(0->0), glove(0->0), penCover(0->0), pogo(0->0), notify(0)
2024/01/05 21:24:52.856 2221 2792 Info InputReader Reconfiguring input devices, changes=DISPLAY_INFO |
2024/01/05 21:24:52.857 2221 2792 Info InputReader support feature by TSP : 0x10325
2024/01/05 21:24:52.859 1511 1511 Debug DisplayDevice setLayerStack : layerstack=25, Display 4626964470317753604 (external, "Light")
2024/01/05 21:24:52.861 2221 2791 Debug TspStateManager updateCustomValue customSetting=
2024/01/05 21:24:52.862 2221 2791 Debug TspStateManager updateCustomValue customSetting=
2024/01/05 21:24:52.864 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger Display 4626964470317753604 HWC layers:
2024/01/05 21:24:52.864 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger SOLID_COLOR | | 0002 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 3840 1080 | Background for SurfaceView[]@0#15998
2024/01/05 21:24:52.864 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0d0d50 | 0100 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 3840.0 1080.0 | 0 0 3840 1080 | $_25535#15994
2024/01/05 21:24:52.864 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger
2024/01/05 21:24:52.865 2221 2791 Debug TspStateManager updateCustomValue customSetting=
2024/01/05 21:24:52.873 25535 25535 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10254; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:24:52.873 25535 25535 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 37756858; UID 10254; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:24:52.901 2221 2752 Debug UsbUI onUEvent(Host Interface): {SUBSYSTEM=usb, SEQNUM=42506, ACTION=unbind, INTERFACE=3/0/0, DEVTYPE=usb_interface, PRODUCT=5a9/680/100, DEVPATH=/devices/platform/soc/a600000.ssusb/a600000.dwc3/, TYPE=239/2/1}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.903 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.903] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Control open with handle
2024/01/05 21:24:52.903 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.903] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU initialized
2024/01/05 21:24:52.928 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@dbbad28
2024/01/05 21:24:52.959 25535 25535 Warn NRSDK DISPLAY DisplayOnShow==
2024/01/05 21:24:52.959 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:52.959] [25535] [WARN] [NRSDK] OnDisplayNotify 0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.960 25535 25535 Warn NRSDK DISPLAY OnDisplayStart 1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.974 25535 25535 Info DecorView notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] performTraversals mFirst=false windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309 sysuil=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] fl=80810580
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] vsysui=1707
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.975 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.976 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager Relayout Window{b5a838c u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2340 d0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager Relayout hash=b5a838c, pid=25535, syncId=-1: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309 sysuil=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager fl=80810580
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager pfl=12020040
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager vsysui=1707
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BARS
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager fitSides= naviIconColor=0
2024/01/05 21:24:52.980 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager sfl=100000}
2024/01/05 21:24:52.982 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=0xeabc4a60 isSameSurfaceControl=true
2024/01/05 21:24:52.982 25535 25535 Info BLASTBufferQueue update, w= 1080 h= 2340 mName = ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] mNativeObject= 0xeabc4a60 sc.mNativeObject= 0xa40c3730 format= -3 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2898 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:24:52.982 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(0,0,1080,2340) req=(1080,2340)0 dur=7 res=0x0 s={true 0xeaa960b0} ch=false seqId=1
2024/01/05 21:24:52.984 25535 25535 Verbose ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Surface Surface(name=null)/@0x51c0c94 drawing to bitmap w=1080, h=2340
2024/01/05 21:24:52.985 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Drawing: package:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly, metrics=DisplayMetrics{density=3.0, width=1080, height=2115, scaledDensity=3.0, xdpi=428.625, ydpi=424.542}, compatibilityInfo={480dpi always-compat}
2024/01/05 21:24:53.000 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger Display 4630947232161729154 HWC layers:
2024/01/05 21:24:53.000 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0c1300 | 0102 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2259.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | SurfaceView[com.DefaultCompany.NR_TR[...].UnityPlayerActivity]@0(BLAST)#15987
2024/01/05 21:24:53.000 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0c8e30 | 0100 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOn[...]yer.UnityPlayerActivity$_25535#15982
2024/01/05 21:24:53.000 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger
2024/01/05 21:24:53.002 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.211719 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:53.004 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.021042 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:53.026 2221 2862 Warn DeviceStorageMonitorService updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1
2024/01/05 21:24:53.028 2221 2862 Debug DeviceStorageMonitorService Available File Node Number is [12529763]
2024/01/05 21:24:53.028 2221 2862 Warn DeviceStorageMonitorService updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1
2024/01/05 21:24:53.083 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][1551] accel_sample [ 0.626, 5.482, 8.424] 214725241647666
2024/01/05 21:24:53.109 25535 25535 Info SurfaceView@3aa71b6 finishedDrawing
2024/01/05 21:24:53.133 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger Display 4626964470317753604 HWC layers:
2024/01/05 21:24:53.133 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger SOLID_COLOR | | 0002 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0 0 3840 1080 | Background for SurfaceView[]@0#15998
2024/01/05 21:24:53.133 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger
2024/01/05 21:24:53.324 2221 3913 Info UMR ReclaimerPolicyManager: update policy 2 -> 1
2024/01/05 21:24:53.325 2221 3913 Info UMR KswapdReclaimer: suppress end
2024/01/05 21:24:53.330 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@be32072
2024/01/05 21:24:53.344 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 8 10 10 10 6 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -77 -77 -77 WD : -48 -47 -49 -50 -47 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:24:53.510 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.797344 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:53.512 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.100573 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:53.733 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@dc3bcc3
2024/01/05 21:24:53.837 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][15785] Uncal_G [-1.151, 0.290,-0.210] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214726001799906
2024/01/05 21:24:53.919 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 298(298),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:11664,l:308,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:285
2024/01/05 21:24:54.039 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5950766 162759197 w 1969185 27188236 d 770923 190071664 f 0 241871 iot 3173744 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26963.551
2024/01/05 21:24:54.039 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 19948 d.stickercenter(25624) 896 loop43(3973) 232
2024/01/05 21:24:54.039 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:1(13987) 2864 system_server(2221) 8 RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 8
2024/01/05 21:24:54.136 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c3ed1be
2024/01/05 21:24:54.238 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 350(350),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:13456,l:355,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:336
2024/01/05 21:24:54.328 25535 25563 Warn libc Access denied finding property "ro.mediatek.platform"
2024/01/05 21:24:54.328 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461094.325:177923): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="u:object_r:media_plat_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=309 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:media_plat_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:54.328 25535 25563 Warn libc Access denied finding property "ro.chipname"
2024/01/05 21:24:54.328 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461094.325:177924): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="u:object_r:chipname_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=175 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:chipname_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:54.385 1384 2435 Info SensorsGrip [grip_sensor] readEvents: GripSensor: grip 1ch data = TOUCH
2024/01/05 21:24:54.386 1384 2435 Info SensorsGrip [grip_sensor] readEvents: GripSensor: grip 1ch unknown UNKNOWN MODE
2024/01/05 21:24:54.390 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensor onSensorChanged : 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 300.0 , 0.0
2024/01/05 21:24:54.391 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensor setUnknownMode channel: 0 , state: 300
2024/01/05 21:24:54.392 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensorsetTunerGrip 8589934592 , state: true
2024/01/05 21:24:54.394 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 781, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:24:54.396 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.018 ms / 435.019 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.115)
2024/01/05 21:24:54.408 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] set setTransmitPowerExt value : 8589934592 : true
2024/01/05 21:24:54.408 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] tunerGrip is 8589934592, state : true
2024/01/05 21:24:54.411 2221 2307 Info AppOps commitUidPendingStateLocked() :: UID - 10227, 200 > 400, 15 > 14
2024/01/05 21:24:54.490 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.799219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:54.491 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.154844 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:54.509 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD
2024/01/05 21:24:54.511 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler memAvailable: 1942844, memFreeTarget: 2201600, releaseTarget:258756, protectedLruCount: 24
2024/01/05 21:24:54.518 2221 2895 Info NSLocationMonitor getGPSUsingApps() called
2024/01/05 21:24:54.534 3937 3956 Info NSLocationManager_FLP getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013} / FREEZE={}
2024/01/05 21:24:54.538 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f124bca
2024/01/05 21:24:54.541 2221 2895 Info AS.AudioService uid:10254is using audio
2024/01/05 21:24:54.544 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler kill complete: killed 0 apps, freed 0 KB
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: LR, pids: 24339 25535
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: CA, pids: 6926 25624 20633 24989 20510 20525 24111 9520 11955 20661 20662 24137 23499 20556 24272 465 24662 24170 17261 20595 20724 24440
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: PE, pids: 15622 4359 4490 6291 3100 22820 3367 2988 2221 8504 4539 6718 4032 704 3016 3402 4301 4563 3418 3039 3937 5601 6370 3305 4458 22897 4467 10100 4477 4606
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: IN, pids: 8161 15298 23684 21957 30217 22220 19345 14290 22421 22422 21944 22169 22139 22237
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: SE, pids: 20946 10333 19751 1320 751 17908 11062
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: AD, pids: 10976 12901 29701 3535 5396 5589 4312
2024/01/05 21:24:54.552 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Processing time(ms) 42
2024/01/05 21:24:54.625 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:54.624] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] HandTracking::Initialize
2024/01/05 21:24:54.625 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:54.625] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] HandTracking: Normal config loaded.
2024/01/05 21:24:54.625 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:54.625] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] HandTracking: init start!
2024/01/05 21:24:54.940 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@61e013b
2024/01/05 21:24:54.995 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.986615 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:54.997 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.754063 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:55.096 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][1657] accel_sample [-4.978, 0.541, 8.382] 214727254006416
2024/01/05 21:24:55.342 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@cf15a96
2024/01/05 21:24:55.346 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker update stats : update-network-download (6)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.355 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Fetch WiFi data
2024/01/05 21:24:55.356 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update Rail Energy data
2024/01/05 21:24:55.356 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Fetch modem data
2024/01/05 21:24:55.367 2221 5212 Debug TelephonyManager requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=214727536 mSleepTimeMs=165765802 mIdleTimeMs=3085471 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[14103, 4892, 9055, 34186, 14752],mRxTimeMs=45063887}]}
2024/01/05 21:24:55.368 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker mStats lock released
2024/01/05 21:24:55.382 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update wifi state
2024/01/05 21:24:55.388 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update modem state
2024/01/05 21:24:55.388 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker done updateExternalStatsLocked
2024/01/05 21:24:55.501 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.864635 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:55.503 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.218646 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:55.504 24339 24416 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(6) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.533 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,3, duration,209, ts,214727702651937, ts_diff,613169
2024/01/05 21:24:55.533 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,-6.286,2.276,5.927, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:24:55.534 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 3
2024/01/05 21:24:55.535 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.535 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:24:55.536 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:55.536 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:24:55.536 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:24:55.536 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 3
2024/01/05 21:24:55.537 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:55.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:55.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:24:55.741 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461095.737:177925): avc: denied { read } for pid=25713 comm="cat" name="chip_name" dev="sysfs" ino=85593 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_sysfs_soc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:55.745 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@76d5bed
2024/01/05 21:24:55.762 1867 2096 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:24:55.805 1867 2096 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:24:55.809 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:55.809] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] HandTracking: dsp_support=false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.814 25535 25563 Warn libc Access denied finding property "ro.mediatek.platform"
2024/01/05 21:24:55.814 25535 25563 Warn libc Access denied finding property "ro.chipname"
2024/01/05 21:24:55.814 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461095.809:177926): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="u:object_r:media_plat_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=309 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:media_plat_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:55.814 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461095.809:177927): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="u:object_r:chipname_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=175 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:chipname_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:55.835 1867 2116 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:24:55.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][16628] Uncal_G [ 0.188,-0.037, 0.181] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214728002291729
2024/01/05 21:24:55.844 3016 3147 Info PhoneStateTracker<1> onCellInfoChanged: xxxxx
2024/01/05 21:24:55.845 3016 3147 Info ImsCallSessionManager onCellInfoChanged, phoneId: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.845 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Handler handleMessage: EVENT_CELL_INFO_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> updatePani RegisterTask[1][mProfile=CTC Mobile, mRegistrationRat=20, mPdnType=11, mState=REGISTERED, mObject=UserAgent - :
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> total records=1148
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[0]: time=01-05 21:21:02.845 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[1]: time=01-05 21:21:02.846 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[2]: time=01-05 21:22:06.971 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[3]: time=01-05 21:22:06.985 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[4]: time=01-05 21:22:23.998 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[5]: time=01-05 21:22:24.000 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[6]: time=01-05 21:23:31.500 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[7]: time=01-05 21:23:31.501 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[8]: time=01-05 21:23:31.504 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=50(0x32)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[9]: time=01-05 21:23:31.533 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[10]: time=01-05 21:23:31.534 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[11]: time=01-05 21:23:39.374 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[12]: time=01-05 21:23:39.375 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[13]: time=01-05 21:23:39.393 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=50(0x32)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[14]: time=01-05 21:23:39.437 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[15]: time=01-05 21:23:39.438 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[16]: time=01-05 21:24:25.867 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[17]: time=01-05 21:24:25.873 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[18]: time=01-05 21:24:32.684 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[19]: time=01-05 21:24:32.685 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> curState=RegisteredState
2024/01/05 21:24:55.846 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> , mReason=, mPcscfHostname=null, mDeregiReason=41]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.847 1867 2116 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:24:55.847 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: subId=3, network=20
2024/01/05 21:24:55.847 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=20, fallbackPlmn=46011
2024/01/05 21:24:55.847 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator generate: change to NW PLMN(46011)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.847 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> getAllCellInfo mNeedCellLocationUpdate : false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.848 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator NR Access Type TDD
2024/01/05 21:24:55.848 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator setLkcForLastPani: No Last PANI header for CTC Mobile
2024/01/05 21:24:55.848 3016 3147 Info UserAgent<1> updatePani: pani=3GPP-NR-TDD;utran-cell-id-3gpp=46011590b0559427900c, updatePani: lastPani=
2024/01/05 21:24:55.848 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> updatePani RegisterTask[1][mProfile=CTC Internet RCS, mRegistrationRat=20, mPdnType=0, mState=IDLE, mObject=null, mReason=, mPcscfHostname=null, mDeregiReason=41]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.849 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: subId=3, network=20
2024/01/05 21:24:55.849 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=20, fallbackPlmn=46011
2024/01/05 21:24:55.849 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator generate: change to NW PLMN(46011)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.849 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> getAllCellInfo mNeedCellLocationUpdate : false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.849 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator NR Access Type TDD
2024/01/05 21:24:55.849 3016 3437 Info StackIF updatePani: 25765 pani: [3GPP-NR-TDD;utran-cell-id-3gpp=46011590b0559427900c]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.850 3016 3437 Info SECIMSJ [1904]> 136
2024/01/05 21:24:55.852 3016 3454 Info [IMS6.0] IMS_onResponse()
2024/01/05 21:24:55.852 3016 3454 Info StackIF processMessage 2
2024/01/05 21:24:55.852 3016 3454 Info StackIF Processing Response
2024/01/05 21:24:55.852 3016 3454 Info SECIMSJ [1904]< 600
2024/01/05 21:24:55.852 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> updatePani RegisterTask[1][mProfile=CTC WIFI RCS, mRegistrationRat=18, mPdnType=1, mState=IDLE, mObject=null, mReason=, mPcscfHostname=null, mDeregiReason=41]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.853 3016 3454 Info StackIF processResponse: reqId 600
2024/01/05 21:24:55.853 3016 3454 Info StackIF processResponse: handle 25765 result 0 reason 0
2024/01/05 21:24:55.855 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: subId=3, network=20
2024/01/05 21:24:55.855 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=18, fallbackPlmn=46011
2024/01/05 21:24:55.855 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generateWiFiPani: Format for generating PANI - <PREFIX>;<NODE_ID>
2024/01/05 21:24:55.856 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator WifiManager.getBSSID(): [00:5d:73:b8:7c:2d]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.857 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generateWiFiPani: normalized PANI: IEEE-802.11;i-wlan-node-id=005d73b87c2d
2024/01/05 21:24:55.858 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=20, fallbackPlmn=null
2024/01/05 21:24:55.858 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator generate: change to NW PLMN(46011)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.858 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> getAllCellInfo mNeedCellLocationUpdate : false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.858 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator NR Access Type TDD
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> tryRegister:
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<0> RegisterTask(s): CMCC Mobile VoLTE (REGISTERED, rat = 20, service = [mmtel-video, smsip, mmtel]), CMCC Internet RCS (IDLE), CMCC WIFI RCS (IDLE)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> RegisterTask(s): CTC Mobile (REGISTERED, rat = 20, service = [mmtel-video, smsip, mmtel]), CTC Internet RCS (IDLE), CTC WIFI RCS (IDLE)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RegisterTask isSuspended: mSuspended(false) mSuspendByIrat(false)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC Internet RCS|IDLE] checkForTryRegister id: 93
2024/01/05 21:24:55.861 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr isPdnConnected: false, PdnType: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:55.862 2988 2988 Info TelephonyProvider D/TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 3 subId = 3
2024/01/05 21:24:55.862 3016 3147 Info PdnController getDefaultNetworkBearer: WIFI
2024/01/05 21:24:55.862 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> isNetworkAvailable: isEpdgConnected=false getDataNetworkType()=20
2024/01/05 21:24:55.864 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> findBestNetwork: NR
2024/01/05 21:24:55.869 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase<1> isReadyToDualRegister : true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.872 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC Internet RCS|IDLE] checkInitialRegistrationIsReady: APM ON [false], Roamimg [false]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.872 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.872 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.872 3016 3147 Info ImsProfile isRttSupportByCallApp : false ttyType : 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.872 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> getPriorityRegiedTask : isPriority High? true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.872 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase checkRegiStatus: getState()=IDLE mIsUpdateRegistering=false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.874 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase getVoiceTechType: VOLTE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.874 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnCtc<1> checkRcsEvent: pdn = internet, state = IDLE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.874 2988 2988 Info TelephonyProvider D/TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 3 subId = 3
2024/01/05 21:24:55.877 3016 3147 Info PdnController isWifiConnected: [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.877 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnCtc<1> isReadyToRegister: The RCS rat is not wifi, when wifi is connected.
2024/01/05 21:24:55.877 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC Internet RCS|IDLE] checkForTryRegister: isReadyToRegister = false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.877 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.877 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.877 3016 3147 Info RegisterTask isSuspended: mSuspended(false) mSuspendByIrat(false)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.877 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC WIFI RCS|IDLE] checkForTryRegister id: 95
2024/01/05 21:24:55.878 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr isPdnConnected: false, PdnType: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.879 3016 3147 Info PdnController getDefaultNetworkBearer: WIFI
2024/01/05 21:24:55.879 3016 3147 Info PdnController isWifiConnected: [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.879 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> findBestNetwork: WIFI needWifiNetwork = true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.880 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase<1> isReadyToDualRegister : true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.881 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC WIFI RCS|IDLE] checkInitialRegistrationIsReady: APM ON [false], Roamimg [false]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.881 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.881 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.881 3016 3147 Info ImsProfile isRttSupportByCallApp : false ttyType : 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.881 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> getPriorityRegiedTask : isPriority High? true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.881 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase checkRegiStatus: getState()=IDLE mIsUpdateRegistering=false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.881 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnCtc<1> checkRcsEvent: pdn = wifi, state = IDLE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.885 3016 3147 Info PdnController isWifiConnected: [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
2024/01/05 21:24:55.889 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> isWaitAutoConfig:
2024/01/05 21:24:55.890 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils selectPdnType: rat=18pdn=1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.890 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> getServiceForNetwork: network 18
2024/01/05 21:24:55.891 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> getServiceForNetwork: service {options, chatbot-communication, ft_http, euc, gls, slm}
2024/01/05 21:24:55.892 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase getVoiceTechType: VOLTE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.893 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> isValidAcsVersion:
2024/01/05 21:24:55.894 3016 3147 Info ConfigProvider query uri:xxxxx
2024/01/05 21:24:55.896 3016 3147 Info ConfigProvider queryStorage path content://
2024/01/05 21:24:55.896 2221 2984 Info LocationAccessPolicy checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10034, callingPid: 3039, result: DENIED_SOFT
2024/01/05 21:24:55.897 2221 2984 Info LocationAccessPolicy checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10034, callingPid: 3039, result: DENIED_SOFT
2024/01/05 21:24:55.897 2221 2235 Debug SecContentProvider2 query(), uri = 18 selection = isRCSEnabled
2024/01/05 21:24:55.897 2221 2235 Info PhoneRestrictionPolicy isRCSEnabledInternal(), showMsg: false, columnName: enableRCS
2024/01/05 21:24:55.897 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onServiceStateChanged voiceState=0 dataState=0
2024/01/05 21:24:55.898 2221 2235 Error PhoneRestrictionPolicy getEmergencyCall >>false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.898 2221 2235 Info PhoneRestrictionPolicy isRCSEnabledInternal(), showMsg: false, columnName: enableRCSForSimSlot1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.898 2221 2235 Error PhoneRestrictionPolicy getEmergencyCall >>false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.899 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> RCS switch: false, version: 0, isRcsAcsCompleted: false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.899 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> RCS switch is on & config version: 0. This shouldn't happen!
2024/01/05 21:24:55.899 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> getServiceForNetwork: filtered service []
2024/01/05 21:24:55.899 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> CTC WIFI RCS: no ims service for current rat18
2024/01/05 21:24:55.899 2221 2984 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:499 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1321
2024/01/05 21:24:55.899 2221 2984 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2276$Stub.onTransact:499
2024/01/05 21:24:55.900 3016 3469 Info VolteServiceModule onServiceStateChanged({mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShort=中国电信, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **3 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********28 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **3 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********28 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false})
2024/01/05 21:24:55.900 3016 3469 Info VolteServiceModule mIsLteEpsOnlyAttached(1):true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.901 3016 3147 Info PdnController slot[1]: stopPdnConnectivity: network 1, callback is null
2024/01/05 21:24:55.901 3016 3147 Error PdnController<1> requestStopNetwork: callback not found
2024/01/05 21:24:55.901 3016 3147 Error #IMSCR 01-05 21:24:55 0x1101000B:1,FILTERED ALL:1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> Active Phone Id = 1 MobileConnected = true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PhoneStateTracker<1> onServiceStateChanged: state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShort=中国电信, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **3 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********28 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **3 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********28 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}Changed=
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> notifyDataConnectionState
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> initialize PendedEPDGWeakSignal flag
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> setPendedEPDGWeakSignal
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> notifyDataConnectionState: needNotify=false networkType=20 isEpdgConnected=false dataNetType=20=>20 dataRegState=0=>0
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PhoneStateTracker<1> notifySnapshotState: snapshotState=0 old=0
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PdnController handleMessage: what 107
2024/01/05 21:24:55.902 3016 3147 Info PdnController slot[1]: requestStopNetwork: network 1, callback is null
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon handleMessage : what = SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 2221 2984 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:499 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1321
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon profile is null
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon<1> onNetworkCountryIsoChanged: mCountryIso = cn, iso = cn
2024/01/05 21:24:55.903 2221 2984 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:499 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1321
2024/01/05 21:24:55.904 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.904 2988 2988 Debug ServiceStateProvider subId=3
2024/01/05 21:24:55.904 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.904 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.906 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Skipping delivery of excluded package Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes package due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.907 2221 2984 Info LocationAccessPolicy checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10043, callingPid: 4539, result: DENIED_SOFT
2024/01/05 21:24:55.907 2221 3222 Debug SLocation CellLocationManager - onCellLocationChanged 3 / 1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.908 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.908 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController ServiceState from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.909 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Skipping delivery of excluded package Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes package due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.909 3039 3039 Verbose KeyguardUpdateMonitor action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} subId=3 slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:24:55.909 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Skipping delivery of excluded package Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes package due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.909 3039 3039 Debug MultiSIMController onReceive() - action = android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.909 2221 2221 Debug SemWifiService received: android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{93129f 2221:system/1000} (pid=2221, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleServiceStateChange(subId=3, slotId=1, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{215921e} (pid=3039, uid=10034) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleServiceStateChange(subId=3, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:24:55.910 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{93129f 2221:system/1000} (pid=2221, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.911 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals handleServiceStateChanged
2024/01/05 21:24:55.911 2988 2988 Debug NotificationMgr updateNetworkSelection, Use Samsung codes instead of AOSP codes
2024/01/05 21:24:55.911 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals subId=3, mDefaultDataSubId=3, ss roaming=false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.911 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals updateDataRoamingStatus
2024/01/05 21:24:55.911 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:24:55.911 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals dataAllowed=true, reasons=Data allowed reason: NORMAL
2024/01/05 21:24:55.913 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController onRefreshCarrierInfo(), mTelephonyCapable: true
2024/01/05 21:24:55.913 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController updateCarrierText(): 2
2024/01/05 21:24:55.913 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController Handling (subId=2): 5 中国移动
2024/01/05 21:24:55.913 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController carrierTextForSimState = 中国移动
2024/01/05 21:24:55.913 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController SIM ready and in service: subId=2, ss={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=723360, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46000 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 0 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46000 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国移动, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国移动, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:24:55.913 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController Handling (subId=3): 5 中国电信
2024/01/05 21:24:55.913 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController carrierTextForSimState = 中国电信
2024/01/05 21:24:55.914 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController SIM ready and in service: subId=3, ss={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:24:55.915 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController setText : 中国移动 | 中国电信
2024/01/05 21:24:55.916 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetPagesController onRefreshCarrierInfo()
2024/01/05 21:24:55.917 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockRoamManager isNetworkRoamingState id=2
2024/01/05 21:24:55.917 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockRoamManager isNetworkRoamingState false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.917 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockRoamManager onRefreshCarrierInfo(pre, now): false, false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.917 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockPage onRefreshCarrierInfo : isChanged false mIsRoaming false
2024/01/05 21:24:55.917 3039 3039 Debug MultiSIMController MESSAGE_UPDATE_SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:24:55.918 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }
2024/01/05 21:24:55.919 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver onServiceStateChanged, ss: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:55.920 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver networkOperator: 46000
2024/01/05 21:24:55.921 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver update supported roaming operator as
2024/01/05 21:24:55.946 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:55.946] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] HandTracking: init complete!
2024/01/05 21:24:55.946 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:55.946] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Gray Camera starting
2024/01/05 21:24:56.008 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.628542 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:56.009 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.177135 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:56.042 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5951181 162800177 w 1969188 27188248 d 770923 190071664 f 0 241871 iot 3174792 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26965.555
2024/01/05 21:24:56.043 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 7
2024/01/05 21:24:56.147 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f0ecd21
2024/01/05 21:24:56.245 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.245] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] CameraUvc streaming started
2024/01/05 21:24:56.256 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.256] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Gray Camera started
2024/01/05 21:24:56.256 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.256] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU starting
2024/01/05 21:24:56.256 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.256] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Control callback true
2024/01/05 21:24:56.257 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.257] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:24:56.258 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.258] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU started
2024/01/05 21:24:56.267 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.263] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting first packet
2024/01/05 21:24:56.267 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.267] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU Generic Protocol version : 20200323
2024/01/05 21:24:56.271 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.271] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Cam Generic Protocol version : 20200323
2024/01/05 21:24:56.271 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.271] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera transmitting first frame
2024/01/05 21:24:56.292 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.292] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRPerception RUN!
2024/01/05 21:24:56.294 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeHeadTracking] Create: TrackingHandle=2912695792, headTrackingHandle=0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.295 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingDataProvider] Started
2024/01/05 21:24:56.296 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:56.296 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRRender] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:56.299 25535 25605 Info Unity [Info][NRRender] RunOnRenderThread : eventID=2
2024/01/05 21:24:56.300 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.300] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRRendering START!
2024/01/05 21:24:56.305 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.305] [25688] [WARN] [NRSDK] Heartbeat recover from long sleep:26965811761430 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.317 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] InitDisplayOverlay StereoMode.
2024/01/05 21:24:56.341 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRSessionManager] Update config
2024/01/05 21:24:56.378 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.378] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] hardware is:qcom
2024/01/05 21:24:56.378 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.378] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] build model is:SM-S9010
2024/01/05 21:24:56.378 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.378] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] Display in 2 mode
2024/01/05 21:24:56.383 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.383] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] Display info: (3840, 1080, 60)
2024/01/05 21:24:56.385 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.385] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRRendering RUN!
2024/01/05 21:24:56.387 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.387] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Switch to display interrupt type=2.
2024/01/05 21:24:56.426 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][ThermalLog]: ThermalMgr Init
2024/01/05 21:24:56.434 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][ThermalLog]: new ThermalLog
2024/01/05 21:24:56.485 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRSessionManager] StartSession finish.
2024/01/05 21:24:56.485 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRRender] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:56.491 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRInput] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:56.496 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRInput] SwitchControllerProvider: -> NRKernal.NRControllerProvider
2024/01/05 21:24:56.513 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.021355 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:56.514 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.193541 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:56.534 25535 25535 Info Unity [Info][ThermalLog]: status=2
2024/01/05 21:24:56.550 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@aa3bfd2
2024/01/05 21:24:56.561 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] Create
2024/01/05 21:24:56.562 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] NRControllerGroupCreate: 2723013088
2024/01/05 21:24:56.563 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] NRControllerGroupGetCount: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:56.564 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] CheckControllerType: True
2024/01/05 21:24:56.574 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] GetDescription: nr_controller_basic
2024/01/05 21:24:56.584 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] GetSupportedFeatures: 926
2024/01/05 21:24:56.584 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] Create : 2582589120
2024/01/05 21:24:56.586 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeController] Start
2024/01/05 21:24:56.587 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.587] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRController START!
2024/01/05 21:24:56.635 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.635] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Use Default 3dof tracker lib
2024/01/05 21:24:56.638 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.638] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] Controller initialize
2024/01/05 21:24:56.640 25535 25563 Info CONTROLLER register utils
2024/01/05 21:24:56.656 2221 2793 Debug BluetoothManagerService mDisableBleCallbacks count 18
2024/01/05 21:24:56.657 25535 25563 Info BluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter() : com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:56.662 25535 25725 Debug OreoBleDevice begin to find oreo device in Adapter
2024/01/05 21:24:56.664 8504 12148 Debug BluetoothAdapterService getBondedDevices, remove custom devices:
2024/01/05 21:24:56.668 25535 25547 Info BluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter() : com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:24:56.674 25535 25725 Error OreoBleDevice can not find Bonded Device
2024/01/05 21:24:56.674 25535 25725 Info OreoController can not find bonded oreo
2024/01/05 21:24:56.675 25535 25563 Debug OreoController Retry :1 ble:false
2024/01/05 21:24:56.675 25535 25563 Warn NRControllerJAVA Oreo init failed and use handset touch
2024/01/05 21:24:56.675 25535 25563 Debug HandsetTouch HandsetTouch
2024/01/05 21:24:56.683 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:532, android.sensor.gyroscope_uncalibrated/161
2024/01/05 21:24:56.684 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:56.684 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:56.684 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.684 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 0 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.684 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:538, android.sensor.gyroscope_uncalibrated/161 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:56.687 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:532, android.sensor.accelerometer_uncalibrated/351
2024/01/05 21:24:56.687 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:56.687 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:56.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.687] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:0 214728851846416
2024/01/05 21:24:56.689 1384 24802 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.689 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 2 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.689 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:538, android.sensor.accelerometer_uncalibrated/351 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:56.690 25535 25535 Verbose ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Surface Surface(name=null)/@0x51c0c94 drawing to bitmap w=1080, h=2340
2024/01/05 21:24:56.692 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] Drawing: package:com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly, metrics=DisplayMetrics{density=3.0, width=1080, height=2115, scaledDensity=3.0, xdpi=428.625, ydpi=424.542}, compatibilityInfo={480dpi always-compat}
2024/01/05 21:24:56.699 2221 3915 Info UMR ReclaimerPolicyManager: update policy 1 -> 2
2024/01/05 21:24:56.699 2221 3915 Info UMR KswapdReclaimer: suppress begin
2024/01/05 21:24:56.705 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:483 BAT:391 USB:340 CHG:466 PA:465 WIFI:461 CF:408 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:411 SKINF:397 SKINB:411 LRP:411 LRP2:411 LRF2:397 LRB2:411 AP2:400 CHG2:395 WIFI2:411 UANT2:399 DANT2:355 RCV2:403 SPK2:344 FCAM:338 UPSPK:404 DNSPK:336 AMB:220
2024/01/05 21:24:56.705 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:24:56.707 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:532, android.sensor.magnetic_field_uncalibrated/141
2024/01/05 21:24:56.707 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:56.707 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:56.708 1384 24807 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.708 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 0 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.708 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal flush:538, android.sensor.magnetic_field_uncalibrated/141 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:56.720 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.718] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRController RUN!
2024/01/05 21:24:56.723 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRInput] version:HandsetTouch
2024/01/05 21:24:56.725 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.725] [25563] [WARN] [NRSDK] NRController Resume!
2024/01/05 21:24:56.728 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRInput] Set Input Source: Controller
2024/01/05 21:24:56.730 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][HandsManager] Hand Tracking Stop: Success
2024/01/05 21:24:56.731 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRInput] Input Source Set. Current Input Source = Controller
2024/01/05 21:24:56.731 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRInput] Started
2024/01/05 21:24:56.748 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.747] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:0 214728857115531
2024/01/05 21:24:56.748 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:56.748] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:3 recv:0 214728874709541
2024/01/05 21:24:56.767 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,255, duration,0, ts,214728936049541, ts_diff,722283
2024/01/05 21:24:56.767 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,-1.938,1.034,9.645, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:24:56.767 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:24:56.768 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:24:56.768 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:24:56.768 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:24:56.770 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:56.770 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:24:56.770 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:24:56.770 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:56.838 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.838+8.0][25535,25563][]Initialize success. path:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/files/log/liteav
2024/01/05 21:24:56.838 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.838+8.0][25535,25563][]Initialize ThreadPool
2024/01/05 21:24:56.842 25535 25732 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.842+8.0][25535,25732][]Create httpclient:0xa24e6190
2024/01/05 21:24:56.846 25535 25732 Warn SoLoader load library txsoundtouch from system path
2024/01/05 21:24:56.849 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.849+8.0][25535,25563][]NetworkGlobalInit Done
2024/01/05 21:24:56.850 25535 25732 Warn SoLoader load library txsoundtouch true
2024/01/05 21:24:56.850 25535 25732 Warn SoLoader load library txffmpeg from system path
2024/01/05 21:24:56.851 25535 25732 Warn SoLoader load library txffmpeg true
2024/01/05 21:24:56.851 25535 25732 Warn SoLoader load library liteavsdk from system path
2024/01/05 21:24:56.852 25535 25732 Warn SoLoader load library liteavsdk true
2024/01/05 21:24:56.852 25535 25732 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.852+8.0][25535,25732][]HttpClientAndroid: Create http client(125237517). [ThreadName:HttpClient_125237517][ThreadId:65]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.855 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.855+8.0][25535,25563][]TXCHandler_177746114: [UnityMain]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.863 25535 25739 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.863+8.0][25535,25739][]Create httpclient:0xa2417c50
2024/01/05 21:24:56.863 25535 25739 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.863+8.0][25535,25739][]HttpClientAndroid: Create http client(162795219). [ThreadName:HttpClient_162795219][ThreadId:68]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.864 25535 25738 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.864+8.0][25535,25738][]Start NTP time sync
2024/01/05 21:24:56.865 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.865+8.0][25535,25563][]TXCHandler_140560912: [UnityMain]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.866 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.866+8.0][25535,25563][]DashboardManager: java DashBoardManager Construct
2024/01/05 21:24:56.867 25535 25739 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:24:56.867+8.0][25535,25739][]open mmap, path=/data/user/0/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/cache/liteav/completion_report.mmap, file_size=32768, this=0x8a5ddfa8
2024/01/05 21:24:56.867 25535 25739 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.867+8.0][25535,25739][]LoadSendCacheMmap cache_mmap_file_->length()=32768
2024/01/05 21:24:56.868 25535 25739 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.868+8.0][25535,25739][]LoadSendCacheMmap total_size=0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.868 25535 25732 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:24:56.868+8.0][25535,25732][]open mmap, path=/data/user/0/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/cache/liteav/https_event_4x_report.mmap, file_size=32768, this=0xeaf8b7d0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.868 25535 25732 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.868+8.0][25535,25732][]LoadSendCacheMmap cache_mmap_file_->length()=32768
2024/01/05 21:24:56.870 25535 25563 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:56.870+8.0][25535,25563][]Failed to find class com/tencent/txcopyrightedmedia/impl/utils/TXBGMUtils
2024/01/05 21:24:56.871 25535 25732 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.871+8.0][25535,25732][]LoadSendCacheMmap total_size=0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.872 25535 25563 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:24:56.872+8.0][25535,25563][]can not find copyrightedmedia component.
2024/01/05 21:24:56.874 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.874+8.0][25535,25563][]construct trtc cloud pipeline_: 0xeabe50c0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.876 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:56.878 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.878+8.0][25535,25743][][e390][local-trtc][type:BigStream] Start to add
2024/01/05 21:24:56.880 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.880+8.0][25535,25743][]TXCHandler_120002825: [liteav_main_que]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.890 2988 3001 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:24:56.891 2988 3001 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:24:56.892 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.892+8.0][25535,25743][][e390] ReloadEncodeAbility:sw_hevc:0|hw_hevc:1|rps:1|svc:0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.893 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.893+8.0][25535,25743][][e390][local-trtc][type:SmallStream] Start to add
2024/01/05 21:24:56.893 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.893+8.0][25535,25743][][e390][local-trtc][type:SubStream] Start to add
2024/01/05 21:24:56.894 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.894+8.0][25535,25743][][e390] ReloadEncodeAbility:sw_hevc:0|hw_hevc:1|rps:1|svc:0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.899 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.899+8.0][25535,25743][][e390][local-trtc][type:CustomData] Start to add
2024/01/05 21:24:56.900 2988 3653 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:24:56.901 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.901+8.0][25535,25743][]enable private system info for manufacture:samsung model:SM-S9010
2024/01/05 21:24:56.901 2988 3653 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:24:56.902 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.902+8.0][25535,25743][]UpdateServerConfigInternal
2024/01/05 21:24:56.904 2221 2827 Debug NetworkStatsObservers Registering observer for RequestInfo from pid/uid:2221/1000(android) for DataUsageRequest [ requestId=25, networkTemplate=NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE, matchSubscriberIds=[460115...], matchWifiNetworkKeys=[], metered=YES, defaultNetwork=NO, thresholdInBytes=3655155 ] accessLevel:3
2024/01/05 21:24:56.905 2221 3031 Debug NetworkStatsObservers Unregistering RequestInfo from pid/uid:2221/1000(android) for DataUsageRequest [ requestId=24, networkTemplate=NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE, matchSubscriberIds=[460115...], matchWifiNetworkKeys=[], metered=YES, defaultNetwork=NO, thresholdInBytes=3656927 ] accessLevel:3
2024/01/05 21:24:56.913 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.913+8.0][25535,25743][]ReportDauManager: report DAU eventId: 1201
2024/01/05 21:24:56.914 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.914+8.0][25535,25743][]NativeVideoReporter: notifyEvent event code:EVT_VIDEO_PREPROCESS_COSMETIC_FIRST_USE, do not need transfer to LiteAvCode:0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.923 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.923+8.0][25535,25743][]TXCHandler_40732305: [liteav_main_que]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.925 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.925+8.0][25535,25751][]VideoPreprocessor: initialize
2024/01/05 21:24:56.931 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.931+8.0][25535,25751][]TXCHandler_214477302: [videoProducer_27706671]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.932 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.932+8.0][25535,25751][]TXCHandler_34850916: [videoProducer_27706671]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.932 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.932+8.0][25535,25751][]TXCHandler_181598925: [videoProducer_27706671]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.934 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.934+8.0][25535,25743][]SetCaptureParams sourcetype:0 , current sourcetype:0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.934 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.934+8.0][25535,25743][]enable private system info for manufacture:samsung model:SM-S9010
2024/01/05 21:24:56.935 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.935+8.0][25535,25743][]UpdateServerConfigInternal
2024/01/05 21:24:56.936 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.936+8.0][25535,25743][]ReportDauManager: report DAU eventId: 1201
2024/01/05 21:24:56.937 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.936+8.0][25535,25743][]NativeVideoReporter: notifyEvent event code:EVT_VIDEO_PREPROCESS_COSMETIC_FIRST_USE, do not need transfer to LiteAvCode:0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.938 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.936+8.0][25535,25751][]VideoProducer_27706671: setServerConfig=com.tencent.liteav.videoproducer.producer.ServerVideoProducerConfig@efe4693
2024/01/05 21:24:56.939 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.939+8.0][25535,25751][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:24:56.939 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.939+8.0][25535,25751][]SetEncodeSize(w:720 h:1280)
2024/01/05 21:24:56.939 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.939+8.0][25535,25751][]producer with encoder Size(720, 1280) mode:Auto
2024/01/05 21:24:56.942 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.942+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraSupervisor: setCamera2SupportMinApiLevel apiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:56.942 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.942+8.0][25535,25743][]TXCHandler_126730236: [liteav_main_que]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.944 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.943+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoPreprocessor: initialize
2024/01/05 21:24:56.945 25535 25750 Warn AudioCapabilities Unsupported mime audio/x-ape
2024/01/05 21:24:56.945 25535 25750 Warn AudioCapabilities Unsupported mime audio/x-ima
2024/01/05 21:24:56.946 25535 25750 Warn AudioCapabilities Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1
2024/01/05 21:24:56.946 25535 25750 Warn AudioCapabilities Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
2024/01/05 21:24:56.948 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.948+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraCaptureSingleton: setServerConfig minApiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:56.949 25535 25750 Warn VideoCapabilities Unsupported mime video/wvc1
2024/01/05 21:24:56.950 25535 25750 Warn VideoCapabilities Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
2024/01/05 21:24:56.952 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@aed4a64
2024/01/05 21:24:56.957 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.957+8.0][25535,25753][]TXCHandler_12695173: [videoProducer_74909392]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.957 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.957+8.0][25535,25753][]TXCHandler_88470795: [videoProducer_74909392]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.957 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.957+8.0][25535,25753][]TXCHandler_16048104: [videoProducer_74909392]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.958 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 339(339),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12560,l:331,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:327
2024/01/05 21:24:56.958 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.958+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoProducer_74909392: setServerConfig=com.tencent.liteav.videoproducer.producer.ServerVideoProducerConfig@7cd7ca6
2024/01/05 21:24:56.958 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.958+8.0][25535,25743][]SetCaptureParams sourcetype:0 , current sourcetype:0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.958 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.958+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:24:56.958 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.958+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:720 h:1280)
2024/01/05 21:24:56.958 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.958+8.0][25535,25753][]producer with encoder Size(720, 1280) mode:Auto
2024/01/05 21:24:56.958 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.958+8.0][25535,25743][]TRTCPipeline-main: GetPersistDomain with persis_sdk_app_id: 1600001646
2024/01/05 21:24:56.960 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.960+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraSupervisor: setCamera2SupportMinApiLevel apiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:56.960 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.960+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraCaptureSingleton: setServerConfig minApiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:56.970 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.970+8.0][25535,25743][]set server allow vbr enable: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.971 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.971+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]AudioConfig: { Common: { , aec_level:256, restart_device_min_interval_ms:10000, max_streams_to_play:15, enable_ai_3a:2, enable_abnormal_detection:2 }, Android: { enable_opensles:0, support_low_latency_sample_rate:0, support_aaudio:0, low_latency_audio_api_type:2, enable_system_audio_kit:0, system_audio_kit_api_type:0 } }
2024/01/05 21:24:56.971 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.971+8.0][25535,25743][]TRTCPipeline-main: GetPersistDomain with persis_sdk_app_id: 1600001646
2024/01/05 21:24:56.971 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.971+8.0][25535,25743][]TRTCPipeline-main: GetPersistDomain with persis_sdk_app_id: 1600001646
2024/01/05 21:24:56.973 25535 25741 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.973+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteManager: enable usb device: false
2024/01/05 21:24:56.973 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:56.973+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:56.974 25535 25733 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.974+8.0][25535,25733][]Forbid local dumping flag is 0
2024/01/05 21:24:56.975 25535 25563 Info Unity CreateGameObj:-366, TRTCCallback_GameObj_0 (trtc.TRTCCallbackObj)
2024/01/05 21:24:56.975 25535 25738 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.975+8.0][25535,25738][]Sufficient samples have been received, sample num:20
2024/01/05 21:24:56.975 25535 25738 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.975+8.0][25535,25738][]NTP time sync successful, took(ms): 102, success offset(us): -431795,, IP:
2024/01/05 21:24:56.975 25535 25738 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:56.975+8.0][25535,25738][]Start ntp check timer
2024/01/05 21:24:56.976 1491 9710 Verbose APM_AudioPolicyManager getDeviceConnectionState() undeclared device, type 00000004, address:
2024/01/05 21:24:56.977 1491 9710 Verbose APM_AudioPolicyManager getDeviceConnectionState() undeclared device, type 00000008, address:
2024/01/05 21:24:56.979 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:56.978+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:56.979 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:56.979+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:56.979 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:56.979+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:56.979 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:56.979+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:56.981 25535 25563 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:56.981+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: CallExperimentalApi [msg:illegal api|api:setGSensorMode]
2024/01/05 21:24:56.989 25535 25750 Warn VideoCapabilities Unsupported mime image/
2024/01/05 21:24:56.990 25535 25750 Warn VideoCapabilities Unsupported mime image/
2024/01/05 21:24:56.991 25535 25750 Warn VideoCapabilities Unrecognized profile/level 32768/256 for video/mp4v-es
2024/01/05 21:24:57.002 25535 25750 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.002+8.0][25535,25750][]EncodeAbilityProvider: got hevc encoder:c2.qti.hevc.encoder, type:video/hevc
2024/01/05 21:24:57.082 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.083 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.085 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call release.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.085 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.085 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.085 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.108 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][1763] accel_sample [ 3.081, -0.134, 9.935] 214729266359750
2024/01/05 21:24:57.288 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.288+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: CallExperimentalApi [msg:ok|json:{"api": "setFramework", "params": {"framework": 8}}]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.289 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.289+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] SetFramework, framework:8, component:1, language:0, sdk_type:TRTC
2024/01/05 21:24:57.290 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.290+8.0][25535,25563][] GetPersistDomain with persist_appid: 1600001646
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.295+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: EnterRoom [sdkAppId:1600001646|user_id:91328544|room_id:1222222|str_room_id:1222222|role:Anchor|stream_id:|user_define_record_id:|business_info:|scene:VideoCall]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.296+8.0][25535,25563][]========================================================================================================
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.296+8.0][25535,25563][]========================================================================================================
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.296+8.0][25535,25563][]============= SDK Version: Device Name::SM-S9010 System Version:13 =============
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.296+8.0][25535,25563][]========================================================================================================
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.296+8.0][25535,25563][]========================================================================================================
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav
2024/01/05 21:24:57.296 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.296+8.0][25535,25563][]DashboardManager: addDashboard dashboardId = local_user_0xa256b4e0_main
2024/01/05 21:24:57.297 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.297+8.0][25535,25743][]set audio quality by scene: VideoCall
2024/01/05 21:24:57.298 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.298+8.0][25535,25743][]set sample rate: 16000, channels: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.298 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.298+8.0][25535,25743][]set server allow vbr enable: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.298 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.298+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]AudioConfig: { Common: { , aec_level:256, restart_device_min_interval_ms:10000, max_streams_to_play:15, enable_ai_3a:2, enable_abnormal_detection:2 }, Android: { enable_opensles:0, support_low_latency_sample_rate:0, support_aaudio:0, low_latency_audio_api_type:2, enable_system_audio_kit:0, system_audio_kit_api_type:0 } }
2024/01/05 21:24:57.299 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.299+8.0][25535,25743][][e390] ReloadEncodeAbility:sw_hevc:0|hw_hevc:1|rps:1|svc:0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.299 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.299+8.0][25535,25743][]TXCHandler_197442866: [liteav_main_que]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.303 25535 25742 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.302+8.0][25535,25742][]Set volume type to kVoip
2024/01/05 21:24:57.303 25535 25733 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.303+8.0][25535,25733][]Forbid local dumping flag is 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.303 25535 25741 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.303+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteManager: enable usb device: false
2024/01/05 21:24:57.303 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.303+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.304 1491 9711 Verbose APM_AudioPolicyManager getDeviceConnectionState() undeclared device, type 00000004, address:
2024/01/05 21:24:57.305 1491 9711 Verbose APM_AudioPolicyManager getDeviceConnectionState() undeclared device, type 00000008, address:
2024/01/05 21:24:57.306 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.306+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.306 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.306+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.306 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.306+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.306 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.306+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.312 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.312+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]trtc_api: EnterRoom [recv_mode:auto|allow_rps:0|unlimited_gop:0|support_video_codec:15|expect_video_codec:1]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.315 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.315+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: StopLocalPreview
2024/01/05 21:24:57.319 2221 2307 Info AppOps commitUidPendingStateLocked() :: UID - 99063, 400 > 400, 14 > 14
2024/01/05 21:24:57.320 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.320+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Environment type: Official
2024/01/05 21:24:57.321 25535 25733 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.321+8.0][25535,25733][]Signal: DNS host:
2024/01/05 21:24:57.326 25535 25733 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.326+8.0][25535,25733][]Signal: Server resolved by DNS:
2024/01/05 21:24:57.328 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:57.331 25535 25743 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:24:57.331+8.0][25535,25743][]enter room not complete! discard completion report
2024/01/05 21:24:57.331 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.331+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] RequestAccessServerInfo seq:1284855155
2024/01/05 21:24:57.333 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.333+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: MuteLocalVideo [stream_type:BigStream|mute:False]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.334 25535 25758 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.334+8.0][25535,25758][]DecodeAbilityProvider: got hevc decoder:c2.qti.hevc.decoder, type:video/hevc, supportPort= true,supportLand=true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.334 25535 25758 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.334+8.0][25535,25758][]DecodeAbilityProvider: got hevc, type:video/hevc, supportPort= true,supportLand=true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.335 25535 25758 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.335+8.0][25535,25758][]DecodeAbilityProvider: got hevc decoder:c2.qti.hevc.decoder.low_latency, type:video/hevc, supportPort= true,supportLand=true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.335 25535 25758 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.335+8.0][25535,25758][]DecodeAbilityProvider: got hevc, type:video/hevc, supportPort= true,supportLand=true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.335 25535 25758 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.335+8.0][25535,25758][]DecodeAbilityProvider: got hevc, type:video/hevc, supportPort= true,supportLand=true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.335 25535 25758 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.335+8.0][25535,25758][]DecodeAbilityProvider: got hevc, type:video/hevc, supportPort= true,supportLand=true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.335 25535 25758 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.335+8.0][25535,25758][]DecodeAbilityProvider: support hevc decoder:true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.336 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:57.338 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:57.347 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.346+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: StopLocalAudio
2024/01/05 21:24:57.354 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@63f3093
2024/01/05 21:24:57.356 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.356+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: MuteLocalAudio [mute:False]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.359 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.359+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal Local IP Stack Detect Result: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.361 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.361+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: RequestAccessServer use storage token
2024/01/05 21:24:57.362 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.362+8.0][25535,25743][]not start encode!
2024/01/05 21:24:57.363 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.362+8.0][25535,25743][]not start encode!
2024/01/05 21:24:57.363 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.363+8.0][25535,25743][]not start encode!
2024/01/05 21:24:57.364 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.364+8.0][25535,25743][]not start encode!
2024/01/05 21:24:57.364 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.364+8.0][25535,25743][]SetRoomInfo room_id 1222222 user_id_ 91328544
2024/01/05 21:24:57.365 25535 25743 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:24:57.365+8.0][25535,25743][]TRTCPipeline-LocalAudioManager:local audio hasn't been created.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.366 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.366+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: {cmd:RequestACCIPandSign, seq:1284855155} from:, protocol:UDP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.376 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.376+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: SetVideoEncodeParams [stream_type:BigStream|video_resolution:360x640|res_mode:Portrait|video_fps:15|video_bitrate:600|min_video_bitrate:200|enable_adjust_resolution:0|video_width:360|video_height:640|]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.377 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.377+8.0][25535,25743][]SetCaptureParams sourcetype:0 , current sourcetype:0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.377 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.377+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.377 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.377+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.377 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.377+8.0][25535,25753][]producer with encoder Size(368, 640) mode:Auto
2024/01/05 21:24:57.379 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.379+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: SetQosConfigParams [preference:kSmooth|controlMode:kClient]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.405 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 782, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:24:57.408 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.408+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Remove QUERY_ACCESS_REQUEST task by seq:1284855155
2024/01/05 21:24:57.408 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.016 ms / 488.910 Mbps (866 / 0.006 / 1.109)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.408 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.408+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:UDP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.408 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.408+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:TCP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.408 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.408+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:UDP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.408 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.408+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:TCP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:UDP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:TCP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:UDP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: onRequestACCIP SUCC, ACC ip:, protocol:TCP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: handleResponseACCIPandSign, Acc ip SUCC, Seq:1284855155 from:ip:,protocol:UDP, type:ACCESS, IsEncrypted: 1, IsBgp: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] recv anycast ip:;;
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] C2SRequest: {cmd:RequestQueryConfig, seq:1284855156}
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] RequestQueryConfig from:,protocol:UDP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.409 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] [VideoCodecAbility] support: 15 expect: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.410 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.409+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]Network Enterroom: Ability: Prefer:Smooth Scene:rtc_audio_video ExtFEC:300 ASettings:( codec:11 sample:48000 interval:20 bits:50000 channel:1 ) VLimits:( rps:1 enc:3 adjustRes:0 supportCodec:15 expectCodec:1 svcEnc: 0 svcDec: 0 ) VSettings:( type:2 enc_bps:4294967295 fps:15 w:360 h:640 min_bps: 204800 ) VSettings:( type:7 enc_bps:4294967295 fps:15 w:720 h:1280 min_bps: 0 )
2024/01/05 21:24:57.413 25535 25737 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.413+8.0][25535,25737][]Set PingPolicy flag: Gateway Timeout WeakNetwork, ip counts: 3
2024/01/05 21:24:57.415 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.415+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: {cmd:RequestEnterRoom, seq:1284855157}, int_roomid:1222222, string_roomid:, user_id:91328544, bussinfo:, enter reason:1, to:, protocol:UDP
2024/01/05 21:24:57.417 25535 25737 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.417+8.0][25535,25737][]Stop ping ip list timer
2024/01/05 21:24:57.418 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:57.425 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeCameraProxy] Initialize
2024/01/05 21:24:57.433 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.433+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: C2SResponse: C2SEnterRoomResponse, Seq:1284855157, Tinyid: 144115243205736484, ErrorCode:0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.433 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.433+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]Network: Signal: EnterRoom successful,protocol:UDP RoomId: 1222222 LocationId: 1600001646 Server: McuMix:1 Self IP:
2024/01/05 21:24:57.434 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.434+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Handle enter room, user list empty!!!!
2024/01/05 21:24:57.434 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.434+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Current NTP time: 2024-01-05 21:24:57.002 UTC
2024/01/05 21:24:57.434 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.434+8.0][25535,25743][]OnJoinRoomServerConfig HEVC on: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.434 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.434+8.0][25535,25743][]hevc enabled: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.434 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.434+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.434 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.434+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.436 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.434+8.0][25535,25743][]hevc enabled: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.437 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.437+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Local channel start
2024/01/05 21:24:57.437 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.437+8.0][25535,25743][][e390][local-trtc] Connection state changed from INIT to CONNECTED
2024/01/05 21:24:57.437 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.437+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]trtc_api: OnJoinRoom [code:0|msg:|elapsed_time_ms:141]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.438 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.438+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]Current log path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/files/log/liteav
2024/01/05 21:24:57.438 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 288(288),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:11040,l:291,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:275
2024/01/05 21:24:57.438 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.438+8.0][25535,25751][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.438 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.438+8.0][25535,25751][]SetEncodeSize(w:720 h:1280)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.441 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.441+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] C2SRequest: {cmd:C2SAllowSubVideoRequest, seq:1284855159}
2024/01/05 21:24:57.447 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeCameraProxy] SetImageFormat : YUV_420_888
2024/01/05 21:24:57.460 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.459+8.0][25535,25743][][remote-trtc][e390] HandleFullSyncResponse: [seq:2, last_seq:0, user size:1, code:0]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.460 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.460+8.0][25535,25743][]DashboardManager: addDashboard dashboardId = 4dd4d46431312_main
2024/01/05 21:24:57.460 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.460+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: C2SResponse: C2SAllowSubVideoResponse, Seq:1284855159, Tinyid: 144115243205736484, ErrorCode:0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.462 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.462+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]Network: onRequestQueryConfig:AudioConfig: { Common: { , aec_level:256, restart_device_min_interval_ms:10000, max_streams_to_play:15, enable_ai_3a:2, enable_abnormal_detection:2 }, Android: { enable_opensles:0, support_low_latency_sample_rate:0, support_aaudio:0, low_latency_audio_api_type:2, enable_system_audio_kit:0, system_audio_kit_api_type:0 } }, AudioPlayConfig: { , max_cache_anchor:1600, min_cache_anchor:200, max_cache_audience:2500, min_cache_audience:700, max_cache_chorus:100, min_cache_chorus:20, stutter_delimit:200, neteq_expired_threshold:500 }, VideoConfig: { producer_implementor:2, high_decoder_cache_threshold:10, low_decoder_cache_threshold:8 }, QosConfig: { pacing_strategy:4, bitrate_adjust_strategy:0, bitrate_adjust_reset_threshold:0, bitrate_adjust_threshold:0, arq_round_off_strategy:0 }, BaseConfig: { forbid_local_dumping_:0 }, ExtraAbilityConfig: { value_added_services:64 } }, StreamEncodeConfig: { }
2024/01/05 21:24:57.467 25535 25741 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.467+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteManager: enable usb device: false
2024/01/05 21:24:57.467 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.467+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.468 1491 9711 Verbose APM_AudioPolicyManager getDeviceConnectionState() undeclared device, type 00000004, address:
2024/01/05 21:24:57.469 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.469+8.0][25535,25743][]set server allow vbr enable: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.469 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.469+8.0][25535,25743][]SetServerConfig
2024/01/05 21:24:57.469 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.469+8.0][25535,25743][]UpdateServerConfigInternal
2024/01/05 21:24:57.469 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.469+8.0][25535,25743][]SetServerConfig
2024/01/05 21:24:57.469 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.469+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoProducer_74909392: setServerConfig=com.tencent.liteav.videoproducer.producer.ServerVideoProducerConfig@4236fb
2024/01/05 21:24:57.470 1491 9711 Verbose APM_AudioPolicyManager getDeviceConnectionState() undeclared device, type 00000008, address:
2024/01/05 21:24:57.471 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.471+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraSupervisor: setCamera2SupportMinApiLevel apiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:57.471 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.471+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraCaptureSingleton: setServerConfig minApiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:57.473 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.473+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.473 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.473+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.473 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.473+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.473 25535 25741 Error liteav [E][01-05/21:24:57.473+8.0][25535,25741][]AudioRouteSupervisor: error in updateRouteAvailability(), it's not been initialized yet
2024/01/05 21:24:57.474 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.469+8.0][25535,25743][]UpdateServerConfigInternal
2024/01/05 21:24:57.475 25535 25751 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.475+8.0][25535,25751][]VideoProducer_27706671: setServerConfig=com.tencent.liteav.videoproducer.producer.ServerVideoProducerConfig@a141318
2024/01/05 21:24:57.476 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.476+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraSupervisor: setCamera2SupportMinApiLevel apiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:57.476 25535 25754 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.476+8.0][25535,25754][]CameraCaptureSingleton: setServerConfig minApiLevel:23
2024/01/05 21:24:57.477 25535 25748 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.476+8.0][25535,25748][][remote-trtc][e390] SetMaxAudioChannelsToPlayOK, max_count: 15
2024/01/05 21:24:57.477 25535 25733 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.477+8.0][25535,25733][]Forbid local dumping flag is 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.483 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(206) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.484 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:57.493 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.781094 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:57.495 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.744635 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:57.505 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeCameraProxy] StartCapture begin.
2024/01/05 21:24:57.506 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.506] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRRGBCamera START!
2024/01/05 21:24:57.513 25535 25775 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.513] [25563] [WARN] [NRSensor] Log Info: pid:25535, time:2024-01-05 21:24:57 (+0800)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.513 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.513] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera initializing
2024/01/05 21:24:57.524 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:24:57.524 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:24:57.525 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.525 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:24:57.528 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dca went down
2024/01/05 21:24:57.529 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dcb went down
2024/01/05 21:24:57.530 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dcc went down
2024/01/05 21:24:57.531 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:57.532 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:57.533 1384 25777 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.533 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.533 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:57.533 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dcd went down
2024/01/05 21:24:57.534 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:24:57.591 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(206) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.598 1384 25777 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:24:57.599 1384 25777 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214729763681833 ns; value = [302, 302, 2, 1, 293, 72, 2, 1, 733, -1]
2024/01/05 21:24:57.599 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:24:57.600 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.601 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:24:57.601 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:57.604 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dce went down
2024/01/05 21:24:57.601 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:24:57.622 24339 25778 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.622] [24469] [WARN] [NRSensor] Log Info: pid:24339, time:2024-01-05 21:24:57 (+0800)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.623 24339 25778 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.622] [24469] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera Open Device Success~
2024/01/05 21:24:57.623 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.623] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera got usb_fd_ 210, work type = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.626 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.625] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol 0 MATCHED
2024/01/05 21:24:57.627 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.626] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol load SUCCESS
2024/01/05 21:24:57.628 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461097.625:177928): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="usb" dev="tmpfs" ino=977 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:usb_device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:57.629 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.629] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] CameraUvc open with handle (usb_fd passed in)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.629 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461097.625:177929): avc: denied { read } for pid=25535 comm="UnityMain" name="devices" dev="sysfs" ino=55803 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c254,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:24:57.636 2221 2792 Info EventHub Removing device '/dev/input/event13' due to inotify event
2024/01/05 21:24:57.636 2221 2792 Info EventHub Removed device: path=/dev/input/event13 name=USB Camera: nreal light RGB cam id=124 fd=877 classes=KEYBOARD | EXTERNAL
2024/01/05 21:24:57.641 2221 2792 Info InputReader Device removed: id=98, eventHubId=124, name='USB Camera: nreal light RGB cam', descriptor='e8e76778fa18f67d607397d3a1d277210f36d281', sources=0x00000101
2024/01/05 21:24:57.641 2221 2792 Debug InputReader verified(0->0), type(-1->-1), front(0->0), back(0->0), glove(0->0), penCover(0->0), pogo(0->0), notify(0)
2024/01/05 21:24:57.644 2221 2752 Debug UsbUI onUEvent(Host Interface): {SUBSYSTEM=usb, SEQNUM=42513, ACTION=unbind, INTERFACE=14/2/0, DEVTYPE=usb_interface, PRODUCT=817/909/100a, DEVPATH=/devices/platform/soc/a600000.ssusb/a600000.dwc3/, TYPE=239/2/1}
2024/01/05 21:24:57.645 2221 2791 Debug TspStateManager updateCustomValue customSetting=
2024/01/05 21:24:57.646 2221 2752 Debug UsbUI onUEvent(Host Interface): {SUBSYSTEM=usb, SEQNUM=42514, ACTION=unbind, INTERFACE=14/1/0, DEVTYPE=usb_interface, PRODUCT=817/909/100a, DEVPATH=/devices/platform/soc/a600000.ssusb/a600000.dwc3/, TYPE=239/2/1}
2024/01/05 21:24:57.646 2221 2791 Debug TspStateManager updateCustomValue customSetting=
2024/01/05 21:24:57.648 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.647] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] CameraUvc opened
2024/01/05 21:24:57.649 2221 2791 Debug TspStateManager updateCustomValue customSetting=
2024/01/05 21:24:57.651 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.651] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera initialized
2024/01/05 21:24:57.651 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.651] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera starting
2024/01/05 21:24:57.680 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(206) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.705 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.705] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.753 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:57.753] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 33224, curr ts = 34256
2024/01/05 21:24:57.756 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1656483
2024/01/05 21:24:57.780 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][17470] Uncal_G [ 0.863,-0.012,-0.898] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214730000404125
2024/01/05 21:24:57.880 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.938 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.938+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]Network: NetType switch from unknown to wifi
2024/01/05 21:24:57.944 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.944+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] [VideoCodecAbility] support: 15 expect: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.945 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.945+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]Network: Ability: Prefer:Smooth Scene:rtc_audio_video ExtFEC:300 ASettings:( codec:11 sample:48000 interval:20 bits:50000 channel:1 ) VLimits:( rps:1 enc:3 adjustRes:0 supportCodec:15 expectCodec:1 svcEnc: 0 svcDec: 7 ) VSettings:( type:2 enc_bps:4294967295 fps:15 w:360 h:640 min_bps: 204800 ) VSettings:( type:7 enc_bps:4294967295 fps:15 w:720 h:1280 min_bps: 0 )
2024/01/05 21:24:57.947 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.947+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] C2SRequest: {cmd:C2SChangeAbilityRequest, seq:1284855161}
2024/01/05 21:24:57.964 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:57.964+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: C2SResponse: C2SChangeAbilityResponse, Seq:1284855161, Tinyid: 144115243205736484, ErrorCode:0
2024/01/05 21:24:57.981 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:57.998 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.153334 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:58.000 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.153646 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:58.045 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5951415 162807969 w 1969298 27188876 d 771000 190072964 f 0 241881 iot 3175196 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26967.558
2024/01/05 21:24:58.046 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 48404 cat(25713) 232 loop43(3973) 88
2024/01/05 21:24:58.047 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 236 system_server(2221) 48 init(1) 32
2024/01/05 21:24:58.079 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:58.078] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] CameraUvc streaming started
2024/01/05 21:24:58.079 25535 25775 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:58.078] [25563] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera started
2024/01/05 21:24:58.079 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:58.079] [25563] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRRGBCamera RUN!
2024/01/05 21:24:58.080 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeCameraProxy] StartCapture end.
2024/01/05 21:24:58.081 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.158 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d7b6c7e
2024/01/05 21:24:58.197 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.239 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 338(338),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12784,l:338,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:320
2024/01/05 21:24:58.258 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:58.257] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:24:58.319 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.367 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:24:58.381 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplayOverlay] Initialize: LeftCamera, 1920x1080.
2024/01/05 21:24:58.390 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplayOverlay] Initialize: RightCamera, 1920x1080.
2024/01/05 21:24:58.430 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.460 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] CheckHMDPoseState: NONE -> INITIALIZING
2024/01/05 21:24:58.461 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingModeChangedListener] OnHMDLostTracking: INITIALIZING
2024/01/05 21:24:58.496 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingModeChangedTip] Created
2024/01/05 21:24:58.504 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.126562 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:58.506 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.035521 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:58.541 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.559 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c7a64f5
2024/01/05 21:24:58.648 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.652 25535 25563 Warn Unity [Warning][SwapChain] not ready: started=False, sessionStatus=Running
2024/01/05 21:24:58.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:58.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:24:58.721 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:58.721+8.0][25535,25563][]setLocalVideoRenderCallback called with pixFormat:3bufferType:1callback:0x81fc2790
2024/01/05 21:24:58.722 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:58.722+8.0][25535,25563][]setLocalVideoRenderCallback called with invalid pixelFormat.pixelFormat must be TRTCVideoPixelFormat_I420 or TRTCVideoPixelFormat_BGRA32
2024/01/05 21:24:58.759 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:58.757] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 22Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 34256, curr ts = 35256
2024/01/05 21:24:58.767 25535 25724 Error Unity [Error][NativeConfiguration] SetTrackableImageDataBase: InvalidArgument
2024/01/05 21:24:58.767 25535 25724 Info Unity [Info][NativeConfigration] Disable trackable image result : False
2024/01/05 21:24:58.776 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.844 25535 25735 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:24:58.844+8.0][25535,25735][]exception queue info: 700_16, value: 3280, in queue: liteav_low_priority_queue, type: ExecutionDelay
2024/01/05 21:24:58.914 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:58.931 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,3, duration,777, ts,214731100446469, ts_diff,856969
2024/01/05 21:24:58.931 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,-3.015,2.445,9.227, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:24:58.932 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 3
2024/01/05 21:24:58.933 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 3
2024/01/05 21:24:58.933 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:24:58.933 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:24:58.934 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:58.934 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:24:58.934 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:24:58.934 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:58.961 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@55dd28a
2024/01/05 21:24:59.010 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.876354 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:59.012 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.817083 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:59.026 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,1 acc,-2.606,3.934,8.112, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:24:59.050 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.121 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][1869] accel_sample [-2.218, 4.098, 10.434] 214731278705375
2024/01/05 21:24:59.157 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.271 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(74) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.359 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 274(274),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:10144,l:268,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:252
2024/01/05 21:24:59.363 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6595b71
2024/01/05 21:24:59.374 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:24:59.386 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 73269(2957KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 57% free, 4571KB/10MB, paused 115us,53us total 180.717ms
2024/01/05 21:24:59.397 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 9 10 10 10 10 10 MD : -77 -77 -77 -77 -77 -77 WD : -48 -49 -51 -49 -48 -51 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:24:59.437 25535 25737 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:24:59.437+8.0][25535,25737][]Ping gateway:
2024/01/05 21:24:59.515 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.756614 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:59.516 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.99 msecs
2024/01/05 21:24:59.612 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] RenderCoroutine: k_SwapChainEventStart
2024/01/05 21:24:59.614 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:24:59.615 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:24:59.615 25535 25605 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] GfxThreadStart: renderHandler=3942413216
2024/01/05 21:24:59.615 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.616 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:24:59.617 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dcf went down
2024/01/05 21:24:59.618 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd0 went down
2024/01/05 21:24:59.622 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd1 went down
2024/01/05 21:24:59.623 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.623 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:24:59.623 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][GetProjectionMatrix] LEFT_DISPLAY: left_tan:-0.3942421, right_tan:0.3955271, top_tan:0.2261995, bottom_tan:-0.2156611
2024/01/05 21:24:59.623 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:24:59.623 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd2 went down
2024/01/05 21:24:59.624 1384 25783 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.624 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.624 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:59.624 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][GetProjectionMatrix] RIGHT_DISPLAY: left_tan:-0.3959613, right_tan:0.395292, top_tan:0.2230242, bottom_tan:-0.2193939
2024/01/05 21:24:59.625 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][GetProjectionMatrix] HEAD_CENTER: left_tan:-0.3951009, right_tan:0.3954097, top_tan:0.2246128, bottom_tan:-0.2175263
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] Left Camera Project Matrix: 2.53239 0.00000 0.00163 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 4.52632 0.02385 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00060 -0.60018
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] RightCamera Project Matrix: 2.52764 0.00000 -0.00085 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 4.52061 0.00821 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00060 -0.60018
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] CenterCamera Project Matrix: 2.53001 0.00000 0.00039 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 4.52346 0.01603 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00060 -0.60018
2024/01/05 21:24:59.626 25535 25563 Info Unity 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
2024/01/05 21:24:59.636 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] Init eyePoseFromHead: lEye=((-0.031896, -0.000061, 0.000187), (0.000577, 0.004883, 0.000049, 0.999988))-(0.066131, 0.559562, 0.005945), rEye=((0.031896, 0.000061, -0.000187), (-0.000577, -0.004883, -0.000049, 0.999988))-(359.933800, 359.440400, -0.005299), cEye=((0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000))-(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2024/01/05 21:24:59.637 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] Initialized success.
2024/01/05 21:24:59.678 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:24:59.678 1384 25783 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:24:59.678 1384 25783 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 230(230),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:8736,l:230,r:88,bl:92,j:226
2024/01/05 21:24:59.680 2221 2984 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:24:59.680 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.681 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:24:59.681 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:24:59.682 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd3 went down
2024/01/05 21:24:59.690 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NativeTrack] GetFramePresentHeadPose: trackReasonRst=Success, lost_tracking_reason=INSUFFICIENT_FEATURES
2024/01/05 21:24:59.697 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] CheckHMDPoseState: INITIALIZING -> INSUFFICIENT_FEATURES
2024/01/05 21:24:59.716 25535 25563 Warn Unity [Warning][NativeSwapchain] CreateBufferSpec: NRBufferSpecSetExternalSurfaceFlag assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
2024/01/05 21:24:59.721 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] AddLayer: name=LeftCamera, bufferSpec=[size:width:1920 height:1080 bufferCount:7, surfaceFlag:0, createFlag:0], isExternalSurface=False
2024/01/05 21:24:59.722 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplayOverlay] CreateOverlayTextures: LeftCamera.
2024/01/05 21:24:59.765 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@985cac4
2024/01/05 21:24:59.772 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-49, CE:30, PE:28, TI:38, PTI:35, TW:7, PTW:8, Tx:2899, Rx:1627, TxS:2768, RxS:1565, RESULT:true, IC:0, ICT:5, WC:0, WCT:5, R:1, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.780 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:59.780] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 21Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 35256, curr ts = 36289
2024/01/05 21:24:59.791 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplayOverlay] CreateViewport: LeftCamera
2024/01/05 21:24:59.816 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] Overlay info: cnt=1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.825 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][Overlay-0] swapchainHandler:2582626976, go:LeftCamera, depth:2147483646, viewIndex:0, BufferSpec:[size:width:1920 height:1080 bufferCount:7, surfaceFlag:0, createFlag:0], viewPort:[index:0 nativeHandler:3821767824 swapchainHandler:2582626976 targetDisplay:LEFT_DISPLAY viewportType:NR_VIEWPORT_PROJECTION spaceType:NR_REFERENCE_SPACE_GLOBAL is3DLayer:True isExternalSurface:False textureArraySlice:-1 nativePose:position:[x:-0.05050951, y:0.0003455904, z:0.04041848], rotation:[-0.005518053, -0.03613562, -0.04234694, 0.9984341]]
2024/01/05 21:24:59.827 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD
2024/01/05 21:24:59.828 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler memAvailable: 1946224, memFreeTarget: 2201600, releaseTarget:255376, protectedLruCount: 24
2024/01/05 21:24:59.834 2221 2895 Info NSLocationMonitor getGPSUsingApps() called
2024/01/05 21:24:59.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][18313] Uncal_G [-0.517, 0.365, 1.143] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214732000881625
2024/01/05 21:24:59.842 25535 25563 Warn Unity [Warning][NativeSwapchain] CreateBufferSpec: NRBufferSpecSetExternalSurfaceFlag assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
2024/01/05 21:24:59.842 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] AddLayer: name=RightCamera, bufferSpec=[size:width:1920 height:1080 bufferCount:7, surfaceFlag:0, createFlag:0], isExternalSurface=False
2024/01/05 21:24:59.842 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplayOverlay] CreateOverlayTextures: RightCamera.
2024/01/05 21:24:59.843 3937 3956 Info NSLocationManager_FLP getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013} / FREEZE={}
2024/01/05 21:24:59.847 2221 2895 Info AS.AudioService uid:10254is using audio
2024/01/05 21:24:59.847 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler kill complete: killed 0 apps, freed 0 KB
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: LR, pids: 24339 25535
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: CA, pids: 6926 25624 20633 24989 20510 20525 24111 9520 11955 20661 20662 24137 23499 20556 24272 465 24662 24170 17261 20595 20724 24440
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: PE, pids: 15622 4359 4490 6291 3100 22820 3367 2988 2221 8504 4539 6718 4032 704 3016 3402 4301 4563 3418 3039 3937 5601 6370 3305 4458 22897 4467 10100 4477 4606
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: IN, pids: 8161 15298 23684 21957 30217 22220 19345 14290 22421 22422 21944 22169 22139 22237
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: SE, pids: 20946 10333 19751 1320 751 17908 11062
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: AD, pids: 10976 12901 29701 3535 5396 5589 4312
2024/01/05 21:24:59.849 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Processing time(ms) 22
2024/01/05 21:24:59.860 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDisplayOverlay] CreateViewport: RightCamera
2024/01/05 21:24:59.861 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][SwapChain] Overlay info: cnt=2
2024/01/05 21:24:59.862 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][Overlay-0] swapchainHandler:2582626976, go:LeftCamera, depth:2147483646, viewIndex:0, BufferSpec:[size:width:1920 height:1080 bufferCount:7, surfaceFlag:0, createFlag:0], viewPort:[index:0 nativeHandler:3821767824 swapchainHandler:2582626976 targetDisplay:LEFT_DISPLAY viewportType:NR_VIEWPORT_PROJECTION spaceType:NR_REFERENCE_SPACE_GLOBAL is3DLayer:True isExternalSurface:False textureArraySlice:-1 nativePose:position:[x:-0.05050951, y:0.0003455904, z:0.04041848], rotation:[-0.005518053, -0.03613562, -0.04234694, 0.9984341]]
2024/01/05 21:24:59.863 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][Overlay-1] swapchainHandler:2582620032, go:RightCamera, depth:2147483646, viewIndex:1, BufferSpec:[size:width:1920 height:1080 bufferCount:7, surfaceFlag:0, createFlag:0], viewPort:[index:1 nativeHandler:3821759392 swapchainHandler:2582620032 targetDisplay:RIGHT_DISPLAY viewportType:NR_VIEWPORT_PROJECTION spaceType:NR_REFERENCE_SPACE_GLOBAL is3DLayer:True isExternalSurface:False textureArraySlice:-1 nativePose:position:[x:0.01291535, y:-0.004911675, z:0.04480266], rotation:[-0.003947814, -0.02643262, -0.04245503, 0.9987409]]
2024/01/05 21:24:59.863 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26969.374753
2024/01/05 21:24:59.864 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7065 ] when=26969.374753
2024/01/05 21:24:59.866 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.866 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.866 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 534434549 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:24:59.866 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 534434549 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:24:59.866 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService [api] userActivityFromNative : (event: 2 flags: 0 displayId: 0) eventTime = 26969374
2024/01/05 21:24:59.872 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService UserActivityStateListenerState: 1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.874 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:24:59.876 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:24:59.878 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 921720716
2024/01/05 21:24:59.878 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 921720716
2024/01/05 21:24:59.879 2221 2984 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:24:59.881 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.920 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] CheckHMDPoseState: INSUFFICIENT_FEATURES -> NONE
2024/01/05 21:24:59.931 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:59.931] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] Start rendering
2024/01/05 21:24:59.936 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:59.936] [25790] [INFO] [NRSDK] current is 0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.937 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:59.937] [25790] [INFO] [NRSDK] Got buffer type = 0.
2024/01/05 21:24:59.940 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:59.939] [25605] [INFO] [NRSDK] Start rendering succes.
2024/01/05 21:24:59.951 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:24:59.951] [25790] [INFO] [NRSDK] Start to display on screen
2024/01/05 21:24:59.953 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26969.466338
2024/01/05 21:24:59.953 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26969.466338
2024/01/05 21:24:59.954 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.954 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:24:59.960 25535 25790 Info BLASTBufferQueue [SurfaceView[]@0#3](f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
2024/01/05 21:24:59.972 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger Display 4626964470317753604 HWC layers:
2024/01/05 21:24:59.972 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0c77b0 | 0102 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 3840.0 1080.0 | 0 0 3840 1080 | SurfaceView[]@0(BLAST)#15997
2024/01/05 21:24:59.972 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger
2024/01/05 21:24:59.994 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,0, duration,151, ts,214732163541312, ts_diff,561761
2024/01/05 21:24:59.994 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,1.326,3.180,9.614, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:24:59.995 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.995 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:24:59.995 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:24:59.995 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:24:59.996 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:59.996 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:24:59.996 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:24:59.996 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:24:59.999 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingModeChangedListener] Enter tracking initialize mode...
2024/01/05 21:25:00.005 2221 2221 Info EyeComfortSolutionService action : android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
2024/01/05 21:25:00.006 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
2024/01/05 21:25:00.006 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleTimeUpdate
2024/01/05 21:25:00.006 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetPagesController onTimeChanged()
2024/01/05 21:25:00.006 25535 25775 Error XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:00.006] [25780] [ERROR] [NRSensor] CameraUvc data_bytes error, should be = 1843200, cur = 296960
2024/01/05 21:25:00.008 2221 2221 Info EyeComfortSolutionService action : android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
2024/01/05 21:25:00.009 3039 3591 Debug QSClockBellTower onReceive(android.intent.action.TIME_TICK) mTimeZoneString:null
2024/01/05 21:25:00.009 3039 3591 Debug QSClockBellTower onReceive(android.intent.action.TIME_TICK) mTimeZoneString:null
2024/01/05 21:25:00.019 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
2024/01/05 21:25:00.020 3039 3039 Debug QSClockBellTower He is ready to ring the bell. (((QSClockBellSound - TimeText:21:25, TimeContentDescription:21:25, DateText:1月5日, 周五, ShortDateText:1月5日周五, Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56))))
2024/01/05 21:25:00.020 3039 3039 Debug QSClockIndicatorView Home Indicator status_bar_clock 21:25 notifyTimeChanged(QSClockBellSound - TimeText:21:25, TimeContentDescription:21:25, DateText:1月5日, 周五, ShortDateText:1月5日周五, Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56)) ClockVisibleByPolicy:true, ClockVisibleByUser:true, visible?true, parent:android.widget.LinearLayout{65c1362 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-97,58 #7f0b04f0 app:id/left_clock_container}
2024/01/05 21:25:00.020 3039 3039 Debug QSClockBellTower Everyone heard the bell. run(currentTime:1704461100020, getTime():Fri Jan 05 21:25:00 GMT+08:00 2024, getTimeZone():libcore.util.ZoneInfo[mDstSavings=0,mUseDst=false,mDelegate=[id="Asia/Shanghai",mRawOffset=28800000,mEarliestRawOffset=29143000,transitions=29]])
2024/01/05 21:25:00.021 3039 3039 Debug QSClockBellTower He is ready to ring the bell. (((QSClockBellSound - TimeText:21:25, TimeContentDescription:21:25, DateText:1月5日, 周五, ShortDateText:1月5日周五, Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56))))
2024/01/05 21:25:00.021 3039 3039 Debug QSClockIndicatorView Home Indicator status_bar_clock 21:25 notifyTimeChanged(QSClockBellSound - TimeText:21:25, TimeContentDescription:21:25, DateText:1月5日, 周五, ShortDateText:1月5日周五, Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56)) ClockVisibleByPolicy:true, ClockVisibleByUser:true, visible?true, parent:android.widget.LinearLayout{65c1362 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-97,58 #7f0b04f0 app:id/left_clock_container}
2024/01/05 21:25:00.021 3039 3039 Debug QSClockBellTower Everyone heard the bell. run(currentTime:1704461100021, getTime():Fri Jan 05 21:25:00 GMT+08:00 2024, getTimeZone():libcore.util.ZoneInfo[mDstSavings=0,mUseDst=false,mDelegate=[id="Asia/Shanghai",mRawOffset=28800000,mEarliestRawOffset=29143000,transitions=29]])
2024/01/05 21:25:00.021 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleTimeUpdate
2024/01/05 21:25:00.021 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetPagesController onTimeChanged()
2024/01/05 21:25:00.035 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:00.035 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:00.035 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.035 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.035 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.037 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateAnimators
2024/01/05 21:25:00.037 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator clearAnimationState
2024/01/05 21:25:00.037 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateViews
2024/01/05 21:25:00.038 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateTileAnimator
2024/01/05 21:25:00.039 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateHeaderAnimator
2024/01/05 21:25:00.039 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateBarAnimator
2024/01/05 21:25:00.039 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.039 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator onAnimationAtStart
2024/01/05 21:25:00.049 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5951561 162812221 w 1969306 27191292 d 771000 190072964 f 0 241881 iot 3175496 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26969.562
2024/01/05 21:25:00.098 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(0/2) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=3, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:25:00.099 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(0/2) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=false, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=CMCC
2024/01/05 21:25:00.102 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.105 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRTrackingModeChangedListener] Exit tracking initialize mode...
2024/01/05 21:25:00.141 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:121:0:813696:1171200:806400:1016832:2496000:633600:303:421:220
2024/01/05 21:25:00.167 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@357f23a
2024/01/05 21:25:00.167 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:00.167 2221 2221 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:00.203 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,255, duration,18, ts,214732372096208, ts_diff,1072958
2024/01/05 21:25:00.203 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,0.359,1.455,10.351, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:00.204 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:00.204 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:00.204 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:00.204 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:00.204 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:00.205 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:00.205 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:00.205 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:00.258 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:00.258] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:00.378 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:00.416 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 783, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:00.417 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 428.850 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.169)
2024/01/05 21:25:00.457 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:00.457 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:00.457 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:942
2024/01/05 21:25:00.457 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:00.457 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:00.457 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:942
2024/01/05 21:25:00.495 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.058385 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:00.496 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.044687 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:00.507 1384 2435 Info SensorsGrip [grip_sensor] readEvents: GripSensor: grip 1ch data = RELEASE
2024/01/05 21:25:00.507 1384 2435 Info SensorsGrip [grip_sensor] readEvents: GripSensor: grip 1ch unknown UNKNOWN MODE
2024/01/05 21:25:00.510 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensor onSensorChanged : 5.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 300.0 , 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.510 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensor setUnknownMode channel: 0 , state: 300
2024/01/05 21:25:00.510 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensorsetTunerGrip 8589934592 , state: false
2024/01/05 21:25:00.521 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] set setTransmitPowerExt value : 8589934592 : false
2024/01/05 21:25:00.521 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] tunerGrip is 8589934592, state : false
2024/01/05 21:25:00.545 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,0, duration,0, ts,214732714125583, ts_diff,501448
2024/01/05 21:25:00.545 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,1.694,3.151,9.346, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:00.545 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.545 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:00.545 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:00.545 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:00.546 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:00.546 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:00.546 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:00.546 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:00.571 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6702e1
2024/01/05 21:25:00.832 590 590 Info lmkd 0(delay), 50(swap), 8(freelimit), 0(reentrymode) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill!
2024/01/05 21:25:00.885 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:00.885] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 36289, curr ts = 37323
2024/01/05 21:25:00.975 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@a399ec7
2024/01/05 21:25:00.999 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.230886 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:01.000 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.816198 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:01.133 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][1975] accel_sample [-0.382, 3.708, 9.399] 214733291043604
2024/01/05 21:25:01.378 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@9868e92
2024/01/05 21:25:01.378 1392 25789 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:01.384 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:01.504 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.409271 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:01.508 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 3.178073 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:01.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:01.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:01.780 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1242d19
2024/01/05 21:25:01.830 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:01.829] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 37323, curr ts = 38323
2024/01/05 21:25:01.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][19156] Uncal_G [ 0.142,-0.016, 0.235] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214734001353135
2024/01/05 21:25:01.918 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 240(240),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:9088,l:240,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:226
2024/01/05 21:25:02.013 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.491667 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:02.015 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.262865 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:02.052 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5951571 162812261 w 1969306 27191292 d 771000 190072964 f 0 241881 iot 3175512 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26971.565
2024/01/05 21:25:02.052 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 4240 id.AlipayGphone(6291) 32 loop43(3973) 20
2024/01/05 21:25:02.052 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:7(4498) 2416
2024/01/05 21:25:02.182 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@beb668c
2024/01/05 21:25:02.259 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:02.258] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:02.438 2221 2984 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:25:02.445 2221 2984 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:25:02.517 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.380208 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:02.520 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.284583 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:02.520 2221 2904 Info SemWifiServiceDetector NSD results: [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1] Traff. type 2 Thr 37
2024/01/05 21:25:02.522 2221 2907 Debug SemWifiOptimizer enable=1 state=0x10 prev=0x00 new=0x10 force=0 mode=0
2024/01/05 21:25:02.585 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e3f6eb6
2024/01/05 21:25:02.722 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:02.722] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:25:02.722 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:02.722] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:02.832 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:02.832] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 38323, curr ts = 39323
2024/01/05 21:25:02.873 2221 2388 Debug PowerManagerService UserActivityStateListenerState: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:02.898 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26972.410766
2024/01/05 21:25:02.898 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7066 ] when=26972.410766
2024/01/05 21:25:02.899 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:02.900 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:02.900 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:02.901 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService [api] userActivityFromNative : (event: 2 flags: 0 displayId: 0) eventTime = 26972410
2024/01/05 21:25:02.901 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 311878834 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:02.901 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 311878834 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:02.902 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService UserActivityStateListenerState: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:02.906 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:02.907 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:02.911 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 149433835
2024/01/05 21:25:02.911 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 149433835
2024/01/05 21:25:02.945 1491 2310 Debug AudioFlinger mixer(0xb400007cab1b0850) throttle end: throttle time(2)
2024/01/05 21:25:02.988 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b81c7b7
2024/01/05 21:25:03.035 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:03.036 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:03.036 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.143 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:03.144 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:03.144 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.146 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2081] accel_sample [ 3.136, 4.717, 8.192] 214735303379698
2024/01/05 21:25:03.244 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:03.246 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:03.246 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.345 2221 2984 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10041; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:03.345 2221 2984 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10041; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:03.345 2221 2984 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10041; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:03.345 2221 2984 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10041; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:03.346 2221 2308 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10041; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:03.353 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:03.353 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:03.353 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.358 1309 1309 Debug Zygote Forked child process 25798
2024/01/05 21:25:03.359 2221 2308 Info ActivityManager Start proc for content provider {}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.389 25798 25798 Info roid.bixbytouch Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
2024/01/05 21:25:03.390 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@2d9a590
2024/01/05 21:25:03.392 25798 25798 Error roid.bixbytouch Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
2024/01/05 21:25:03.397 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector handleMessage LONG_PRESS
2024/01/05 21:25:03.398 2221 2221 Info GestureDetector handleMessage LONG_PRESS
2024/01/05 21:25:03.398 25798 25798 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator
2024/01/05 21:25:03.398 25798 25798 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator - put
2024/01/05 21:25:03.400 2221 2984 Info ActivityManager DSS OFF for
2024/01/05 21:25:03.403 2221 2984 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10041 20 to 3, 0 to 8
2024/01/05 21:25:03.409 25798 25798 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10041; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:03.410 1475 1500 Info heimdall insert_task_to_group:67, insert tgid 25798 to group, ret = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.415 3937 4014 Info RequestManager_FLP onOpChanged, op=0 /
2024/01/05 21:25:03.416 2221 2376 Error AppOps User 0, OP 1 is restricted by 1000
2024/01/05 21:25:03.430 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 784, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.436 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 414.031 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.137)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.457 2221 2984 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.462 2221 2235 Debug PackageManager setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = cmp = newState = 1 callingPackage = 10041/
2024/01/05 21:25:03.463 2221 2235 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationStateEnabled : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.466 2221 2235 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationComponentState : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.473 2221 2235 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.495 25798 25798 Info DIAGMON_SDK[605015] SetConfiguration
2024/01/05 21:25:03.496 25798 25798 Info DIAGMON_SDK[605015] generated SR object
2024/01/05 21:25:03.496 25798 25798 Info DIAGMON_SDK[605015] Valid SR object
2024/01/05 21:25:03.496 25798 25798 Info DIAGMON_SDK[605015] Request Service Registration
2024/01/05 21:25:03.498 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D][027] [DiagmonProvider]Received msg based on provider : registration / register_service
2024/01/05 21:25:03.500 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.264219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:03.500 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.264166 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:03.501 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D][027] [DiagmonProvider]Signature Check Success
2024/01/05 21:25:03.501 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D][027] [DiagmonProvider]Action : Register service
2024/01/05 21:25:03.501 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D][027] [b]Service Agree: true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.501 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D][027] [b]Device ID is null or empty
2024/01/05 21:25:03.501 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D][027] [b]Tracking ID is null or empty
2024/01/05 21:25:03.502 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D][027] [DiagmonProvider]INVALID SERVICE ID (AUTH_FAILED) [027]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.502 4490 4602 Info DMASA[D] [b][027] Failed : invalid service id (auth failed)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.503 25798 25798 Info DIAGMON_SDK[605015] Service ID : 027, Results : Failed, Cause : invalid service id (auth failed)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.506 2221 2235 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = bixbytouch_finger_touch_mode
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10041
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider called from
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.511 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = bixbytouch_long_press_timeout
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10041
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider called from
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = long_long_press_timeout
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10041
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider called from
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.512 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = check_touch_down_delay_time
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10041
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider called from
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = bixbytouch_finger_down_threshold
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10041
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider called from
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.513 2221 2984 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.519 25798 25812 Error CommonHolder sLongPressTimeOut:440:sLongLongPressTimeOut:1030
2024/01/05 21:25:03.522 25798 25798 Error AdminConfigHolder initDefault: AppConfig{appName='null', searchEngineCPList=[SearchEngineCP{seName='360', hwTapUrl='', hwReqUrl='', seUrl='', id=2, hwEnable=0}, SearchEngineCP{seName='baidu', hwTapUrl='', hwReqUrl='', seUrl='', id=1, hwEnable=0}], newsCPList=[NewsCP{id=2, fpName='toutiao'}, NewsCP{id=1, fpName='baidu'}], hotSearchCPList=[HotSearchCP{id=7, hsTemplate=0, hsName='mango', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=8, hsTemplate=0, hsName='popular_apps', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=3, hsTemplate=0, hsName='baidu', hsAppId='baidukey', tapUrl='', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=2, hsTemplate=0, hsName='search_history', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=4, hsTemplate=0, hsName='toutiao_hotboard', hsAppId='toutiaokey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=6, hsTemplate=0, hsName='sina_weibo', hsAppId='weiboKey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=1, hsTemplate=0, hsName='360', hsAppId='hotrank', tapUrl='', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=5, hsTemplate=0, hsName='recent_apps', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}], searchHintList=[SearchHint{id=3, shType=2, shName='toutiao_hotboard', shContent='none'}, SearchHint{id=2, shType=2, shName='360', shContent='none'}, SearchHint{id=4, shType=2, shName='sina_weibo', shContent='none'}, SearchHint{id=1, shType=1, shName='default text', shContent='搜索或输入网址#Search or input URL'}, SearchHint{id=5, shType=1, shName='default_text', shContent='搜索#Search'}], modelConfigList=[ModelConfig{model='DEFAULT', newsCPId=2, searchEngineId=2, searchHintType=3, hotSearchArray=[5, 2, 1, 6, 7, 8], searchHintForWidget=4, bookmarkArray=[4, 3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 1], searchDirectId=2}], newsEnable=1, updateVer='100000031', searchDirectList='[SearchDirectCP{id=1, sdName='pengtai'}, SearchDirectCP{id=2, sdName='tencent'}]'}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.523 25798 25798 Error AdminConfigHolder initDefault: done
2024/01/05 21:25:03.523 25798 25798 Error AdminConfigHolder init: AppConfig{appName='null', searchEngineCPList=[SearchEngineCP{seName='360', hwTapUrl='', hwReqUrl='', seUrl='', id=1, hwEnable=0}], newsCPList=[NewsCP{id=1, fpName='toutiao'}], hotSearchCPList=[HotSearchCP{id=7, hsTemplate=0, hsName='mango', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=3, hsTemplate=0, hsName='360', hsAppId='hotrank', tapUrl='', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=2, hsTemplate=0, hsName='toutiao_hotboard', hsAppId='toutiaoKey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=4, hsTemplate=0, hsName='search_history', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=6, hsTemplate=1, hsName='zhihu', hsAppId='zhihuKey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=1, hsTemplate=0, hsName='weibo', hsAppId='weiboKey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=5, hsTemplate=0, hsName='baidu', hsAppId='baidukey', tapUrl='', reqUrl=''}], searchHintList=[SearchHint{id=2, shType=2, shName='toutiao_hotboard', shContent='none'}, SearchHint{id=1, shType=1, shName='预设文字', shContent='搜一搜#搜一搜'}], modelConfigList=[ModelConfig{model='DEFAULT', newsCPId=1, searchEngineId=1, searchHintType=1, hotSearchArray=[4, 6, 3, 2, 5], searchHintForWidget=1, bookmarkArray=[], searchDirectId=0}], newsEnable=0, updateVer='0000000', searchDirectList='null'}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.523 25798 25798 Error AdminConfigHolder init: done
2024/01/05 21:25:03.523 25798 25798 Error AdminConfigHolder initCaller: AppConfig{appName='null', searchEngineCPList=[SearchEngineCP{seName='360', hwTapUrl='', hwReqUrl='', seUrl='', id=1, hwEnable=0}], newsCPList=[NewsCP{id=1, fpName='toutiao'}], hotSearchCPList=[HotSearchCP{id=7, hsTemplate=0, hsName='mango', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=3, hsTemplate=0, hsName='360', hsAppId='hotrank', tapUrl='', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=2, hsTemplate=0, hsName='toutiao_hotboard', hsAppId='toutiaoKey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=4, hsTemplate=0, hsName='search_history', hsAppId='none', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=6, hsTemplate=1, hsName='zhihu', hsAppId='zhihuKey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl='none'}, HotSearchCP{id=1, hsTemplate=0, hsName='weibo', hsAppId='weiboKey', tapUrl='none', reqUrl=''}, HotSearchCP{id=5, hsTemplate=0, hsName='baidu', hsAppId='baidukey', tapUrl='', reqUrl=''}], searchHintList=[SearchHint{id=2, shType=2, shName='toutiao_hotboard', shContent='none'}, SearchHint{id=1, shType=1, shName='预设文字', shContent='搜一搜#搜一搜'}], modelConfigList=[ModelConfig{model='DEFAULT', newsCPId=1, searchEngineId=1, searchHintType=1, hotSearchArray=[4, 6, 3, 2, 5], searchHintForWidget=1, bookmarkArray=[], searchDirectId=0}], newsEnable=0, updateVer='0000000', searchDirectList='null'}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.523 25798 25798 Error AdminConfigHolder initCaller: done
2024/01/05 21:25:03.523 25798 25798 Warn DIAGMON_SDK[605015] setDefaultConfiguration is already set
2024/01/05 21:25:03.523 25798 25798 Warn DIAGMON_SDK[605015] UncaughtExceptionLogging is already enabled
2024/01/05 21:25:03.525 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent initTouchEvent: foundWidgetName=android.widget.Button,foundWidgetId=com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly:id/touchPanel,touchText=
2024/01/05 21:25:03.525 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,taskId=3255,windowMode=1,com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly: com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
2024/01/05 21:25:03.525 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,touchRawX1=632,touchRawY1=1403,x2=632,y2=1322,h=2340,w=1080
2024/01/05 21:25:03.525 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,originalAppBound=Rect(0, 81 - 1080, 2196),appBound=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2196),inputType=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.525 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,Web=title=null
2024/01/05 21:25:03.525 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent url=null
2024/01/05 21:25:03.525 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent originalUrl=null
2024/01/05 21:25:03.530 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal Connecting to camera service
2024/01/05 21:25:03.534 1774 6807 Debug CameraService addListenerHelper: Add listener 0xb400006fd8e8e950
2024/01/05 21:25:03.535 1774 6807 Debug CameraService addListenerHelper: CameraDeviceState for CameraManager
2024/01/05 21:25:03.536 2221 2984 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10039 19 to 5, 0 to 8
2024/01/05 21:25:03.538 25798 25825 Error kepler 安全图片的资源Ridsdk_safe不是一个有效的资源ID
2024/01/05 21:25:03.538 1774 6807 Info CameraService this package can access to hidden camera ids.
2024/01/05 21:25:03.538 25798 25812 Info CameraManager registerAvailabilityCallback: Is device callback = false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.539 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 0 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.539 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 1 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.539 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 2 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.539 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 3 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.539 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 20 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.540 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 21 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.540 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 23 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.540 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 52 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.540 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 56 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.540 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 58 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:03.542 25798 25810 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client API Level 1User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.543 25798 25826 Info chatPP privacy protection not installed or not enable
2024/01/05 21:25:03.544 2221 2984 Debug PackageManager setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = cmp = newState = 1 callingPackage = 10041/
2024/01/05 21:25:03.544 2221 2984 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationStateEnabled : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.545 2221 2984 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationComponentState : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.545 25798 25810 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 1 facing CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client API Level 1User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.546 25798 25810 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 2 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.547 25798 25810 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 20 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.547 2221 2984 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.547 2221 2984 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly
2024/01/05 21:25:03.547 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 21 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.548 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 23 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.548 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 3 facing CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.548 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 4 facing CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.548 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 52 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.548 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 56 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.548 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 58 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.548 25798 25811 Info CameraManagerGlobal Camera 90 facing CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2User Id 0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.552 25798 25826 Info SEP_UNION_SemUnionManager initializeManagerMapData(10041) context =
2024/01/05 21:25:03.554 25798 25826 Info SEP_UNION_SemUnionManager getUnionService(semeventdelegator)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.557 25798 25812 Error BixbyTouchModel stopTriggerAnimation:
2024/01/05 21:25:03.559 2221 2235 Info InputMethodManagerService isInputMethodShown: isShown=false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.559 25798 25826 Info SEP_UNION_SemUnionManager getSemSystemService : semeventdelegator
2024/01/05 21:25:03.561 2221 2235 Debug SEP_UNION_SemUnionMainServiceImpl getSemSystemService - semeventdelegator
2024/01/05 21:25:03.564 25798 25826 Error ActivityThread Failed to find provider info for
2024/01/05 21:25:03.564 25798 25826 Error ActivityThread Failed to find provider info for
2024/01/05 21:25:03.567 2221 2984 Debug WindowManager takeScreenshotToTargetWindow: display=0, target=1, containsTarget=false, crop=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340), w=1080, h=2340, useIdentityTransform=false, ignorePolicy=false, android.view.IWindowManager$Stub.onTransact:3755
2024/01/05 21:25:03.567 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.567 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.567 2221 2984 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.567 2221 2984 Debug WindowManager takeScreenshotToTargetWindow: targetSurface=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255})/@0x3bb824, sourceCrop=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.569 2221 4819 Debug SEP_UNION_SemDeviceInfoManagerService registerPendingIntentInternal() action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, callingPackage =, userId = 0, flag = 0, conditions = null
2024/01/05 21:25:03.570 2221 4819 Debug SEP_UNION_SemDeviceInfoManagerService Same PendingIntent is in
2024/01/05 21:25:03.574 25798 25798 Error HotWordRepo shouldFetchNetwork: true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.574 25798 25798 Error QihuHotwordFactory requestQihuHotWord: in factory
2024/01/05 21:25:03.581 25798 25798 Error HotWordRepo shouldFetchNetwork: true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.581 25798 25798 Error HotWordRepo onFetchFailed: getHotWordsLiveData
2024/01/05 21:25:03.584 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.584 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.584 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.584 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.585 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.585 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.585 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.585 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.586 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.587 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.587 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.587 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.587 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.mci.smagazine, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.mci.smagazine
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.588 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.589 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.589 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.589 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.589 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.589 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.589 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.590 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.youdao.dict, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.590 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.youdao.dict
2024/01/05 21:25:03.590 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.590 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. ai.nreal.nebula.mainland, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). ai.nreal.nebula.mainland
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. cn.wps.moffice_eng, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.591 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). cn.wps.moffice_eng
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.DefaultCompany.Huaxin_Midterm_Report_with_TRTC, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.DefaultCompany.Huaxin_Midterm_Report_with_TRTC
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_photoCapture, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_photoCapture
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.DefaultCompany.RawYuvDataSend_Simplify, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.DefaultCompany.RawYuvDataSend_Simplify
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.DefaultCompany.YuvDirectWrite, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.DefaultCompany.YuvDirectWrite
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.MobileTicket, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.592 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.MobileTicket
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.Qunar, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.Qunar
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.autonavi.minimap, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.autonavi.minimap
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.593 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.bly.dkplat, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.bly.dkplat
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.cainiao.wireless, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.cainiao.wireless
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.dianping.v1, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.dianping.v1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.douban.frodo, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.594 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.douban.frodo
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.hujiang.dict, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.hujiang.dict
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.595 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.jv.samsungeshop, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.jv.samsungeshop
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.qq.qcloud, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.qq.qcloud
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.quark.browser, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.596 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.quark.browser
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.597 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 2235 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 2235 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.598 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.sankuai.meituan, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.sankuai.meituan
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.599 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.tang_copy, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.tang_copy
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.tencent.androidqqmail, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.tencent.androidqqmail
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.tencent.mobileqq, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.600 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.tencent.mobileqq
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.tencent.mtt, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.tencent.mtt
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.tencent.tmgp.supercell.clashofclans, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.tencent.tmgp.supercell.clashofclans
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.tianyancha.skyeye, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.tianyancha.skyeye
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.xingin.xhs, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.xingin.xhs
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. com.xunmeng.pinduoduo, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.601 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). com.xunmeng.pinduoduo
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. dkplugin.axu.ukm, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). dkplugin.axu.ukm
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. dkplugin.flj.bul, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). dkplugin.flj.bul
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage. tv.danmaku.bili, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData(). tv.danmaku.bili
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:GameManager identifyGamePackage., mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:$Stub.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:25:03.602 2221 4819 Debug SGM:PkgDataHelper getGamePkgData().
2024/01/05 21:25:03.604 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10041
2024/01/05 21:25:03.716 25798 25839 Info BixbyTouchModel checkPrivacyProtectionEnable: false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.720 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:03.721 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:03.721 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.792 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4a72bf0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.837 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][19999] Uncal_G [ 0.081, 0.089, 0.034] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214736001824646
2024/01/05 21:25:03.846 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:03.846 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:03.847 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.856 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService onCreate() :
2024/01/05 21:25:03.856 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService loaded theme = 2131951951
2024/01/05 21:25:03.856 25798 25798 Info TriggerAnimation createLayoutParams
2024/01/05 21:25:03.860 25798 25798 Info TriggerAnimation onStartCommand: Intent { (has extras) },flag=0,startId=1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.866 25798 25798 Info DecorView [INFO] isPopOver=false config=false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.866 25798 25798 Info DecorView updateCaptionType: isFloating=false isApplication=true hasWindowDecorCaption=false this=DecorView@827a368[]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.867 25798 25798 Info DecorView getCurrentDensityDpi: from app context. densityDpi=480 msg=resources_loaded
2024/01/05 21:25:03.868 25798 25798 Info DecorView setWindowBackground: isPopOver=false color=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.868 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService onStartCommand()
2024/01/05 21:25:03.870 25798 25798 Info MSHandlerLifeCycle check: return. isActivity=false$$Nest$mhandleServiceArgs:0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.870 25798 25798 Info MSHandlerLifeCycle removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@827a368[TriggerUIService]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.875 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26973.388168
2024/01/05 21:25:03.875 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26973.388168
2024/01/05 21:25:03.876 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.877 25798 25831 Error BixbyTouchModel stopTriggerAnimation:
2024/01/05 21:25:03.879 1774 6807 Info CameraService onUidStateChanged: uid=10041, procState is changed. (20 -> 3)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.882 25798 25798 Info DecorView onImmersiveModeChanged: isStatusBarHidden=true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.882 25798 25798 Info DecorView notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.882 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:03.883 2221 2984 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.883 2221 2984 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.884 1511 1652 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15999 createSurf, flag=80004, WindowToken{ae768fa type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@fcb8f25}#15999
2024/01/05 21:25:03.889 2221 2984 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.889 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: '1e00eab', fd=889
2024/01/05 21:25:03.889 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: '1e00eab', fd=890
2024/01/05 21:25:03.889 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: '1e00eab', fd=899
2024/01/05 21:25:03.890 1511 1652 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16000 createSurf, flag=80004, 1e00eab
2024/01/05 21:25:03.891 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel destroyed: '1e00eab', fd=899
2024/01/05 21:25:03.900 2221 2984 Debug CoreBackPreview Window{1e00eab u0}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@fcaf8a1, mPriority=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.902 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] setView = TM=true
2024/01/05 21:25:03.903 25798 25798 Info TriggerAnimation onDestroy
2024/01/05 21:25:03.904 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService onDestroy() :
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] performTraversals params={(452,1223)(400xfill) gr=TOP START CENTER sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2413 fmt=RGBA_8888
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] fl=d800708
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] pfl=2000010
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] vsysui=700
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE naviIconColor=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] performTraversals mFirst=true windowShouldResize=true viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(452,1223)(400xfill) gr=TOP START CENTER sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2413 fmt=RGBA_8888
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] fl=d800708
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] pfl=2000010
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] vsysui=700
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE naviIconColor=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 2221 4819 Verbose WindowManager Relayout Window{1e00eab u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=400x2340 d0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 2221 4819 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.909 1511 3693 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16001 createSurf, flag=40004,$_25798#16001
2024/01/05 21:25:03.911 2221 4819 Debug WindowManager makeSurface duration=2$_25798
2024/01/05 21:25:03.912 2221 4819 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.912 2221 4819 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.912 2221 4819 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.913 2221 4819 Verbose WindowManager Relayout hash=1e00eab, pid=25798, syncId=-1: mAttrs={(452,1223)(400xfill) gr=TOP START CENTER sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2413 fmt=RGBA_8888
2024/01/05 21:25:03.913 2221 4819 Verbose WindowManager fl=d800708
2024/01/05 21:25:03.913 2221 4819 Verbose WindowManager pfl=2000010
2024/01/05 21:25:03.913 2221 4819 Verbose WindowManager vsysui=700
2024/01/05 21:25:03.913 2221 4819 Verbose WindowManager bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE naviIconColor=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.913 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=null isSameSurfaceControl=false
2024/01/05 21:25:03.920 25798 25798 Error BufferQueueProducer Unable to open dlopen failed: library "" not found.
2024/01/05 21:25:03.920 25798 25798 Info BLASTBufferQueue new BLASTBufferQueue, mName= ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] mNativeObject= 0xb4000071aaeef630 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb40000713aef8480 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:923 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:852 android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:25:03.920 25798 25798 Info BLASTBufferQueue update, w= 400 h= 2340 mName = ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] mNativeObject= 0xb4000071aaeef630 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb40000713aef8480 format= 1 caller=<init>:84 android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$
2024/01/05 21:25:03.921 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] Relayout returned: old=(452,1223,852,3563) new=(452,1223,852,3563) req=(400,2340)0 dur=4 res=0x3 s={true 0xb40000723aee4e80} ch=true seqId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.922 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4438 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:25:03.922 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] Setup new sync id=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.922 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] Setting syncFrameCallback
2024/01/05 21:25:03.939 592 660 Info servicemanager Could not find in the VINTF manifest.
2024/01/05 21:25:03.942 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] Drawing:, metrics=DisplayMetrics{density=3.0, width=1080, height=2115, scaledDensity=3.0, xdpi=428.625, ydpi=424.542}, compatibilityInfo={480dpi always-compat}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.942 25798 25798 Info BLASTBufferQueue [ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService]#0](f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
2024/01/05 21:25:03.943 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] onSyncComplete
2024/01/05 21:25:03.943 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] setupSync seqId=0 mSyncId=0 fn=0 caller=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11.accept:6 android.window.SurfaceSyncer.lambda$setupSync$1$android-window-SurfaceSyncer:128 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.accept:8 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.checkIfSyncIsComplete:382 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.markSyncReady:359 android.window.SurfaceSyncer.markSyncReady:151 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4503
2024/01/05 21:25:03.943 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] reportDrawFinished seqId=0 mSyncId=-1 fn=0 mSurfaceChangedTransaction=0xb40000716aeee2b0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.944 25798 25798 Info MSHandlerLifeCycle removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@827a368[TriggerUIService]
2024/01/05 21:25:03.944 2221 4819 Debug WindowManager finishDrawingWindow: Window{1e00eab u0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING seqId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:03.944 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@e9564b2[TriggerUIService] dispatchDetachedFromWindow
2024/01/05 21:25:03.945 2221 2291 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.945 2221 2291 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.945 2221 2291 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.946 2221 2291 Verbose WindowManager performShowLocked: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN in Window{1e00eab u0}
2024/01/05 21:25:03.954 2221 2235 Debug CoreBackPreview Window{1e00eab u0}: Setting back callback null
2024/01/05 21:25:03.957 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel destroyed: '1e00eab', fd=889
2024/01/05 21:25:03.958 2221 2984 Warn InputManager-JNI Input channel object '1e00eab (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
2024/01/05 21:25:03.958 2221 2984 Debug InputTransport Input channel destroyed: '1e00eab', fd=890
2024/01/05 21:25:03.958 2221 2984 Verbose WindowManager Remove Window{1e00eab u0}: mSurfaceController=Surface($_25798)/@0xf8eea87 mAnimatingExit=false mRemoveOnExit=false mHasSurface=true surfaceShowing=true animating=false app-animation=false mWillReplaceWindow=false mDisplayFrozen=false android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:743 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1316
2024/01/05 21:25:03.958 2221 2984 Info WindowManager Destroying surface Surface($_25798)/@0xf8eea87 called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:743
2024/01/05 21:25:03.958 2221 2984 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:03.964 1511 1511 Info Layer Layer [$_25798#16001] hidden!! flag(0)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.965 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16001 removedFromDrawingState$_25798#16001 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.965 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16000 removedFromDrawingState 1e00eab (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.965 1511 1511 Info Layer id=15999 removedFromDrawingState WindowToken{ae768fa type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@fcb8f25}#15999 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.965 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16000 Removed 1e00eab (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.965 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger id=15999 Removed WindowToken{ae768fa type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@fcb8f25}#15999 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.965 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16001 Removed$_25798#16001 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:03.966 1511 1511 Info Layer id=15999 Destroyed WindowToken{ae768fa type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@fcb8f25}#15999
2024/01/05 21:25:03.966 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16000 Destroyed 1e00eab
2024/01/05 21:25:03.966 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16001 Destroyed$_25798#16001
2024/01/05 21:25:04.001 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.270833 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:04.001 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.227708 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:04.056 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5952029 162818873 w 1969429 27194792 d 771043 190073576 f 0 241888 iot 3175876 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26973.569
2024/01/05 21:25:04.156 1392 25573 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 2509939
2024/01/05 21:25:04.194 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6d91ad9
2024/01/05 21:25:04.259 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:04.259] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:04.354 2221 11695 Info AfterimageCompensationService AfcThread mLuminance : 98 , AfpcPeriodCount : 358 , rotation : 0 , AOD : false
2024/01/05 21:25:04.373 2221 11695 Debug system_server mAFPC_Read - w = 1080, h = 2340, s = 8, f = 4, s_size = 10183680, luminance = 98, count = 358, captureOrientation = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:04.470 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26973.983140
2024/01/05 21:25:04.470 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7067 ] when=26973.983140
2024/01/05 21:25:04.472 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:04.472 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:04.473 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:04.473 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService [api] userActivityFromNative : (event: 2 flags: 0 displayId: 0) eventTime = 26973983
2024/01/05 21:25:04.473 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 690302851 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:04.474 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 690302851 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:04.476 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:04.477 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:04.478 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:04.485 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 714113695
2024/01/05 21:25:04.485 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 714113695
2024/01/05 21:25:04.502 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.270625 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:04.502 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.233386 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:04.561 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26974.074349
2024/01/05 21:25:04.561 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26974.074349
2024/01/05 21:25:04.562 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:04.562 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:04.579 25535 25563 Info Unity [path] mTestPath: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/files/
2024/01/05 21:25:04.597 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e378b95
2024/01/05 21:25:04.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:04.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:04.773 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:04.775 2221 2221 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:04.905 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD
2024/01/05 21:25:04.905 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler memAvailable: 1697696, memFreeTarget: 2201600, releaseTarget:503904, protectedLruCount: 24
2024/01/05 21:25:04.921 2221 2895 Info NSLocationMonitor getGPSUsingApps() called
2024/01/05 21:25:04.923 3937 3956 Info NSLocationManager_FLP getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013} / FREEZE={}
2024/01/05 21:25:04.924 2221 2895 Info AS.AudioService uid:10254is using audio
2024/01/05 21:25:04.924 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler kill complete: killed 0 apps, freed 0 KB
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: LR, pids: 24339 25535
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: CA, pids: 6926 25624 20633 24989 20510 20525 24111 9520 11955 20661 24137 23499 20556 24272 465 24662 24170 17261 20595 20724 24440
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: PE, pids: 15622 4359 4490 6291 3100 22820 3367 2988 2221 8504 4539 6718 4032 704 3016 3402 4301 4563 3418 3039 3937 5601 6370 3305 4458 22897 4467 10100 4477 4606
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: IN, pids: 8161 15298 23684 21957 30217 22220 19345 14290 22421 22422 20662 21944 22169 22139 22237
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: SE, pids: 20946 10333 19751 1320 751 17908 11062
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: AD, pids: 10976 12901 29701 25798 3535 5396 5589 4312
2024/01/05 21:25:04.925 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Processing time(ms) 20
2024/01/05 21:25:04.998 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e5f89b
2024/01/05 21:25:05.009 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.041354 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:05.010 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.984167 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:05.073 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26974.586001
2024/01/05 21:25:05.073 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7068 ] when=26974.586001
2024/01/05 21:25:05.074 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.074 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.074 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.075 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 742170112 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:05.076 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 742170112 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:05.078 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:05.079 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:05.079 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.082 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 445222336
2024/01/05 21:25:05.082 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 445222336
2024/01/05 21:25:05.118 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 237(237),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:8960,l:236,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:225
2024/01/05 21:25:05.157 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2187] accel_sample [ 2.650, 4.966, 8.754] 214737315719489
2024/01/05 21:25:05.182 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:05.183 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:05.183 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.189 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26974.701346
2024/01/05 21:25:05.189 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26974.701346
2024/01/05 21:25:05.190 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.190 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.375 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:05.375 2221 2221 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:05.400 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@fddc176
2024/01/05 21:25:05.448 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26974.961108
2024/01/05 21:25:05.448 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7069 ] when=26974.961108
2024/01/05 21:25:05.450 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.450 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.450 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.451 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 645709056 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:05.452 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 645709056 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:05.458 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - TABoost/4606@23, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:05.458 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:05.459 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10716158 [4606 / 23] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1] [TIMEOUT / 1500]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.460 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 9 10 10 10 10 MD : -77 -77 -77 -77 -77 -77 WD : -49 -51 -49 -49 -48 -47 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:05.466 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 374833136
2024/01/05 21:25:05.466 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 374833136
2024/01/05 21:25:05.511 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.457187 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:05.511 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.376771 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:05.539 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26975.052542
2024/01/05 21:25:05.540 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26975.052542
2024/01/05 21:25:05.540 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.540 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.566 25535 25563 Info Unity OnToggleCustomVideo
2024/01/05 21:25:05.566 25535 25563 Info Unity PersistentDataPath/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/files/
2024/01/05 21:25:05.566 25535 25563 Info Unity StreamingAssetsPathjar:file:///data/app/~~Q-roPPu-Ho2H5gNDSrX0rQ==/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly-gQrA5PnXmV2Fj4IzInm7rQ==/base.apk!/assets/
2024/01/05 21:25:05.566 25535 25563 Info Unity streamingAssetsPath/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/files/
2024/01/05 21:25:05.568 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.568+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: StopLocalPreview
2024/01/05 21:25:05.569 25535 25563 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.569+8.0][25535,25563][][e390]trtc_api: EnableCustomVideoCapture [stream_type:BigStream|enable:True]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.570 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.570+8.0][25535,25743][]not start encode!
2024/01/05 21:25:05.570 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.570+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoProducer_74909392: Start custom capture
2024/01/05 21:25:05.572 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.571+8.0][25535,25753][]TXCHandler_7399213: [videoProducer_74909392]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.574 25535 25535 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.574+8.0][25535,25535][]GlobalContextManager: context before creating: android.opengl.EGLContext@20f
2024/01/05 21:25:05.574 25535 25535 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.574+8.0][25535,25535][]TXCHandler_5264482: [main]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.576 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.573+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] video channel, type:BigStream enable:1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.576 25535 25749 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.576+8.0][25535,25749][][local-trtc][e390] BigStream Set LocationId:1600001646
2024/01/05 21:25:05.576 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.576+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] BigStream UpStream - start
2024/01/05 21:25:05.577 25535 25535 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.576+8.0][25535,25535][]EGL14Helper@28703219: create eglContext android.opengl.EGLContext@abbaba0f sharedContext: null version:2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.577 25535 25535 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.577+8.0][25535,25535][]EGLCore: EGLCore created in thread 2, sharedContext: null, Surface: null, width: 128, height: 128, eglCoreCount: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.577 25535 25535 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.577+8.0][25535,25535][]GlobalContextManager: context after creating: android.opengl.EGLContext@20f, global context: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbaba0f
2024/01/05 21:25:05.577 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.577+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoProducer_74909392: uninitOpenGLComponents
2024/01/05 21:25:05.578 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.578+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoProducer_74909392: initOpenGLComponents
2024/01/05 21:25:05.581 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.581+8.0][25535,25753][]EGL14Helper@26584752: create eglContext android.opengl.EGLContext@abbb393f sharedContext: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbaba0f version:2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.581 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.581+8.0][25535,25753][]EGLCore: EGLCore created in thread 73, sharedContext: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbaba0f, Surface: null, width: 128, height: 128, eglCoreCount: 2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.581 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.581+8.0][25535,25753][]SetSourceType type:4
2024/01/05 21:25:05.581 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.581+8.0][25535,25753][]SetCameraCaptureMode type:3
2024/01/05 21:25:05.582 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.582+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoRenderer_133524698: setDisplayViewInternal=null,clearLastImage=true
2024/01/05 21:25:05.582 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.582+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoRenderer_133524698: Start
2024/01/05 21:25:05.582 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.582+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoRenderStatistic_262239945: notify renderer started, isCustomRenderer: false
2024/01/05 21:25:05.582 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.582+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoProducer_74909392: startEncodeStreamInternal: STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO; width=360, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=600, annexb=true, encoderProfile=null, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:05.582 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.582+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.585 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.585+8.0][25535,25753][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: initialzie
2024/01/05 21:25:05.592 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.592+8.0][25535,25753][]TXCHandler_236237931: [videoProducer_74909392]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.593 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.593+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=600, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:05.593 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.593+8.0][25535,25859][]FpsThrottler_27380009: update fps to 15
2024/01/05 21:25:05.598 25535 25858 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.598+8.0][25535,25858][]sendCustomVideoData: frame[1]: 1280x720, pts=0, format=1, type=0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.600 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.600+8.0][25535,25753][]producer with preview Size(1256, 720) mode:Manual
2024/01/05 21:25:05.600 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.600+8.0][25535,25755][]GPUPreprocessor_40305102: register listener, identity:2, bufferType:TEXTURE_2D, formatType:RGBA, withWatermark:false, listener:com.tencent.liteav.videoproducer.producer.e@47706d0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.600 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.600+8.0][25535,25755][]GPUPreprocessor_40305102: process size update to 1256x720
2024/01/05 21:25:05.600 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.600+8.0][25535,25755][]GPUPreprocessor_40305102: register listener, identity:1, bufferType:TEXTURE_2D, formatType:RGBA, withWatermark:true, listener:com.tencent.liteav.videoproducer.producer.e@47706d0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.601 25535 25755 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:25:05.601+8.0][25535,25755][]VideoPreprocessor: video preprocessor has different w/h ratio: 368x640 vs 1256x720
2024/01/05 21:25:05.601 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.601+8.0][25535,25755][]GPUPreprocessor_40305102: set unique eglcore: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbb393f
2024/01/05 21:25:05.601 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.601+8.0][25535,25755][]GPUPreprocessor_40305102: initialize internal, eglContextFromPixelFrame: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbb393f
2024/01/05 21:25:05.604 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.604+8.0][25535,25755][]EGL14Helper@9991265: create eglContext android.opengl.EGLContext@abbbbeaf sharedContext: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbb393f version:2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.605 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.605+8.0][25535,25755][]EGLCore: EGLCore created in thread 75, sharedContext: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbb393f, Surface: null, width: 128, height: 128, eglCoreCount: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:05.622 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.622+8.0][25535,25755][]Beauty Registe Jni
2024/01/05 21:25:05.623 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.623+8.0][25535,25755][]NativeLoad: loaded liteav library
2024/01/05 21:25:05.626 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.626+8.0][25535,25755][]GPUSharpen: setSharpness 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]SmoothHorizontal: m_textureRation 4.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]SmoothVertical: mTextureRation 4.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]BeautySmoothFilter: mResampleRatio: 2.000000, mResampleWidth: 628, mResampleHeight: 360
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]SmoothHorizontal: m_textureRation 2.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]SmoothVertical: mTextureRation 2.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]SmoothVertical: setBeautyLevel 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]BeautyBlend: setRuddyLevel 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]BeautyBlend: setWhitenessLevel 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]BeautySmoothFilter: setSharpenLevel 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.627 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.627+8.0][25535,25755][]GPUSharpen: setSharpness 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.629 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.629+8.0][25535,25755][]PixelFrameRenderer: uninitialize GL components
2024/01/05 21:25:05.635 25535 25755 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.635+8.0][25535,25755][]PixelFrameRenderer: uninitialize GL components
2024/01/05 21:25:05.647 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.647+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder receive first frame
2024/01/05 21:25:05.650 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.650+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_119963100: instruction: USE_HARDWARE, reason: STRATEGY
2024/01/05 21:25:05.650 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.650+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: create HardwareVideoEncoder
2024/01/05 21:25:05.650 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.650+8.0][25535,25859][]TXCHandler_87702800: [video-encoder]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.656 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.656+8.0][25535,25859][]TXCHandler_94028302: [video-encoder]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.658 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.658+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: Start hw video encoder. width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=600, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=40, baseGopIndex=2, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:05.658 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.658+8.0][25535,25860][]SurfaceInputVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_137723917: enable high profile from persist storage:null
2024/01/05 21:25:05.663 25535 25860 Debug MediaCodecList codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
2024/01/05 21:25:05.664 25535 25860 Debug MediaCodecList codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
2024/01/05 21:25:05.668 25535 25861 Info CCodec state->set(ALLOCATING)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.668 25535 25862 Info CCodec allocate(c2.qti.avc.encoder)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.674 25535 25858 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.674+8.0][25535,25858][]sendCustomVideoData: frame[2]: 1280x720, pts=0, format=1, type=0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.676 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(131) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.679 25535 25862 Info Codec2Client Available Codec2 services: "default" "default0" "software"
2024/01/05 21:25:05.682 25535 25862 Info CCodec setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
2024/01/05 21:25:05.678 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10254
2024/01/05 21:25:05.685 1423 24514 Info QC2Registry search [c2.qti.avc.encoder] in mEntries
2024/01/05 21:25:05.685 1423 24514 Info QC2Comp PreProcessingPipelining 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.698 1423 24514 Info missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(-Vc019) for field ubwcStats of struct #Param::CoreIndex(-Vc01a)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.698 1423 24514 Info missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--002) for field mastering of struct #Param::CoreIndex(--180a)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.698 1423 24514 Info missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--1812) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-11812)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.700 1423 24514 Info StandardCaps prioritySetter: setting priority to real time
2024/01/05 21:25:05.701 1423 24514 Info missing struct descriptor #Param::CoreIndex(--004) for field values of struct #Param::CoreIndex(F-12004)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.701 1423 24514 Info QC2Registry search [c2.qti.avc.encoder] in mEntries
2024/01/05 21:25:05.702 1423 24514 Info QC2Comp Create: Allocated component[309] for name c2.qti.avc.encoder : [64 bit]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.702 1423 24514 Info QC2Comp Create Latency:16.75 ms
2024/01/05 21:25:05.702 1423 24514 Info QC2CompStore Created component(c2.qti.avc.encoder) id(309)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.704 25535 25862 Info CCodec Created component [c2.qti.avc.encoder]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.704 25535 25862 Info CCodec [c2.qti.avc.encoder] state->set(ALLOCATED)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.705 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.708 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig read media type: video/avc
2024/01/05 21:25:05.709 25535 25862 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: vendor.qti-ext-enc-info-metadata-cvp.reserved
2024/01/05 21:25:05.709 25535 25862 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: vendor.qti-ext-enc-temporal-layer-bitrate.layerBitrates
2024/01/05 21:25:05.712 25535 25862 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater ignored struct field coding.qp.values
2024/01/05 21:25:05.713 25535 25862 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater ignored struct field
2024/01/05 21:25:05.713 25535 25862 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
2024/01/05 21:25:05.715 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig ignoring local param raw.color (0xc2001809) as it is already supported
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Info CCodecConfig query failed after returning 23 values (BAD_INDEX)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is Dict {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 algo.bitrate-mode.value = 3
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 algo.complexity.value = 100
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float algo.rate.value = 30
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::i32 coded.average-qp.value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 20000000
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 30
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 20484
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 255
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 255
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coding.intra-refresh.mode = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float coding.intra-refresh.period = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coding.request-sync-frame.value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::i64 coding.sync-frame-interval.value = 1000000
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig Buffer coding.temporal-layering = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig 00000000: 10 00 00 00 07 20 01 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..... .R........
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig }
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 default.color.range = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.716 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 input.delay.value =
2024/01/05 21:25:05.717 25535 25862 Warn ColorUtils expected specified color aspects (0:0:255:255)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.719 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.719+8.0][25535,25860][]SurfaceInputVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_137723917: codecName=c2.qti.avc.encoder
2024/01/05 21:25:05.722 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.722+8.0][25535,25860][]MediaFormatBuilder: bitrateRange=(1, 300000000),bitrate=614400,clampBitrate=614400
2024/01/05 21:25:05.724 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.724+8.0][25535,25860][]MediaFormatBuilder: widthAlignment=2,heightAlignment=2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.724 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.724+8.0][25535,25860][]SurfaceInputVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_137723917: configure format: {complexity=0, color-format=2130708361, i-frame-interval=1, level=131072, mime=video/avc, profile=8, width=368, bitrate-mode=2, bitrate=614400, frame-rate=15, height=640}
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecSeeding Seed: codec c2.qti.avc.encoder, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp,0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-1080p,1.90)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-720p,2.25)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-540p,2.65)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-480p,3.00)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-320x240,0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax,-1)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-1080p,45)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-720p,43)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-540p,42)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-480p,38)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-bitrate-phaseout,1.75)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-boost-missing-qp,0.20)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(intra-refresh,0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(qp-bounds,0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(_vq_eligible.device,1)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(,1)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.748 25535 25860 Debug CodecSeeding Seed: codec c2.qti.avc.encoder, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.750 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:05.753 2221 2221 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:05.756 25535 25860 Debug VQApply minquality: applies only to VBR encoding
2024/01/05 21:25:05.756 25535 25860 Debug MediaCodec shapeMediaFormat: deltas(0): AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.756 25535 25860 Debug MediaCodec }
2024/01/05 21:25:05.756 25535 25861 Debug MediaCodec flushMediametrics
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Debug CCodec [c2.qti.avc.encoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Info CCodec appPid(25535) width(368) height(640)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Info CCodec Set content adaptive mode (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Warn CCodec can't get ro.hardware.chipname
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Info CCodec setup(taro) : (20000002)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for color-format
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for flags
2024/01/05 21:25:05.757 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for encoder
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 algo.bitrate-mode.value = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 algo.complexity.value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 614400
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 15
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 20497
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 34
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.size.height = 640
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.size.width = 368
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 vendor.qti-ext-enc-content-adaptive-mode.value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.758 25535 25862 Warn ColorUtils expected specified color aspects (0:0:255:255)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 3254781982.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec Setting encoder options for disabling wrapping
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec encoding statistics level = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t android._color-format = 2130708361
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec Rect crop(0, 0, 367, 639)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-standard = 130816
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-range = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-transfer = 65791
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t video-qp-average = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t width = 368
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t frame-rate = 15
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t height = 640
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec string mime = "video/raw"
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t priority = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec Buffer hdr-static-info = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .........
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec }
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t android._dataspace = 12648448
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int64_t android._C2MemoryUsage = 4503599631631104
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-format = 2130708361
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t bytebuffer-wrapping-disable = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec }
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t bitrate = 614400
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t bitrate-mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec Rect crop(0, 0, 367, 639)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t width = 368
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-standard = 130816
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-range = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-transfer = 65791
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t frame-rate = 15
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t height = 640
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t max-bitrate = 614400
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec string mime = "video/avc"
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t priority = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t profile = 8
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t video-qp-average = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t vendor.qti-ext-enc-content-adaptive-mode.value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t level = 131072
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Debug CCodec }
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 25535 25862 Info CCodecConfig query failed after returning 25 values (BAD_INDEX)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.759 592 660 Info servicemanager Found in framework VINTF manifest.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug SehCodecSolutionService updateMediaStatisticsData: (action=1@1986621044;category=1@1986621044;label=1936222260@1986621044)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug CodecSolution_MediaStatisticsData MediaStatisticsData: action=1@1986621044;category=1@1986621044;label=1936222260@1986621044
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug CodecSolution_MediaStatisticsData Category.valueOf: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug CodecSolution_MediaStatisticsData Action.valueOf: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug CodecSolution_MediaStatisticsData Label.valueOf: 0x73686834
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug CodecSolution_MediaStatisticsData category: VENC
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug CodecSolution_MediaStatisticsData action: INSTANTIATE
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2984 Debug CodecSolution_MediaStatisticsData label: SEC_HW_H264
2024/01/05 21:25:05.760 2221 2221 Debug SehCodecSolutionService handleMessage : 900
2024/01/05 21:25:05.761 25535 25862 Debug CCodec [CreateInputSurface] surface in app process
2024/01/05 21:25:05.763 2221 2221 Debug SehCodecSolutionService event : VENC
2024/01/05 21:25:05.763 2221 2221 Debug CodecSolution_Logging dma : true, feature: VENC, extra: SEC_HW_H264, value: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.763 2221 2221 Debug CodecSolution_Logging insert diagmon log
2024/01/05 21:25:05.763 2221 2221 Debug CodecSolution_Logging permission granted
2024/01/05 21:25:05.764 2221 2221 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$1.handleMessage:210
2024/01/05 21:25:05.767 2221 2307 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:05.768 4490 4490 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:834 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:834
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec input format changed to AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t android._color-format = 2130708361
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec Rect crop(0, 0, 367, 639)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-standard = 5
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-range = 2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-transfer = 3
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t video-qp-average = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t width = 368
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t frame-rate = 15
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t height = 640
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec string mime = "video/raw"
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t priority = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec Buffer hdr-static-info = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .........
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec }
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t android._dataspace = 281346048
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int64_t android._C2MemoryUsage = 4503599631631104
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t color-format = 2130708361
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec int32_t bytebuffer-wrapping-disable = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.769 25535 25862 Debug CCodec }
2024/01/05 21:25:05.773 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 25535 25862 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 25535 25862 Debug C2OMXNode actual buffer count(16), input delay(0), pipeline delay(0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 25535 25862 Debug GraphicBufferSource setting dataspace: 0x10c50000, acquired=0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 25535 25862 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 25535 25861 Info CCodec [c2.qti.avc.encoder] state->set(STARTING)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 1423 25870 Info QC2Registry search [c2.qti.avc.encoder] in mEntries
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 1423 25870 Info QC2Registry Build pipelined codec for session
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 1423 25870 Info QC2Registry Getting stages for pipelined codec
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 1423 25870 Info QC2Registry search [c2.qti.avc.encoder] in mEntries
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 1423 25870 Info QC2Registry search [c2.qti.avc.encoder] in mFactories
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(122) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 1423 25870 Info QC2Registry PreProcessingPipelining not enabled
2024/01/05 21:25:05.774 1423 25870 Info QC2Registry Encoder doesn't support pipelining. Create standalone codec
2024/01/05 21:25:05.780 1423 25870 Info QC2V4l2Driver [avcE_309] Device /dev/video33 opened with fd: 8
2024/01/05 21:25:05.783 1423 25870 Error QC2V4l2Codec [avcE_309] OPAQUE is not a supported pixel format!
2024/01/05 21:25:05.784 1423 25870 Warn QC2V4l2Codec [avcE_309] unknown/unsupported param coding.sync-frame-interval index = 0x52002005
2024/01/05 21:25:05.784 1423 25870 Warn QC2V4l2Codec [avcE_309] unknown/unsupported param coded.p-frame-count index = 0x5200C000
2024/01/05 21:25:05.784 1423 25870 Warn QC2V4l2Codec [avcE_309] unknown/unsupported param qti-ext-enc-b-frame-preconditions index = 0x9200C03B
2024/01/05 21:25:05.784 1423 25870 Warn QC2V4l2Codec [avcE_309] unknown/unsupported param qti-ext-enc-single-non-ref-b-preconditions index = 0x9200C03C
2024/01/05 21:25:05.784 1423 25870 Warn QC2V4l2Codec [avcE_309] unknown/unsupported param qti-ext-enc-hier-b-preconditions index = 0x9200C03D
2024/01/05 21:25:05.784 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309][RUNNING] VTAG frame height = 640 width = 480
2024/01/05 21:25:05.785 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.785 25535 25862 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.785 25535 25862 Debug C2OMXNode actual buffer count(16), input delay(0), pipeline delay(0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.785 592 660 Info servicemanager Found in framework VINTF manifest.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.785 2221 2984 Debug SehCodecSolutionService getVideoRecordingParameter id : 109671989903364
2024/01/05 21:25:05.786 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.786 25535 25862 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.786 25535 25862 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.786 25535 25862 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
2024/01/05 21:25:05.786 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.786 25535 25862 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] Query input allocators returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.788 25535 25862 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] Using basic input block pool with poolID 1 => got 1 - OK (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.788 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.788 25535 25862 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] Query output allocators returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.789 25535 25862 Info CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 543 - OK
2024/01/05 21:25:05.789 25535 25862 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] Configured output block pool ids 543 => OK
2024/01/05 21:25:05.789 1423 2172 Error QC2Interface Few parameters failed to configure
2024/01/05 21:25:05.790 25535 25862 Info CCodec [c2.qti.avc.encoder] state->set(RUNNING)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.790 1822 18003 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xe79c4ee8 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 108/116 (recycle/alloc) - 8/116 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.790 1822 18003 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 Destruction - bufferpool2 0xe79c4ee8 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 116, 93% recycled; transfers: 116, 93% unfetched
2024/01/05 21:25:05.790 1822 29679 Warn ResourceManagerService Ignoring request to add new resource entry with value <= 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.791 1822 29679 Info ResourceManagerService addMediaInfo pid 25535, add (width 368 height 640), lowPriority 0, allocated hw codec count, 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.791 1822 29679 Info ResourceManagerService getMediaResourceInfo (PID : 25535, clientID : 2146545616, non-secure-codec/video-codec:[]:1, 368x640 (fps:15) - sw codec : no, encoder : yes)
2024/01/05 21:25:05.791 25535 25861 Info MediaCodec setCodecState state(0), called in 6
2024/01/05 21:25:05.792 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.792+8.0][25535,25860][]SurfaceInputVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_137723917: resetBitrateAfterApiLevel30,bitrate=600
2024/01/05 21:25:05.792 2221 2984 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.792 2221 2984 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.792 2221 2984 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.792 2221 2984 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.792 2221 2768 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onAdd
2024/01/05 21:25:05.793 2221 2768 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onState
2024/01/05 21:25:05.793 14290 14314 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.793 14290 14314 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.793 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:25:05.793 14290 14314 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.793 14290 14330 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onAdd
2024/01/05 21:25:05.793 14290 14314 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.794 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.794+8.0][25535,25860][]SurfaceInputVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_137723917: start MediaCodec with encode params:width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=600, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=40, baseGopIndex=2, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:05.794 4606 4606 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onAdd
2024/01/05 21:25:05.794 4606 4606 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onState
2024/01/05 21:25:05.794 4606 4606 Info SemDvfsHyPerManager acquire hyper - BaseTABoost/4606@22, type = 1090523139
2024/01/05 21:25:05.795 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10711528
2024/01/05 21:25:05.795 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10711528 [4606 / 22] HINT : list : [TABoost / 1]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.796 14290 14330 Info DrmMediaResourceHelper onAdd size = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.796 14290 14330 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onState
2024/01/05 21:25:05.796 14290 14330 Info DrmMediaResourceHelper onStateChanged size = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.796 14290 14330 Info DrmMediaResourceHelper resource type: 2,,,isSecured : falseIsEncoder : truegetCodecState : 0getpid : 25535
2024/01/05 21:25:05.797 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.797+8.0][25535,25859][]SurfaceInputVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_137723917: startCodecInternal success: true
2024/01/05 21:25:05.797 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.797+8.0][25535,25859][][e390]trtc_api: OnEncoderTypeChanged [stream_type:BigStream|msg:Video: BigStream, Encoder property changed to (EncoderType:Hardware|ReferenceStrategy:Gop|VideoCodec:H264|HardwareEncoderType:kMediacodec).]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.797 25535 25859 Warn liteav [W][01-05/21:25:05.797+8.0][25535,25859][][e390]trtc_api: OnWarning [code:1104|msg:Video: Current encoded type changed.|stream_type:BigStream]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.798 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.798+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: open encoder cost time: 148
2024/01/05 21:25:05.799 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.799+8.0][25535,25859][]EGL14Helper@222386727: create eglContext android.opengl.EGLContext@67c8c92f sharedContext: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbb393f version:2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.800 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.800+8.0][25535,25859][]EGLCore: EGLCore created in thread 99, sharedContext: android.opengl.EGLContext@abbb393f, Surface: Surface(name=null)/@0xf7574d4, width: 368, height: 640, eglCoreCount: 4
2024/01/05 21:25:05.800 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.800+8.0][25535,25859][]SnapshotTaker_hwEn47819714_51342803: initialize
2024/01/05 21:25:05.800 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.800+8.0][25535,25859][]SnapshotTaker_hwEn47819714_51342803: setSize width=368, height=640
2024/01/05 21:25:05.800 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:05.800+8.0][25535,25859][]PixelFrameRenderer: uninitialize GL components
2024/01/05 21:25:05.802 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@117894e
2024/01/05 21:25:05.806 25535 25859 Debug GraphicBufferSource got buffer with new dataSpace #10c50000
2024/01/05 21:25:05.806 25535 25859 Debug C2OMXNode dataspace changed to 0x10c50000 pixel format: 0x1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.820 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp Input Format at frame 0: RGBA8888_UBWC 368x640
2024/01/05 21:25:05.821 1423 25870 Info QC2ImageConverter Constructing QC2VidTxrEngine engine for image conversion
2024/01/05 21:25:05.833 1423 25870 Info QC2ImageConverter created QC2ImageConverter: [368x640, RGBA8888_UBWC] -- {do flip 0, then rotate 0} --> [368x640, VENUS_NV12_UBWC]
2024/01/05 21:25:05.834 1423 25870 Info QC2Buf use default ref tracker
2024/01/05 21:25:05.834 1423 25870 Info QC2Buf Reconfig: clearing from 0 bufs. Peak mem=0 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:05.834 1423 25870 Info QC2Buf Reconfig: clearing from 0 bufs. Peak mem=0 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:05.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][20842] Uncal_G [-0.062,-0.173,-0.410] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214738002302614
2024/01/05 21:25:05.854 1423 25870 Info QC2VidTxrEngine setupEngine: (vtxr input): w:368 h:640 fmr:2
2024/01/05 21:25:05.854 1423 25870 Info QC2VidTxrEngine setupEngine: (vtxr output): w:368 h:640 fmr:4
2024/01/05 21:25:05.854 1423 25870 Info QC2VidTxrEngine setupEngine: (transform): downscale:0, rot:0, flip:0
2024/01/05 21:25:05.890 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(122) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:05.974 1423 25870 Error QC2Interface Few parameters failed to configure
2024/01/05 21:25:05.974 1423 25870 Error QC2Comp [avcE_309] Delayed start: Failed to configure w/h/f on Interface
2024/01/05 21:25:05.975 1423 25870 Error QC2V4l2Driver [avcE_309] Failed to enable extradata SubFrameOutput
2024/01/05 21:25:05.977 1423 25870 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.977 1423 25870 Warn QC2V4l2Codec [avcE_309] unknown/unsupported param 3254796295 index = 0xC2004007
2024/01/05 21:25:05.977 1423 25870 Error QC2V4l2Driver [avcE_309] Cannot set Color Aspects on :IN while streaming
2024/01/05 21:25:05.977 1423 25870 Info QC2CompStore Setting heap usage to system
2024/01/05 21:25:05.977 1423 25876 Info QC2CompStore Setting heap usage to system
2024/01/05 21:25:05.980 1423 25874 Warn QC2V4L2PollThread Skip frames 0 till we receive I-Frame
2024/01/05 21:25:05.983 1423 25870 Error QC2Interface Failed to query parameters
2024/01/05 21:25:05.988 25535 25869 Debug C2Store debug.c2.use_dmabufheaps set, forcing DMABUF Heaps
2024/01/05 21:25:05.988 25535 25869 Debug C2Store Using DMABUF Heaps
2024/01/05 21:25:05.988 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is Buffer coded.init-data.value = {
2024/01/05 21:25:05.988 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig 00000000: 00 00 00 01 67 64 00 3c ac b4 0b 82 8d 35 05 06<.....5..
2024/01/05 21:25:05.988 25535 25862 Debug CCodecConfig 00000010: 05 06 d0 a1 35 00 00 00 01 68 ee 06 f2 c0 ....5....h....
2024/01/05 21:25:05.989 25535 25862 Debug Codec2-OutputBufferQueue set max dequeue count 11 from update
2024/01/05 21:25:05.999 2988 3041 Info System.out Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.sec.intent.action.SARDEVICE_CP flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
2024/01/05 21:25:06.002 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] onReceive : SARDEVICE_CP, callAction = off deviceID = 33587777 slot = 0 device_ext = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.003 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] setEndTime workingtime type: 0 : 222391
2024/01/05 21:25:06.003 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] setEndTime screen true, type : 0, device : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.003 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] id : 0 cmd :off
2024/01/05 21:25:06.006 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] SarDevice clear 1 channel : 0 , state : 1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.015 25535 25860 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.015+8.0][25535,25860][]SurfaceInputVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_137723917: encoder output format changed: {max-bitrate=614400, crop-right=367, level=131072, mime=video/avc, profile=8, bitrate=614400, priority=0, intra-refresh-period=0, color-standard=5, feature-secure-playback=0, csd-1=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=9 cap=9], color-transfer=3, crop-bottom=639, vendor.qti-ext-enc-content-adaptive-mode.value=0, prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames=0, video-qp-average=0, crop-left=0, width=368, bitrate-mode=2, color-range=2, crop-top=0, frame-rate=15, height=640, csd-0=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=21 cap=21]}
2024/01/05 21:25:06.016 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.016+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: onOutputFormatChanged: {max-bitrate=614400, crop-right=367, level=131072, mime=video/avc, profile=8, bitrate=614400, priority=0, intra-refresh-period=0, color-standard=5, feature-secure-playback=0, csd-1=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=9 cap=9], color-transfer=3, crop-bottom=639, vendor.qti-ext-enc-content-adaptive-mode.value=0, prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames=0, video-qp-average=0, crop-left=0, width=368, bitrate-mode=2, color-range=2, crop-top=0, frame-rate=15, height=640, csd-0=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=21 cap=21]}
2024/01/05 21:25:06.019 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] set setTransmitPowerWithFlag value : 1 : false
2024/01/05 21:25:06.019 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] setEndTime workingtime type: 1 : 211154
2024/01/05 21:25:06.020 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] setEndTime screen true, type : 1, device : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.020 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensor disableSensor : true
2024/01/05 21:25:06.020 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensorsetTunerGrip 8589934592 , state: false
2024/01/05 21:25:06.020 25535 25861 Info MediaCodec setCodecState state(1), called in 6
2024/01/05 21:25:06.020 2221 2984 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.020 2221 2984 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.021 14290 14313 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.021 14290 14313 Verbose ResourceManagerHelper-JNI notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.022 2221 2768 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onState
2024/01/05 21:25:06.022 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.022+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encode first frame cost time: 374
2024/01/05 21:25:06.022 25535 25749 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.022+8.0][25535,25749][][local-trtc][e390] BigStream Recv first video frame to send, streamType:BigStream
2024/01/05 21:25:06.022 25535 25749 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.022+8.0][25535,25749][][e390]trtc_api: OnSendFirstLocalFrame [type:video]
2024/01/05 21:25:06.025 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] set setTransmitPowerExt value : 8589934592 : false
2024/01/05 21:25:06.025 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] tunerGrip is 8589934592, state : false
2024/01/05 21:25:06.025 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensorsetTunerGrip 17179869184 , state: false
2024/01/05 21:25:06.026 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] set setTransmitPowerExt value : 17179869184 : false
2024/01/05 21:25:06.026 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] tunerGrip is 17179869184, state : false
2024/01/05 21:25:06.026 2221 2770 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 16777227
2024/01/05 21:25:06.026 1384 1384 Info SensorsGrip [grip_sensor] enable: GripSensor: enable handle = 11 en = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.027 14290 14330 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onState
2024/01/05 21:25:06.027 14290 14330 Info DrmMediaResourceHelper onStateChanged size = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.027 14290 14330 Info DrmMediaResourceHelper resource type: 2,,,isSecured : falseIsEncoder : truegetCodecState : 1getpid : 25535
2024/01/05 21:25:06.028 4606 4606 Info SemMediaResourceHelper onState
2024/01/05 21:25:06.029 1384 1384 Error SensorsGrip [grip_sensor] enable: mEnabled : 0, first_grip_event : 1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.029 2221 2770 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$GripSensorWrapper$1@978e72f
2024/01/05 21:25:06.030 1392 1431 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10711528
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] ISG6320 Grip sensor disable channel 0 : 0 , channel 1 : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] id : 6 cmd :off
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Warn MotionRecognitionService DEFAULT
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] id : 9 cmd :off
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Warn MotionRecognitionService DEFAULT
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] id : 15 cmd :off
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Warn MotionRecognitionService DEFAULT
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Info MotionRecognitionService [SAR] id : 25 cmd :off
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2221 2770 Warn MotionRecognitionService DEFAULT
2024/01/05 21:25:06.031 2988 3653 Info System.out Broadcast completed: result=0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.047 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 8
2024/01/05 21:25:06.058 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5952617 162829957 w 1969437 27194824 d 771043 190073576 f 0 241889 iot 3176264 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26975.571
2024/01/05 21:25:06.059 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): vendor.qti.medi(1423) 7624 roid.bixbytouch(25798) 4532 RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 2008
2024/01/05 21:25:06.059 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:7(4498) 3076 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 144 id.diagmonagent(4490) 28
2024/01/05 21:25:06.076 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.076+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] [VideoCodecAbility] support: 15 expect: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.076 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.076+8.0][25535,25743][][e390]Network: Ability: Prefer:Smooth Scene:rtc_audio_video ExtFEC:300 ASettings:( codec:11 sample:48000 interval:20 bits:50000 channel:1 ) VLimits:( rps:1 enc:3 adjustRes:0 supportCodec:15 expectCodec:1 svcEnc: 0 svcDec: 7 ) VSettings:( type:2 enc_bps:614400 fps:15 w:360 h:640 min_bps: 204800 ) VSettings:( type:7 enc_bps:4294967295 fps:15 w:720 h:1280 min_bps: 0 )
2024/01/05 21:25:06.078 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.078+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] C2SRequest: {cmd:C2SChangeAbilityRequest, seq:1284855182}
2024/01/05 21:25:06.093 25535 25743 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.093+8.0][25535,25743][][local-trtc][e390] Signal: C2SResponse: C2SChangeAbilityResponse, Seq:1284855182, Tinyid: 144115243205736484, ErrorCode:0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.096 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.096+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.096 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.096+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:06.096 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.096+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:06.097 25535 25749 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.096+8.0][25535,25749][][local-trtc][e390] BigStream Qos SetEncodeBitrate: 614400 SetFps:15
2024/01/05 21:25:06.129 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(118) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.185 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.185+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.185 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.185+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:06.186 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.186+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:06.207 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6c43867
2024/01/05 21:25:06.259 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:06.259] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:06.285 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 9/Done 9|Work-Rate: Q(15.4/s Avg=15.4/s) Done(15.437/s Avg=15.437/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 457.1Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:06.285 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:06.288 25535 25736 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(118) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.356 24339 24339 Info nebula_DisplayModeService FreezeRunnable: each 15000s run.
2024/01/05 21:25:06.361 24339 24339 Error nebula_DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:06.361 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:06.376 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(0/2) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=3, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:25:06.376 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(0/2) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=false, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=CMCC
2024/01/05 21:25:06.378 24339 24339 Error nebula__DebugSetting readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:06.378 24339 24339 Debug nebula__DebugSetting get3DMode: refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:06.379 24339 24339 Error DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:06.380 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:06.380 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.383 2221 4819 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.385 2221 4819 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.448 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 785, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:06.450 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.022 ms / 362.212 Mbps (780 / 0.009 / 1.154)
2024/01/05 21:25:06.460 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:06.472 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 6943(455KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(9624KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8990KB/17MB, paused 88us,60us total 177.873ms
2024/01/05 21:25:06.503 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.12849 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:06.504 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.862552 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:06.590 2221 2221 Info Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl isInManagedCall - callingPackage : android
2024/01/05 21:25:06.599 5589 5589 Info Edge.badge updateBadge item = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland:0 1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.600 3039 3039 Debug S.S.N. onEntryUpdated 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:06.600 3039 3039 Debug BubblesManager onEntryUpdated : shouldBubbleUp=false ,key=0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:06.601 3499 3499 Info Launcher.NotificationListener onNotificationPosted : ai.nreal.nebula.mainland number : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.601 3039 3039 Debug InterruptionStateProvider no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:06.610 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@fff80
2024/01/05 21:25:06.621 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:06.622 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:06.622 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.622 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.640 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:06.639] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:06.697 2221 4819 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: pkg=ai.nreal.nebula.mainland , range=1 , includeAllApp=false , userId=-2 , infoRange=0 , infoCategory=0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.697 2221 4819 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication - accept rechecked by isEdgeLightingAllowed = true uid = 10227
2024/01/05 21:25:06.697 2221 4819 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: getRejectablePolicy true
2024/01/05 21:25:06.702 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:06.703 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:527 BAT:391 USB:340 CHG:484 PA:463 WIFI:463 CF:407 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:412 SKINF:399 SKINB:412 LRP:412 LRP2:412 LRF2:399 LRB2:412 AP2:401 CHG2:395 WIFI2:412 UANT2:400 DANT2:355 RCV2:403 SPK2:344 FCAM:339 UPSPK:405 DNSPK:336 AMB:220
2024/01/05 21:25:06.703 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:25:06.705 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:06.705 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.705 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:06.818 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:06.818] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 22Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 42323, curr ts = 43323
2024/01/05 21:25:06.960 1392 25857 Info HYPER-HAL [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10716158
2024/01/05 21:25:06.964 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.964+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:06.964 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.964+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:06.964 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:06.964+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:07.007 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.608177 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:07.009 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.58177 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:07.012 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@375cd5f
2024/01/05 21:25:07.113 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1832(254KB) AllocSpace objects, 21(12MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10026KB/19MB, paused 193us,79us total 130.015ms
2024/01/05 21:25:07.171 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2293] accel_sample [ 1.979, 5.066, 8.120] 214739328073396
2024/01/05 21:25:07.239 24989 25185 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(78) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.414 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@43593ac
2024/01/05 21:25:07.466 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.466+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.467 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.467+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:07.468 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.468+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=475, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:07.468 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.468+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 475
2024/01/05 21:25:07.469 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:25:07.472 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26976.985211
2024/01/05 21:25:07.473 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 486400
2024/01/05 21:25:07.473 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:25:07.475 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7070 ] when=26976.985211
2024/01/05 21:25:07.479 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.479+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.480 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.480+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=475, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:07.480 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.480+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 475
2024/01/05 21:25:07.481 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.480+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=475, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:07.481 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.481+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 475
2024/01/05 21:25:07.481 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.482 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.483 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:07.483 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 621834256 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:07.483 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService [api] userActivityFromNative : (event: 2 flags: 0 displayId: 0) eventTime = 26976985
2024/01/05 21:25:07.484 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 621834256 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:07.485 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:07.496 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 950565587
2024/01/05 21:25:07.496 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 950565587
2024/01/05 21:25:07.512 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.397761 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:07.512 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.333021 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:07.572 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26977.084763
2024/01/05 21:25:07.572 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26977.084763
2024/01/05 21:25:07.572 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.572 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.584 25535 25563 Info Unity CloseWindow
2024/01/05 21:25:07.606 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:25:07.606 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:07.606 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.607 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:07.608 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd4 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:07.611 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd5 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:07.614 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd6 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:07.615 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:07.615 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:07.616 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd7 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:07.616 1384 25878 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:07.616 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:07.617 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:07.617 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:07.658 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.658+8.0][25535,25859][]FpsCalculate: meter name:VideoEncodeController(165990117) fps:15.42288589477539
2024/01/05 21:25:07.658 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:07.658+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 15.42288589477539
2024/01/05 21:25:07.678 1384 25878 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:07.679 1384 25878 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214739843684333 ns; value = [227, 227, 2, 1, 216, 72, 2, 1, 540, -1]
2024/01/05 21:25:07.684 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:25:07.684 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:07.685 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:07.685 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:07.687 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd8 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:07.687 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:07.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:07.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:07.722 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:07.721] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:07.783 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:07.784 2221 2221 Info GestureDetector handleMessage TAP
2024/01/05 21:25:07.784 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:07.784] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 25Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 43323, curr ts = 44323
2024/01/05 21:25:07.816 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@453e07b
2024/01/05 21:25:07.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][21684] Uncal_G [-0.065, 0.007, 0.032] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214740000424802
2024/01/05 21:25:07.838 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 228(228),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:8672,l:228,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:216
2024/01/05 21:25:08.017 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.62401 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:08.019 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.107656 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:08.062 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5952663 162830469 w 1969517 27195184 d 771091 190074016 f 0 241895 iot 3176372 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26977.575
2024/01/05 21:25:08.219 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b3b32d6
2024/01/05 21:25:08.264 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:08.259] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:08.491 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:08.518 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,1 acc,2.173,4.979,8.294, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:08.524 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.959427 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:08.525 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.463854 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:08.552 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:08.551] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214740717095635
2024/01/05 21:25:08.556 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:08.556] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214740722364854
2024/01/05 21:25:08.596 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 863(168KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(6760KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8719KB/17MB, paused 117us,56us total 131.617ms
2024/01/05 21:25:08.596 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger SFWD update time=26978109580228
2024/01/05 21:25:08.623 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3b2412d
2024/01/05 21:25:08.868 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:08.868] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 24Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 44323, curr ts = 45356
2024/01/05 21:25:08.961 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:08.961+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=524, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:08.961 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:08.961+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 524
2024/01/05 21:25:08.961 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:25:08.964 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 536576
2024/01/05 21:25:08.965 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:25:08.968 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:09.001 1381 1381 Info updateLrpSysfs: write: 412
2024/01/05 21:25:09.006 2221 3901 Debug BatteryService Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED: level:38, status:3, health:2, ac:false, usb:false, wireless:false, pogo:false, misc:0x10000, charge_type:0, charger_type:0, voltage:3640, temperature:392, online:21, current_avg:-2250, ps:false, hvc:false, capacity:280000, current_event:0x40004000, current_now:-2310, mcc:0, mcv:0, cc:1317670, present:true, scale:100, technology:Li-ion
2024/01/05 21:25:09.008 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker update stats : wakelock-change (1)
2024/01/05 21:25:09.009 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] onReceive : ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED, Plugged: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.013 2221 2946 Info DeviceBatteryInfoService action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.014 2221 2946 Info DeviceBatteryInfoService phone battery level: 38
2024/01/05 21:25:09.015 2221 2946 Info DeviceBatteryInfoService phone battery status: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:09.015 2221 2946 Debug DeviceBatteryInfoService setBatteryStatus : 3
2024/01/05 21:25:09.019 2988 2988 Debug SemBigDataInfoController Intent: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.022 2988 2988 Debug SemBigDataInfoController Intent: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.024 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.024 3039 3039 Info PowerUI mBootCompleted = true | mFullyConnected = true
2024/01/05 21:25:09.024 3039 3039 Info PowerUI BATTERY_HEALTH_CHECK extraHealth=2 mBatteryMiscEvent=65536
2024/01/05 21:25:09.025 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Plug reason
2024/01/05 21:25:09.025 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Skip charging animation - by plug status
2024/01/05 21:25:09.025 3039 3039 Debug PowerUI priorPlugType = 0 mPlugType = 0 priorBatteryStatus = 3 mBatteryStatus = 3
2024/01/05 21:25:09.025 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Plug reason
2024/01/05 21:25:09.025 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Skip charging sound - by plug status
2024/01/05 21:25:09.025 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ee248b0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.027 3039 3039 Info PowerUI oldMisalign : false, curMisalign : false
2024/01/05 21:25:09.027 3039 3039 Debug SecPowerUI.Notification dismissSlowByChargerConnectionInfoPopUp()
2024/01/05 21:25:09.027 3039 3039 Debug SecPowerUI.Notification dismissChargingNotification()
2024/01/05 21:25:09.027 3039 3039 Debug SecPowerUI.Notification SecBatteryStatsSnapshot{batteryLevel=38, currentBatteryMode=0, chargingTime=0, chargingType=0, batteryHealth=2, automaticTestMode=false, isHiccupState=false}
2024/01/05 21:25:09.027 3039 3039 Debug PowerUI Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 3
2024/01/05 21:25:09.027 3039 3039 Info PowerUI mBatteryMiscEvent = 65536
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 3039 3039 Info PowerUI checkShouldTurnOffProtectBattery : -1, Scheduling start ? : false
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 3039 3039 Info PowerUI Clear time
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 2221 4819 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = charger_connected_time
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 2221 4819 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 2221 4819 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 2221 4819 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 2221 4819 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10034
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 2221 4819 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:25:09.029 2221 4819 Debug SecContentProvider called from android.uid.systemui:10034
2024/01/05 21:25:09.030 2221 4819 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:25:09.030 2221 4819 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:09.034 2221 2307 Debug BaseRestrictionMgr Package:, userid: 0, hostingType: broadcast is Restricted by policy: 4 caller is: null
2024/01/05 21:25:09.035 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:25:09.035 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:25:09.035 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } is skipped in RestrictedPackage to ProcessRecord{b2d21c6}
2024/01/05 21:25:09.035 2221 2307 Debug BaseRestrictionMgr Package:, userid: 0, hostingType: broadcast is Restricted by policy: 4 caller is: null
2024/01/05 21:25:09.035 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } is skipped in RestrictedPackage to ProcessRecord{2d7cb39}
2024/01/05 21:25:09.038 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:25:09.038 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:25:09.039 22139 22139 Info [SCPMV2][SystemMonitorReceiver] onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.041 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleBatteryUpdate
2024/01/05 21:25:09.048 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationPolicy remove Item pos = DEFAULT, type = BATTERY
2024/01/05 21:25:09.048 2221 2221 Debug PhoneWindowManagerExt ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level=38, status=3
2024/01/05 21:25:09.051 2221 2221 Debug AdaptiveBrightnessLongtermModelBuilder Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.051 2221 2221 Debug SemWifiApBroadcastReceiver Received : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.052 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationPolicy remove Item pos = DEFAULT, type = BATTERY_RESTING
2024/01/05 21:25:09.052 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationPolicy remove Item pos = DEFAULT, type = OWNER_INFO
2024/01/05 21:25:09.052 2221 2221 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.052 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationController addBatteryAndOwnerInfoIndication() battery status = BatteryStatus{status=3,level=38,plugged=0,health=2,maxChargingWattage=-1,remaining=-1ultraFastCharger=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:09.052 3039 3039 Info AODBatteryManager updateBatteryData: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:09.053 3039 3039 Info AODBatteryManager getChargeEstimateTime: not charging
2024/01/05 21:25:09.053 3039 3039 Info AODBatteryManager saveBatteryData : AOD BatteryData [mBatteryLevel=38, mBatteryStatus=DISCHARGING, mBatteryPlugType=NOT_DEFINED, mBatteryPlugged=false, mRemainingChargeTime=0, mBatteryChargingType=0, mBatteryChargerType=NORMAL, mBatteryOnline=NOT_DEFINED, mBatterySwellingMode=NONE, mBatteryProtectMode=false]
2024/01/05 21:25:09.053 3039 3039 Info ChargingInfoManager removeMessages:
2024/01/05 21:25:09.053 3039 3039 Warn AODAlarmTimer_HIDE_CHARGING_INFO_TIMER stop : not yet started
2024/01/05 21:25:09.053 3039 3039 Info ChargingInfoManager updateChargingInfo: newState = AOD ChargingInfo [mState=NONE, mIsCharging=false, mIsFullyCharged=false, mIsBatteryProtectMode=false], oldState = AOD ChargingInfo [mState=NONE, mIsCharging=false, mIsFullyCharged=false, mIsBatteryProtectMode=false]
2024/01/05 21:25:09.058 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:09.058 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:09.058 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.058 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.058 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.070 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update CPU state
2024/01/05 21:25:09.070 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker mStats lock released
2024/01/05 21:25:09.070 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker done updateExternalStatsLocked
2024/01/05 21:25:09.083 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1802(192KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 17MB/17MB, paused 110us,64us total 106.719ms
2024/01/05 21:25:09.142 1381 1399 Error BatteryDump !@new_battery_dump : 3640,-2260,100,100,38,392,341,487,392,0,411,451,0,Discharging,NO_CHARGING,None,Good,OTG,3,Normal,0,0,9600,0x40004000,0x10000,0x0,0000,0000,00000000,0,0,0,0,60,3814,3839,990,0,
2024/01/05 21:25:09.144 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:09.143] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:09.183 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2399] accel_sample [ 2.447, 4.935, 8.121] 214741340446729
2024/01/05 21:25:09.291 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1522(209KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 145us,62us total 207.335ms
2024/01/05 21:25:09.431 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@105bcbe
2024/01/05 21:25:09.462 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 786, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:09.464 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.021 ms / 384.663 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.219)
2024/01/05 21:25:09.478 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:09.478+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 524
2024/01/05 21:25:09.487 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=2, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:25:09.490 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(1/3) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=true, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=ETC
2024/01/05 21:25:09.491 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:09.491+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 524
2024/01/05 21:25:09.493 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:25:09.500 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:09.499+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 524
2024/01/05 21:25:09.506 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:09.508 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.832292 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:09.509 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.754219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:09.509 2221 2904 Info SemWifiServiceDetector NSD results: [0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1] Traff. type 1 Thr 263
2024/01/05 21:25:09.510 2221 2907 Debug SemWifiOptimizer enable=0 state=0x10 prev=0x10 new=0x00 force=0 mode=0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.607 24989 25068 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(80) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:09.627 2221 2304 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10039 5 to 15, 8 to 0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.674 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:09.673+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.384921073913574
2024/01/05 21:25:09.696 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:25:09.697 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:09.697 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:09.698 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:09.702 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dd9 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:09.706 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dda went down
2024/01/05 21:25:09.709 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5ddb went down
2024/01/05 21:25:09.711 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:25:09.711 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:09.712 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:09.713 1384 25884 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.713 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 0 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.713 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:09.719 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5ddc went down
2024/01/05 21:25:09.758 1384 25884 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:09.758 1384 25884 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 230(230),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:8736,l:230,r:88,bl:92,j:216
2024/01/05 21:25:09.759 2221 4819 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:25:09.760 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.761 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:09.761 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:09.764 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5ddd went down
2024/01/05 21:25:09.776 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-49, CE:32, PE:30, TI:39, PTI:38, TW:3, PTW:7, Tx:3450, Rx:2279, TxS:3120, RxS:2222, RESULT:true, IC:0, ICT:5, WC:0, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:25:09.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][22527] Uncal_G [ 0.007, 0.010, 0.015] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214742000937719
2024/01/05 21:25:09.840 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1204358
2024/01/05 21:25:09.858 2221 2340 Warn libprocessgroup Failed to apply TimerSlackHigh process profile: Try again
2024/01/05 21:25:09.862 2221 2340 Warn libprocessgroup Failed to apply TimerSlackHigh process profile: Try again
2024/01/05 21:25:09.872 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:09.871] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 45356, curr ts = 46389
2024/01/05 21:25:09.968 2221 25886 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(1107) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:09.969 2221 25886 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(1110) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:09.975 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2374(220KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 24MB/24MB, paused 131us,71us total 169.682ms
2024/01/05 21:25:10.014 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.519844 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:10.016 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.476614 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:10.065 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5952833 162832609 w 1969586 27198280 d 771117 190074224 f 0 241899 iot 3176580 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26979.577
2024/01/05 21:25:10.065 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 764 ndroid.systemui(3039) 628 system_server(2221) 532
2024/01/05 21:25:10.066 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:7(4498) 2816 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 212 jbd2/sda9-8(1025) 20
2024/01/05 21:25:10.171 2221 25886 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsThread [|204] []
2024/01/05 21:25:10.172 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer DNS resultType : 0, responseTime : 204
2024/01/05 21:25:10.173 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] updateBssidLatestDnsResultType - result: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:10.173 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] updateBssidNoInternet: mBssidNoInternet = false
2024/01/05 21:25:10.173 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] getOpenNetworkQosNoInternetStatus: false
2024/01/05 21:25:10.173 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] getOpenNetworkQosScores: 26 0 0
2024/01/05 21:25:10.174 2221 2924 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = wifi_wcm_qos_sharing_score_summary
2024/01/05 21:25:10.174 2221 2924 Info WifiProfileShare network QoS data was changed (internet), updateQoSData networkType: true, qosData: false
2024/01/05 21:25:10.174 2221 4018 Debug WifiProfileShare nearby scanning settings run
2024/01/05 21:25:10.174 2221 4018 Debug WifiProfileShare network score provider settings enabled
2024/01/05 21:25:10.174 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData(qos) - unavailable for this config
2024/01/05 21:25:10.175 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData(pwd sta) - unavailable for this config
2024/01/05 21:25:10.175 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData - there is no data
2024/01/05 21:25:10.242 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7e82570
2024/01/05 21:25:10.260 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:10.260] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:10.327 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2178(227KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 15MB/30MB, paused 88us,68us total 350.989ms
2024/01/05 21:25:10.335 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:199:21:976895:2284800:806400:1346303:1996800:883200:222:285:220
2024/01/05 21:25:10.438 2221 2304 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10041 3 to 15, 8 to 0
2024/01/05 21:25:10.442 1774 6807 Info CameraService onUidStateChanged: uid=10041, procState is changed. (3 -> 15)
2024/01/05 21:25:10.490 2221 2388 Debug PowerManagerService UserActivityStateListenerState: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:10.513 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:10.520 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.759219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:10.524 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 3.396354 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:10.644 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@154e00f
2024/01/05 21:25:10.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:10.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:10.791 1822 17989 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 evictor expired: 1, evicted: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:10.851 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 73/76 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:10.859 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 71/80 (recycle/alloc) - 6/75 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:11.018 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:11.018] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 46389, curr ts = 47456
2024/01/05 21:25:11.030 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.109323 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:11.031 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.918854 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:11.031 2221 2904 Info SemWifiServiceDetector NSD results: [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1] Traff. type 1 Thr 144
2024/01/05 21:25:11.034 2221 2907 Debug SemWifiOptimizer enable=1 state=0x10 prev=0x00 new=0x10 force=0 mode=0
2024/01/05 21:25:11.047 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3e4967a
2024/01/05 21:25:11.195 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2505] accel_sample [ 2.173, 4.802, 8.430] 214743352832927
2024/01/05 21:25:11.285 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 82/Done 82|Work-Rate: Q(14.6/s Avg=14.7/s) Done(14.598/s Avg=14.686/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 639.1Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:11.285 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:11.359 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 232(232),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:8816,l:233,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:220
2024/01/05 21:25:11.371 1772 1772 Info CNSS cnss_open_log_file: directory /data/vendor/log/wifi/ created
2024/01/05 21:25:11.417 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2313(281KB) AllocSpace objects, 19(25MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 108us,73us total 299.977ms
2024/01/05 21:25:11.443 2221 2376 Error AppOps User 0, OP 1 is restricted by 1000
2024/01/05 21:25:11.444 3937 4014 Info RequestManager_FLP onOpChanged, op=0 /
2024/01/05 21:25:11.450 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@a896e2b
2024/01/05 21:25:11.462 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.462+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:11.462 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.462+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:11.463 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.463+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=586, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:11.463 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.463+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 586
2024/01/05 21:25:11.466 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:25:11.468 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 600064
2024/01/05 21:25:11.469 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:25:11.473 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.473+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:11.474 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.473+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:11.474 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.474+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=586, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:11.475 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.474+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 586
2024/01/05 21:25:11.501 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 8 10 10 10 MD : -77 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 WD : -49 -50 -50 -52 -49 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:11.520 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:11.535 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.088802 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:11.536 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.90625 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:11.736 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:11.736+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.548981666564941
2024/01/05 21:25:11.790 1423 2161 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be325a178 : 6(98304 size) total buffers - 6(98304 size) used buffers - 0/6 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:11.790 1423 2161 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:11.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][23370] Uncal_G [ 0.005, 0.023,-0.043] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214744001461052
2024/01/05 21:25:11.854 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@215a046
2024/01/05 21:25:11.954 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:11.954] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 47456, curr ts = 48456
2024/01/05 21:25:12.071 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5952913 162833589 w 1969586 27198280 d 771117 190074224 f 0 241899 iot 3176656 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26981.584
2024/01/05 21:25:12.255 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@42fe15d
2024/01/05 21:25:12.262 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:12.262] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:12.292 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:12.406 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26981.918607
2024/01/05 21:25:12.407 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7071 ] when=26981.918607
2024/01/05 21:25:12.408 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.408 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.408 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:12.409 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService [api] userActivityFromNative : (event: 2 flags: 0 displayId: 0) eventTime = 26981918
2024/01/05 21:25:12.409 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 3195256 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:12.409 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 3195256 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:12.415 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService UserActivityStateListenerState: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.439 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 520070044
2024/01/05 21:25:12.439 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 520070044
2024/01/05 21:25:12.471 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:12.471+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.471 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:12.471+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:12.471 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:12.471+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 586
2024/01/05 21:25:12.472 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:12.472+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.472 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:12.472+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:12.472 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:12.472+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 586
2024/01/05 21:25:12.475 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 787, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:12.477 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.022 ms / 364.330 Mbps (780 / 0.009 / 1.149)
2024/01/05 21:25:12.516 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 4.343698 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:12.517 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.712448 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:12.524 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:12.658 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c7caa0
2024/01/05 21:25:12.737 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:12.737] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:25:12.737 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:12.737] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.832 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26982.345043
2024/01/05 21:25:12.832 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26982.345043
2024/01/05 21:25:12.833 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.833 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:12.925 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:12.925] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 24Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 48456, curr ts = 49456
2024/01/05 21:25:13.020 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.011771 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:13.022 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.944115 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:13.062 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d33eaff
2024/01/05 21:25:13.207 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2611] accel_sample [ 2.915, 4.614, 8.308] 214745365225114
2024/01/05 21:25:13.209 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26982.721817
2024/01/05 21:25:13.209 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7072 ] when=26982.721817
2024/01/05 21:25:13.210 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:13.210 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:13.210 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:13.212 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 541654266 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:13.216 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 541654266 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:13.218 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 605268005
2024/01/05 21:25:13.218 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 605268005
2024/01/05 21:25:13.465 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@eef0cc
2024/01/05 21:25:13.522 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.474635 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:13.523 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.411041 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:13.529 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:13.535 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService [api] userActivityFromNative : (event: 2 flags: 0 displayId: 0) eventTime = 26983047
2024/01/05 21:25:13.567 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26983.080285
2024/01/05 21:25:13.568 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26983.080285
2024/01/05 21:25:13.568 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:13.569 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:13.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:13.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:13.759 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [CONTACT con(0) dat(0) acc({}) calls([logtype:100 cnt:4, logtype:200 cnt:6, logtype:300 cnt:458, logtype:500 cnt:1, logtype:1000 cnt:133]) Iso(CN) uId(0) ]
2024/01/05 21:25:13.759 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [ agr({}) ]
2024/01/05 21:25:13.759 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [ cnt({, acore(704)=1}) ]
2024/01/05 21:25:13.759 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [PROFILE ] [SAPROFILE ]
2024/01/05 21:25:13.759 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [STATE R(F) ]
2024/01/05 21:25:13.777 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:13.777+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.698677062988281
2024/01/05 21:25:13.819 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=1 when=26983.331710
2024/01/05 21:25:13.820 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x0 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.7073 ] when=26983.331710
2024/01/05 21:25:13.821 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (3039): action: 0x4, f=0x0, d=0, '4e6889d', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:13.822 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x0, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:13.822 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 0
2024/01/05 21:25:13.822 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 957918389 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:13.823 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id: 957918389 caller: android.view.InputEventReceiver.dispatchInputEvent:285
2024/01/05 21:25:13.830 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 915134233
2024/01/05 21:25:13.830 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw. action: 2 id: 915134233
2024/01/05 21:25:13.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][24213] Uncal_G [ 0.065,-0.062,-0.018] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214746001988552
2024/01/05 21:25:13.872 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c66381b
2024/01/05 21:25:13.966 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:13.966+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:13.966 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:13.966+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:13.967 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:13.967+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=600, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:25:13.967 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:13.967+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:13.967 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:25:13.969 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 614400
2024/01/05 21:25:13.969 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:25:14.024 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.439166 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:14.024 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.386094 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:14.072 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5952921 162833701 w 1969638 27198488 d 771152 190105232 f 0 241903 iot 3176708 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26983.585
2024/01/05 21:25:14.073 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 740 nebula.mainland(24339) 164 cnss_diag(1772) 112
2024/01/05 21:25:14.073 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 44 d.process.acore(704) 8
2024/01/05 21:25:14.078 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 227(227),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:8608,l:227,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:218
2024/01/05 21:25:14.263 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:14.262] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:14.263 2221 2235 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10041 15 to 3, 0 to 8
2024/01/05 21:25:14.269 1774 6807 Info CameraService onUidStateChanged: uid=10041, procState is changed. (15 -> 3)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.272 25798 25812 Error CommonHolder sLongPressTimeOut:440:sLongLongPressTimeOut:1030
2024/01/05 21:25:14.274 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1aca6f6
2024/01/05 21:25:14.280 1491 2310 Debug AudioFlinger mixer(0xb400007cab1b0850) Spend too much time to write: delta 34(effect 0, stage 0)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.283 2221 2376 Error AppOps User 0, OP 1 is restricted by 1000
2024/01/05 21:25:14.284 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent initTouchEvent: foundWidgetName=android.widget.Button,foundWidgetId=com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly:id/touchPanel,touchText=
2024/01/05 21:25:14.284 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,taskId=3255,windowMode=1,com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly: com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
2024/01/05 21:25:14.284 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,touchRawX1=659,touchRawY1=1359,x2=659,y2=1278,h=2340,w=1080
2024/01/05 21:25:14.284 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,originalAppBound=Rect(0, 81 - 1080, 2196),appBound=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2196),inputType=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.284 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent ,Web=title=null
2024/01/05 21:25:14.284 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent url=null
2024/01/05 21:25:14.284 25798 25812 Info BixbyTouchEvent originalUrl=null
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 3937 4014 Info RequestManager_FLP onOpChanged, op=0 /
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 1774 6807 Info CameraService this package can access to hidden camera ids.
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManager registerAvailabilityCallback: Is device callback = false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 0 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 1 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 2 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 3 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 20 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 21 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 23 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 52 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 56 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.285 25798 25812 Info CameraManagerGlobal postSingleUpdate device: camera id 58 status STATUS_PRESENT
2024/01/05 21:25:14.286 25798 25812 Error BixbyTouchModel stopTriggerAnimation:
2024/01/05 21:25:14.287 2221 2984 Info InputMethodManagerService isInputMethodShown: isShown=false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.288 25798 25824 Error ActivityThread Failed to find provider info for
2024/01/05 21:25:14.288 25798 25825 Error ActivityThread Failed to find provider info for
2024/01/05 21:25:14.288 2221 2235 Debug WindowManager takeScreenshotToTargetWindow: display=0, target=1, containsTarget=false, crop=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340), w=1080, h=2340, useIdentityTransform=false, ignorePolicy=false, android.view.IWindowManager$Stub.onTransact:3755
2024/01/05 21:25:14.288 2221 2235 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.288 2221 2235 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.288 2221 2235 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.288 2221 2235 Debug WindowManager takeScreenshotToTargetWindow: targetSurface=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255})/@0x3bb824, sourceCrop=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.305 1491 2310 Debug AudioFlinger mixer(0xb400007cab1b0850) throttle end: throttle time(3)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.318 2221 2221 Info GestureDetector handleMessage LONG_PRESS
2024/01/05 21:25:14.319 2221 2288 Info GestureDetector handleMessage LONG_PRESS
2024/01/05 21:25:14.420 25798 25889 Info BixbyTouchModel checkPrivacyProtectionEnable: false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.460 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:14.460+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:14.463 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:14.463+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:14.463 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:14.463+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:14.525 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.434739 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:14.526 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.400365 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:14.539 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:14.580 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService onCreate() :
2024/01/05 21:25:14.580 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService loaded theme = 2131951951
2024/01/05 21:25:14.580 25798 25798 Info TriggerAnimation createLayoutParams
2024/01/05 21:25:14.581 25798 25798 Info TriggerAnimation onStartCommand: Intent { (has extras) },flag=0,startId=1
2024/01/05 21:25:14.591 25798 25798 Info DecorView [INFO] isPopOver=false config=false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.592 25798 25798 Info DecorView updateCaptionType: isFloating=false isApplication=true hasWindowDecorCaption=false this=DecorView@205236a[]
2024/01/05 21:25:14.594 25798 25798 Info DecorView getCurrentDensityDpi: from app context. densityDpi=480 msg=resources_loaded
2024/01/05 21:25:14.594 25798 25798 Info DecorView setWindowBackground: isPopOver=false color=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.599 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService onStartCommand()
2024/01/05 21:25:14.600 25798 25798 Info MSHandlerLifeCycle check: return. isActivity=false$$Nest$mhandleServiceArgs:0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.600 25798 25798 Info MSHandlerLifeCycle removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@205236a[TriggerUIService]
2024/01/05 21:25:14.601 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=2, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:25:14.602 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(1/3) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=true, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=ETC
2024/01/05 21:25:14.606 25798 25798 Info DecorView onImmersiveModeChanged: isStatusBarHidden=true
2024/01/05 21:25:14.606 25798 25798 Info DecorView notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.607 2221 5212 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.607 2221 5212 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.607 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:25:14.607 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16002 createSurf, flag=80004, WindowToken{5798f93 type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@7743c82}#16002
2024/01/05 21:25:14.608 2221 5212 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.609 2221 5212 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: 'd331bd0', fd=1104
2024/01/05 21:25:14.609 2221 5212 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: 'd331bd0', fd=1105
2024/01/05 21:25:14.609 2221 5212 Debug InputTransport Input channel constructed: 'd331bd0', fd=1106
2024/01/05 21:25:14.609 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16003 createSurf, flag=80004, d331bd0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.610 2221 5212 Debug InputTransport Input channel destroyed: 'd331bd0', fd=1106
2024/01/05 21:25:14.611 2221 5212 Debug CoreBackPreview Window{d331bd0 u0}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@62d9ece, mPriority=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:14.613 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] setView = TM=true
2024/01/05 21:25:14.613 2221 2791 Debug PowerManagerService [api] userActivityFromNative : (event: 2 flags: 0 displayId: 0) eventTime = 26984125
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] performTraversals params={(479,1179)(400xfill) gr=TOP START CENTER sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2413 fmt=RGBA_8888
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] fl=d800708
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] pfl=2000010
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] vsysui=700
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE naviIconColor=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] performTraversals mFirst=true windowShouldResize=true viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(479,1179)(400xfill) gr=TOP START CENTER sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2413 fmt=RGBA_8888
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] fl=d800708
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] pfl=2000010
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] vsysui=700
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE naviIconColor=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager Relayout Window{d331bd0 u0}: viewVisibility=0 req=400x2340 d0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 2221 2235 Debug RestrictionPolicy isScreenCaptureEnabled : ret=true userId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.614 1511 1654 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16004 createSurf, flag=40004,$_25798#16004
2024/01/05 21:25:14.615 2221 2235 Debug WindowManager makeSurface duration=1$_25798
2024/01/05 21:25:14.616 2221 2235 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.616 2221 2235 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.616 2221 2235 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.618 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager Relayout hash=d331bd0, pid=25798, syncId=-1: mAttrs={(479,1179)(400xfill) gr=TOP START CENTER sim={adjust=nothing forwardNavigation} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=2413 fmt=RGBA_8888
2024/01/05 21:25:14.618 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager fl=d800708
2024/01/05 21:25:14.618 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager pfl=2000010
2024/01/05 21:25:14.618 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager vsysui=700
2024/01/05 21:25:14.618 2221 2235 Verbose WindowManager bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE naviIconColor=0}
2024/01/05 21:25:14.619 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=null isSameSurfaceControl=false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.619 25798 25798 Info BLASTBufferQueue new BLASTBufferQueue, mName= ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] mNativeObject= 0xb4000071aaefa850 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb40000713aefa370 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:923 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:852 android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:25:14.619 25798 25798 Info BLASTBufferQueue update, w= 400 h= 2340 mName = ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] mNativeObject= 0xb4000071aaefa850 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb40000713aefa370 format= 1 caller=<init>:84 android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$
2024/01/05 21:25:14.620 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] Relayout returned: old=(479,1179,879,3519) new=(479,1179,879,3519) req=(400,2340)0 dur=5 res=0x3 s={true 0xb40000723aee4e80} ch=true seqId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.620 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] mThreadedRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 0xb40000723aee4e80} hwInitialized=true
2024/01/05 21:25:14.623 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4438 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$
2024/01/05 21:25:14.623 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] Setup new sync id=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.623 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] Setting syncFrameCallback
2024/01/05 21:25:14.623 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 QUALCOMM build : 5a00bbd4b7, I0f5aa60515
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Date : 01/16/23
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.36.08.13
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Local Branch :
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch :
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch :
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Reconstruct Branch :
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Config : S P 12.1.1 AArch64
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/
2024/01/05 21:25:14.626 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Driver Version : 0615.0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.634 25798 25851 Info AdrenoGLES-0 PFP: 0x01730155, ME: 0x00000000
2024/01/05 21:25:14.653 599 599 Info hwservicemanager getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.qspmhal@1.0::IQspmhal/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
2024/01/05 21:25:14.653 25798 25851 Warn Adreno-AppProfiles Could not find QSPM HAL service. Skipping adreno profile processing.
2024/01/05 21:25:14.672 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModeCount: Supported color mode count = 3
2024/01/05 21:25:14.675 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModes: Color mode = 0 is supported
2024/01/05 21:25:14.675 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModes: Color mode = 7 is supported
2024/01/05 21:25:14.675 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCColorModeStc::GetColorModes: Color mode = 9 is supported
2024/01/05 21:25:14.676 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@92391ef
2024/01/05 21:25:14.676 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCDisplay::GetColorModeCount: Supported color mode count = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:14.676 1409 1628 Info SDM HWCDisplay::GetColorModes: Color mode = 0 is supported
2024/01/05 21:25:14.683 25798 25891 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] Received frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=1.
2024/01/05 21:25:14.683 25798 25891 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] Setting up sync and frameCommitCallback
2024/01/05 21:25:14.684 25798 25851 Info BLASTBufferQueue [ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService]#1](f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
2024/01/05 21:25:14.687 25798 25851 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true
2024/01/05 21:25:14.689 25798 25851 Warn Parcel Expecting binder but got null!
2024/01/05 21:25:14.690 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] onSyncComplete
2024/01/05 21:25:14.690 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] setupSync seqId=0 mSyncId=0 fn=1 caller=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11.accept:6 android.window.SurfaceSyncer.lambda$setupSync$1$android-window-SurfaceSyncer:128 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.accept:8 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.checkIfSyncIsComplete:382 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.markSyncReady:359 android.window.SurfaceSyncer.markSyncReady:151 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4503
2024/01/05 21:25:14.690 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] reportDrawFinished seqId=0 mSyncId=-1 fn=1 mSurfaceChangedTransaction=0xb40000716aeee970
2024/01/05 21:25:14.691 2221 5212 Debug WindowManager finishDrawingWindow: Window{d331bd0 u0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING seqId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.691 2221 2291 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.691 2221 2291 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.691 2221 2291 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.692 2221 2291 Verbose WindowManager performShowLocked: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN in Window{d331bd0 u0}
2024/01/05 21:25:14.704 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger Display 4630947232161729154 HWC layers:
2024/01/05 21:25:14.704 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0bd490 | 0102 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | SurfaceView[com.DefaultCompany.NR_TR[...].UnityPlayerActivity]@0(BLAST)#15987
2024/01/05 21:25:14.704 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0b23f0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOn[...]yer.UnityPlayerActivity$_25535#15982
2024/01/05 21:25:14.704 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0a3840 | 0100 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 400.0 1161.0 | 479 1179 879 2340 |[...]ervice.TriggerUIService$_25798#16004
2024/01/05 21:25:14.704 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger
2024/01/05 21:25:14.762 25798 25894 Error ScsApi@ServiceExecutor task >>
2024/01/05 21:25:14.763 25798 25894 Info ScsApi@Feature checkFeature() : FEATURE_IMAGE_GET_BOUNDARIES
2024/01/05 21:25:14.764 2221 5212 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10095 19 to 5, 0 to 8
2024/01/05 21:25:14.767 25798 25894 Info ScsApi@FeatureHolder setStatus() : FEATURE_IMAGE_GET_BOUNDARIES : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.769 2221 5212 Info ActivityManager is exempt from freezer by list
2024/01/05 21:25:14.769 2221 5212 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10095; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:14.769 2221 5212 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10095; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:14.770 2221 5212 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10095; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:14.770 2221 5212 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10095; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:14.772 2221 2308 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10095; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:14.782 1309 1309 Debug Zygote Forked child process 25896
2024/01/05 21:25:14.782 2221 2308 Info ActivityManager Start proc for service {}
2024/01/05 21:25:14.812 25896 25896 Info droid.scs:image Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
2024/01/05 21:25:14.817 25896 25896 Error droid.scs:image Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
2024/01/05 21:25:14.823 25896 25896 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator
2024/01/05 21:25:14.824 25896 25896 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator - put
2024/01/05 21:25:14.828 2221 5212 Info ActivityManager DSS OFF for
2024/01/05 21:25:14.835 25896 25896 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10095; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:25:14.878 25896 25896 Info ServiceApplication version: flavor:full
2024/01/05 21:25:14.880 2221 2792 Debug InputReader Btn_touch(6): value=0 when=26984.392913
2024/01/05 21:25:14.881 2221 2792 Info InputReader Touch event's action is 0x1 (id=7, t=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=26984.392913
2024/01/05 21:25:14.882 2221 2791 Info InputDispatcher Delivering touch to (25535): action: 0x1, f=0x0, d=0, 'b5a838c', t=1
2024/01/05 21:25:14.884 25798 25810 Error BixbyTouchModel stopTriggerAnimation:
2024/01/05 21:25:14.887 25798 25798 Info TriggerAnimation onDestroy
2024/01/05 21:25:14.888 25535 25535 Info ViewRootImpl@141f3ed[UnityPlayerActivity] ViewPostIme pointer 1
2024/01/05 21:25:14.891 25798 25798 Info SemUiSupportService onDestroy() :
2024/01/05 21:25:14.891 2221 2234 Debug CoreBackPreview Window{d331bd0 u0}: Setting back callback null
2024/01/05 21:25:14.891 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (ImageServiceBinder) Service: processing detectBoundaries
2024/01/05 21:25:14.891 25798 25798 Info MSHandlerLifeCycle removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@205236a[TriggerUIService]
2024/01/05 21:25:14.893 25798 25798 Info ViewRootImpl@53f94a4[TriggerUIService] dispatchDetachedFromWindow
2024/01/05 21:25:14.893 2221 5212 Debug InputTransport Input channel destroyed: 'd331bd0', fd=1104
2024/01/05 21:25:14.893 2221 5212 Warn InputManager-JNI Input channel object 'd331bd0 (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
2024/01/05 21:25:14.893 2221 5212 Debug InputTransport Input channel destroyed: 'd331bd0', fd=1105
2024/01/05 21:25:14.893 2221 5212 Verbose WindowManager Remove Window{d331bd0 u0}: mSurfaceController=Surface($_25798)/@0xd6d1900 mAnimatingExit=false mRemoveOnExit=false mHasSurface=true surfaceShowing=true animating=false app-animation=false mWillReplaceWindow=false mDisplayFrozen=false android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:743 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1316
2024/01/05 21:25:14.893 2221 5212 Info WindowManager Destroying surface Surface($_25798)/@0xd6d1900 called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:743
2024/01/05 21:25:14.894 2221 5212 Error WindowManager Unknown window type: 2413
2024/01/05 21:25:14.898 2221 2234 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:25:14.902 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16004 removedFromDrawingState$_25798#16004 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.903 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16003 removedFromDrawingState d331bd0 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.903 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16002 removedFromDrawingState WindowToken{5798f93 type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@7743c82}#16002 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.903 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16002 Removed WindowToken{5798f93 type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@7743c82}#16002 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.903 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16003 Removed d331bd0 (156)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.904 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16002 Destroyed WindowToken{5798f93 type=2413 android.os.BinderProxy@7743c82}#16002
2024/01/05 21:25:14.904 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16003 Destroyed d331bd0
2024/01/05 21:25:14.906 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (LayoutExtractionHelper) identify Bounding Boxes
2024/01/05 21:25:14.910 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger Display 4630947232161729154 HWC layers:
2024/01/05 21:25:14.910 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0bd490 | 0102 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | SurfaceView[com.DefaultCompany.NR_TR[...].UnityPlayerActivity]@0(BLAST)#15987
2024/01/05 21:25:14.910 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger DEVICE | 0xb40000774d0b23f0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2340.0 | 0 0 1080 2340 | com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOn[...]yer.UnityPlayerActivity$_25535#15982
2024/01/05 21:25:14.910 1511 1511 Debug SurfaceFlinger
2024/01/05 21:25:14.917 599 599 Info hwservicemanager getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.renderscript@1.0::IDevice/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
2024/01/05 21:25:14.919 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger id=16004 Removed$_25798#16004 (154)
2024/01/05 21:25:14.920 1511 1511 Info Layer id=16004 Destroyed$_25798#16004
2024/01/05 21:25:14.921 25896 25912 Info DIAGMON_SDK[605029][4N4-399-535399] generated SR object
2024/01/05 21:25:14.987 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (LayoutExtractionHelper) Get Boxes from DL
2024/01/05 21:25:15.026 25896 25908 Info tflite Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
2024/01/05 21:25:15.028 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (LayoutAnalysisClassify) Inferernce Start
2024/01/05 21:25:15.078 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@de9dffb
2024/01/05 21:25:15.181 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (LayoutAnalysisClassify) Post processing Start
2024/01/05 21:25:15.193 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (LayoutExtractionHelper) Get Boxes from OpenCV
2024/01/05 21:25:15.221 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2717] accel_sample [ 3.939, 4.442, 7.912] 214747377620479
2024/01/05 21:25:15.244 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (LayoutExtractionHelper) Correct Bounding Boxes
2024/01/05 21:25:15.252 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (LayoutExtractionHelper) Bounding Boxes done
2024/01/05 21:25:15.252 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (Controller) Time taken by Engine for getting boundary boxes: 0.346
2024/01/05 21:25:15.252 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (BoundaryDetector) BoundaryDetector
2024/01/05 21:25:15.252 25896 25908 Info SCS@BoundaryBoxes (ImageServiceBinder) detectBoundaries(). boundaryList.size(): 49
2024/01/05 21:25:15.265 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD
2024/01/05 21:25:15.265 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler memAvailable: 1661824, memFreeTarget: 2201600, releaseTarget:539776, protectedLruCount: 24
2024/01/05 21:25:15.284 2221 2895 Info NSLocationMonitor getGPSUsingApps() called
2024/01/05 21:25:15.287 3937 3956 Info NSLocationManager_FLP getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013} / FREEZE={}
2024/01/05 21:25:15.288 2221 2895 Info AS.AudioService uid:10254is using audio
2024/01/05 21:25:15.289 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY
2024/01/05 21:25:15.290 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Killed on trigger0 :[24137], freed: 8399, 10073[24137]:G2(0x20000) score=27.0(37 10/5 8399), pids: 24137 / stats: 19 / adjs: 965
2024/01/05 21:25:15.290 2221 2895 Info ActivityManager Killing (adj 965): Chimera #0
2024/01/05 21:25:15.291 2221 2895 Debug ActivityManager proc ProcessRecord{2a860a5} already removed. so we skip next process.
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler kill complete: killed 1 apps, freed 8399 KB
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: LR, pids: 24339 25535
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: CA, pids: 25624 20633 24989 25896 20661 23499 24662 17261 20595
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: PE, pids: 15622 4359 4490 6926 6291 3100 22820 3367 2988 2221 9520 8504 4539 6718 4032 704 3016 3402 4301 465 4563 3418 3039 3937 5601 6370 3305 4458 22897 4467 10100 4477 4606
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: IN, pids: 8161 15298 23684 21957 30217 22220 20556 20525 24111 24272 19345 14290 20724 22421 22422 20662 21944 24440 22169 22139 22237 20510
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: VI, pids: 24170
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: SE, pids: 20946 10333 19751 1320 751 17908 11062
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: AD, pids: 10976 12901 29701 25798 3535 5396 5589 4312
2024/01/05 21:25:15.292 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Processing time(ms) 27
2024/01/05 21:25:15.303 2221 2330 Info libprocessgroup Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10073 pid 24137 in 11ms
2024/01/05 21:25:15.344 2221 5212 Verbose ActivityManager Got obituary of
2024/01/05 21:25:15.345 1309 1309 Info Zygote Process 24137 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
2024/01/05 21:25:15.482 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c5bf271
2024/01/05 21:25:15.489 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 788, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:15.494 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.021 ms / 386.401 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.179)
2024/01/05 21:25:15.514 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.04724 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:15.516 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.081615 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:15.545 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:15.601 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:15.656 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDevice] Glasses put off
2024/01/05 21:25:15.688 2988 3653 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:25:15.690 2988 3653 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:25:15.734 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1172(180KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 13MB/13MB, paused 101us,67us total 118.245ms
2024/01/05 21:25:15.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][25055] Uncal_G [-0.101, 0.017,-0.011] [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] 214748000147458
2024/01/05 21:25:15.837 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:15.837+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.563106536865234
2024/01/05 21:25:15.884 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4949c2e
2024/01/05 21:25:16.019 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.248542 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:16.023 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 3.189791 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:16.035 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1332(189KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(6760KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/25MB, paused 101us,60us total 297.845ms
2024/01/05 21:25:16.053 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 9
2024/01/05 21:25:16.055 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:16.054] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 26Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 51456, curr ts = 52489
2024/01/05 21:25:16.078 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5953486 162845973 w 1969659 27201428 d 771152 190105232 f 0 241905 iot 3177148 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26985.590
2024/01/05 21:25:16.264 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:16.263] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:16.286 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 155/Done 155|Work-Rate: Q(14.6/s Avg=14.6/s) Done(14.599/s Avg=14.645/s)| Stream: 14.93fps 674.9Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:16.287 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@93e5c65
2024/01/05 21:25:16.287 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:16.324 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 153/156 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:16.330 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 151/160 (recycle/alloc) - 6/155 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:16.529 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.34677 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:16.532 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.741875 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:16.548 2221 2984 Debug CustomizedBinderCallsStatsInternal reportCpuUsage() : 5%
2024/01/05 21:25:16.548 2221 2304 Info BinderCallsStats Collected cpu time : 464us, collected call count : 6723 for 60177 ms
2024/01/05 21:25:16.567 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:16.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:16.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:16.690 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@2e8498c
2024/01/05 21:25:16.702 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:531 BAT:392 USB:341 CHG:493 PA:472 WIFI:469 CF:409 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:403 CHG2:397 WIFI2:415 UANT2:402 DANT2:355 RCV2:405 SPK2:344 FCAM:339 UPSPK:405 DNSPK:337 AMB:217
2024/01/05 21:25:16.702 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:25:16.720 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2819(247KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 25MB/25MB, paused 1.590ms,325us total 130.485ms
2024/01/05 21:25:16.924 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2040(264KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(19MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10087KB/19MB, paused 115us,74us total 202.013ms
2024/01/05 21:25:16.958 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 259(259),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:9840,l:259,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:248
2024/01/05 21:25:17.022 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:17.022] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 14Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 52489, curr ts = 53522
2024/01/05 21:25:17.037 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.711145 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:17.039 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.110313 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:17.093 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@49ef7db
2024/01/05 21:25:17.184 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:17.183] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:17.232 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2823] accel_sample [ 1.204, 3.746, 9.320] 214749390026833
2024/01/05 21:25:17.496 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5967278
2024/01/05 21:25:17.543 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.784011 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:17.547 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.943125 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:17.559 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 9 10 9 10 10 10 MD : -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 WD : -49 -48 -49 -50 -51 -51 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:17.589 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:17.693 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:25:17.693 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:17.693 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:17.694 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:17.700 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dde went down
2024/01/05 21:25:17.704 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5ddf went down
2024/01/05 21:25:17.706 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de0 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:17.708 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:17.708 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:17.709 1384 25932 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:17.710 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:17.710 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:17.710 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de1 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:17.710 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:17.738 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:17.738] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:17.758 1384 25932 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:17.758 1384 25932 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214749923682771 ns; value = [263, 263, 2, 1, 248, 72, 2, 1, 623, -1]
2024/01/05 21:25:17.760 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:25:17.760 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:17.761 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:17.761 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:17.763 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:17.763 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de2 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:17.773 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1455(251KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/25MB, paused 100us,63us total 359.541ms
2024/01/05 21:25:17.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][25898] Uncal_G [-0.251, 0.269,-0.170] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214750000692875
2024/01/05 21:25:17.850 2221 2388 Debug PowerManagerService UserActivityStateListenerState: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:17.894 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:17.894+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.577259063720703
2024/01/05 21:25:17.900 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b0b36b7
2024/01/05 21:25:17.953 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,255, duration,3569, ts,214750123047614, ts_diff,463473
2024/01/05 21:25:17.954 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,0.505,2.807,8.451, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:17.954 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:17.955 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:17.955 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:17.955 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:17.955 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:17.956 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:17.956 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:17.957 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:18.021 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,0.294,2.266,9.143, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:18.081 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5953492 162846041 w 1969712 27201680 d 771181 190105824 f 0 241911 iot 3177180 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26987.594
2024/01/05 21:25:18.083 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): droid.scs:image(25896) 10512 roid.bixbytouch(25798) 1204 system_server(2221) 332
2024/01/05 21:25:18.084 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:1(13987) 2876 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 92 system_server(2221) 48
2024/01/05 21:25:18.106 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:18.106] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 14Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 53522, curr ts = 54553
2024/01/05 21:25:18.264 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:18.263] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:18.276 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,0, duration,0, ts,214750445780739, ts_diff,512535
2024/01/05 21:25:18.276 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,2.261,3.013,10.593, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:18.277 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:18.277 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:18.277 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:18.277 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:18.278 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:18.278 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:18.278 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:18.278 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:18.302 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@97b3b42
2024/01/05 21:25:18.343 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,255, duration,0, ts,214750483800114, ts_diff,29365191
2024/01/05 21:25:18.343 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,1.230,3.125,9.638, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:18.344 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:18.344 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:18.344 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:18.344 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:18.344 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:18.345 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:18.345 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:18.345 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:18.381 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,0, duration,0, ts,214750540619333, ts_diff,10733837
2024/01/05 21:25:18.381 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,2.240,2.541,9.535, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:18.382 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:18.384 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:18.384 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:18.384 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:18.385 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:18.385 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:18.385 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:18.386 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:18.506 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 789, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:18.508 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.020 ms / 391.489 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.166)
2024/01/05 21:25:18.522 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.934792 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:18.523 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.467188 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:18.525 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 3484(226KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 27MB/27MB, paused 5.615ms,74us total 157.734ms
2024/01/05 21:25:18.596 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:18.706 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@9e38589
2024/01/05 21:25:18.714 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2032(262KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(19MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 126us,61us total 187.993ms
2024/01/05 21:25:18.937 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:19.027 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.702916 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:19.028 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.95177 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:19.079 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:19.079] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 14Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 54553, curr ts = 55553
2024/01/05 21:25:19.088 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(0/2) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=3, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:25:19.089 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(0/2) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=false, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=CMCC
2024/01/05 21:25:19.092 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=0
2024/01/05 21:25:19.108 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ed72dbc
2024/01/05 21:25:19.244 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][2929] accel_sample [ 4.773, 0.104, 9.294] 214751402446052
2024/01/05 21:25:19.510 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@cf5f145
2024/01/05 21:25:19.530 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.09 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:19.532 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.194948 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:19.603 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:19.643 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1835(260KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/24MB, paused 156us,74us total 280.850ms
2024/01/05 21:25:19.662 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:154, auto_rotation_event_2 event,255, duration,418, ts,214751831771416, ts_diff,571076
2024/01/05 21:25:19.662 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:159, auto_rotation_debug_2 acc,3.221,0.440,9.267, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:19.664 3039 3039 Debug AppController AppControlSensorListener.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:19.664 2221 2288 Info WindowOrientationListener OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged, Rotation: -1
2024/01/05 21:25:19.664 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0)
2024/01/05 21:25:19.664 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=null
2024/01/05 21:25:19.665 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=25 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED (-1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:19.665 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager rotationForOrientation(orient=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1), last=ROTATION_0 (0)); user=ROTATION_0 (0) USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
2024/01/05 21:25:19.665 2221 2288 Debug WindowManager rotationForOrientation, orientationSource=ActivityRecord{9674341 u0 com.DefaultCompany.NR_TRTC_Yuv_RGBOnly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t3255}
2024/01/05 21:25:19.665 2221 2288 Verbose WindowManager Computed rotation=ROTATION_0 (0) for display id=0 based on lastOrientation=SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT (1) and oldRotation=ROTATION_0 (0),$OrientationListener.onProposedRotationChanged:1861$OrientationSensorJudge.finalizeRotation:1407$OrientationSensorJudge.onSensorChanged:1330
2024/01/05 21:25:19.687 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:19.687] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:19.782 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-49, CE:32, PE:32, TI:37, PTI:39, TW:2, PTW:3, Tx:3880, Rx:2152, TxS:3110, RxS:2094, RESULT:true, IC:0, ICT:5, WC:0, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:25:19.783 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:25:19.783 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:19.783 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:19.784 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:19.787 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de3 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:19.789 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de4 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:19.792 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de5 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:19.793 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:25:19.793 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:19.793 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:19.793 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de6 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:19.794 1384 25934 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:19.794 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:19.794 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:19.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][26741] Uncal_G [ 0.056, 0.075, 0.049] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214752001248239
2024/01/05 21:25:19.838 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 274(274),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:10384,l:274,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:263
2024/01/05 21:25:19.838 1384 25934 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:19.838 1384 25934 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 274(274),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:10384,l:274,r:88,bl:92,j:263
2024/01/05 21:25:19.840 2221 4819 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:25:19.840 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:19.841 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:19.841 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:19.842 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de7 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:19.912 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8a13ba7
2024/01/05 21:25:19.955 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:19.955+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.563106536865234
2024/01/05 21:25:19.956 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:19.955] [25790] [INFO] [NRSDK] skip: 0.083333336
2024/01/05 21:25:20.037 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.614792 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:20.038 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.995104 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:20.087 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5953507 162846241 w 1969723 27204696 d 771181 190105824 f 0 241911 iot 3177240 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26989.600
2024/01/05 21:25:20.114 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:20.114] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 15Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 55553, curr ts = 56587
2024/01/05 21:25:20.264 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:20.264] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:20.313 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@95cf8f2
2024/01/05 21:25:20.354 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2898(215KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 25MB/25MB, paused 106us,119us total 122.572ms
2024/01/05 21:25:20.417 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:20.417] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214752582667562
2024/01/05 21:25:20.423 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:20.422] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214752587936833
2024/01/05 21:25:20.465 2221 2230 Info system_server Background young concurrent copying GC freed 318664(19MB) AllocSpace objects, 127(2484KB) LOS objects, 17% free, 103MB/125MB, paused 233us,197us total 115.205ms
2024/01/05 21:25:20.490 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
2024/01/05 21:25:20.490 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:25:20.494 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:25:20.495 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
2024/01/05 21:25:20.544 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.822084 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:20.546 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:208:24:961151:2284800:806400:1170432:1996800:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:25:20.547 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 3.256042 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:20.586 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1790(237KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(18MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/24MB, paused 367us,63us total 228.888ms
2024/01/05 21:25:20.609 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:20.716 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@abbe2f9
2024/01/05 21:25:20.771 2221 2304 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10095 5 to 15, 8 to 0
2024/01/05 21:25:20.890 2221 2304 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10041 3 to 15, 8 to 0
2024/01/05 21:25:20.897 1774 7973 Info CameraService onUidStateChanged: uid=10041, procState is changed. (3 -> 15)
2024/01/05 21:25:21.118 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c1f7dec
2024/01/05 21:25:21.199 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:21.198] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 15Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 56587, curr ts = 57653
2024/01/05 21:25:21.257 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3035] accel_sample [ 2.932, 0.297, 9.384] 214753414868552
2024/01/05 21:25:21.288 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 227/Done 227|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.6/s) Done(14.394/s Avg=14.564/s)| Stream: 14.93fps 762.0Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:21.288 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:21.326 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=1, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:25:21.327 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(1/3) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=true, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=ETC
2024/01/05 21:25:21.332 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:25:21.340 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 3175(246KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 25MB/25MB, paused 123us,75us total 127.158ms
2024/01/05 21:25:21.386 24339 24339 Info nebula_DisplayModeService FreezeRunnable: each 15000s run.
2024/01/05 21:25:21.388 24339 24339 Error nebula_DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:21.389 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:21.393 24339 24339 Error nebula__DebugSetting readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:21.394 24339 24339 Debug nebula__DebugSetting get3DMode: refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:21.397 24339 24339 Error DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:21.398 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:21.402 2221 4819 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.404 2221 4819 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.520 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5fd7fbb
2024/01/05 21:25:21.520 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 790, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:21.522 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.021 ms / 383.098 Mbps (780 / 0.007 / 1.196)
2024/01/05 21:25:21.525 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.359948 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:21.527 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.868177 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:21.564 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2052(278KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(17MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 13MB/27MB, paused 210us,419us total 213.082ms
2024/01/05 21:25:21.612 2221 2221 Info Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl isInManagedCall - callingPackage : android
2024/01/05 21:25:21.616 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:21.622 5589 5589 Info Edge.badge updateBadge item = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland:0 1
2024/01/05 21:25:21.622 3039 3039 Debug S.S.N. onEntryUpdated 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:21.623 3499 3499 Info Launcher.NotificationListener onNotificationPosted : ai.nreal.nebula.mainland number : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.623 3039 3039 Debug BubblesManager onEntryUpdated : shouldBubbleUp=false ,key=0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:21.624 3039 3039 Debug InterruptionStateProvider no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:21.657 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:21.658 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:21.658 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.658 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.731 2221 4819 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: pkg=ai.nreal.nebula.mainland , range=1 , includeAllApp=false , userId=-2 , infoRange=0 , infoCategory=0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.731 2221 4819 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication - accept rechecked by isEdgeLightingAllowed = true uid = 10227
2024/01/05 21:25:21.731 2221 4819 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: getRejectablePolicy true
2024/01/05 21:25:21.748 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:21.748 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:21.748 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.748 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:21.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][27584] Uncal_G [ 0.025, 0.032,-0.007] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214754001804802
2024/01/05 21:25:21.838 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 233/236 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:21.844 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 231/240 (recycle/alloc) - 6/235 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:21.892 2221 2376 Error AppOps User 0, OP 1 is restricted by 1000
2024/01/05 21:25:21.895 3937 4014 Info RequestManager_FLP onOpChanged, op=0 /
2024/01/05 21:25:21.922 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b5bcb16
2024/01/05 21:25:21.974 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:21.974+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.363546371459961
2024/01/05 21:25:22.033 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.138594 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:22.035 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.980938 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:22.090 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5953613 162847665 w 1969723 27204696 d 771181 190105824 f 0 241911 iot 3177308 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26991.603
2024/01/05 21:25:22.091 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): system_server(2221) 1216 ndroid.systemui(3039) 172 storaged(1842) 108
2024/01/05 21:25:22.092 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:0(20716) 3016
2024/01/05 21:25:22.150 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:22.150] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 57653, curr ts = 58653
2024/01/05 21:25:22.265 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:22.264] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:22.302 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:22.324 2221 4819 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1cce66d
2024/01/05 21:25:22.335 2221 2298 Error Watchdog !@Sync: 898 heap: 106 / 125 FD: 1109 [2024-01-05 21:25:22.334]
2024/01/05 21:25:22.404 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 3103(245KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 29MB/29MB, paused 389us,64us total 159.710ms
2024/01/05 21:25:22.460 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:22.460+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:22.461 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:22.461+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:22.461 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:22.461+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:22.473 2221 2984 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:25:22.475 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:22.475+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:22.475 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:22.475+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:22.476 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:22.476+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:22.482 2221 2984 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:25:22.538 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.164323 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:22.540 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.81776 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:22.622 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:22.726 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@166478f
2024/01/05 21:25:22.738 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:22.738] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:25:22.738 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:22.738] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:22.810 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2508(283KB) AllocSpace objects, 16(21MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 116us,68us total 403.531ms
2024/01/05 21:25:22.878 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 272(272),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:10320,l:272,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:261
2024/01/05 21:25:23.043 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.247031 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:23.045 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.965416 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:23.129 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1b4c3fa
2024/01/05 21:25:23.167 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:23.167] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 58653, curr ts = 59653
2024/01/05 21:25:23.270 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3141] accel_sample [ 3.146, 0.173, 9.271] 214755427288916
2024/01/05 21:25:23.533 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b09cdab
2024/01/05 21:25:23.550 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.976875 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:23.551 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.046563 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:23.591 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 9 10 9 MD : -74 -74 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -48 -49 -49 -47 -47 -47 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false true
2024/01/05 21:25:23.628 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:23.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][28427] Uncal_G [ 0.017, 0.031,-0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214756002358396
2024/01/05 21:25:23.876 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2180(292KB) AllocSpace objects, 20(26MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10044KB/19MB, paused 132us,67us total 161.777ms
2024/01/05 21:25:23.938 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@47b25c6
2024/01/05 21:25:24.033 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:24.033+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.57017993927002
2024/01/05 21:25:24.150 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:24.150] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 59653, curr ts = 60653
2024/01/05 21:25:24.265 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:24.265] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:24.341 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@38144dd
2024/01/05 21:25:24.533 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.936979 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:24.535 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.928958 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:24.539 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 791, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:24.543 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.025 ms / 318.951 Mbps (650 / 0.008 / 1.225)
2024/01/05 21:25:24.588 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1300(224KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/24MB, paused 102us,75us total 215.872ms
2024/01/05 21:25:24.634 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:24.742 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@fe52420
2024/01/05 21:25:25.040 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.889583 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:25.041 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.91849 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:25.145 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e2e327f
2024/01/05 21:25:25.153 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:25.153] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 60653, curr ts = 61653
2024/01/05 21:25:25.282 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3247] accel_sample [ 3.149, 0.148, 8.926] 214757439704385
2024/01/05 21:25:25.398 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:25.398] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:25.524 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1754(236KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(18MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 118us,67us total 241.643ms
2024/01/05 21:25:25.547 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@a48624c
2024/01/05 21:25:25.548 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.147969 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:25.549 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.048334 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:25.638 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:25.641 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:25.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][29269] Uncal_G [-0.021,-0.019,-0.016] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214758000533291
2024/01/05 21:25:25.918 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 270(270),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:10288,l:271,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:261
2024/01/05 21:25:25.950 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@37d779b
2024/01/05 21:25:26.039 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:26.039+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.449426651000977
2024/01/05 21:25:26.056 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.133646 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:26.058 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.431667 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:26.059 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 10
2024/01/05 21:25:26.097 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5953912 162851957 w 1969732 27207500 d 771181 190105824 f 0 241911 iot 3177472 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26995.610
2024/01/05 21:25:26.099 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): .mainland:space(24828) 4108 nd:sensor_calib(24747) 172 12
2024/01/05 21:25:26.099 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:3(13988) 2804
2024/01/05 21:25:26.196 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:26.196] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 61653, curr ts = 62654
2024/01/05 21:25:26.214 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1334(227KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8720KB/17MB, paused 105us,61us total 111.880ms
2024/01/05 21:25:26.266 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:26.265] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:26.288 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 300/Done 300|Work-Rate: Q(14.6/s Avg=14.6/s) Done(14.598/s Avg=14.572/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 634.4Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:26.289 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:26.352 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@93e8c76
2024/01/05 21:25:26.563 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.532969 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:26.566 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.193803 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:26.667 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:26.713 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:503 BAT:392 USB:342 CHG:480 PA:477 WIFI:470 CF:411 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:404 CHG2:398 WIFI2:415 UANT2:403 DANT2:356 RCV2:406 SPK2:345 FCAM:340 UPSPK:406 DNSPK:338 AMB:216
2024/01/05 21:25:26.713 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:25:26.754 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5021f4d
2024/01/05 21:25:26.885 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1407(205KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10080KB/19MB, paused 1.097ms,170us total 142.161ms
2024/01/05 21:25:27.038 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 322(322),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12368,l:326,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:308
2024/01/05 21:25:27.157 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@919d550
2024/01/05 21:25:27.185 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:27.182] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 62654, curr ts = 63686
2024/01/05 21:25:27.288 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 310/319 (recycle/alloc) - 6/314 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:27.295 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3353] accel_sample [-0.025, 0.011, 9.816] 214759452113448
2024/01/05 21:25:27.340 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 313/316 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:27.452 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2041(189KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 122us,70us total 116.959ms
2024/01/05 21:25:27.467 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:27.467+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:27.467 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:27.467+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:27.468 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:27.468+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:27.476 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:27.476+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:27.476 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:27.476+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:27.477 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:27.477+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:27.503 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,1 acc,-0.019,0.026,9.803, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:27.536 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.942917 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:27.538 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.475834 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:27.556 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 792, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:27.558 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.028 ms / 281.763 Mbps (526 / 0.008 / 1.234)
2024/01/05 21:25:27.560 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ade6349
2024/01/05 21:25:27.693 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:27.704 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:27.703] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:27.751 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:27.751] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:27.772 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:25:27.772 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:27.772 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:27.773 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:27.774 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de8 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:27.776 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5de9 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:27.776 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dea went down
2024/01/05 21:25:27.777 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:27.777 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:27.778 1384 25937 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:27.778 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:27.778 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:27.779 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5deb went down
2024/01/05 21:25:27.779 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:27.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][30112] Uncal_G [ 0.006,-0.027, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214760001075010
2024/01/05 21:25:27.838 1384 25937 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:27.838 1384 25937 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214760003681781 ns; value = [330, 330, 2, 1, 320, 72, 2, 2, 784, -1]
2024/01/05 21:25:27.839 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:25:27.840 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:27.841 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:27.841 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:27.842 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:27.842 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dec went down
2024/01/05 21:25:27.961 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1cef67c
2024/01/05 21:25:28.041 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.287708 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:28.042 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.049062 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:28.091 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:28.091+8.0][25535,25859][]FpsCalculate: meter name:VideoEncodeController(165990117) fps:14.619882583618164
2024/01/05 21:25:28.092 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:28.092+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.619882583618164
2024/01/05 21:25:28.102 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5953957 162852553 w 1969777 27207732 d 771207 190106004 f 0 241915 iot 3177528 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26997.615
2024/01/05 21:25:28.184 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1191(220KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10087KB/19MB, paused 116us,63us total 168.359ms
2024/01/05 21:25:28.199 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:28.199] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 63686, curr ts = 64686
2024/01/05 21:25:28.266 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:28.266] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:28.364 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5e77d8b
2024/01/05 21:25:28.545 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.226094 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:28.546 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.866407 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:28.717 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:28.767 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c0ff26
2024/01/05 21:25:28.989 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:29.048 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.124948 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:29.049 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.980833 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:29.173 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6675bd
2024/01/05 21:25:29.212 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:29.211] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 64686, curr ts = 65686
2024/01/05 21:25:29.307 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3459] accel_sample [-0.028, 0.006, 9.808] 214761464516416
2024/01/05 21:25:29.492 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1382(214KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10097KB/19MB, paused 111us,65us total 133.766ms
2024/01/05 21:25:29.553 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.170625 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:29.558 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 4.205625 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:29.576 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ade7b2
2024/01/05 21:25:29.640 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 9 10 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -47 -47 -47 -48 -49 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:29.736 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:29.788 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-48, CE:28, PE:32, TI:31, PTI:37, TW:2, PTW:2, Tx:3870, Rx:1971, TxS:2857, RxS:1920, RESULT:true, IC:0, ICT:5, WC:0, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:25:29.837 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][30955] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.009, 0.004] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214762001610948
2024/01/05 21:25:29.862 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:25:29.862 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:29.862 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:29.863 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:29.864 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5ded went down
2024/01/05 21:25:29.867 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dee went down
2024/01/05 21:25:29.868 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5def went down
2024/01/05 21:25:29.868 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:25:29.868 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:29.868 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:29.869 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df0 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:29.870 1384 25939 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:29.871 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 2 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:29.871 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:29.918 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 330(330),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12512,l:330,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:315
2024/01/05 21:25:29.919 1384 25939 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:29.919 1384 25939 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 330(330),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12512,l:330,r:88,bl:92,j:315
2024/01/05 21:25:29.922 2221 5212 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:25:29.923 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:29.924 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:29.924 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:29.925 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df1 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:29.978 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7faf6ac
2024/01/05 21:25:30.104 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:30.103+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.413518905639648
2024/01/05 21:25:30.111 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5953957 162852553 w 1969787 27210260 d 771207 190106004 f 0 241915 iot 3177548 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 26999.624
2024/01/05 21:25:30.114 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): nebula.mainland(24339) 556 RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 36 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 4
2024/01/05 21:25:30.115 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:7(4498) 2528 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 72 init(1) 16
2024/01/05 21:25:30.232 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1299(220KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10073KB/19MB, paused 106us,56us total 123.188ms
2024/01/05 21:25:30.253 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:30.253] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 65686, curr ts = 66686
2024/01/05 21:25:30.267 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:30.266] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:30.380 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3bdf1
2024/01/05 21:25:30.547 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.227604 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:30.549 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.180364 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:30.568 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 793, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:30.570 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.020 ms / 409.289 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.137)
2024/01/05 21:25:30.689 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker update stats : write (63)
2024/01/05 21:25:30.701 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Fetch WiFi data
2024/01/05 21:25:30.701 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update Rail Energy data
2024/01/05 21:25:30.702 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Fetch Bluetooth data
2024/01/05 21:25:30.702 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Fetch modem data
2024/01/05 21:25:30.728 1375 1375 Debug vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
2024/01/05 21:25:30.730 1375 1375 Debug vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock Acquire wakelock is acquired
2024/01/05 21:25:30.731 1375 1375 Info vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND
2024/01/05 21:25:30.733 2221 2984 Debug TelephonyManager requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=214762895 mSleepTimeMs=165794859 mIdleTimeMs=3085947 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[14103, 4892, 9055, 34186, 14752],mRxTimeMs=45069707}]}
2024/01/05 21:25:30.734 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:215:15:806400:806400:806400:883200:883200:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:25:30.736 1375 8770 Info vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC
2024/01/05 21:25:30.737 1375 8770 Info vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler ProcessIbsCmd: Signal wack_cond_
2024/01/05 21:25:30.737 1375 1375 Debug vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler DeviceWakeUp: Unblocked from waiting for FC, pthread_cond_timedwait ret = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:30.737 1375 8770 Info vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
2024/01/05 21:25:30.737 1375 8770 Info vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
2024/01/05 21:25:30.752 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update CPU state
2024/01/05 21:25:30.752 2221 2350 Info KernelWakelockReader readKernelWakelockStats(true)
2024/01/05 21:25:30.757 1077 2346 Warn android.system.suspend@1.0-service getWakeLockStats +
2024/01/05 21:25:30.758 1077 2346 Info android.system.suspend@1.0-service name: PowerManagerService.Display, isActive: 1, LC: 27000270, AC: 3364, AT: 658226, TT: 12280382
2024/01/05 21:25:30.758 1077 2346 Info android.system.suspend@1.0-service name: PowerManager.SuspendLockout, isActive: 1, LC: 27000270, AC: 3370, AT: 658227, TT: 12284165
2024/01/05 21:25:30.759 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:30.766 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup86: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup86: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.767 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.761:177930): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="event_count" dev="sysfs" ino=137258 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.768 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.761:177931): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="max_time_ms" dev="sysfs" ino=137263 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.768 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.761:177932): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="wakeup_count" dev="sysfs" ino=137259 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.768 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.765:177933): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="total_time_ms" dev="sysfs" ino=137262 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.768 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.765:177934): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="expire_count" dev="sysfs" ino=137260 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.768 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.765:177935): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="active_count" dev="sysfs" ino=137257 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.768 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.765:177936): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="last_change_ms" dev="sysfs" ino=137264 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.769 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461130.765:177937): avc: denied { read } for pid=1077 comm="binder:1077_4" name="prevent_suspend_time_ms" dev="sysfs" ino=137265 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:25:30.782 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@33a3bb0
2024/01/05 21:25:30.787 1375 8770 Info vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
2024/01/05 21:25:30.799 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup94: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup94: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.811 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup84: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup84: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.818 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup92: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup92: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.823 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup72: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/soc/994000.i2c/i2c-35/35-0066/max77705-usbc/wakeup/wakeup72: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.827 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup90: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup90: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.833 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup99: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup99: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.835 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup89: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup89: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.841 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup97: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup97: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.843 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup87: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup87: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.843 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2192(203KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 106us,73us total 134.287ms
2024/01/05 21:25:30.848 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup95: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup95: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.850 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup85: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup85: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.856 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup93: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup93: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.858 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup83: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup83: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.862 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup73: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/soc/994000.i2c/i2c-35/35-0066/max77705-usbc/wakeup/wakeup73: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.866 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup91: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup91: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.866 24828 25308 Info imsdk TIM: |-longconnection.cpp:280 OnRecvSSOPingRequest |command:SSO.HelloPush|seq:2684354560
2024/01/05 21:25:30.875 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup41: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@33/i2c-33/33-0028/wakeup/wakeup41: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.876 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup101: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup101: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.877 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup98: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup98: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.878 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup88: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup88: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.883 1077 2346 Error android.system.suspend@1.0-service Error opening event_count for wakeup96: Original kwl [Path]=../../devices/platform/i2c@32/i2c-32/32-005b/wakeup/wakeup96: Permission denied
2024/01/05 21:25:30.884 1077 2346 Warn android.system.suspend@1.0-service getWakeLockStats -
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug KernelWakelockReader name=PowerManagerService.WakeLocks isActive=true lastChange=27000270 activeCount=8340 activeTime=83979 totalTime=17580438 version=767 time_delta=291651000
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug KernelWakelockReader name=PowerManagerService.Broadcasts isActive=false lastChange=26342321 activeCount=229 activeTime=0 totalTime=77527 version=767 time_delta=0
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug KernelWakelockReader name=PowerManagerService.Display isActive=true lastChange=27000270 activeCount=3364 activeTime=658226 totalTime=12280382 version=767 time_delta=292892000
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug KernelWakelockReader name=PowerManager.SuspendLockout isActive=true lastChange=27000270 activeCount=3370 activeTime=658227 totalTime=12284165 version=767 time_delta=292892000
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug KernelWakelockReader name=PowerManagerService.Booting isActive=false lastChange=33435 activeCount=1 activeTime=0 totalTime=7724 version=767 time_delta=0
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Info BatteryStatsImpl updateKernelWakelocksLocked:: name=PowerManager.SuspendLockout / totalTime=12284165000 / mCount=3370 / version=767
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Info BatteryStatsImpl updateKernelWakelocksLocked:: name=PowerManagerService.Display / totalTime=12280382000 / mCount=3364 / version=767
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Info BatteryStatsImpl updateKernelWakelocksLocked:: name=PowerManagerService.WakeLocks / totalTime=17580438000 / mCount=8340 / version=767
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Info BatteryStatsImpl updateKernelWakelocksLocked:: name=PowerManagerService.Broadcasts / totalTime=77527000 / mCount=229 / version=767
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Info BatteryStatsImpl updateKernelWakelocksLocked:: name=PowerManagerService.Booting / totalTime=7724000 / mCount=1 / version=767
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update Kernel wakelock & memory state
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update RPM state
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update bluetooth state
2024/01/05 21:25:30.886 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker mStats lock released
2024/01/05 21:25:30.889 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update wifi state
2024/01/05 21:25:30.891 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update modem state
2024/01/05 21:25:30.891 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker done updateExternalStatsLocked
2024/01/05 21:25:30.962 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1329(215KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8727KB/17MB, paused 94us,61us total 117.501ms
2024/01/05 21:25:31.054 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.466406 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:31.055 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.114947 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:31.185 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ff5969d
2024/01/05 21:25:31.214 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:31.214] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 66686, curr ts = 67689
2024/01/05 21:25:31.289 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 373/Done 373|Work-Rate: Q(14.6/s Avg=14.6/s) Done(14.598/s Avg=14.577/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 704.1Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:31.289 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:31.319 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3565] accel_sample [ 0.004, 0.022, 9.801] 214763476913812
2024/01/05 21:25:31.557 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.013646 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:31.558 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.103698 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:31.586 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@9e32712
2024/01/05 21:25:31.626 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDevice] Glasses put on
2024/01/05 21:25:31.626 25535 25563 Info Unity [Info][NRDevice] Glasses put off
2024/01/05 21:25:31.673 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1205(245KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 106us,55us total 197.348ms
2024/01/05 21:25:31.737 1375 8772 Info vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND
2024/01/05 21:25:31.738 1375 8772 Debug vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
2024/01/05 21:25:31.784 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:31.837 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][31798] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214764002141416
2024/01/05 21:25:31.888 1375 8581 Debug vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock Release wakelock is released
2024/01/05 21:25:31.989 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@919ff99
2024/01/05 21:25:32.064 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.512136 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:32.066 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.905573 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:32.117 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954014 162853489 w 1969797 27211740 d 771207 190106004 f 0 241918 iot 3177656 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27001.630
2024/01/05 21:25:32.160 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:32.160+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.591439247131348
2024/01/05 21:25:32.267 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:32.266] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:32.280 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:32.280] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 67689, curr ts = 68723
2024/01/05 21:25:32.283 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:32.282] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214764448285219
2024/01/05 21:25:32.287 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:32.287] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214764453554489
2024/01/05 21:25:32.302 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:32.391 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@bcf3b0c
2024/01/05 21:25:32.461 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:32.461+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:32.461 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:32.461+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:32.461 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:32.461+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:32.475 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:32.475+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:25:32.475 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:32.475+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:25:32.476 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:32.476+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:25:32.570 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.180208 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:32.571 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.936041 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:32.772 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:32.772] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:25:32.772 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:32.772] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:32.793 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4c1b75b
2024/01/05 21:25:32.794 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 4(1474560 size) used buffers - 389/398 (recycle/alloc) - 6/395 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:32.808 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:32.854 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 393/396 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:33.067 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1242(189KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10077KB/19MB, paused 93us,68us total 191.847ms
2024/01/05 21:25:33.118 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 330(330),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12512,l:330,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:318
2024/01/05 21:25:33.195 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e109f36
2024/01/05 21:25:33.243 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:33.242] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 15Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 68723, curr ts = 69723
2024/01/05 21:25:33.331 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3671] accel_sample [ 0.002, 0.024, 9.801] 214765489306498
2024/01/05 21:25:33.554 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.775573 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:33.557 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.79 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:33.577 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 794, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:33.581 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 414.247 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.167)
2024/01/05 21:25:33.598 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3bf78c2
2024/01/05 21:25:33.658 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2242(221KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 655us,76us total 119.182ms
2024/01/05 21:25:33.808 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1519(236KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10077KB/19MB, paused 108us,86us total 141.179ms
2024/01/05 21:25:33.834 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:33.834 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][32640] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214766000294571
2024/01/05 21:25:34.000 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@61d7f3c
2024/01/05 21:25:34.060 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.503385 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:34.062 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.649947 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:34.122 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954059 162853965 w 1969799 27211748 d 771207 190106004 f 0 241918 iot 3177724 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27003.635
2024/01/05 21:25:34.122 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): bluetooth@1.0-s(1375) 520 icesecurity.tcm(8161) 408 system_server(2221) 184
2024/01/05 21:25:34.122 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): system_server(2221) 1480 icesecurity.tcm(8161) 8
2024/01/05 21:25:34.189 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:34.189+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.292755126953125
2024/01/05 21:25:34.232 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:34.231] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 69723, curr ts = 70723
2024/01/05 21:25:34.267 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:34.266] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:34.388 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:34.387] [25688] [INFO] [NRSDK] Vsync transmitting signal
2024/01/05 21:25:34.402 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@39b2d4b
2024/01/05 21:25:34.409 2221 11695 Info AfterimageCompensationService AfcThread mLuminance : 98 , AfpcPeriodCount : 359 , rotation : 0 , AOD : false
2024/01/05 21:25:34.424 2221 11695 Debug system_server mAFPC_Read - w = 1080, h = 2340, s = 8, f = 4, s_size = 10183680, luminance = 98, count = 359, captureOrientation = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:34.528 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1659(230KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10005KB/19MB, paused 134us,72us total 184.688ms
2024/01/05 21:25:34.568 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.084635 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:34.570 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.335416 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:34.805 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@736c841
2024/01/05 21:25:34.856 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:35.069 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1725(177KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 133us,78us total 111.813ms
2024/01/05 21:25:35.076 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.115157 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:35.077 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.992865 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:35.208 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@9eb9672
2024/01/05 21:25:35.209 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:35.209] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 70723, curr ts = 71723
2024/01/05 21:25:35.288 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1710(204KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 114us,64us total 212.969ms
2024/01/05 21:25:35.344 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3777] accel_sample [-0.008, 0.025, 9.804] 214767501696185
2024/01/05 21:25:35.582 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.238021 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:35.584 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.13552 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:35.610 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f51fac3
2024/01/05 21:25:35.616 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:35.683 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 9 10 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -48 -48 -48 -49 -48 -47 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:35.713 25896 25906 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:25:35.806 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10227
2024/01/05 21:25:35.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][33483] Uncal_G [-0.001,-0.012, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214768000818165
2024/01/05 21:25:35.884 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:35.889 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2335(219KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 23MB/23MB, paused 408us,69us total 103.205ms
2024/01/05 21:25:36.013 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@158a7be
2024/01/05 21:25:36.070 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 11
2024/01/05 21:25:36.092 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1750(231KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(17MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10104KB/19MB, paused 98us,59us total 180.884ms
2024/01/05 21:25:36.124 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954059 162853965 w 1969807 27214256 d 771207 190106004 f 0 241918 iot 3177744 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27005.637
2024/01/05 21:25:36.200 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:36.200+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.413518905639648
2024/01/05 21:25:36.258 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:36.258] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 71723, curr ts = 72757
2024/01/05 21:25:36.267 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:36.267] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:36.290 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 445/Done 445|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.399/s Avg=14.548/s)| Stream: 15.15fps 972.0Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:36.290 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:36.405 24339 24339 Info nebula_DisplayModeService FreezeRunnable: each 15000s run.
2024/01/05 21:25:36.408 24339 24339 Error nebula_DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:36.408 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:36.420 24339 24339 Error nebula__DebugSetting readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:36.421 24339 24339 Debug nebula__DebugSetting get3DMode: refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:36.422 24339 24339 Error DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:36.422 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:36.432 24747 24809 Info BiasUtils save to file: {"accel":{"mean":[0.0013698909682199659,0.022097717055038962,9.8053205251694084],"var":[0.00010171381943243234,0.00010540701068170472,8.0653929444451933e-05]},"gyro":{"mean":[-0.0034804021060719382,-0.0064751666533990181,0.0026816963891913635],"var":[1.1963351169246836e-06,4.5338428757927808e-06,5.5335270419260855e-07]},"mag":{"mean":[-598.49496170044017,-419.54303359985352,-253.27196201324489],"var":[0.3564097280614078,0.17015599767910317,0.48028059759963071]},"timestamp_ns":214767621122279,"version":"1.0.0"}
2024/01/05 21:25:36.432 2221 5212 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.433 2221 5212 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.435 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@da84935
2024/01/05 21:25:36.558 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.837187 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:36.562 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 3.778542 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:36.592 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 795, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:36.593 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 425.278 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.162)
2024/01/05 21:25:36.638 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 333(333),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12672,l:334,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:323
2024/01/05 21:25:36.638 2221 2221 Info Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl isInManagedCall - callingPackage : android
2024/01/05 21:25:36.652 3499 3499 Info Launcher.NotificationListener onNotificationPosted : ai.nreal.nebula.mainland number : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.655 3039 3039 Debug S.S.N. onEntryUpdated 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:36.655 3039 3039 Debug BubblesManager onEntryUpdated : shouldBubbleUp=false ,key=0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:36.655 3039 3039 Debug InterruptionStateProvider no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:36.656 5589 5589 Info Edge.badge updateBadge item = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland:0 1
2024/01/05 21:25:36.675 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:36.675 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:36.675 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.675 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.715 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:500 BAT:392 USB:343 CHG:480 PA:472 WIFI:468 CF:411 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:403 CHG2:398 WIFI2:415 UANT2:403 DANT2:357 RCV2:406 SPK2:346 FCAM:341 UPSPK:407 DNSPK:338 AMB:216
2024/01/05 21:25:36.715 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:25:36.775 2221 5212 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: pkg=ai.nreal.nebula.mainland , range=1 , includeAllApp=false , userId=-2 , infoRange=0 , infoCategory=0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.776 2221 5212 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication - accept rechecked by isEdgeLightingAllowed = true uid = 10227
2024/01/05 21:25:36.776 2221 5212 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: getRejectablePolicy true
2024/01/05 21:25:36.782 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:36.782 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:36.782 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.782 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:36.837 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3a3d658
2024/01/05 21:25:36.898 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1804(234KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 105us,61us total 179.381ms
2024/01/05 21:25:36.908 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:36.996 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,0.033,0.017,9.801, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:37.066 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.745729 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:37.068 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.519532 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:37.241 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@55569ed
2024/01/05 21:25:37.293 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:37.292] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 72757, curr ts = 73757
2024/01/05 21:25:37.356 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3883] accel_sample [ 0.016, 0.025, 9.816] 214769514084102
2024/01/05 21:25:37.572 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2246(172KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 23MB/23MB, paused 114us,64us total 138.466ms
2024/01/05 21:25:37.575 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.109219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:37.576 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.953073 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:37.643 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5f28022
2024/01/05 21:25:37.767 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:37.767] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:37.825 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2051(246KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/25MB, paused 99us,69us total 243.482ms
2024/01/05 21:25:37.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][34326] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214770001340352
2024/01/05 21:25:37.849 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:25:37.849 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:37.850 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:37.851 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:37.854 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df2 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:37.856 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df3 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:37.857 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df4 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:37.858 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:37.859 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:37.859 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df5 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:37.860 1384 25951 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:37.860 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:37.860 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:37.862 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:37.918 1384 25951 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:37.919 1384 25951 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214770083867175 ns; value = [334, 334, 2, 1, 323, 72, 2, 2, 792, -1]
2024/01/05 21:25:37.920 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:25:37.921 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:37.922 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:37.922 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:37.923 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df6 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:37.924 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:37.932 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:38.045 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@22bb7e9
2024/01/05 21:25:38.082 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.8525 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:38.084 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.936146 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:38.127 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954067 162854033 w 1969878 27214576 d 771207 190106004 f 0 241926 iot 3177776 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27007.640
2024/01/05 21:25:38.127 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly(25535) 36 system_server(2221) 12 nd:sensor_calib(24747) 12
2024/01/05 21:25:38.127 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:7(4498) 2508 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 108 init(1) 16
2024/01/05 21:25:38.208 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:38.208+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.449426651000977
2024/01/05 21:25:38.212 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 470/473 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:38.219 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 468/477 (recycle/alloc) - 6/472 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:38.264 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:38.264] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 20Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 73757, curr ts = 74757
2024/01/05 21:25:38.269 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:38.269] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:38.341 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:38.341] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:38.448 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7c14b9c
2024/01/05 21:25:38.558 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2600(201KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 27MB/27MB, paused 381us,52us total 147.869ms
2024/01/05 21:25:38.589 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 4.223698 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:38.592 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.266094 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:38.600 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger SFWD update time=27008113496779
2024/01/05 21:25:38.849 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8fee9a5
2024/01/05 21:25:38.915 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2176(256KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(19MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 13MB/27MB, paused 163us,76us total 345.347ms
2024/01/05 21:25:38.927 2221 2880 Debug UsbStatsMonitor 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 11 59 17 0 0 2 23 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70836895612954
2024/01/05 21:25:38.938 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:38.968 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:39.181 1381 1381 Info updateLrpSysfs: write: 415
2024/01/05 21:25:39.252 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@be3ab46
2024/01/05 21:25:39.294 1381 1399 Error BatteryDump !@new_battery_dump : 3660,-1783,100,100,38,395,342,477,395,0,412,450,0,Discharging,NO_CHARGING,None,Good,OTG,3,Normal,0,0,9600,0x40004000,0x10000,0x0,0000,0000,00000000,0,0,0,0,60,3812,3787,990,0,
2024/01/05 21:25:39.302 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:39.301] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 74757, curr ts = 75786
2024/01/05 21:25:39.358 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 334(334),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12672,l:334,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:323
2024/01/05 21:25:39.369 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][3989] accel_sample [ 0.014, 0.017, 9.811] 214771526470717
2024/01/05 21:25:39.563 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.141458 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:39.564 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.396771 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:39.603 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 796, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:39.608 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.018 ms / 451.109 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.118)
2024/01/05 21:25:39.655 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c437107
2024/01/05 21:25:39.702 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 3396(258KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 28MB/28MB, paused 133us,84us total 112.329ms
2024/01/05 21:25:39.795 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-48, CE:28, PE:28, TI:32, PTI:31, TW:1, PTW:2, Tx:3524, Rx:1890, TxS:2725, RxS:1848, RESULT:true, IC:1, ICT:5, WC:1, WCT:5, R:2, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:25:39.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][35169] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.008, 0.003] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214772001861029
2024/01/05 21:25:39.904 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1820(277KB) AllocSpace objects, 17(22MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10078KB/19MB, paused 1.446ms,65us total 199.666ms
2024/01/05 21:25:39.944 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:39.945 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:25:39.945 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:39.945 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:39.946 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:39.947 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df7 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:39.948 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df8 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:39.949 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5df9 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:39.950 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:25:39.950 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:39.950 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:39.951 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dfa went down
2024/01/05 21:25:39.951 1384 25955 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:39.952 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 2 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:39.952 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:39.953 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:39.953] [25790] [INFO] [NRSDK] skip: 0.083402835
2024/01/05 21:25:39.998 1384 25955 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:39.998 1384 25955 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 335(335),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12688,l:335,r:88,bl:92,j:323
2024/01/05 21:25:40.000 2221 5212 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:25:40.000 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:40.002 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:40.002 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:40.003 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dfb went down
2024/01/05 21:25:40.021 2221 25953 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(1106) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:40.027 2221 25953 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(1108) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:25:40.058 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f4fad2a
2024/01/05 21:25:40.067 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.064219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:40.068 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.845052 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:40.130 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954077 162854125 w 1969892 27217160 d 771208 190106008 f 0 241927 iot 3177820 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27009.643
2024/01/05 21:25:40.232 2221 25953 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsThread [|211] []
2024/01/05 21:25:40.232 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer DNS resultType : 0, responseTime : 211
2024/01/05 21:25:40.232 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] updateBssidLatestDnsResultType - result: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:40.232 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] updateBssidNoInternet: mBssidNoInternet = false
2024/01/05 21:25:40.232 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] getOpenNetworkQosNoInternetStatus: false
2024/01/05 21:25:40.232 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] getOpenNetworkQosScores: 26 0 0
2024/01/05 21:25:40.233 2221 2924 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = wifi_wcm_qos_sharing_score_summary
2024/01/05 21:25:40.233 2221 2924 Info WifiProfileShare network QoS data was changed (internet), updateQoSData networkType: true, qosData: false
2024/01/05 21:25:40.233 2221 4018 Debug WifiProfileShare nearby scanning settings run
2024/01/05 21:25:40.233 2221 4018 Debug WifiProfileShare network score provider settings enabled
2024/01/05 21:25:40.233 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData(qos) - unavailable for this config
2024/01/05 21:25:40.234 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData(pwd sta) - unavailable for this config
2024/01/05 21:25:40.234 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData - there is no data
2024/01/05 21:25:40.241 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:40.240+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.264633178710938
2024/01/05 21:25:40.270 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:40.270] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:40.382 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:40.381] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 75786, curr ts = 76854
2024/01/05 21:25:40.461 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b066e91
2024/01/05 21:25:40.571 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.279062 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:40.573 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.106927 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:40.784 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1479(221KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/25MB, paused 101us,81us total 345.467ms
2024/01/05 21:25:40.862 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c9371f6
2024/01/05 21:25:40.906 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:221:16:806400:806400:806400:883200:883200:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:25:40.967 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:41.078 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.341666 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:41.081 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.674219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:41.264 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@28fee93
2024/01/05 21:25:41.290 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(1) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 517/Done 516|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.199/s Avg=14.499/s)| Stream: 14.93fps 705.0Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:41.290 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:41.345 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:41.345] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 76854, curr ts = 77855
2024/01/05 21:25:41.381 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4095] accel_sample [ 0.015, 0.016, 9.805] 214773538855092
2024/01/05 21:25:41.585 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.870938 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:41.587 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.355156 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:41.622 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1450(259KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(18MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 1.355ms,59us total 197.306ms
2024/01/05 21:25:41.667 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@aab8ed0
2024/01/05 21:25:41.727 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 9 10 10 9 10 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -48 -48 -47 -48 -48 -47 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:41.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][36011] Uncal_G [-0.005,-0.010, 0.001] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214774000006342
2024/01/05 21:25:41.989 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:42.069 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@82c7fc
2024/01/05 21:25:42.133 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954079 162854153 w 1969892 27217160 d 771208 190106008 f 0 241927 iot 3177824 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27011.646
2024/01/05 21:25:42.134 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): system_server(2221) 48 binder:1308_4(1308) 44 id.AlipayGphone(6291) 28
2024/01/05 21:25:42.134 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:0(20716) 2548 jbd2/sda9-8(1025) 20 android.hardwar(1381) 12
2024/01/05 21:25:42.249 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:42.248+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.442231178283691
2024/01/05 21:25:42.271 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:42.270] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:42.291 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2751(198KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 23MB/23MB, paused 135us,65us total 116.717ms
2024/01/05 21:25:42.293 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:42.335 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:42.335] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:42.408 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:42.408] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 21Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 77855, curr ts = 78890
2024/01/05 21:25:42.449 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1621(216KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(17MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10072KB/19MB, paused 100us,67us total 155.662ms
2024/01/05 21:25:42.472 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b45b4da
2024/01/05 21:25:42.501 2221 2984 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:25:42.506 2221 2984 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:25:42.571 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.327448 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:42.573 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.437864 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:42.620 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 797, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:42.623 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 422.910 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.119)
2024/01/05 21:25:42.776 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:42.775] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:25:42.776 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:42.775] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:42.874 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3da44a6
2024/01/05 21:25:42.995 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:43.077 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.270261 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:43.078 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.019271 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:43.179 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1469(216KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10074KB/19MB, paused 104us,286us total 161.057ms
2024/01/05 21:25:43.232 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 542/545 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:43.240 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 4(1474560 size) used buffers - 539/548 (recycle/alloc) - 6/545 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:43.276 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@a61a283
2024/01/05 21:25:43.383 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:43.382] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 78890, curr ts = 79890
2024/01/05 21:25:43.393 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4201] accel_sample [ 0.011, 0.022, 9.799] 214775551237175
2024/01/05 21:25:43.582 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.655365 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:43.583 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.5275 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:43.679 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f684c00
2024/01/05 21:25:43.738 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1958(191KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 135us,1.088ms total 106.921ms
2024/01/05 21:25:43.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][36854] Uncal_G [-0.002,-0.007, 0.004] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214776000522435
2024/01/05 21:25:43.932 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1696(223KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 280us,69us total 187.821ms
2024/01/05 21:25:44.001 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:44.080 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ae4b2f5
2024/01/05 21:25:44.090 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.542968 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:44.092 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.403958 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:44.148 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:44.148] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214776313770300
2024/01/05 21:25:44.154 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:44.154] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214776319039519
2024/01/05 21:25:44.256 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:44.256+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.442231178283691
2024/01/05 21:25:44.272 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:44.272] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:44.409 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:44.409] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 79890, curr ts = 80923
2024/01/05 21:25:44.483 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@65088a
2024/01/05 21:25:44.570 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2328(203KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 23MB/23MB, paused 361us,60us total 103.306ms
2024/01/05 21:25:44.598 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.122448 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:44.600 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.066927 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:44.715 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1544(229KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(17MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8722KB/17MB, paused 103us,75us total 138.055ms
2024/01/05 21:25:44.886 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@85adefb
2024/01/05 21:25:44.901 3016 16577 Info SimpleEventLog PdnController Read written lines: 270(4 ms)
2024/01/05 21:25:45.007 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:45.258 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1831(175KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 19MB/19MB, paused 3.634ms,130us total 153.092ms
2024/01/05 21:25:45.288 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ee350c4
2024/01/05 21:25:45.401 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1569(213KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10086KB/19MB, paused 103us,72us total 142.243ms
2024/01/05 21:25:45.405 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4307] accel_sample [ 0.024, 0.017, 9.794] 214777563617071
2024/01/05 21:25:45.449 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:45.449] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 20Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 80923, curr ts = 81957
2024/01/05 21:25:45.572 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.36474 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:45.575 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.357448 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:45.598 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 334(334),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12672,l:334,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:323
2024/01/05 21:25:45.631 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:45.636 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 798, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:45.639 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 418.812 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.187)
2024/01/05 21:25:45.690 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4fd4bad
2024/01/05 21:25:45.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][37697] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.005, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] 214778001036394
2024/01/05 21:25:45.951 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1958(205KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 1.115ms,66us total 111.532ms
2024/01/05 21:25:46.013 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:46.078 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.191198 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:46.079 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 12
2024/01/05 21:25:46.079 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.719531 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:46.092 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@21b472e
2024/01/05 21:25:46.140 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954081 162854173 w 1969903 27219776 d 771208 190106008 f 0 241927 iot 3177856 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27015.653
2024/01/05 21:25:46.141 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): .sec.imsservice(3016) 20
2024/01/05 21:25:46.141 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:0(20716) 2600 kworker/u16:1(13987) 16
2024/01/05 21:25:46.152 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1646(212KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10099KB/19MB, paused 141us,57us total 193.257ms
2024/01/05 21:25:46.258 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:46.258+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.485514640808105
2024/01/05 21:25:46.273 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:46.273] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:46.291 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 589/Done 589|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.599/s Avg=14.511/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 563.8Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:46.291 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:46.435 24747 24809 Info BiasUtils save to file: {"accel":{"mean":[0.014093725375153687,0.01810170325570595,9.8040403795242366],"var":[0.0001025621043558655,8.6375116156143161e-05,8.8699494227739706e-05]},"gyro":{"mean":[-0.003356702000166638,-0.0066065025900021411,0.0024999641205075205],"var":[5.7465061246192918e-07,1.3604421962778792e-06,5.2762128762564783e-07]},"mag":{"mean":[-596.3979156494147,-419.9819719696045,-253.30533718109157],"var":[0.1229120350908488,0.11467178087332286,0.43222932366188616]},"timestamp_ns":214778596681290,"version":"1.0.0"}
2024/01/05 21:25:46.488 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,0.010,0.017,9.808, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:46.495 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e182cf
2024/01/05 21:25:46.530 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:46.529] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 81957, curr ts = 82989
2024/01/05 21:25:46.583 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.884062 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:46.584 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.03349 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:46.701 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:498 BAT:395 USB:343 CHG:474 PA:470 WIFI:467 CF:411 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:404 CHG2:398 WIFI2:415 UANT2:403 DANT2:358 RCV2:406 SPK2:347 FCAM:341 UPSPK:407 DNSPK:339 AMB:216
2024/01/05 21:25:46.701 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:25:46.712 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:46.712] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:3 recv:5000 214778874709362
2024/01/05 21:25:46.898 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f9f45c
2024/01/05 21:25:47.019 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:47.087 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.202083 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:47.088 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.964531 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:47.301 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7cfb0e1
2024/01/05 21:25:47.411 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1678(177KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 19MB/19MB, paused 1.395ms,64us total 186.262ms
2024/01/05 21:25:47.418 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4413] accel_sample [ 0.016, 0.007, 9.802] 214779575994727
2024/01/05 21:25:47.475 2988 3653 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:25:47.476 2988 3653 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:25:47.564 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:47.564] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 82989, curr ts = 84022
2024/01/05 21:25:47.592 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.687968 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:47.593 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.773125 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:47.707 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5a9ca60
2024/01/05 21:25:47.740 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1841(238KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 15MB/30MB, paused 94us,76us total 325.764ms
2024/01/05 21:25:47.768 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 9 9 10 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -48 -48 -48 -49 -48 -48 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:47.780 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:47.780] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:47.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][38540] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.006, 0.003] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214780001548165
2024/01/05 21:25:47.934 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:25:47.934 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:47.934 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:47.936 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:47.939 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dfc went down
2024/01/05 21:25:47.940 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dfd went down
2024/01/05 21:25:47.942 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dfe went down
2024/01/05 21:25:47.944 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:47.944 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:47.945 1384 25958 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:47.946 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 0 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:47.946 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:47.946 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5dff went down
2024/01/05 21:25:47.947 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:47.998 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 334(334),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12656,l:334,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:323
2024/01/05 21:25:47.998 1384 25958 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:47.999 1384 25958 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214780163696081 ns; value = [334, 334, 2, 1, 323, 72, 2, 2, 791, -1]
2024/01/05 21:25:48.001 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:25:48.002 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:48.005 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:48.005 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:48.006 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e00 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:48.006 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:48.025 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:48.108 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e6acfd5
2024/01/05 21:25:48.144 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954081 162854173 w 1969957 27220048 d 771260 190107852 f 0 241934 iot 3177884 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27017.657
2024/01/05 21:25:48.274 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:48.273] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:48.282 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:48.282+8.0][25535,25859][]FpsCalculate: meter name:VideoEncodeController(165990117) fps:14.328063011169434
2024/01/05 21:25:48.282 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:48.282+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.328063011169434
2024/01/05 21:25:48.290 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController Initial -> Freezeable, Reason: uidIdle)
2024/01/05 21:25:48.511 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@28b93ea
2024/01/05 21:25:48.580 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.302969 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:48.581 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.893906 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:48.613 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:48.612] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 84022, curr ts = 85055
2024/01/05 21:25:48.646 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 799, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:48.649 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.018 ms / 448.386 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.117)
2024/01/05 21:25:48.670 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1857(291KB) AllocSpace objects, 18(23MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8690KB/16MB, paused 103us,69us total 104.221ms
2024/01/05 21:25:48.702 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 619/628 (recycle/alloc) - 6/623 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:48.763 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 622/625 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:48.894 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:48.893] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:48.914 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d7b76db
2024/01/05 21:25:48.951 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:49.052 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:49.085 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.365 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:49.088 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.497292 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:49.166 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:25:49.168 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:25:49.298 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1099(202KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(9464KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 127us,70us total 171.099ms
2024/01/05 21:25:49.315 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@63e8124
2024/01/05 21:25:49.431 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4519] accel_sample [ 0.010, 0.020, 9.804] 214781588370092
2024/01/05 21:25:49.577 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:49.577] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 85055, curr ts = 86056
2024/01/05 21:25:49.595 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.827292 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:49.596 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.008282 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:49.662 2221 3294 Verbose MdnieScenarioControlService burn_in_prevention_mode(), enabled : true, mBurnInDisableAppEnabled : false , mAutoBrightnessMode : true, mHighBrightnessModeEnabled : false , mBurnInPreventionACL : false , platform_brightness_value : 72 , BURN_IN_PREVENTION_SUPPORT_VALUE : 101 , mBurnInPreventionEnabled : false , mGameAppLauncher : false
2024/01/05 21:25:49.717 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@9ce248d
2024/01/05 21:25:49.800 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-49, CE:27, PE:28, TI:31, PTI:32, TW:1, PTW:1, Tx:3445, Rx:1851, TxS:2682, RxS:1810, RESULT:true, IC:1, ICT:5, WC:2, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:25:49.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][39383] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.005, 0.001] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214782002057644
2024/01/05 21:25:49.930 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2360(233KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 23MB/23MB, paused 401us,232us total 118.893ms
2024/01/05 21:25:50.026 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:25:50.026 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:50.027 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:50.028 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:50.030 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e01 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:50.033 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e02 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:50.035 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e03 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:50.037 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:25:50.037 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:50.037 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:50.038 1384 25960 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:50.039 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 2 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:50.039 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:50.041 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e04 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:50.074 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:50.079 1384 25960 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:50.080 1384 25960 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 334(334),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12656,l:334,r:88,bl:92,j:324
2024/01/05 21:25:50.081 2221 2984 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:25:50.081 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:50.083 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e05 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:50.084 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:50.084 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:50.099 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.067239 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:50.100 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.857448 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:50.120 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3405845
2024/01/05 21:25:50.138 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1941(240KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 118us,98us total 182.471ms
2024/01/05 21:25:50.147 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954093 162854309 w 1969967 27222588 d 771260 190107852 f 0 241934 iot 3177924 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27019.660
2024/01/05 21:25:50.148 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): system_server(2221) 136
2024/01/05 21:25:50.148 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:7(4498) 2540 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 68 system_server(2221) 48
2024/01/05 21:25:50.273 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:50.273] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:50.302 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:50.302+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.356435775756836
2024/01/05 21:25:50.522 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7a8cb9a
2024/01/05 21:25:50.579 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:50.579] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 86056, curr ts = 87089
2024/01/05 21:25:50.605 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.304636 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:50.607 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.989479 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:50.803 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2096(175KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 24MB/24MB, paused 124us,2.541ms total 154.493ms
2024/01/05 21:25:50.924 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@403cccb
2024/01/05 21:25:50.974 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1783(238KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 119us,60us total 159.466ms
2024/01/05 21:25:51.096 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:51.096 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:222:15:806400:806400:806400:883200:883200:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:25:51.296 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(1) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 661/Done 660|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.183/s Avg=14.475/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 545.4Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:51.297 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:51.326 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8d67b54
2024/01/05 21:25:51.435 24339 24339 Info nebula_DisplayModeService FreezeRunnable: each 15000s run.
2024/01/05 21:25:51.438 24339 24339 Error nebula_DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:51.438 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:51.440 24339 24339 Error nebula__DebugSetting readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:51.440 24339 24339 Debug nebula__DebugSetting get3DMode: refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:25:51.441 24339 24339 Error DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:25:51.441 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:25:51.443 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4625] accel_sample [ 0.020, 0.014, 9.808] 214783600743477
2024/01/05 21:25:51.446 2221 2984 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.449 2221 2984 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.584 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.070573 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:51.586 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.56375 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:51.593 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:51.593] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 87089, curr ts = 88090
2024/01/05 21:25:51.653 2221 2221 Info Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl isInManagedCall - callingPackage : android
2024/01/05 21:25:51.666 3039 3039 Debug S.S.N. onEntryUpdated 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:51.666 3039 3039 Debug BubblesManager onEntryUpdated : shouldBubbleUp=false ,key=0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:51.667 3039 3039 Debug InterruptionStateProvider no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:25:51.668 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 800, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:51.669 5589 5589 Info Edge.badge updateBadge item = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland:0 1
2024/01/05 21:25:51.671 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.018 ms / 440.456 Mbps (866 / 0.006 / 1.184)
2024/01/05 21:25:51.671 3499 3499 Info Launcher.NotificationListener onNotificationPosted : ai.nreal.nebula.mainland number : 0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.683 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:51.684 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:51.684 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.684 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.729 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@13f0a43
2024/01/05 21:25:51.780 2221 2984 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: pkg=ai.nreal.nebula.mainland , range=1 , includeAllApp=false , userId=-2 , infoRange=0 , infoCategory=0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.782 2221 2984 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication - accept rechecked by isEdgeLightingAllowed = true uid = 10227
2024/01/05 21:25:51.782 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1857(219KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 165us,68us total 227.926ms
2024/01/05 21:25:51.782 2221 2984 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: getRejectablePolicy true
2024/01/05 21:25:51.800 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:51.801 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:25:51.801 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.801 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:51.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][40225] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.004, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214784000192227
2024/01/05 21:25:52.092 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.94974 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:52.093 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.8125 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:52.101 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:52.132 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@9b5e0ec
2024/01/05 21:25:52.148 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954100 162854337 w 1969967 27222588 d 771260 190107852 f 0 241934 iot 3177932 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27021.661
2024/01/05 21:25:52.274 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:52.274] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:52.275 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:52.323 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:52.323+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.356435775756836
2024/01/05 21:25:52.351 2221 2298 Error Watchdog !@Sync: 899 heap: 107 / 125 FD: 1110 [2024-01-05 21:25:52.351]
2024/01/05 21:25:52.534 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f80dcb5
2024/01/05 21:25:52.595 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.361094 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:52.596 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.887917 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:52.644 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:52.644] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 21Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 88090, curr ts = 89122
2024/01/05 21:25:52.786 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:52.786] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:25:52.787 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:52.786] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:52.939 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@61b4f4a
2024/01/05 21:25:53.099 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.172292 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:53.101 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.120365 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:53.107 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:53.118 2221 2862 Warn DeviceStorageMonitorService updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1
2024/01/05 21:25:53.121 2221 2862 Debug DeviceStorageMonitorService Available File Node Number is [12529763]
2024/01/05 21:25:53.122 2221 2862 Warn DeviceStorageMonitorService updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1
2024/01/05 21:25:53.157 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1968(190KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 21MB/21MB, paused 140us,80us total 218.461ms
2024/01/05 21:25:53.341 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c034b97
2024/01/05 21:25:53.455 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4731] accel_sample [ 0.021, 0.008, 9.807] 214785613115352
2024/01/05 21:25:53.606 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.430678 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:53.608 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.777865 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:53.635 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:53.634] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 89122, curr ts = 90123
2024/01/05 21:25:53.728 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2534(258KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 20MB/40MB, paused 95us,72us total 543.730ms
2024/01/05 21:25:53.744 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c396184
2024/01/05 21:25:53.759 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 333(333),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12640,l:333,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:320
2024/01/05 21:25:53.813 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 9 10 10 9 10 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -47 -47 -49 -48 -49 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:53.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][41068] Uncal_G [-0.003,-0.008, 0.001] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214786000698425
2024/01/05 21:25:54.113 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:54.146 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ac7f369
2024/01/05 21:25:54.152 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954115 162854561 w 1969967 27222588 d 771260 190107852 f 0 241934 iot 3177948 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27023.665
2024/01/05 21:25:54.154 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): system_server(2221) 224 ewlogd(1680) 28
2024/01/05 21:25:54.219 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 698/707 (recycle/alloc) - 6/702 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:54.276 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:54.274] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:54.281 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 701/704 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:54.345 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:54.345+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.335145950317383
2024/01/05 21:25:54.548 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f82d1ee
2024/01/05 21:25:54.589 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.888125 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:54.590 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.120781 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:54.626 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:54.625] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 90123, curr ts = 91123
2024/01/05 21:25:54.627 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [spdySessionCloseCallback] - errorCode = -3704
2024/01/05 21:25:54.630 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySessionCallBack.spdySessionCloseCallback] -
2024/01/05 21:25:54.635 24989 25063 Debug tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySession.cleanUp] -
2024/01/05 21:25:54.664 24989 25063 Debug tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySession.cleanUp] -
2024/01/05 21:25:54.687 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 801, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:54.688 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.018 ms / 439.809 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.155)
2024/01/05 21:25:54.869 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 4970(341KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 41MB/41MB, paused 12.694ms,70us total 117.436ms
2024/01/05 21:25:54.952 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7695d1c
2024/01/05 21:25:55.091 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2564(357KB) AllocSpace objects, 26(34MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 100us,76us total 221.435ms
2024/01/05 21:25:55.095 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.254896 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:55.096 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.9875 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:55.119 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:55.354 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@691a6a1
2024/01/05 21:25:55.468 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4837] accel_sample [ 0.015, 0.014, 9.798] 214787625485665
2024/01/05 21:25:55.602 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.119532 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:55.604 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.026615 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:55.631 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker update stats : update-network-download (6)
2024/01/05 21:25:55.634 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:55.640 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Fetch WiFi data
2024/01/05 21:25:55.640 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update Rail Energy data
2024/01/05 21:25:55.640 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Fetch modem data
2024/01/05 21:25:55.659 2221 2984 Debug TelephonyManager requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=214787827 mSleepTimeMs=165817005 mIdleTimeMs=3086281 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[14103, 4892, 9055, 34186, 14752],mRxTimeMs=45072165}]}
2024/01/05 21:25:55.659 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker mStats lock released
2024/01/05 21:25:55.662 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update wifi state
2024/01/05 21:25:55.664 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update modem state
2024/01/05 21:25:55.664 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker done updateExternalStatsLocked
2024/01/05 21:25:55.671 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:55.671] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 91123, curr ts = 92156
2024/01/05 21:25:55.756 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e4f30c6
2024/01/05 21:25:55.789 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1319(227KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8735KB/17MB, paused 251us,123us total 122.589ms
2024/01/05 21:25:55.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][41911] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214788001203008
2024/01/05 21:25:55.839 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 315(315),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:11952,l:315,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:307
2024/01/05 21:25:55.981 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,0.017,0.019,9.813, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:25:56.015 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:56.014] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214788179183790
2024/01/05 21:25:56.021 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:56.021] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214788184452956
2024/01/05 21:25:56.082 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 13
2024/01/05 21:25:56.109 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.386927 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:56.110 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.903854 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:56.124 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:56.157 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954177 162855241 w 1969975 27225116 d 771260 190107852 f 0 241934 iot 3178016 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27025.670
2024/01/05 21:25:56.158 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ac6e623
2024/01/05 21:25:56.264 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1693(192KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 17MB/17MB, paused 787us,61us total 118.877ms
2024/01/05 21:25:56.274 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:56.274] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:56.297 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 732/Done 732|Work-Rate: Q(14.2/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.398/s Avg=14.468/s)| Stream: 14.49fps 638.1Kbps
2024/01/05 21:25:56.297 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:25:56.368 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:56.364+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.363546371459961
2024/01/05 21:25:56.408 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1166(194KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(9464KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 104us,62us total 135.475ms
2024/01/05 21:25:56.442 24747 24809 Info BiasUtils save to file: {"accel":{"mean":[0.013824532789315714,0.019573289175204477,9.8077671813964198],"var":[0.00010264852482751402,9.4716312475224467e-05,8.1833526920149779e-05]},"gyro":{"mean":[-0.0032436920024357962,-0.0067164582340043253,0.0025381431716967407],"var":[4.6230273921536118e-07,7.0152373192266344e-07,5.9554730542228873e-07]},"mag":{"mean":[-596.17615097045575,-419.35544029235842,-255.32321308136011],"var":[0.38867713348008692,2.004810878977878,5.021407010332041]},"timestamp_ns":214788599218321,"version":"1.0.0"}
2024/01/05 21:25:56.562 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@2e0d720
2024/01/05 21:25:56.615 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.113333 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:56.617 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.435 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:56.701 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:497 BAT:395 USB:343 CHG:473 PA:468 WIFI:466 CF:411 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:404 CHG2:398 WIFI2:415 UANT2:403 DANT2:359 RCV2:406 SPK2:347 FCAM:342 UPSPK:408 DNSPK:340 AMB:216
2024/01/05 21:25:56.701 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:25:56.719 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:56.719] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 92156, curr ts = 93188
2024/01/05 21:25:56.964 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e0788d9
2024/01/05 21:25:57.130 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:57.184 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1563(249KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 102us,62us total 191.647ms
2024/01/05 21:25:57.367 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@76c3aaa
2024/01/05 21:25:57.481 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][4943] accel_sample [ 0.009, 0.017, 9.797] 214789637854519
2024/01/05 21:25:57.594 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.048281 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:57.595 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.983802 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:57.701 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 802, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.705 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 426.477 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.126)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.713 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:57.712] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 93188, curr ts = 94221
2024/01/05 21:25:57.769 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c70f69b
2024/01/05 21:25:57.792 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:57.792] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][42754] Uncal_G [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214790001706290
2024/01/05 21:25:57.851 1867 2096 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:25:57.894 1867 2116 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:25:57.906 3016 3147 Info PhoneStateTracker<1> onCellInfoChanged: xxxxx
2024/01/05 21:25:57.906 3016 3147 Info ImsCallSessionManager onCellInfoChanged, phoneId: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.906 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Handler handleMessage: EVENT_CELL_INFO_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> updatePani RegisterTask[1][mProfile=CTC Mobile, mRegistrationRat=20, mPdnType=11, mState=REGISTERED, mObject=UserAgent - :
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> total records=1150
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[0]: time=01-05 21:22:06.971 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[1]: time=01-05 21:22:06.985 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[2]: time=01-05 21:22:23.998 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[3]: time=01-05 21:22:24.000 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[4]: time=01-05 21:23:31.500 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[5]: time=01-05 21:23:31.501 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[6]: time=01-05 21:23:31.504 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=50(0x32)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[7]: time=01-05 21:23:31.533 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[8]: time=01-05 21:23:31.534 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[9]: time=01-05 21:23:39.374 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[10]: time=01-05 21:23:39.375 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[11]: time=01-05 21:23:39.393 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=50(0x32)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[12]: time=01-05 21:23:39.437 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[13]: time=01-05 21:23:39.438 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[14]: time=01-05 21:24:25.867 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[15]: time=01-05 21:24:25.873 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[16]: time=01-05 21:24:32.684 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[17]: time=01-05 21:24:32.685 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[18]: time=01-05 21:24:55.851 processed=ReadyState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=34(0x22)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> rec[19]: time=01-05 21:24:55.854 processed=RegisteredState org=RegisteredState dest=<null> what=2000(0x7d0)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> curState=RegisteredState
2024/01/05 21:25:57.907 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> , mReason=, mPcscfHostname=null, mDeregiReason=41]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: subId=3, network=20
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=20, fallbackPlmn=46011
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator generate: change to NW PLMN(46011)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> getAllCellInfo mNeedCellLocationUpdate : false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator NR Access Type TDD
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator setLkcForLastPani: No Last PANI header for CTC Mobile
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info UserAgent<1> updatePani: pani=3GPP-NR-TDD;utran-cell-id-3gpp=46011590b0559412a082, updatePani: lastPani=
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> updatePani RegisterTask[1][mProfile=CTC Internet RCS, mRegistrationRat=20, mPdnType=0, mState=IDLE, mObject=null, mReason=, mPcscfHostname=null, mDeregiReason=41]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3437 Info StackIF updatePani: 25765 pani: [3GPP-NR-TDD;utran-cell-id-3gpp=46011590b0559412a082]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: subId=3, network=20
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=20, fallbackPlmn=46011
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator generate: change to NW PLMN(46011)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> getAllCellInfo mNeedCellLocationUpdate : false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator NR Access Type TDD
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 3016 3437 Info SECIMSJ [1905]> 136
2024/01/05 21:25:57.908 1867 2116 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:25:57.909 3016 3454 Info [IMS6.0] IMS_onResponse()
2024/01/05 21:25:57.910 3016 3454 Info StackIF processMessage 2
2024/01/05 21:25:57.910 3016 3454 Info StackIF Processing Response
2024/01/05 21:25:57.910 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> updatePani RegisterTask[1][mProfile=CTC WIFI RCS, mRegistrationRat=18, mPdnType=1, mState=IDLE, mObject=null, mReason=, mPcscfHostname=null, mDeregiReason=41]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.910 3016 3454 Info SECIMSJ [1905]< 600
2024/01/05 21:25:57.910 3016 3454 Info StackIF processResponse: reqId 600
2024/01/05 21:25:57.910 3016 3454 Info StackIF processResponse: handle 25765 result 0 reason 0
2024/01/05 21:25:57.912 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: subId=3, network=20
2024/01/05 21:25:57.912 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=18, fallbackPlmn=46011
2024/01/05 21:25:57.912 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generateWiFiPani: Format for generating PANI - <PREFIX>;<NODE_ID>
2024/01/05 21:25:57.913 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator WifiManager.getBSSID(): [00:5d:73:b8:7c:2d]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.913 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generateWiFiPani: normalized PANI: IEEE-802.11;i-wlan-node-id=005d73b87c2d
2024/01/05 21:25:57.916 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator<1> generate: network=20, fallbackPlmn=null
2024/01/05 21:25:57.916 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator generate: change to NW PLMN(46011)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.916 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> getAllCellInfo mNeedCellLocationUpdate : false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.916 3016 3147 Info PaniGenerator NR Access Type TDD
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> tryRegister:
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<0> RegisterTask(s): CMCC Mobile VoLTE (REGISTERED, rat = 20, service = [mmtel-video, smsip, mmtel]), CMCC Internet RCS (IDLE), CMCC WIFI RCS (IDLE)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> RegisterTask(s): CTC Mobile (REGISTERED, rat = 20, service = [mmtel-video, smsip, mmtel]), CTC Internet RCS (IDLE), CTC WIFI RCS (IDLE)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RegisterTask isSuspended: mSuspended(false) mSuspendByIrat(false)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC Internet RCS|IDLE] checkForTryRegister id: 93
2024/01/05 21:25:57.918 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr isPdnConnected: false, PdnType: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:57.920 3016 3147 Info PdnController getDefaultNetworkBearer: WIFI
2024/01/05 21:25:57.920 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> isNetworkAvailable: isEpdgConnected=false getDataNetworkType()=20
2024/01/05 21:25:57.923 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> findBestNetwork: NR
2024/01/05 21:25:57.923 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase<1> isReadyToDualRegister : true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.924 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC Internet RCS|IDLE] checkInitialRegistrationIsReady: APM ON [false], Roamimg [false]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.924 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.925 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.925 3016 3147 Info ImsProfile isRttSupportByCallApp : false ttyType : 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.925 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> getPriorityRegiedTask : isPriority High? true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.925 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase checkRegiStatus: getState()=IDLE mIsUpdateRegistering=false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.926 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase getVoiceTechType: VOLTE
2024/01/05 21:25:57.926 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnCtc<1> checkRcsEvent: pdn = internet, state = IDLE
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info PdnController isWifiConnected: [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnCtc<1> isReadyToRegister: The RCS rat is not wifi, when wifi is connected.
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC Internet RCS|IDLE] checkForTryRegister: isReadyToRegister = false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info RegisterTask isSuspended: mSuspended(false) mSuspendByIrat(false)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC WIFI RCS|IDLE] checkForTryRegister id: 95
2024/01/05 21:25:57.931 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr isPdnConnected: false, PdnType: 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.932 3016 3147 Info PdnController getDefaultNetworkBearer: WIFI
2024/01/05 21:25:57.933 3016 3147 Info PdnController isWifiConnected: [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.933 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> findBestNetwork: WIFI needWifiNetwork = true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.933 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase<1> isReadyToDualRegister : true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.936 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> [CTC WIFI RCS|IDLE] checkInitialRegistrationIsReady: APM ON [false], Roamimg [false]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.936 3016 3147 Info RcsPolicyMgr<1> pendingRcsRegister: mActiveDataPhoneId = 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.936 3016 3147 Info RcsUtils isDualRcsReg: false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.936 3016 3147 Info ImsProfile isRttSupportByCallApp : false ttyType : 1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.936 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils<1> getPriorityRegiedTask : isPriority High? true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.936 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase checkRegiStatus: getState()=IDLE mIsUpdateRegistering=false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.936 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnCtc<1> checkRcsEvent: pdn = wifi, state = IDLE
2024/01/05 21:25:57.940 2988 2988 Info TelephonyProvider D/TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 3 subId = 3
2024/01/05 21:25:57.940 3016 3147 Info PdnController isWifiConnected: [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
2024/01/05 21:25:57.946 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> isWaitAutoConfig:
2024/01/05 21:25:57.947 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr-Utils selectPdnType: rat=18pdn=1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.947 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> getServiceForNetwork: network 18
2024/01/05 21:25:57.947 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> getServiceForNetwork: service {options, chatbot-communication, ft_http, euc, gls, slm}
2024/01/05 21:25:57.949 3016 3147 Info RegiGvnBase getVoiceTechType: VOLTE
2024/01/05 21:25:57.957 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> isValidAcsVersion:
2024/01/05 21:25:57.959 2988 2988 Info TelephonyProvider D/TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 3 subId = 3
2024/01/05 21:25:57.963 3016 3147 Info ConfigProvider query uri:xxxxx
2024/01/05 21:25:57.971 3016 3147 Info ConfigProvider queryStorage path content://
2024/01/05 21:25:57.974 2221 2984 Debug SecContentProvider2 query(), uri = 18 selection = isRCSEnabled
2024/01/05 21:25:57.974 2221 2234 Info LocationAccessPolicy checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10034, callingPid: 3039, result: DENIED_SOFT
2024/01/05 21:25:57.974 2221 2984 Info PhoneRestrictionPolicy isRCSEnabledInternal(), showMsg: false, columnName: enableRCS
2024/01/05 21:25:57.974 2221 2234 Info LocationAccessPolicy checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10034, callingPid: 3039, result: DENIED_SOFT
2024/01/05 21:25:57.975 2221 2984 Error PhoneRestrictionPolicy getEmergencyCall >>false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.976 2221 2984 Info PhoneRestrictionPolicy isRCSEnabledInternal(), showMsg: false, columnName: enableRCSForSimSlot1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.976 2221 2984 Error PhoneRestrictionPolicy getEmergencyCall >>false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.977 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> RCS switch: false, version: 0, isRcsAcsCompleted: false
2024/01/05 21:25:57.977 3016 3147 Info ConfigTrigger<1> RCS switch is on & config version: 0. This shouldn't happen!
2024/01/05 21:25:57.978 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> getServiceForNetwork: filtered service []
2024/01/05 21:25:57.978 3016 3147 Info RegiMgr<1> CTC WIFI RCS: no ims service for current rat18
2024/01/05 21:25:57.979 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onServiceStateChanged voiceState=0 dataState=0
2024/01/05 21:25:57.979 2221 2234 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:499 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1321
2024/01/05 21:25:57.979 3016 3147 Info PdnController slot[1]: stopPdnConnectivity: network 1, callback is null
2024/01/05 21:25:57.980 3016 3147 Error PdnController<1> requestStopNetwork: callback not found
2024/01/05 21:25:57.980 3016 3147 Error #IMSCR 01-05 21:25:57 0x1101000B:1,FILTERED ALL:1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.980 2221 2234 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2276$Stub.onTransact:499
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> Active Phone Id = 1 MobileConnected = true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PhoneStateTracker<1> onServiceStateChanged: state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShort=中国电信, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **8 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********86 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **8 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********86 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}Changed=
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> notifyDataConnectionState
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> initialize PendedEPDGWeakSignal flag
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> setPendedEPDGWeakSignal
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PdnController<1> notifyDataConnectionState: needNotify=false networkType=20 isEpdgConnected=false dataNetType=20=>20 dataRegState=0=>0
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PhoneStateTracker<1> notifySnapshotState: snapshotState=0 old=0
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PdnController handleMessage: what 107
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info PdnController slot[1]: requestStopNetwork: network 1, callback is null
2024/01/05 21:25:57.981 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon handleMessage : what = SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:25:57.982 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:25:57.982 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:25:57.982 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:25:57.982 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon matchTimingReqLocation ,match=0, timing=4
2024/01/05 21:25:57.982 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon profile is null
2024/01/05 21:25:57.982 3016 3147 Info GeolocationCon<1> onNetworkCountryIsoChanged: mCountryIso = cn, iso = cn
2024/01/05 21:25:57.983 2221 2234 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:499 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1321
2024/01/05 21:25:57.984 3016 3469 Info VolteServiceModule onServiceStateChanged({mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShort=中国电信, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **8 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********86 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityNr:{ mPci = **8 mTac = 5****25 mNrArfcn = 627264 mBands = [77] mMcc = 460 mMnc = 11 mNci = 2********86 mAlphaLong = 中国电信 mAlphaShort = 中国电信 mAdditionalPlmns = {} } voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false})
2024/01/05 21:25:57.984 3016 3469 Info VolteServiceModule mIsLteEpsOnlyAttached(1):true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.990 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.990 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.992 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.993 2221 2234 Warn ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:499 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1321
2024/01/05 21:25:57.994 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Skipping delivery of excluded package Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes package due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.996 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Skipping delivery of excluded package Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes package due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.996 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Skipping delivery of excluded package Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes package due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.997 2221 2221 Debug SemWifiService received: android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:25:57.997 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.998 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{93129f 2221:system/1000} (pid=2221, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.998 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:25:57.998 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.998 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{215921e} (pid=3039, uid=10034) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.998 3039 3039 Verbose KeyguardUpdateMonitor action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} subId=3 slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:25:57.998 3039 3039 Debug MultiSIMController onReceive() - action = android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:25:57.998 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 2988 2988 Debug ServiceStateProvider subId=3
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleServiceStateChange(subId=3, slotId=1, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{56ed704} (pid=2988, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleServiceStateChange(subId=3, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController onRefreshCarrierInfo(), mTelephonyCapable: true
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{93129f 2221:system/1000} (pid=2221, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController updateCarrierText(): 2
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController Handling (subId=2): 5 中国移动
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController carrierTextForSimState = 中国移动
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController SIM ready and in service: subId=2, ss={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=723360, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46000 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 0 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46000 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国移动, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国移动, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController Handling (subId=3): 5 中国电信
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController carrierTextForSimState = 中国电信
2024/01/05 21:25:57.999 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController SIM ready and in service: subId=3, ss={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=627264, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), getRilDataRadioTechnology=20(NR_SA), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=*1, mSystemId=*1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, VoiceRegType=0, Snap=0, MobileData=IN_SERVICE, MobileDataRoamingType=home, MobileDataRat=NR_SA, PsOnly=true, FemtocellInd=0, SprDisplayRoam=false, OptRadioTech=0, MsimSubmode=0, IsVoiceCallAvailable=true, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=NR rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false NrVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcSupport = 0 mEmfSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=46011 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=中国电信, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=中国电信, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
2024/01/05 21:25:58.000 3039 3039 Debug CarrierTextController setText : 中国移动 | 中国电信
2024/01/05 21:25:58.000 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetPagesController onRefreshCarrierInfo()
2024/01/05 21:25:58.000 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockRoamManager isNetworkRoamingState id=2
2024/01/05 21:25:58.000 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockRoamManager isNetworkRoamingState false
2024/01/05 21:25:58.001 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController ServiceState from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:25:58.006 2221 2234 Info LocationAccessPolicy checkLocationPermission - callingUid: 10043, callingPid: 4539, result: DENIED_SOFT
2024/01/05 21:25:58.007 2221 3222 Debug SLocation CellLocationManager - onCellLocationChanged 3 / 1
2024/01/05 21:25:58.008 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver onServiceStateChanged, ss: 0
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver networkOperator: 46000
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals handleServiceStateChanged
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 2988 2988 Debug NotificationMgr updateNetworkSelection, Use Samsung codes instead of AOSP codes
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals subId=3, mDefaultDataSubId=3, ss roaming=false
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals updateDataRoamingStatus
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:25:58.009 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:25:58.010 2988 2988 Verbose PhoneGlobals dataAllowed=true, reasons=Data allowed reason: NORMAL
2024/01/05 21:25:58.010 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:25:58.011 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:25:58.013 17261 17261 Debug CellBroadcastReceiver update supported roaming operator as
2024/01/05 21:25:58.013 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1518(234KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 255us,59us total 177.355ms
2024/01/05 21:25:58.013 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e06 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:58.016 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockRoamManager onRefreshCarrierInfo(pre, now): false, false
2024/01/05 21:25:58.016 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetClockPage onRefreshCarrierInfo : isChanged false mIsRoaming false
2024/01/05 21:25:58.016 3039 3039 Debug MultiSIMController MESSAGE_UPDATE_SERVICE_STATE
2024/01/05 21:25:58.018 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e07 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:58.021 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:25:58.021 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:25:58.021 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e08 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:58.022 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e09 went down
2024/01/05 21:25:58.024 1384 25964 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:25:58.024 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 2 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:25:58.024 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:58.025 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:58.079 1384 25964 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:25:58.080 1384 25964 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214790243686654 ns; value = [318, 318, 2, 1, 307, 72, 2, 2, 754, -1]
2024/01/05 21:25:58.081 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:25:58.082 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:25:58.083 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:25:58.083 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:25:58.083 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e0a went down
2024/01/05 21:25:58.084 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:25:58.098 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.582552 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:58.100 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.035781 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:58.136 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:58.162 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954308 162856641 w 1970054 27225456 d 771288 190108120 f 0 241942 iot 3178188 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27027.674
2024/01/05 21:25:58.164 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): rild(1867) 528 system_server(2221) 448 404
2024/01/05 21:25:58.165 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:0(20716) 2528 f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 88 init(1) 32
2024/01/05 21:25:58.173 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@860a25a
2024/01/05 21:25:58.275 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:58.274] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:25:58.291 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController Freezeable -> Frozen, Reason: uidIdle)
2024/01/05 21:25:58.293 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :
2024/01/05 21:25:58.298 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :
2024/01/05 21:25:58.300 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :
2024/01/05 21:25:58.306 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :, reason: Bg
2024/01/05 21:25:58.309 2221 3985 Info PowerManagerService [PWL] SetWakeLockEnableDisable uid = 10351 , disable= true
2024/01/05 21:25:58.309 2221 3985 Info PowerManagerService [PWL] can not change uid = 10351
2024/01/05 21:25:58.310 2221 3985 Warn LocationManagerService onFreezeStateChanged, uid[10351]=true
2024/01/05 21:25:58.421 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:25:58.421+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.584345817565918
2024/01/05 21:25:58.429 1867 2096 Debug SemNativeCarrierFeature_vendor getInstance
2024/01/05 21:25:58.575 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f768a26
2024/01/05 21:25:58.608 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.68401 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:58.610 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.421354 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:58.704 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2518(218KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 24MB/24MB, paused 97us,57us total 152.610ms
2024/01/05 21:25:58.840 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:58.840] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 94221, curr ts = 95254
2024/01/05 21:25:58.882 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1897(253KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 97us,56us total 175.876ms
2024/01/05 21:25:58.971 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:25:58.977 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@2f49667
2024/01/05 21:25:59.113 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.19625 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:59.114 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.026979 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:59.159 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:25:59.336 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:59.336] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:59.380 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@66580
2024/01/05 21:25:59.408 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:59.408] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:25:59.492 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5049] accel_sample [ 0.007, 0.020, 9.816] 214791650222696
2024/01/05 21:25:59.524 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2260(205KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 24MB/24MB, paused 113us,62us total 146.633ms
2024/01/05 21:25:59.616 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.178854 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:59.617 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.960729 msecs
2024/01/05 21:25:59.678 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 777/786 (recycle/alloc) - 6/781 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:59.680 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 318(318),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12048,l:318,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:308
2024/01/05 21:25:59.718 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1872(258KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 905us,66us total 191.470ms
2024/01/05 21:25:59.782 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6a667b9
2024/01/05 21:25:59.789 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:59.776] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 14Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 95254, curr ts = 96288
2024/01/05 21:25:59.805 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-51, CE:25, PE:27, TI:30, PTI:31, TW:1, PTW:1, Tx:3647, Rx:1986, TxS:2884, RxS:1950, RESULT:true, IC:1, ICT:5, WC:3, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:25:59.807 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 781/784 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:25:59.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][43597] Uncal_G [-0.002,-0.007, 0.001] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214792002209102
2024/01/05 21:25:59.849 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 9 10 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -50 -49 -48 -50 -50 -50 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:25:59.855 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10227
2024/01/05 21:25:59.856 24989 25069 Info tnet-jni 77 - create new session:
2024/01/05 21:25:59.894 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySessionCallBack.getSSLMeta] -
2024/01/05 21:25:59.894 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [spdySessionConnectCB] -
2024/01/05 21:25:59.894 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySessionCallBack.spdySessionConnectCB] -
2024/01/05 21:25:59.901 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - index=1 starttime=1704461159901
2024/01/05 21:25:59.901 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - index=1 calltime=1704461159901
2024/01/05 21:25:59.953 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:25:59.953] [25790] [INFO] [NRSDK] skip: 0.1665279
2024/01/05 21:26:00.005 2221 2221 Info EyeComfortSolutionService action : android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
2024/01/05 21:26:00.005 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
2024/01/05 21:26:00.006 3039 3591 Debug QSClockBellTower onReceive(android.intent.action.TIME_TICK) mTimeZoneString:null
2024/01/05 21:26:00.030 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleTimeUpdate
2024/01/05 21:26:00.030 3039 3039 Debug FaceWidgetPagesController onTimeChanged()
2024/01/05 21:26:00.031 3039 3039 Debug QSClockBellTower He is ready to ring the bell. (((QSClockBellSound - TimeText:21:26, TimeContentDescription:21:26, DateText:1月5日, 周五, ShortDateText:1月5日周五, Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56))))
2024/01/05 21:26:00.032 3039 3039 Debug QSClockIndicatorView Home Indicator status_bar_clock 21:26 notifyTimeChanged(QSClockBellSound - TimeText:21:26, TimeContentDescription:21:26, DateText:1月5日, 周五, ShortDateText:1月5日周五, Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56)) ClockVisibleByPolicy:true, ClockVisibleByUser:true, visible?true, parent:android.widget.LinearLayout{65c1362 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-97,58 #7f0b04f0 app:id/left_clock_container}
2024/01/05 21:26:00.032 3039 3039 Debug QSClockBellTower Everyone heard the bell. run(currentTime:1704461160031, getTime():Fri Jan 05 21:26:00 GMT+08:00 2024, getTimeZone():libcore.util.ZoneInfo[mDstSavings=0,mUseDst=false,mDelegate=[id="Asia/Shanghai",mRawOffset=28800000,mEarliestRawOffset=29143000,transitions=29]])
2024/01/05 21:26:00.043 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:00.043 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:00.043 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:00.043 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:00.044 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
2024/01/05 21:26:00.046 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateAnimators
2024/01/05 21:26:00.046 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator clearAnimationState
2024/01/05 21:26:00.046 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateViews
2024/01/05 21:26:00.047 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateTileAnimator
2024/01/05 21:26:00.048 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateHeaderAnimator
2024/01/05 21:26:00.048 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator updateBarAnimator
2024/01/05 21:26:00.048 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
2024/01/05 21:26:00.048 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator onAnimationAtStart
2024/01/05 21:26:00.106 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:26:00.106 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:26:00.107 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:26:00.107 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:26:00.110 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e0b went down
2024/01/05 21:26:00.111 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e0c went down
2024/01/05 21:26:00.114 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e0d went down
2024/01/05 21:26:00.115 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:26:00.115 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e0e went down
2024/01/05 21:26:00.115 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:26:00.115 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:26:00.116 1384 25972 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:00.117 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:26:00.117 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:00.159 1384 25972 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:26:00.160 1384 25972 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 316(316),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:11984,l:316,r:88,bl:92,j:304
2024/01/05 21:26:00.161 2221 2234 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:26:00.162 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:26:00.164 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e0f went down
2024/01/05 21:26:00.164 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:26:00.164 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:00.165 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:00.168 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954326 162856765 w 1970054 27225456 d 771288 190108120 f 0 241942 iot 3178212 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27029.680
2024/01/05 21:26:00.183 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ea054f1
2024/01/05 21:26:00.276 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:00.275] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:00.463 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1606(218KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10076KB/19MB, paused 205us,60us total 162.270ms
2024/01/05 21:26:00.481 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:00.481+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.57017993927002
2024/01/05 21:26:00.585 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@78bc8d6
2024/01/05 21:26:00.602 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.179323 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:00.604 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.860417 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:00.718 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 803, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:00.719 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 416.299 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.149)
2024/01/05 21:26:00.808 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySessionCallBack.putSSLMeta] -
2024/01/05 21:26:00.808 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [spdyStreamResponseRecv] -
2024/01/05 21:26:00.808 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySessionCallBack.spdyOnStreamResponse] -
2024/01/05 21:26:00.817 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [spdyStreamCloseCallback] -
2024/01/05 21:26:00.817 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - [SpdySessionCallBack.spdyStreamCloseCallback] -
2024/01/05 21:26:00.817 24989 25063 Info tnet-jni 73 - index=1 endtime=1704461160817
2024/01/05 21:26:00.826 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:00.825] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 96288, curr ts = 97320
2024/01/05 21:26:00.988 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4d44f2d
2024/01/05 21:26:01.115 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 4.438177 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:01.118 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.588438 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:01.165 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1444(204KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10084KB/19MB, paused 93us,59us total 174.275ms
2024/01/05 21:26:01.171 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:01.298 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 805/Done 805|Work-Rate: Q(14.6/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.599/s Avg=14.479/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 809.0Kbps
2024/01/05 21:26:01.298 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:26:01.310 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:222:14:806400:806400:806400:883200:883200:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:26:01.390 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4d31cae
2024/01/05 21:26:01.505 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5155] accel_sample [ 0.008, 0.035, 9.807] 214793662590821
2024/01/05 21:26:01.621 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.106719 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:01.622 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.188386 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:01.723 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2060(222KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 21MB/21MB, paused 94us,65us total 147.204ms
2024/01/05 21:26:01.792 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d346a4f
2024/01/05 21:26:01.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][44439] Uncal_G [-0.003,-0.005, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214794000338737
2024/01/05 21:26:01.923 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:01.923] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 97320, curr ts = 98355
2024/01/05 21:26:01.939 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1753(235KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/24MB, paused 388us,62us total 203.892ms
2024/01/05 21:26:02.127 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.225157 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:02.128 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.987083 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:02.172 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954326 162856765 w 1970065 27228156 d 771288 190108120 f 0 241942 iot 3178236 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27031.685
2024/01/05 21:26:02.173 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): ainland:channel(24989) 100 system_server(2221) 24
2024/01/05 21:26:02.173 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:15(4517) 2700
2024/01/05 21:26:02.177 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:02.194 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1bd23c8
2024/01/05 21:26:02.276 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:02.276] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:02.281 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:02.485 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:02.485+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.46384048461914
2024/01/05 21:26:02.597 2221 2984 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@31f5c61
2024/01/05 21:26:02.633 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.570312 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:02.636 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.840729 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:02.747 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1512(232KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(19MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7337KB/14MB, paused 118us,161us total 126.072ms
2024/01/05 21:26:02.805 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:02.805] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:26:02.805 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:02.805] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:26:02.884 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:02.884] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 15Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 98355, curr ts = 99389
2024/01/05 21:26:02.999 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6861386
2024/01/05 21:26:03.182 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:03.310 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1254(189KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(6760KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 397us,300us total 203.949ms
2024/01/05 21:26:03.361 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 321(321),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12160,l:321,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:311
2024/01/05 21:26:03.402 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@a60ede3
2024/01/05 21:26:03.517 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5261] accel_sample [-0.001, 0.020, 9.805] 214795674958633
2024/01/05 21:26:03.609 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.543437 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:03.612 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 3.407657 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:03.734 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 804, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:03.742 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.022 ms / 364.179 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.257)
2024/01/05 21:26:03.804 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4160d5e
2024/01/05 21:26:03.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][45282] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.003] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214796000841081
2024/01/05 21:26:04.017 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:04.016] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 99389, curr ts = 100422
2024/01/05 21:26:04.067 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1485(230KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(15MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10077KB/19MB, paused 330us,62us total 184.125ms
2024/01/05 21:26:04.115 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.063802 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:04.117 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.04552 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:04.176 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954329 162856821 w 1970068 27228168 d 771288 190108120 f 0 241943 iot 3178252 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27033.689
2024/01/05 21:26:04.188 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:04.207 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ccc365b
2024/01/05 21:26:04.277 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:04.277] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:04.490 2221 11695 Info AfterimageCompensationService AfcThread mLuminance : 98 , AfpcPeriodCount : 360 , rotation : 0 , AOD : false
2024/01/05 21:26:04.499 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.498+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:04.499 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.499+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:04.500 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.500+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:26:04.510 2221 11695 Debug system_server mAFPC_Read - w = 1080, h = 2340, s = 8, f = 4, s_size = 10183680, luminance = 98, count = 360, captureOrientation = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:04.510 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.510+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:04.510 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.510+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:04.511 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.511+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:04.511 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.511+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:04.513 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.513+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:26:04.514 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.514+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:26:04.514 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:04.514+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.299802780151367
2024/01/05 21:26:04.610 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7e71fd1
2024/01/05 21:26:04.621 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.308646 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:04.622 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.896979 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:04.645 24989 25185 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(78) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:04.648 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10227
2024/01/05 21:26:04.788 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1690(223KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10047KB/19MB, paused 104us,56us total 195.562ms
2024/01/05 21:26:04.814 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 853/856 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:04.948 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:04.948] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 100422, curr ts = 101455
2024/01/05 21:26:05.013 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5c06a36
2024/01/05 21:26:05.125 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.262448 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:05.128 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.725573 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:05.193 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:05.218 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 857/866 (recycle/alloc) - 6/861 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:05.415 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@85915d3
2024/01/05 21:26:05.473 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,0.007,0.022,9.801, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:26:05.523 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1464(229KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10098KB/19MB, paused 135us,63us total 164.433ms
2024/01/05 21:26:05.530 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5367] accel_sample [-0.000, 0.020, 9.807] 214797687325196
2024/01/05 21:26:05.599 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:05.638 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.408281 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:05.639 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.558177 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:05.820 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6c6c510
2024/01/05 21:26:05.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][46125] Uncal_G [-0.002,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214798001341967
2024/01/05 21:26:05.907 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 10 8 10 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -51 -50 -50 -50 -49 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:26:06.021 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:06.021] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 101455, curr ts = 102489
2024/01/05 21:26:06.089 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 14
2024/01/05 21:26:06.177 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1327(215KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8724KB/17MB, paused 96us,64us total 121.232ms
2024/01/05 21:26:06.178 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954340 162857033 w 1970076 27231032 d 771288 190108120 f 0 241943 iot 3178288 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27035.691
2024/01/05 21:26:06.179 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): 116 system_server(2221) 96 icesecurity.tcm(8161) 48
2024/01/05 21:26:06.179 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:3(13988) 2864 system_server(2221) 12
2024/01/05 21:26:06.199 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:06.223 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1840bc5
2024/01/05 21:26:06.277 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:06.277] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:06.298 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 877/Done 877|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.399/s Avg=14.473/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 628.4Kbps
2024/01/05 21:26:06.298 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:26:06.446 24747 24809 Info BiasUtils save to file: {"accel":{"mean":[0.0042412781220840141,0.020973090446240655,9.8088917636870949],"var":[0.00011322800104535733,9.8049614272094896e-05,0.00010860794827749487]},"gyro":{"mean":[-0.00328950686380465,-0.0066874421690587167,0.0025977024858010074],"var":[5.7718806609632275e-07,2.7071497258379762e-06,5.667280120509325e-07]},"mag":{"mean":[-596.44516433715694,-419.58315856933592,-255.87150989532461],"var":[0.17611469770781696,0.32367910558241419,0.65849382249871269]},"timestamp_ns":214798606475508,"version":"1.0.0"}
2024/01/05 21:26:06.451 24339 24339 Info nebula_DisplayModeService FreezeRunnable: each 15000s run.
2024/01/05 21:26:06.454 24339 24339 Error nebula_DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:26:06.454 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:26:06.458 24339 24339 Error nebula__DebugSetting readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:26:06.458 24339 24339 Debug nebula__DebugSetting get3DMode: refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:26:06.459 24339 24339 Error DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:26:06.459 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:26:06.465 2221 2234 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.466 2221 2234 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.514 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:06.514+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.5
2024/01/05 21:26:06.559 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 319(319),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12096,l:319,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:307
2024/01/05 21:26:06.611 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.553386 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:06.615 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.844271 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:06.624 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1362628
2024/01/05 21:26:06.668 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1821(193KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 17MB/17MB, paused 93us,12.125ms total 92.145ms
2024/01/05 21:26:06.674 2221 2221 Info Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl isInManagedCall - callingPackage : android
2024/01/05 21:26:06.686 5589 5589 Info Edge.badge updateBadge item = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland:0 1
2024/01/05 21:26:06.689 3499 3499 Info Launcher.NotificationListener onNotificationPosted : ai.nreal.nebula.mainland number : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.691 3039 3039 Debug S.S.N. onEntryUpdated 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:26:06.692 3039 3039 Debug BubblesManager onEntryUpdated : shouldBubbleUp=false ,key=0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:26:06.693 3039 3039 Debug InterruptionStateProvider no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:26:06.699 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:496 BAT:395 USB:343 CHG:473 PA:468 WIFI:466 CF:411 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:404 CHG2:398 WIFI2:415 UANT2:403 DANT2:359 RCV2:406 SPK2:347 FCAM:342 UPSPK:408 DNSPK:340 AMB:216
2024/01/05 21:26:06.699 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:26:06.712 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:06.712 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:06.712 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.712 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.756 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 805, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:06.758 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 411.524 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.161)
2024/01/05 21:26:06.766 2221 2234 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: pkg=ai.nreal.nebula.mainland , range=1 , includeAllApp=false , userId=-2 , infoRange=0 , infoCategory=0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.766 2221 2234 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication - accept rechecked by isEdgeLightingAllowed = true uid = 10227
2024/01/05 21:26:06.766 2221 2234 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: getRejectablePolicy true
2024/01/05 21:26:06.771 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:06.771 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:06.771 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.771 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.885 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1354(230KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 341us,73us total 209.835ms
2024/01/05 21:26:06.950 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil getSubscriptionIdBySlotIndex: 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.957 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil invokeMethod: slotIndex: 2 ,subscriptionId: 2
2024/01/05 21:26:06.958 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil invokeMethod: methodName: getNetworkOperatorName ,result: 中国移动
2024/01/05 21:26:06.958 4467 13398 Info CsSdkManager doTask slotIndex:0 ,networkOperatorName=中国移动
2024/01/05 21:26:06.959 4467 13398 Info CsSdkManager get ta code, slotIndex=0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.959 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil getSubscriptionIdBySlotIndex: 0
2024/01/05 21:26:06.963 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil invokeMethod: slotIndex: 2 ,subscriptionId: 2
2024/01/05 21:26:06.965 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil invokeMethod: methodName: getDataNetworkType ,result: 20
2024/01/05 21:26:06.976 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil getSubscriptionIdBySlotIndex: 1
2024/01/05 21:26:06.979 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil invokeMethod: slotIndex: 3 ,subscriptionId: 3
2024/01/05 21:26:06.980 4467 13398 Info PhoneUtil invokeMethod: methodName: getNetworkOperatorName ,result: 中国电信
2024/01/05 21:26:06.980 4467 13398 Info CsSdkManager doTask slotIndex:1 ,networkOperatorName=中国电信
2024/01/05 21:26:06.980 4467 13398 Info CsSdkManager slotIndex=1 is not CMCC SIM card!,networkOperatorName=中国电信
2024/01/05 21:26:06.980 4467 13398 Info CsSdkManager slotIndex=1 is not CMCC sim card!
2024/01/05 21:26:07.004 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.004+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:07.004 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.004+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:07.007 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.007+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=594, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:07.007 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.007+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 594
2024/01/05 21:26:07.012 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:07.014 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 608256
2024/01/05 21:26:07.014 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:07.025 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e9e9f41
2024/01/05 21:26:07.049 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:07.048] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 102489, curr ts = 103554
2024/01/05 21:26:07.121 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.353073 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:07.122 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.548438 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:07.226 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:07.427 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@921d172
2024/01/05 21:26:07.477 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.477+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:07.477 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.477+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:07.477 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.477+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 594
2024/01/05 21:26:07.507 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.506+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=344, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:07.507 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.507+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 344
2024/01/05 21:26:07.507 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.507+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=344, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:07.507 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:07.507+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 344
2024/01/05 21:26:07.507 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:07.509 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 352256
2024/01/05 21:26:07.510 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:07.542 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5473] accel_sample [-0.002, 0.014, 9.802] 214799699690560
2024/01/05 21:26:07.627 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.161823 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:07.628 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.023854 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:07.659 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1723(268KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(17MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8722KB/17MB, paused 100us,72us total 176.372ms
2024/01/05 21:26:07.813 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:07.812] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:26:07.829 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@16319c3
2024/01/05 21:26:07.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][46968] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.003] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214800001841915
2024/01/05 21:26:07.880 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:07.880] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214800044557227
2024/01/05 21:26:07.884 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:07.884] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214800049826394
2024/01/05 21:26:08.088 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:26:08.089 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:26:08.090 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:26:08.090 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:26:08.091 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:08.091] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 24Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 103554, curr ts = 104588
2024/01/05 21:26:08.094 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e10 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:08.097 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e11 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:08.100 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e12 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:08.102 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:26:08.102 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:26:08.104 1384 25983 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:08.105 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 3 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:26:08.105 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:08.106 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e13 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:08.106 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:26:08.130 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.913854 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:08.131 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.909635 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:08.159 1384 25983 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:26:08.159 1384 25983 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214800323690144 ns; value = [319, 319, 2, 1, 307, 72, 2, 2, 756, -1]
2024/01/05 21:26:08.161 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:26:08.162 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:26:08.163 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:26:08.163 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:08.163 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:26:08.164 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e14 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:08.181 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954357 162857457 w 1970136 27231292 d 771321 190108336 f 0 241948 iot 3178332 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27037.694
2024/01/05 21:26:08.230 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@629926c
2024/01/05 21:26:08.247 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:08.278 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:08.277] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:08.513 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:08.513+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=340, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:08.514 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:08.514+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 340
2024/01/05 21:26:08.516 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:08.517 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 348160
2024/01/05 21:26:08.518 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:08.579 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:08.579+8.0][25535,25859][]FpsCalculate: meter name:VideoEncodeController(165990117) fps:14.52081298828125
2024/01/05 21:26:08.580 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:08.580+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.52081298828125
2024/01/05 21:26:08.604 1511 1511 Info SurfaceFlinger SFWD update time=27038117509111
2024/01/05 21:26:08.633 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5d87035
2024/01/05 21:26:08.635 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.632864 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:08.636 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.96401 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:08.902 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1280(173KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10072KB/19MB, paused 131us,71us total 183.158ms
2024/01/05 21:26:08.941 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:09.014 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.014+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 340
2024/01/05 21:26:09.034 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d561cca
2024/01/05 21:26:09.107 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:09.104] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 25Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 104588, curr ts = 105621
2024/01/05 21:26:09.275 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:09.380 1381 1381 Info updateLrpSysfs: write: 415
2024/01/05 21:26:09.382 2221 2799 Debug BatteryService Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED: level:37, status:3, health:2, ac:false, usb:false, wireless:false, pogo:false, misc:0x10000, charge_type:0, charger_type:0, voltage:3650, temperature:392, online:21, current_avg:-1885, ps:false, hvc:false, capacity:280000, current_event:0x40004000, current_now:-1854, mcc:0, mcv:0, cc:1283970, present:true, scale:100, technology:Li-ion
2024/01/05 21:26:09.383 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker update stats : wakelock-change (1)
2024/01/05 21:26:09.387 2221 2221 Debug PhoneWindowManagerExt ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level=37, status=3
2024/01/05 21:26:09.388 2221 2946 Info DeviceBatteryInfoService action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 3039 3039 Info AODBatteryManager updateBatteryData: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 3039 3039 Info AODBatteryManager getChargeEstimateTime: not charging
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 3039 3039 Info AODBatteryManager saveBatteryData : AOD BatteryData [mBatteryLevel=37, mBatteryStatus=DISCHARGING, mBatteryPlugType=NOT_DEFINED, mBatteryPlugged=false, mRemainingChargeTime=0, mBatteryChargingType=0, mBatteryChargerType=NORMAL, mBatteryOnline=NOT_DEFINED, mBatterySwellingMode=NONE, mBatteryProtectMode=false]
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 3039 3039 Info ChargingInfoManager removeMessages:
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 3039 3039 Warn AODAlarmTimer_HIDE_CHARGING_INFO_TIMER stop : not yet started
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 3039 3039 Info ChargingInfoManager updateChargingInfo: newState = AOD ChargingInfo [mState=NONE, mIsCharging=false, mIsFullyCharged=false, mIsBatteryProtectMode=false], oldState = AOD ChargingInfo [mState=NONE, mIsCharging=false, mIsFullyCharged=false, mIsBatteryProtectMode=false]
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2307 Debug BaseRestrictionMgr Package:, userid: 0, hostingType: broadcast is Restricted by policy: 4 caller is: null
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2946 Info DeviceBatteryInfoService phone battery level: 37
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2946 Info DeviceBatteryInfoService phone battery status: 3
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } is skipped in RestrictedPackage to ProcessRecord{4fef140}
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2946 Debug DeviceBatteryInfoService setBatteryStatus : 3
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2307 Debug BaseRestrictionMgr Package:, userid: 0, hostingType: broadcast is Restricted by policy: 4 caller is: null
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } is skipped in RestrictedPackage to ProcessRecord{b2d21c6}
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2307 Debug BaseRestrictionMgr Package:, userid: 0, hostingType: broadcast is Restricted by policy: 4 caller is: null
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } is skipped in RestrictedPackage to ProcessRecord{2d7cb39}
2024/01/05 21:26:09.389 2988 2988 Debug SemBigDataInfoController Intent: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2988 2988 Debug SemBigDataInfoController Intent: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2221 2307 Debug BaseRestrictionMgr Package:, userid: 0, hostingType: broadcast is Restricted by policy: 4 caller is: null
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } is skipped in RestrictedPackage to ProcessRecord{7db73b2}
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2221 2307 Debug BaseRestrictionMgr Package:, userid: 0, hostingType: broadcast is Restricted by policy: 4 caller is: null
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } is skipped in RestrictedPackage to ProcessRecord{a7ef74f}
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2221 2770 Debug MotionRecognitionService [SAR] onReceive : ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED, Plugged: 0
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2221 2221 Debug AdaptiveBrightnessLongtermModelBuilder Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.390 2221 2221 Debug SemWifiApBroadcastReceiver Received : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.392 22139 22139 Info [SCPMV2][SystemMonitorReceiver] onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Info PowerUI mBootCompleted = true | mFullyConnected = true
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Info PowerUI BATTERY_HEALTH_CHECK extraHealth=2 mBatteryMiscEvent=65536
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Plug reason
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Skip charging animation - by plug status
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Debug PowerUI priorPlugType = 0 mPlugType = 0 priorBatteryStatus = 3 mBatteryStatus = 3
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Plug reason
2024/01/05 21:26:09.399 3039 3039 Warn PowerUI Skip charging sound - by plug status
2024/01/05 21:26:09.400 3039 3039 Info PowerUI oldMisalign : false, curMisalign : false
2024/01/05 21:26:09.400 3039 3039 Debug SecPowerUI.Notification dismissSlowByChargerConnectionInfoPopUp()
2024/01/05 21:26:09.400 3039 3039 Debug SecPowerUI.Notification dismissChargingNotification()
2024/01/05 21:26:09.400 3039 3039 Debug SecPowerUI.Notification SecBatteryStatsSnapshot{batteryLevel=37, currentBatteryMode=0, chargingTime=0, chargingType=0, batteryHealth=2, automaticTestMode=false, isHiccupState=false}
2024/01/05 21:26:09.405 3039 3039 Debug PowerUI Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 3
2024/01/05 21:26:09.406 3039 3039 Info PowerUI mBatteryMiscEvent = 65536
2024/01/05 21:26:09.411 3039 3039 Info PowerUI checkShouldTurnOffProtectBattery : -1, Scheduling start ? : false
2024/01/05 21:26:09.411 3039 3039 Info PowerUI Clear time
2024/01/05 21:26:09.412 2221 5212 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = charger_connected_time
2024/01/05 21:26:09.417 2221 5212 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:26:09.417 2221 5212 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:26:09.417 2221 5212 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:26:09.417 2221 5212 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10034
2024/01/05 21:26:09.418 2221 5212 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:26:09.418 2221 5212 Debug SecContentProvider called from android.uid.systemui:10034
2024/01/05 21:26:09.418 2221 5212 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:26:09.418 2221 5212 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:26:09.424 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:26:09.427 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:26:09.430 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:26:09.438 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8ad7b22
2024/01/05 21:26:09.439 3039 3039 Debug SamsungBatteryMeterDrawable onBatteryLevelChanged isSomethingChanged: true
2024/01/05 21:26:09.439 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardUpdateMonitor handleBatteryUpdate
2024/01/05 21:26:09.440 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationPolicy remove Item pos = DEFAULT, type = BATTERY
2024/01/05 21:26:09.440 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationPolicy remove Item pos = DEFAULT, type = BATTERY_RESTING
2024/01/05 21:26:09.440 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationPolicy remove Item pos = DEFAULT, type = OWNER_INFO
2024/01/05 21:26:09.443 3039 3039 Debug KeyguardSecIndicationController addBatteryAndOwnerInfoIndication() battery status = BatteryStatus{status=3,level=37,plugged=0,health=2,maxChargingWattage=-1,remaining=-1ultraFastCharger=0}
2024/01/05 21:26:09.451 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2069(191KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 101us,2.070ms total 112.529ms
2024/01/05 21:26:09.451 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:09.452 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:09.452 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:09.452 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:09.454 3039 3039 Verbose QsExpandAnimator setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
2024/01/05 21:26:09.454 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker Update CPU state
2024/01/05 21:26:09.454 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker mStats lock released
2024/01/05 21:26:09.454 2221 2350 Debug BatteryExternalStatsWorker done updateExternalStatsLocked
2024/01/05 21:26:09.470 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.469+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 340
2024/01/05 21:26:09.505 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.504+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:09.505 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.505+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:09.506 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.506+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=329, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:09.507 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.506+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 329
2024/01/05 21:26:09.510 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.510+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:09.511 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.511+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:09.512 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:09.513 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 336896
2024/01/05 21:26:09.514 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:09.515 1381 1399 Error BatteryDump !@new_battery_dump : 3650,-1854,100,100,37,392,343,473,392,0,415,446,0,Discharging,NO_CHARGING,None,Good,OTG,3,Normal,0,0,9600,0x40004000,0x10000,0x0,0000,0000,00000000,0,0,0,0,60,3810,3742,990,0,
2024/01/05 21:26:09.516 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.516+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=329, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:09.516 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:09.516+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 329
2024/01/05 21:26:09.555 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5579] accel_sample [ 0.005, 0.014, 9.809] 214801712055612
2024/01/05 21:26:09.601 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1564(224KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10088KB/19MB, paused 113us,108us total 148.988ms
2024/01/05 21:26:09.615 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.121198 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:09.617 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.924063 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:09.774 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 806, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:09.777 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.021 ms / 386.138 Mbps (866 / 0.009 / 1.153)
2024/01/05 21:26:09.809 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-48, CE:24, PE:25, TI:32, PTI:30, TW:1, PTW:1, Tx:3858, Rx:2050, TxS:2968, RxS:1999, RESULT:true, IC:3, ICT:5, WC:4, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:26:09.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][47811] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214802002341550
2024/01/05 21:26:09.840 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8cc276e
2024/01/05 21:26:09.935 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:09.935] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:26:10.064 2221 25988 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(1106) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:10.067 2221 25988 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(1108) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:10.121 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.142916 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:10.122 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.17948 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:10.171 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:26:10.171 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:26:10.172 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:26:10.173 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.175 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:10.175] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 24Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 105621, curr ts = 106654
2024/01/05 21:26:10.175 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e15 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:10.182 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e16 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:10.184 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5954373 162857629 w 1970171 27231448 d 771330 190108388 f 0 241952 iot 3178388 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27039.697
2024/01/05 21:26:10.185 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): ecnetworkconfig(4467) 400 system_server(2221) 80 nebula.mainland(24339) 68
2024/01/05 21:26:10.185 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 104 jbd2/sda9-8(1025) 20 20
2024/01/05 21:26:10.188 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e17 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:10.189 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:26:10.189 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:26:10.190 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:26:10.190 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e18 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:10.191 1384 25990 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:10.191 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:26:10.191 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:10.239 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 319(319),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12080,l:319,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:307
2024/01/05 21:26:10.239 1384 25990 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:26:10.240 1384 25990 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 319(319),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12080,l:319,r:88,bl:92,j:307
2024/01/05 21:26:10.241 2221 2234 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:26:10.241 2221 5212 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1bdb646
2024/01/05 21:26:10.241 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:26:10.243 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e19 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:10.244 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:26:10.244 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:10.270 2221 25988 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsThread [|205] []
2024/01/05 21:26:10.272 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer DNS resultType : 0, responseTime : 205
2024/01/05 21:26:10.272 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] updateBssidLatestDnsResultType - result: 0
2024/01/05 21:26:10.272 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] updateBssidNoInternet: mBssidNoInternet = false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.272 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] getOpenNetworkQosNoInternetStatus: false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.272 2221 2924 Debug OpenNetworkQos[4.00] getOpenNetworkQosScores: 26 0 0
2024/01/05 21:26:10.272 2221 2924 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = wifi_wcm_qos_sharing_score_summary
2024/01/05 21:26:10.273 2221 2924 Info WifiProfileShare network QoS data was changed (internet), updateQoSData networkType: true, qosData: false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.273 2221 4018 Debug WifiProfileShare nearby scanning settings run
2024/01/05 21:26:10.274 2221 4018 Debug WifiProfileShare network score provider settings enabled
2024/01/05 21:26:10.274 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData(qos) - unavailable for this config
2024/01/05 21:26:10.274 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData(pwd sta) - unavailable for this config
2024/01/05 21:26:10.275 2221 4018 Verbose WifiProfileShare.Caster checkAndGetShareData - there is no data
2024/01/05 21:26:10.277 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:10.277] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:10.301 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:10.324 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 933/936 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:10.409 2221 2307 Info ActivityManager Killing (adj 850): excessive cpu 6210 during 300002 dur=27039915 limit=2
2024/01/05 21:26:10.415 2221 3976 Debug FreecessController UFZ :
2024/01/05 21:26:10.427 2221 3976 Debug FreecessController UFZ :
2024/01/05 21:26:10.431 2221 3976 Debug FreecessController UFZ :
2024/01/05 21:26:10.432 2221 3985 Warn LocationManagerService onFreezeStateChanged, uid[10351]=false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.433 2221 3976 Debug FreecessController UFZ :, reason: Signal
2024/01/05 21:26:10.434 2221 3976 Debug FreecessController Initial -> Freezeable, Reason: Signal)
2024/01/05 21:26:10.436 2221 3985 Debug MARsPolicyManager restrictJobsByUid: u=10351, restrict=false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.438 2221 3985 Info PowerManagerService [PWL] SetWakeLockEnableDisable uid = 10351 , disable= false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.438 2221 3985 Info PowerManagerService [PWL] can not change uid = 10351
2024/01/05 21:26:10.438 2221 2330 Info libprocessgroup Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10351 pid 6291 in 23ms
2024/01/05 21:26:10.438 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{7f8a459 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED} to ReceiverList{813325d 6291 remote:67ae434}: process gone or crashing
2024/01/05 21:26:10.457 2221 2234 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.473 2221 2234 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.566 2221 2235 Warn ActivityManager Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms for connection
2024/01/05 21:26:10.567 2221 2235 Warn ActivityManager Scheduling restart of crashed service in 10999ms for connection
2024/01/05 21:26:10.571 2221 2736 Info UMR skip compaction for
2024/01/05 21:26:10.574 1774 3616 Info CameraService onUidStateChanged: uid=10041, procState is changed. (15 -> 19)
2024/01/05 21:26:10.578 2221 2736 Info UMR skip compaction for android.process.acore(704)
2024/01/05 21:26:10.578 1309 1309 Info Zygote Process 6291 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
2024/01/05 21:26:10.601 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:10.601+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.342235565185547
2024/01/05 21:26:10.612 2221 2235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.612 2221 2235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.612 2221 2235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.612 2221 2235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10351; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.613 2221 2308 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10351; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.624 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.056927 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:10.624 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.281718 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:10.637 1309 1309 Debug Zygote Forked child process 25995
2024/01/05 21:26:10.639 2221 2308 Info ActivityManager Start proc for service {}
2024/01/05 21:26:10.639 2221 2308 Debug DynamicHiddenApp_BGProtectManager [SecIpm] it's a ML_TYPE_EMPTYPROCESS protected process
2024/01/05 21:26:10.643 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1ff18f7
2024/01/05 21:26:10.659 25995 25995 Info id.AlipayGphone Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.664 25995 25995 Error id.AlipayGphone Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.667 2221 2235 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.672 2221 2235 Warn AlarmManager Window length 300000ms too short; expanding to 449991ms.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.676 25995 25995 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator
2024/01/05 21:26:10.676 25995 25995 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator - put
2024/01/05 21:26:10.679 2221 2235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.680 2221 2235 Info ActivityManager DSS OFF for
2024/01/05 21:26:10.697 2221 2235 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.707 25995 25995 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10351; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.708 1475 1500 Info heimdall insert_task_to_group:67, insert tgid 25995 to group, ret = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:10.731 25995 25995 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=31, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
2024/01/05 21:26:10.732 25995 25995 Debug nativeloader Extending system_exposed_libraries:
2024/01/05 21:26:10.742 2221 2235 Info ActivityManager Killing (adj 999): empty #33
2024/01/05 21:26:10.750 2221 2330 Info libprocessgroup Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10031 pid 22422 in 6ms
2024/01/05 21:26:10.752 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 937/946 (recycle/alloc) - 6/941 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:10.763 25995 25995 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk /system/framework/org.simalliance.openmobileapi.jar. target_sdk_version=31, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
2024/01/05 21:26:10.763 25995 25995 Debug nativeloader Extending system_exposed_libraries:
2024/01/05 21:26:10.793 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1072(178KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7362KB/14MB, paused 137us,64us total 148.996ms
2024/01/05 21:26:10.812 1309 1309 Info Zygote Process 22422 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
2024/01/05 21:26:10.823 2221 2828 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:10.928 25995 25995 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk /data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/ target_sdk_version=31,, library_path=/data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
2024/01/05 21:26:10.978 25995 25995 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE Developer option for '' set to: 'default'
2024/01/05 21:26:10.979 25995 25995 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE GameManagerService for false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.979 25995 25995 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment App is not on the allowlist for updatable production driver.
2024/01/05 21:26:10.986 25995 25995 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
2024/01/05 21:26:10.999 25995 25995 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
2024/01/05 21:26:11.000 25995 26013 Error id.AlipayGphone No package ID 2f found for ID 0x2f020071.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.001 25995 26013 Warn ResourcesOffloading An exception occurred :
2024/01/05 21:26:11.001 25995 26013 Warn ResourcesOffloading android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x2f020071
2024/01/05 21:26:11.001 25995 26013 Warn ResourcesOffloading at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.getValueForDensity(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.001 25995 26013 Warn ResourcesOffloading at android.content.res.Resources.offloadDrawable(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.001 25995 26013 Warn ResourcesOffloading at$
2024/01/05 21:26:11.001 25995 26013 Warn ResourcesOffloading at
2024/01/05 21:26:11.005 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.005+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:11.005 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.005+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:11.006 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.006+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=379, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:11.006 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.006+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 379
2024/01/05 21:26:11.006 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:11.008 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 388096
2024/01/05 21:26:11.008 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:11.033 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler executePolicy() - triggerSource: TRIGGER_SOURCE_LMKD
2024/01/05 21:26:11.033 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler memAvailable: 1678700, memFreeTarget: 2201600, releaseTarget:522900, protectedLruCount: 24
2024/01/05 21:26:11.036 2221 2895 Info NSLocationMonitor getGPSUsingApps() called
2024/01/05 21:26:11.040 3937 3956 Info NSLocationManager_FLP getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013} / FREEZE={}
2024/01/05 21:26:11.042 2221 2895 Info AS.AudioService uid:10254is using audio
2024/01/05 21:26:11.042 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Start doKill, protected policy: NORMAL
2024/01/05 21:26:11.046 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Killed on trigger0 :[23499], freed: 11761, 10188[23499]:G2(0x20000) score=19.7(18 10/10 11761), pids: 23499 / stats: 19 / adjs: 925
2024/01/05 21:26:11.047 2221 5118 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@bfa2fef
2024/01/05 21:26:11.049 2221 2895 Info ActivityManager Killing (adj 925): Chimera #0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.061 2221 2330 Info libprocessgroup Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10188 pid 23499 in 10ms
2024/01/05 21:26:11.104 2221 2895 Debug ActivityManager proc ProcessRecord{fbbd14f} already removed. so we skip next process.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler kill complete: killed 1 apps, freed 11761 KB
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: LR, pids: 24339 25535
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: CA, pids: 25624 22820 25896 11955 25798 17261
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: PE, pids: 15622 4359 4490 6926 3100 3367 2988 2221 9520 8504 4539 6718 4032 704 3016 3402 4301 465 4563 3418 10333 3039 3937 5601 6370 3305 4458 4467 17908 10100 4477 4606
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: IN, pids: 15298 23684 21957 30217 22220 20556 24272 19345 14290 20946 22421 24662 22169 20633 22237 20510 8161 20525 24111 20595 20724 20661 20662 21944 24440 22139
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: VI, pids: 24170
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: SE, pids: 25995 19751 1320 751
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Skipped reason: AD, pids: 10976 29701 12901 3535 5396 5589 11062 4312
2024/01/05 21:26:11.105 2221 2895 Info ChimeraAggressivePolicyHandler Processing time(ms) 72
2024/01/05 21:26:11.122 2221 2235 Verbose ActivityManager Got obituary of
2024/01/05 21:26:11.127 1309 1309 Info Zygote Process 23499 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
2024/01/05 21:26:11.129 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.304219 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:11.132 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.262969 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:11.193 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:11.190] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 106654, curr ts = 107688
2024/01/05 21:26:11.210 25995 25995 Info Logging LoggerFactoryBinder.nativeInit invoked
2024/01/05 21:26:11.266 25995 25995 Warn id.AlipayGphone Accessing hidden field Landroid/content/ContentResolver;->mTargetSdkVersion:I (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
2024/01/05 21:26:11.292 2221 2235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:11.299 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 949/Done 949|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.398/s Avg=14.467/s)| Stream: 14.49fps 403.5Kbps
2024/01/05 21:26:11.299 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:26:11.309 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:11.345 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461171.341:178140): avc: denied { read } for pid=25995 comm="id.AlipayGphone" name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532018 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c95,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_version:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:26:11.353 25995 25995 Info crashsdk LibcMalloc detail: disabled.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.454 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4b4339
2024/01/05 21:26:11.455 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.455+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:11.456 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.455+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:11.456 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.456+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 379
2024/01/05 21:26:11.472 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.472+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:11.472 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.472+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:11.473 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:11.473+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 379
2024/01/05 21:26:11.506 25995 25995 Error LauncherApplication PathClassLoader: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/, /data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /system_ext/lib64]]]
2024/01/05 21:26:11.528 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461171.525:178141): avc: denied { read } for pid=26030 comm="ps" name="pid_max" dev="proc" ino=4909835 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c95,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_pid_max:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:26:11.532 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:228:13:806400:806400:806400:883200:883200:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:26:11.551 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461171.549:178142): avc: denied { read } for pid=25995 comm="CrashSDKBkgdHan" name="loadavg" dev="proc" ino=4026532014 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c95,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_loadavg:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:26:11.567 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5685] accel_sample [ 0.007, 0.020, 9.827] 214803724420508
2024/01/05 21:26:11.608 25995 26050 Info ANTKV setBrokenConfig 1, 1
2024/01/05 21:26:11.608 25995 26050 Info ANTKV setZeroFillConfig 1, 0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.608 25995 26050 Info ANTKV FormatFileUtils updateConfigs configs=3, sync_file=1, sync_memory=1
2024/01/05 21:26:11.613 2221 2235 Debug PackageManager setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = cmp = newState = 1 callingPackage = 10351/
2024/01/05 21:26:11.614 2221 2235 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationStateEnabled : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.615 2221 2235 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationComponentState : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.633 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.334792 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:11.633 25995 26043 Warn SQLiteCompatibilityWalFlags Cannot read global setting sqlite_compatibility_wal_flags - Application state not available
2024/01/05 21:26:11.633 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.61625 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:11.649 2221 2235 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:26:11.677 4301 5003 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.683 4301 21832 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.690 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1357(181KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 15MB/15MB, paused 88us,80us total 117.749ms
2024/01/05 21:26:11.704 2221 5213 Debug SettingsProvider isChangeAllowed() : name = mqBRboGZkQPcAkyk
2024/01/05 21:26:11.704 2221 5213 Debug SettingsProvider edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
2024/01/05 21:26:11.705 2221 5213 Debug SettingsProvider projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:26:11.705 2221 5213 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: false
2024/01/05 21:26:11.705 2221 5213 Debug SettingsProvider selectionArgs: 10351
2024/01/05 21:26:11.705 2221 5213 Debug SecContentProvider query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
2024/01/05 21:26:11.705 2221 5213 Debug SecContentProvider called from
2024/01/05 21:26:11.705 2221 5213 Debug RestrictionPolicy isSettingsChangesAllowedAsUser, userId 0 : true
2024/01/05 21:26:11.705 2221 5213 Debug SettingsProvider ret = 1
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils Writing exception to parcel
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils java.lang.SecurityException: was not granted this permission: android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at android.provider.Settings.isCallingPackageAllowedToPerformAppOpsProtectedOperation(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at android.provider.Settings.checkAndNoteWriteSettingsOperation(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at android.content.ContentProvider$
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.711 2221 5213 Error DatabaseUtils at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.712 25995 25995 Error LauncherApplication PathClassLoader, after addExtraNativeLib: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/user/0/, /data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/, /data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /system_ext/lib64]]]
2024/01/05 21:26:11.765 25995 25995 Info LauncherApplication LauncherApplication.NEED_SYNC=true
2024/01/05 21:26:11.781 25995 26071 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:11.782 25995 26071 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 37756858; UID 10351; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:11.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][48653] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214804000468112
2024/01/05 21:26:11.839 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1220(167KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(8112KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10074KB/19MB, paused 119us,102us total 142.564ms
2024/01/05 21:26:11.843 4301 18515 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.849 2221 2235 Debug PackageManager setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = cmp = newState = 0 callingPackage = 10351/
2024/01/05 21:26:11.849 4301 29220 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.850 2221 2235 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationStateEnabled : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.850 2221 2235 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationComponentState : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.854 2221 5213 Debug PackageManager setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = cmp = newState = 0 callingPackage = 10351/
2024/01/05 21:26:11.855 2221 5213 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationStateEnabled : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.855 2221 5213 Debug ApplicationPolicy getApplicationComponentState : pkg = userId : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:11.856 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8c76e56
2024/01/05 21:26:11.873 25995 25995 Info AsyTskExecutor Pipeline: [GlobalStandardPipeline].start()
2024/01/05 21:26:11.877 4301 5003 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.882 4301 5001 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.887 25995 26078 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10351; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:11.893 4301 29235 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.895 2221 2235 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.895 2221 2235 Warn AlarmManager Window length 300000ms too short; expanding to 600000ms.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.898 4301 29234 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.900 25995 26078 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:11.902 2221 5213 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10351; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:11.907 4301 29234 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.912 4301 5003 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.912 2221 5213 Debug AppSyncInfo Sync window 0 --->> 300000 for alarm by <10351,>.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.912 2221 5213 Warn AlarmManager Window length 300000ms too short; expanding to 600000ms.
2024/01/05 21:26:11.914 590 590 Info lmkd 0(delay), 50(swap), 0(freelimit), 0(reentrymode) memory pressure events were skipped after a kill!
2024/01/05 21:26:11.930 2221 5213 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:26:11.945 25995 25995 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:11.952 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 10 10 9 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -50 -49 -49 -49 -48 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:26:11.968 25995 25995 Verbose Instrumentation callApplicationOnCreate(
2024/01/05 21:26:11.973 25995 26091 Debug DelayUpdateBundles DelayUpdateBundles config : {}
2024/01/05 21:26:11.978 25995 26094 Info AsyTskExecutor Pipeline: [Cls_Ldr_Fty].start()
2024/01/05 21:26:11.982 25995 26095 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:11.983 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Exported Denial: sending Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }, action: from null (uid=-1) due to receiver ProcessRecord{a4d361b} (uid 10351) not specifying RECEIVER_EXPORTED
2024/01/05 21:26:11.993 25995 26095 Warn id.AlipayGphone Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
2024/01/05 21:26:12.033 25995 26091 Debug PermissionGate startupReasonMap=[size=3: RecordType=CreateServiceData,toString=CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@325b0f0 intent=null},]
2024/01/05 21:26:12.037 25995 26096 Warn id.AlipayGphone Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/VMRuntime;->setHiddenApiExemptions([Ljava/lang/String;)V (blocked,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
2024/01/05 21:26:12.086 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10351
2024/01/05 21:26:12.098 2221 2307 Warn BroadcastQueue Exported Denial: sending Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }, action: from null (uid=-1) due to receiver ProcessRecord{a4d361b} (uid 10351) not specifying RECEIVER_EXPORTED
2024/01/05 21:26:12.151 2221 2736 Info UMR skip compaction for
2024/01/05 21:26:12.152 2221 2736 Info UMR skip compaction for
2024/01/05 21:26:12.159 25995 26119 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:12.165 25995 26119 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:12.165 25995 26119 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:12.188 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5957512 162905469 w 1970198 27234312 d 771330 190108388 f 0 241952 iot 3179912 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27041.701
2024/01/05 21:26:12.225 25995 26091 Debug QuinoxAgent QuinoxAgentImpl.getReusedBundleLocations() :
2024/01/05 21:26:12.239 25995 26002 Info id.AlipayGphone Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 25511 in void
2024/01/05 21:26:12.259 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@dd90ac1
2024/01/05 21:26:12.262 25995 26119 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk . target_sdk_version=31, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~S4vjEvaXzihG7E_yd-smdA==/, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand
2024/01/05 21:26:12.262 25995 26119 Debug nativeloader Extending system_exposed_libraries:
2024/01/05 21:26:12.267 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461172.265:178143): avc: granted { execute } for pid=25995 comm="storageExecutor" path="/data/data/" dev="dm-52" ino=242794 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c95,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c95,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:26:12.283 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:12.279] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:12.303 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:12.299] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 107688, curr ts = 108787
2024/01/05 21:26:12.313 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:12.317 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:12.376 25995 26138 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:12.378 25995 26138 Warn id.AlipayGphone Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
2024/01/05 21:26:12.441 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2121(190KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 21MB/21MB, paused 248us,158us total 167.854ms
2024/01/05 21:26:12.483 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10351
2024/01/05 21:26:12.484 25995 26134 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(203) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:12.498 25995 26091 Warn ChannelConfigImpl getConfig key = release_type val = release
2024/01/05 21:26:12.498 25995 26091 Warn ChannelConfigImpl getConfig key = product_id val = null
2024/01/05 21:26:12.499 25995 26091 Warn ChannelConfigImpl getConfig key = throw_all_exceptions val = null
2024/01/05 21:26:12.503 25995 26091 Warn ChannelConfigImpl getConfig key = channel_id val = samsung_store
2024/01/05 21:26:12.504 25995 26091 Warn ChannelConfigImpl getConfig key = isSandbox val = null
2024/01/05 21:26:12.522 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=1, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:26:12.524 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(1/3) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=true, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=ETC
2024/01/05 21:26:12.524 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:26:12.526 25995 26124 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(211) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:12.537 25995 26124 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(202) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:12.563 25995 26124 Warn Settings Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2024/01/05 21:26:12.564 2221 2234 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:26:12.583 25995 26134 Info ValarMorghulis 00ooo======$$$**********117
2024/01/05 21:26:12.584 25995 26134 Info ValarMorghulis 00ooo======___**********259
2024/01/05 21:26:12.616 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:12.616+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.392059326171875
2024/01/05 21:26:12.618 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.325156 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:12.619 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.324271 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:12.664 2221 2234 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4697dbb
2024/01/05 21:26:12.684 25995 25995 Error id.AlipayGphone Invalid ID 0x00000000.
2024/01/05 21:26:12.754 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10351
2024/01/05 21:26:12.758 25995 26040 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(203) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:12.787 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 807, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:12.789 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.021 ms / 388.922 Mbps (866 / 0.008 / 1.170)
2024/01/05 21:26:12.842 25995 26174 Verbose MMEngine_FFmpeg4X Engine JNI_OnLoad####
2024/01/05 21:26:12.847 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:12.842] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:26:12.847 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:12.842] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:26:12.861 25995 26174 Verbose Algorithm_Native MMEngine JNI_OnLoad####
2024/01/05 21:26:12.867 25995 26174 Verbose Algorithm_Native mmengine set jvm ret: 0
2024/01/05 21:26:12.900 4301 30231 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:12.904 2221 2235 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:12.908 4301 29235 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:12.917 4301 18515 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:12.924 4301 21832 Error MediaProvider Creating or writing to a non-default top level directory is not allowed!
2024/01/05 21:26:12.925 2221 2235 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:12.927 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2629(234KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 50% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 131us,57us total 453.999ms
2024/01/05 21:26:12.958 2221 5209 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:12.959 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 320(320),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12144,l:320,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:311
2024/01/05 21:26:12.980 2221 2736 Info UMR skip compaction for
2024/01/05 21:26:12.984 2221 2235 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.012 2221 2235 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.036 2221 2235 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.056 2221 5209 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.065 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3fcd2dd
2024/01/05 21:26:13.074 2221 5210 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.094 2221 5213 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.112 2221 5209 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.120 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 0.785052 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:13.120 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.357552 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:13.135 2221 5213 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.157 2221 5210 Warn ActivityManager Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=25995 uid=10351 startFg?=false
2024/01/05 21:26:13.215 25995 26078 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:13.215 25995 26078 Warn id.AlipayGphone Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
2024/01/05 21:26:13.243 25995 26202 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk . target_sdk_version=31, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/user/0/, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand
2024/01/05 21:26:13.243 25995 26202 Debug nativeloader Extending system_exposed_libraries:
2024/01/05 21:26:13.255 1267 1267 Error audit type=1400 audit(1704461173.253:178144): avc: granted { execute } for pid=25995 comm="Thread-13" path="/data/data/" dev="dm-52" ino=335780 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_30:s0:c95,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c95,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file SEPF_SM-S9010_12_0001 audit_filtered
2024/01/05 21:26:13.273 25995 26202 Info xNN JNI_OnLoad begin
2024/01/05 21:26:13.273 25995 26202 Info xNN JNI_OnLoad get env succ! 0xb40000717af09bb0
2024/01/05 21:26:13.277 25995 26202 Info xNN method_getStorageDir 0x9f142828
2024/01/05 21:26:13.277 25995 26202 Info xNN method_saveModel 0x9f142848
2024/01/05 21:26:13.277 25995 26202 Info xNN method_getModel 0x9f142808
2024/01/05 21:26:13.278 25995 26202 Info xNN JNI_OnLoad end
2024/01/05 21:26:13.322 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:13.333 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER igs finish.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.337 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER igs ext finish.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.337 25995 26228 Info xNN JNI_OnLoad begin
2024/01/05 21:26:13.337 25995 26228 Info xNN JNI_OnLoad get env succ! 0xb40000717aefc690
2024/01/05 21:26:13.337 25995 26228 Info xNN method_getStorageDir 0x9f142828
2024/01/05 21:26:13.337 25995 26228 Info xNN method_saveModel 0x9f142848
2024/01/05 21:26:13.338 25995 26228 Info xNN method_getModel 0x9f142808
2024/01/05 21:26:13.338 25995 26228 Info xNN JNI_OnLoad end
2024/01/05 21:26:13.340 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER j ok.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.340 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER igc on.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.340 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER igc tw.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.344 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER air_key_obmalloc=9
2024/01/05 21:26:13.358 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY pyinit on.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.358 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER sep ze.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.358 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER sep one.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.358 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER sep tw.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.358 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER sep th.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.358 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER sep fo.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.358 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER sep fi.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.359 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY impOpt
2024/01/05 21:26:13.359 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY pyinit tw.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.359 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER inter.v258.03031653
2024/01/05 21:26:13.363 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.364 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.364 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.368 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.369 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.369 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.384 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY pkgOpt
2024/01/05 21:26:13.388 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:13.388] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 10Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 108787, curr ts = 109789
2024/01/05 21:26:13.397 25995 26094 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:13.398 25995 26094 Warn id.AlipayGphone Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
2024/01/05 21:26:13.400 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER readPkgOk
2024/01/05 21:26:13.411 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER readPkgOk
2024/01/05 21:26:13.423 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER readPkgOk
2024/01/05 21:26:13.423 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.423 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.424 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.426 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY pkgOptOk
2024/01/05 21:26:13.426 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY pyinit th.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.434 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER igs finish.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.434 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER igs ext finish.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.434 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER j ok.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.434 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER igc on.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.434 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER igc tw.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.437 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY pyinit on.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.437 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY fpl already
2024/01/05 21:26:13.437 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY impOpt already
2024/01/05 21:26:13.437 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY pyinit tw.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.437 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER inter.v258.03031653
2024/01/05 21:26:13.442 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.442 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.442 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.447 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.447 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.448 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.448 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_home_recmixer_smart_refresh_A*7HaCRL2FYMoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_c0c6a140e2fd101b
2024/01/05 21:26:13.451 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_home_recmixer_smart_refresh_A*7HaCRL2FYMoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_c0c6a140e2fd101b.main
2024/01/05 21:26:13.454 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython
2024/01/05 21:26:13.455 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY pkgOpt already
2024/01/05 21:26:13.455 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY pyinit th.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.456 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.time
2024/01/05 21:26:13.459 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.clientinfo
2024/01/05 21:26:13.460 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.internal_tracker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.462 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.logging
2024/01/05 21:26:13.464 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.base
2024/01/05 21:26:13.464 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1
2024/01/05 21:26:13.465 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.base.basetask
2024/01/05 21:26:13.466 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.utils
2024/01/05 21:26:13.467 2221 5210 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7805db2
2024/01/05 21:26:13.467 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.main
2024/01/05 21:26:13.467 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.clientconfig
2024/01/05 21:26:13.468 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.sample
2024/01/05 21:26:13.468 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython
2024/01/05 21:26:13.468 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.468 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.469 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.469 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.json
2024/01/05 21:26:13.469 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.time
2024/01/05 21:26:13.469 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.clientinfo
2024/01/05 21:26:13.470 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision
2024/01/05 21:26:13.471 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.internal_tracker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.471 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.context
2024/01/05 21:26:13.472 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.logging
2024/01/05 21:26:13.472 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.job
2024/01/05 21:26:13.472 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.base
2024/01/05 21:26:13.473 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.base.basetask
2024/01/05 21:26:13.473 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.initial_worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.474 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.474 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.utils
2024/01/05 21:26:13.474 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.clientconfig
2024/01/05 21:26:13.475 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.util
2024/01/05 21:26:13.476 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.userinfo
2024/01/05 21:26:13.477 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.md5
2024/01/05 21:26:13.477 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maiutil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.478 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maiutil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.478 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maiutil._util_
2024/01/05 21:26:13.479 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maiutil._util_
2024/01/05 21:26:13.479 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.resource
2024/01/05 21:26:13.480 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.resource
2024/01/05 21:26:13.482 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maiutil.sample
2024/01/05 21:26:13.482 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature
2024/01/05 21:26:13.483 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.MaiFeature
2024/01/05 21:26:13.483 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.data_worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.484 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base
2024/01/05 21:26:13.484 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.model_worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.485 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.MFManager
2024/01/05 21:26:13.486 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.predict
2024/01/05 21:26:13.487 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.scheduler
2024/01/05 21:26:13.487 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.487 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.487 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.488 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib
2024/01/05 21:26:13.489 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFFactory
2024/01/05 21:26:13.489 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.remotelogger
2024/01/05 21:26:13.491 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFCloudFeatureExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.492 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.MFBase
2024/01/05 21:26:13.494 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER
2024/01/05 21:26:13.494 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_home_recmixer_smart_refresh_A*7HaCRL2FYMoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_c0c6a140e2fd101b.CommonDataProcess
2024/01/05 21:26:13.495 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER
2024/01/05 21:26:13.495 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER
2024/01/05 21:26:13.495 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER
2024/01/05 21:26:13.496 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER
2024/01/05 21:26:13.497 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER
2024/01/05 21:26:13.498 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature
2024/01/05 21:26:13.498 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFCommonExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.499 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.commonutil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.499 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.MFUtil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.499 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.MaiFeature
2024/01/05 21:26:13.499 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base
2024/01/05 21:26:13.500 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.MFManager
2024/01/05 21:26:13.500 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib
2024/01/05 21:26:13.500 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.feature
2024/01/05 21:26:13.500 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFFactory
2024/01/05 21:26:13.501 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFCloudFeatureExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.501 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.MFBase
2024/01/05 21:26:13.502 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.json
2024/01/05 21:26:13.502 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.502 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.502 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.userinfo
2024/01/05 21:26:13.502 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFCommonExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.504 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.504 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.commonutil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.504 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.feature
2024/01/05 21:26:13.505 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.remotelogger
2024/01/05 21:26:13.507 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFMultiInfoSeqExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.509 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFMultiInfoSeqExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.509 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFUdfExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.510 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFUdfExtractor
2024/01/05 21:26:13.511 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.MFConfiger
2024/01/05 21:26:13.511 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.511 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.512 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.base.MFConfiger
2024/01/05 21:26:13.512 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.579 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5791] accel_sample [ 0.019, 0.018, 9.842] 214805736788894
2024/01/05 21:26:13.623 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.514114 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:13.625 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.415833 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:13.690 25995 26095 Warn id.AlipayGphone Unsupported class loader
2024/01/05 21:26:13.690 25995 26095 Warn id.AlipayGphone Opening an oat file without a class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
2024/01/05 21:26:13.745 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.base.taskrunner
2024/01/05 21:26:13.746 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.customdata_manager
2024/01/05 21:26:13.746 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:random
2024/01/05 21:26:13.747 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.formatter
2024/01/05 21:26:13.747 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.md5
2024/01/05 21:26:13.748 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.notification
2024/01/05 21:26:13.750 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_active_recentlyuse_freq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.751 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:__future__
2024/01/05 21:26:13.752 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_active_recentlyuse_freq.MFActiveRecentlyuseFreq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.754 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_appvisit_currentapp
2024/01/05 21:26:13.756 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_appvisit_currentapp.MFAppvisitCurrentapp
2024/01/05 21:26:13.757 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.757 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.759 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.760 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_appvisit_freqentlyuse
2024/01/05 21:26:13.761 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_appvisit_freqentlyuse.MFAppvisitFreqentlyuse
2024/01/05 21:26:13.762 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_clk_fenci_seq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.763 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_clk_fenci_seq.MFCaifuTabClkFenciSeq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.766 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.nlp
2024/01/05 21:26:13.766 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.tool
2024/01/05 21:26:13.767 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.sample
2024/01/05 21:26:13.768 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_exp_fenci_seq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.769 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.feature_process
2024/01/05 21:26:13.770 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_exp_fenci_seq.MFCaifuTabExpFenciSeq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.772 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.fatigue
2024/01/05 21:26:13.773 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_lbs_aoi
2024/01/05 21:26:13.774 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_lbs_aoi.MFLbsAoi
2024/01/05 21:26:13.775 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.rule
2024/01/05 21:26:13.776 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision
2024/01/05 21:26:13.776 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.context
2024/01/05 21:26:13.776 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_motion_seq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.776 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.job
2024/01/05 21:26:13.777 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.initial_worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.777 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.777 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_motion_seq.MFMotionSeq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.777 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.util
2024/01/05 21:26:13.778 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maiutil.sample
2024/01/05 21:26:13.778 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.data_worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.779 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.model_worker
2024/01/05 21:26:13.780 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.predict
2024/01/05 21:26:13.781 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maidecision.scheduler
2024/01/05 21:26:13.782 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_pagevisit_currentpage
2024/01/05 21:26:13.783 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_pagevisit_currentpage.MFPagevisitCurrentpage
2024/01/05 21:26:13.784 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:random
2024/01/05 21:26:13.784 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:__future__
2024/01/05 21:26:13.785 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.785 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.785 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.786 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_column_reorder_A*JCWWTYG3oOoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_ad3023fdd4695677
2024/01/05 21:26:13.787 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_column_reorder_A*JCWWTYG3oOoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_ad3023fdd4695677.main
2024/01/05 21:26:13.789 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:codecs
2024/01/05 21:26:13.791 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.791 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.792 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.794 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1
2024/01/05 21:26:13.794 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.main
2024/01/05 21:26:13.795 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.tool
2024/01/05 21:26:13.796 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.feature_process
2024/01/05 21:26:13.796 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:encodings
2024/01/05 21:26:13.796 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.fatigue
2024/01/05 21:26:13.797 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_elevator_reorder_A*mUauS73ZhvIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_747ac7c892b1e9d1.rule
2024/01/05 21:26:13.798 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:encodings.aliases
2024/01/05 21:26:13.798 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_column_reorder_A*JCWWTYG3oOoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_ad3023fdd4695677
2024/01/05 21:26:13.798 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:mobileaix_wealth_tab_column_reorder_A*JCWWTYG3oOoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUd1AQ_ad3023fdd4695677.main
2024/01/05 21:26:13.799 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:codecs
2024/01/05 21:26:13.799 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect_generations.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.799 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER en collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.800 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER ex collect.
2024/01/05 21:26:13.802 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:encodings
2024/01/05 21:26:13.802 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm:encodings.aliases
2024/01/05 21:26:13.803 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maifeature.MFUtil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.804 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.customdata_manager
2024/01/05 21:26:13.805 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.formatter
2024/01/05 21:26:13.806 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:maipython.notification
2024/01/05 21:26:13.808 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFLibUtil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.808 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.MFLibUtil
2024/01/05 21:26:13.810 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_topic_clk_seq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.810 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_topic_clk_seq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.811 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_topic_clk_seq.MFCaifuTabTopicClkSeq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.811 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_caifu_tab_topic_clk_seq.MFCaifuTabTopicClkSeq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.812 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_appvisit_freqentlyuse
2024/01/05 21:26:13.813 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_appvisit_freqentlyuse.MFAppvisitFreqentlyuse
2024/01/05 21:26:13.813 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_fortune_home_clk_seq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.813 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_active_recentlyuse_freq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.813 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_active_recentlyuse_freq.MFActiveRecentlyuseFreq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.814 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_fortune_home_clk_seq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.814 25995 26240 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_fortune_home_clk_seq.MFFortuneHomeClkSeq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.814 25995 26227 Info MAI_PY_INTER rcm_n:mflib.mf_fortune_home_clk_seq.MFFortuneHomeClkSeq
2024/01/05 21:26:13.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][49496] Uncal_G [-0.003,-0.005, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214806000972123
2024/01/05 21:26:13.864 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [CONTACT con(0) dat(0) acc({}) calls([logtype:100 cnt:4, logtype:200 cnt:6, logtype:300 cnt:458, logtype:500 cnt:1, logtype:1000 cnt:133]) Iso(CN) uId(0) ]
2024/01/05 21:26:13.864 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [ agr({}) ]
2024/01/05 21:26:13.864 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [ cnt({acore(704)=1}) ]
2024/01/05 21:26:13.864 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [PROFILE ] [SAPROFILE ]
2024/01/05 21:26:13.864 704 818 Info ContactsProvider_EventLog cp_s: [STATE R(F) ]
2024/01/05 21:26:13.870 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 3877(239KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 33MB/33MB, paused 97us,58us total 107.538ms
2024/01/05 21:26:13.869 2221 5210 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@7e05103
2024/01/05 21:26:14.129 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.756771 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:14.132 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.511094 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:14.132 2221 2904 Info SemWifiServiceDetector NSD results: [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, -1, 1] Traff. type 2 Thr 165
2024/01/05 21:26:14.134 2221 2907 Debug SemWifiOptimizer enable=1 state=0x10 prev=0x10 new=0x10 force=0 mode=0
2024/01/05 21:26:14.138 25995 26124 Warn Settings Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2024/01/05 21:26:14.190 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959005 162932941 w 1970224 27234524 d 771330 190108388 f 0 241953 iot 3181256 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27043.703
2024/01/05 21:26:14.192 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): id.AlipayGphone(25995) 62820 ipayGphone:push(22820) 7412 ps(26030) 1100
2024/01/05 21:26:14.192 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:15(4517) 2680 id.AlipayGphone(25995) 324 system_server(2221) 32
2024/01/05 21:26:14.275 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@48cfa5f
2024/01/05 21:26:14.280 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:14.279] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:14.280 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:14.280] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 11Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 109789, curr ts = 110789
2024/01/05 21:26:14.329 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:14.435 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1593(145KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 17MB/17MB, paused 275us,175us total 125.532ms
2024/01/05 21:26:14.458 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:14.458+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 379
2024/01/05 21:26:14.527 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:14.527+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:14.527 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:14.527+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:14.529 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:14.529+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=408, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:14.529 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:14.529+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 408
2024/01/05 21:26:14.530 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:14.533 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 417792
2024/01/05 21:26:14.534 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:14.569 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1358(202KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8736KB/17MB, paused 129us,58us total 131.388ms
2024/01/05 21:26:14.637 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.000104 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:14.639 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.971823 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:14.660 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:14.660+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.194811820983887
2024/01/05 21:26:14.680 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@6f1f10a
2024/01/05 21:26:14.965 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,-0.002,0.022,9.861, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:26:15.016 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:15.016+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:15.016 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:15.016+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:15.018 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:15.018+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 408
2024/01/05 21:26:15.083 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@430dd7b
2024/01/05 21:26:15.238 22820 26259 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(201) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:15.278 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:15.278] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 110789, curr ts = 111789
2024/01/05 21:26:15.324 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1676(224KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10079KB/19MB, paused 115us,64us total 236.977ms
2024/01/05 21:26:15.335 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:15.485 2221 5210 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@2bc7ae
2024/01/05 21:26:15.592 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][5897] accel_sample [ 0.018, 0.007, 9.831] 214807749166394
2024/01/05 21:26:15.622 22820 26253 Info TrafficStats untagSocket(201)
2024/01/05 21:26:15.625 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.779843 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:15.626 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.096562 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:15.662 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:15.760 1772 1772 Info CNSS cnss_open_log_file: directory /data/vendor/log/wifi/ created
2024/01/05 21:26:15.799 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 808, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:15.801 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.020 ms / 391.564 Mbps (780 / 0.007 / 1.155)
2024/01/05 21:26:15.835 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 1012/1015 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:15.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][50339] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.005, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214808001485196
2024/01/05 21:26:15.841 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 1010/1019 (recycle/alloc) - 6/1014 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:15.889 2221 5210 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@80f394f
2024/01/05 21:26:16.000 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 321(321),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12128,l:320,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:308
2024/01/05 21:26:16.048 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=1, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:26:16.049 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(1/3) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=true, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=ETC
2024/01/05 21:26:16.056 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:26:16.070 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1425(206KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10074KB/19MB, paused 113us,189us total 214.747ms
2024/01/05 21:26:16.106 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 15
2024/01/05 21:26:16.128 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.487969 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:16.130 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.100209 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:16.160 22820 26253 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(152) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:16.165 22820 26253 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(152) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:16.194 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959090 162933825 w 1971433 27242700 d 771412 190111612 f 0 242171 iot 3181836 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27045.707
2024/01/05 21:26:16.280 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:16.279] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:16.292 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@370b0ba
2024/01/05 21:26:16.299 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 1021/Done 1021|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.398/s Avg=14.462/s)| Stream: 14.49fps 525.0Kbps
2024/01/05 21:26:16.299 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:26:16.321 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:16.320] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 111789, curr ts = 112822
2024/01/05 21:26:16.321 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:16.321] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:26:16.363 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:16.451 24747 24809 Info BiasUtils save to file: {"accel":{"mean":[0.014380864113939724,0.014679966913571927,9.8345071649550651],"var":[0.00011980761327993821,8.9587178863880407e-05,0.0001095720249537635]},"gyro":{"mean":[-0.0033383760461603517,-0.0067225669010073166,0.0026358815284045932],"var":[5.7793437862080653e-07,1.80979639991964e-06,5.7121753832155787e-07]},"mag":{"mean":[-596.64063323974506,-417.41622093200681,-255.74410442352283],"var":[0.27300492953509092,4.0314427621779032,2.1534115551257855]},"timestamp_ns":214808611369831,"version":"1.0.0"}
2024/01/05 21:26:16.458 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:26:16.460 2221 2232 Warn System A resource failed to call close.
2024/01/05 21:26:16.626 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2374(203KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 346us,64us total 103.589ms
2024/01/05 21:26:16.634 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.304792 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:16.637 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.763854 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:16.665 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:16.665+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.46384048461914
2024/01/05 21:26:16.694 2221 5210 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@24bb361
2024/01/05 21:26:16.723 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:506 BAT:392 USB:343 CHG:478 PA:468 WIFI:467 CF:411 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:404 CHG2:398 WIFI2:415 UANT2:403 DANT2:358 RCV2:406 SPK2:347 FCAM:342 UPSPK:409 DNSPK:341 AMB:215
2024/01/05 21:26:16.723 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:26:16.735 2221 5213 Debug CustomizedBinderCallsStatsInternal reportCpuUsage() : 4%
2024/01/05 21:26:16.737 2221 2304 Info BinderCallsStats Collected cpu time : 287us, collected call count : 3013 for 60189 ms
2024/01/05 21:26:16.768 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1208(202KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8721KB/17MB, paused 2.041ms,57us total 141.142ms
2024/01/05 21:26:17.097 2221 5210 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@86f785e
2024/01/05 21:26:17.141 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.125365 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:17.142 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.02276 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:17.362 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2203(189KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 139us,59us total 160.593ms
2024/01/05 21:26:17.384 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:17.393 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:17.393] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 21Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 112822, curr ts = 113888
2024/01/05 21:26:17.459 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.458+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:17.459 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.459+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:17.460 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.460+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=451, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:17.460 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.460+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 451
2024/01/05 21:26:17.460 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:17.464 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.464+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:17.464 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.464+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:17.464 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 461824
2024/01/05 21:26:17.465 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:17.465 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.465+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=451, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:17.465 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:17.465+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 451
2024/01/05 21:26:17.499 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@732b55b
2024/01/05 21:26:17.604 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6003] accel_sample [ 0.017, 0.018, 9.824] 214809761549154
2024/01/05 21:26:17.644 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.368802 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:17.647 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.751406 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:17.647 2221 2904 Info SemWifiServiceDetector NSD results: [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, -1, 1] Traff. type 2 Thr 130
2024/01/05 21:26:17.650 2221 2907 Debug SemWifiOptimizer enable=1 state=0x10 prev=0x10 new=0x10 force=0 mode=0
2024/01/05 21:26:17.750 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2134(236KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 15MB/30MB, paused 327us,86us total 381.875ms
2024/01/05 21:26:17.837 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][51182] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.008, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214810002002852
2024/01/05 21:26:17.846 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:17.846] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:26:17.902 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@33b21f8
2024/01/05 21:26:17.999 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 10 10 8 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -49 -49 -50 -50 -49 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:26:18.169 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:26:18.169 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:26:18.170 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:26:18.170 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:26:18.174 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e1a went down
2024/01/05 21:26:18.177 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e1b went down
2024/01/05 21:26:18.180 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e1c went down
2024/01/05 21:26:18.182 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:26:18.182 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:26:18.183 1384 26284 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:18.183 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:26:18.183 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:18.184 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e1d went down
2024/01/05 21:26:18.184 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:26:18.194 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959149 162934421 w 1971606 27243428 d 771500 190148132 f 0 242188 iot 3182004 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27047.707
2024/01/05 21:26:18.195 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): id.AlipayGphone(25995) 524 ipayGphone:push(22820) 352 wpa_supplicant(23549) 184
2024/01/05 21:26:18.196 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:1(13987) 3124 ipayGphone:push(22820) 2532 id.AlipayGphone(25995) 1088
2024/01/05 21:26:18.239 1384 26284 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:26:18.239 1384 26284 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214810403686915 ns; value = [323, 323, 2, 1, 313, 72, 2, 2, 765, -1]
2024/01/05 21:26:18.240 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:26:18.241 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:26:18.242 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:26:18.242 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:18.243 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:26:18.244 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e1e went down
2024/01/05 21:26:18.280 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:18.279] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:18.304 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@2dd4c37
2024/01/05 21:26:18.406 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:18.439 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:18.439] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 113888, curr ts = 114921
2024/01/05 21:26:18.630 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.762552 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:18.632 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.049427 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:18.679 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:18.679+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.399205207824707
2024/01/05 21:26:18.708 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@84e6ec2
2024/01/05 21:26:18.719 2221 2340 Warn libprocessgroup Failed to apply TimerSlackHigh process profile: Try again
2024/01/05 21:26:18.732 2221 2736 Info UMR skip compaction for ai.nreal.nebula.mainland:channel(24989)
2024/01/05 21:26:18.776 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2202(250KB) AllocSpace objects, 19(25MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10079KB/19MB, paused 125us,73us total 226.741ms
2024/01/05 21:26:18.815 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 809, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:18.816 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.018 ms / 433.014 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.144)
2024/01/05 21:26:18.880 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 323(323),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12224,l:323,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:311
2024/01/05 21:26:19.014 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:19.110 2221 5203 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@5838b2f
2024/01/05 21:26:19.137 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.609271 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:19.139 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.984896 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:19.412 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:19.481 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:19.478] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 18Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 114921, curr ts = 115954
2024/01/05 21:26:19.489 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1383(229KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8742KB/17MB, paused 8.946ms,71us total 178.947ms
2024/01/05 21:26:19.515 2221 5203 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ab6f928
2024/01/05 21:26:19.595 2988 3656 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:26:19.597 2988 3656 Debug PhoneInterfaceManager setDataEnabledForReason() Reason=1 Pid=2221 App=system
2024/01/05 21:26:19.616 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6109] accel_sample [ 0.023, 0.017, 9.826] 214811773933998
2024/01/05 21:26:19.643 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.404062 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:19.645 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.774636 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:19.748 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:19.748] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214811909971550
2024/01/05 21:26:19.750 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:19.749] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214811915240769
2024/01/05 21:26:19.817 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-50, CE:27, PE:24, TI:35, PTI:32, TW:2, PTW:1, Tx:3978, Rx:2376, TxS:3288, RxS:2327, RESULT:true, IC:0, ICT:5, WC:0, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:26:19.834 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][52024] Uncal_G [-0.003,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214812000149154
2024/01/05 21:26:19.917 2221 5203 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4a27dbe
2024/01/05 21:26:19.962 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:19.962] [25790] [INFO] [NRSDK] skip: 0
2024/01/05 21:26:20.026 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.026+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:20.026 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.026+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:20.034 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.034+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=515, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:20.034 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.034+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 515
2024/01/05 21:26:20.044 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:20.046 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 527360
2024/01/05 21:26:20.046 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:20.054 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2139(206KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 19MB/19MB, paused 3.212ms,57us total 108.814ms
2024/01/05 21:26:20.149 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.223437 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:20.150 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.897135 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:20.194 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1569(208KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10092KB/19MB, paused 155us,65us total 139.319ms
2024/01/05 21:26:20.196 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959169 162934609 w 1971612 27243476 d 771500 190148132 f 0 242190 iot 3182080 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27049.709
2024/01/05 21:26:20.261 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:26:20.261 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:26:20.261 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:26:20.262 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:26:20.265 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e1f went down
2024/01/05 21:26:20.267 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e20 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:20.269 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e21 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:20.270 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:26:20.270 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:26:20.270 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:26:20.272 1384 26289 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:20.272 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:26:20.272 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:20.273 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e22 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:20.280 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:20.280] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:20.319 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@62efc58
2024/01/05 21:26:20.320 1384 26289 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:26:20.320 1384 26289 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 322(322),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12208,l:322,r:88,bl:92,j:313
2024/01/05 21:26:20.322 2221 2235 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:26:20.323 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:26:20.324 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e23 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:20.324 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:26:20.324 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:20.423 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:20.439 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController Freezeable -> Frozen, Reason: Signal)
2024/01/05 21:26:20.443 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :
2024/01/05 21:26:20.447 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :
2024/01/05 21:26:20.450 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :
2024/01/05 21:26:20.453 2221 3985 Debug FreecessController FZ :, reason: Bg
2024/01/05 21:26:20.456 2221 3985 Info PowerManagerService [PWL] SetWakeLockEnableDisable uid = 10351 , disable= true
2024/01/05 21:26:20.457 2221 3985 Info PowerManagerService [PWL] can not change uid = 10351
2024/01/05 21:26:20.457 2221 3985 Warn LocationManagerService onFreezeStateChanged, uid[10351]=true
2024/01/05 21:26:20.462 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.462+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:20.463 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.463+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:20.463 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.463+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 515
2024/01/05 21:26:20.463 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:20.463] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 19Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 115954, curr ts = 116954
2024/01/05 21:26:20.468 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.468+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:20.469 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.469+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:20.470 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.470+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 515
2024/01/05 21:26:20.608 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:20.608] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:26:20.655 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.175261 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:20.656 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.074479 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:20.722 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:20.721+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.194811820983887
2024/01/05 21:26:20.722 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1347622
2024/01/05 21:26:20.926 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1481(208KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 107us,78us total 212.680ms
2024/01/05 21:26:21.125 2221 5203 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@fa0d8b3
2024/01/05 21:26:21.288 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 1090/1093 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:21.294 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 1088/1097 (recycle/alloc) - 6/1092 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:21.299 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 1093/Done 1093|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.399/s Avg=14.458/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 551.4Kbps
2024/01/05 21:26:21.300 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:26:21.444 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:21.451 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:21.451] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 16Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 116954, curr ts = 117955
2024/01/05 21:26:21.474 24339 24339 Info nebula_DisplayModeService FreezeRunnable: each 15000s run.
2024/01/05 21:26:21.477 24339 24339 Error nebula_DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:26:21.477 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:26:21.489 24339 24339 Error nebula__DebugSetting readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:26:21.490 24339 24339 Debug nebula__DebugSetting get3DMode: refreshRate=3
2024/01/05 21:26:21.492 24339 24339 Error DisplayModeService createView: 3
2024/01/05 21:26:21.493 24339 24339 Debug nebula_DisplayModeService createBigView: 3,howShow= All
2024/01/05 21:26:21.500 2221 5213 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.501 2221 5213 Debug ApplicationPolicy isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland,userId = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.527 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@122a77a
2024/01/05 21:26:21.629 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6215] accel_sample [ 0.022, 0.005, 9.819] 214813786317800
2024/01/05 21:26:21.640 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.316407 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:21.641 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.431302 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:21.643 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:209:14:806400:806400:806400:883200:883200:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:26:21.661 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2707(217KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 24MB/24MB, paused 381us,58us total 175.468ms
2024/01/05 21:26:21.706 2221 2221 Info Telecom:SamsungTelecomServiceImpl isInManagedCall - callingPackage : android
2024/01/05 21:26:21.718 3499 3499 Info Launcher.NotificationListener onNotificationPosted : ai.nreal.nebula.mainland number : 0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.725 5589 5589 Info Edge.badge updateBadge item = ai.nreal.nebula.mainland:0 1
2024/01/05 21:26:21.725 3039 3039 Debug S.S.N. onEntryUpdated 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:26:21.725 3039 3039 Debug BubblesManager onEntryUpdated : shouldBubbleUp=false ,key=0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:26:21.726 3039 3039 Debug InterruptionStateProvider no Heads up : edgelighting enabled app. 0|ai.nreal.nebula.mainland|2014|null|10227
2024/01/05 21:26:21.749 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:21.749 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:21.750 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.750 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.831 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 810, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:21.834 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.019 ms / 425.443 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.134)
2024/01/05 21:26:21.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][52867] Uncal_G [-0.002,-0.007, 0.003] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214814000667331
2024/01/05 21:26:21.836 2221 5213 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: pkg=ai.nreal.nebula.mainland , range=1 , includeAllApp=false , userId=-2 , infoRange=0 , infoCategory=0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.836 2221 5213 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication - accept rechecked by isEdgeLightingAllowed = true uid = 10227
2024/01/05 21:26:21.836 2221 5213 Debug EdgeLightingPolicyManager isAcceptableApplication: getRejectablePolicy true
2024/01/05 21:26:21.843 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 0, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:21.843 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 322, bottom margin = 72, real height = 394
2024/01/05 21:26:21.843 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.843 3039 3039 Info FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:21.932 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d24ab2b
2024/01/05 21:26:21.986 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 2127(229KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(17MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 13MB/27MB, paused 154us,71us total 313.099ms
2024/01/05 21:26:22.145 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.087865 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:22.147 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.567604 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:22.197 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959173 162934669 w 1971630 27246240 d 771500 190148132 f 0 242190 iot 3182108 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27051.710
2024/01/05 21:26:22.198 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): 60 ainland:channel(24989) 56 system_server(2221) 52
2024/01/05 21:26:22.198 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:3(13988) 2764 system_server(2221) 48
2024/01/05 21:26:22.281 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:22.280] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:22.334 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@3a3c146
2024/01/05 21:26:22.342 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:22.375 2221 2298 Error Watchdog !@Sync: 900 heap: 111 / 125 FD: 1107 objects: 2178462 WaitTime: 0.000 GCcnt: 0 FullGC: 0 [2024-01-05 21:26:22.372]
2024/01/05 21:26:22.450 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:22.511 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:22.511] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 17Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 117955, curr ts = 118987
2024/01/05 21:26:22.524 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:22.524+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:22.524 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:22.524+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:22.525 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:22.525+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=552, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:22.525 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:22.525+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 552
2024/01/05 21:26:22.526 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:22.527 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 565248
2024/01/05 21:26:22.528 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:22.652 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.544427 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:22.655 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.89724 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:22.740 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:22.740+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.363546371459961
2024/01/05 21:26:22.742 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ae9365d
2024/01/05 21:26:22.853 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:22.853] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:26:22.853 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:22.853] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:26:22.882 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1811(272KB) AllocSpace objects, 17(22MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8646KB/16MB, paused 156us,74us total 143.069ms
2024/01/05 21:26:23.026 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:23.026+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:23.027 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:23.027+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:23.027 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:23.027+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 552
2024/01/05 21:26:23.039 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 322(322),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12208,l:322,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:311
2024/01/05 21:26:23.145 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d3ce3a0
2024/01/05 21:26:23.158 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.326458 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:23.160 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.112344 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:23.455 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:23.498 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:23.498] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 21Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 118987, curr ts = 119987
2024/01/05 21:26:23.548 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@f5a97ff
2024/01/05 21:26:23.640 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6321] accel_sample [ 0.020, 0.021, 9.816] 214815798699519
2024/01/05 21:26:23.664 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.164323 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:23.666 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.193802 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:23.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][53710] Uncal_G [-0.003,-0.006, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214816001183321
2024/01/05 21:26:23.951 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@21c99cc
2024/01/05 21:26:24.046 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 10 10 9 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -50 -50 -49 -49 -49 -49 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:26:24.096 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1383(188KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10077KB/19MB, paused 141us,62us total 173.490ms
2024/01/05 21:26:24.199 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959180 162934705 w 1971630 27246240 d 771500 190148132 f 0 242190 iot 3182128 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27053.712
2024/01/05 21:26:24.281 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:24.281] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:24.353 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ecab51b
2024/01/05 21:26:24.457 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,0.007,0.017,9.827, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:26:24.462 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:24.505 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:24.505] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 119987, curr ts = 121020
2024/01/05 21:26:24.642 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.052969 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:24.644 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.444687 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:24.670 24989 25185 Debug TrafficStats tagSocket(78) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
2024/01/05 21:26:24.672 2221 2959 Debug NetdEventListenerService DNS Requested by : 110, 10227
2024/01/05 21:26:24.754 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@78507f6
2024/01/05 21:26:24.763 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:24.763+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.342235565185547
2024/01/05 21:26:24.848 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 811, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:24.850 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.021 ms / 386.288 Mbps (866 / 0.009 / 1.126)
2024/01/05 21:26:25.029 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:25.029+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:25.029 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:25.029+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:25.030 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:25.030+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=576, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:25.030 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:25.030+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 576
2024/01/05 21:26:25.031 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:25.035 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 589824
2024/01/05 21:26:25.036 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:25.149 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.217604 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:25.151 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.670417 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:25.155 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d0970cd
2024/01/05 21:26:25.343 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1080(203KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8720KB/17MB, paused 364us,58us total 130.096ms
2024/01/05 21:26:25.460 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:25.460+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:25.460 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:25.460+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:25.464 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:25.464+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 576
2024/01/05 21:26:25.468 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:25.532 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:25.532] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 121020, curr ts = 122020
2024/01/05 21:26:25.559 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1a074d0
2024/01/05 21:26:25.649 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:25.654 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6427] accel_sample [ 0.025, 0.018, 9.811] 214817811078685
2024/01/05 21:26:25.656 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.020469 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:25.659 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.695364 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:25.824 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1833(225KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 17MB/17MB, paused 101us,60us total 108.344ms
2024/01/05 21:26:25.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][54553] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214818001696758
2024/01/05 21:26:25.960 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@dc94cc9
2024/01/05 21:26:25.971 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1381(217KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10075KB/19MB, paused 104us,173us total 146.422ms
2024/01/05 21:26:26.107 23549 23549 Info wpa_supplicant Heartbeat 16
2024/01/05 21:26:26.165 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.514687 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:26.167 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.621145 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:26.200 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959196 162934933 w 1971638 27248936 d 771500 190148132 f 0 242190 iot 3182164 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27055.712
2024/01/05 21:26:26.200 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): 228 nd:sensor_calib(24747) 32 loop28(1205) 4
2024/01/05 21:26:26.200 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:3(13988) 2696
2024/01/05 21:26:26.282 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:26.281] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:26.300 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 1162/1165 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:26.305 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(1) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 1165/Done 1164|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.185/s Avg=14.441/s)| Stream: 14.71fps 503.6Kbps
2024/01/05 21:26:26.305 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:26:26.306 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 1160/1169 (recycle/alloc) - 6/1164 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:26.363 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1e0de8
2024/01/05 21:26:26.456 24747 24809 Info BiasUtils save to file: {"accel":{"mean":[0.015248262256521516,0.016229319537559888,9.812265689372957],"var":[9.9818646311990687e-05,8.4825875964341822e-05,9.3453828526435245e-05]},"gyro":{"mean":[-0.0033017241575018265,-0.0067699089134108494,0.0027137667952054699],"var":[5.4890286439925508e-07,6.420870242848916e-07,5.715603858549556e-07]},"mag":{"mean":[-597.00649322509389,-415.65386253356934,-258.16632423401001],"var":[0.11684057378442958,0.34307845696457662,0.39013439572590869]},"timestamp_ns":214818616326081,"version":"1.0.0"}
2024/01/05 21:26:26.474 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:26.511 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:26.511] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 122020, curr ts = 123020
2024/01/05 21:26:26.672 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.168437 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:26.673 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.093906 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:26.674 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1339(208KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(14MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8722KB/17MB, paused 710us,66us total 188.269ms
2024/01/05 21:26:26.695 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D SIOP:: AP:498 BAT:392 USB:343 CHG:475 PA:470 WIFI:467 CF:411 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:415 SKINF:401 SKINB:415 LRP:415 LRP2:415 LRF2:401 LRB2:415 AP2:404 CHG2:398 WIFI2:415 UANT2:403 DANT2:358 RCV2:406 SPK2:347 FCAM:342 UPSPK:409 DNSPK:341 AMB:212
2024/01/05 21:26:26.695 4606 5788 Info SDHMS:D MODEMQ:: MMWTHM:270(270)
2024/01/05 21:26:26.764 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:26.764+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.492753982543945
2024/01/05 21:26:26.768 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8c25ce7
2024/01/05 21:26:27.025 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:27.025+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:27.025 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:27.025+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:27.026 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:27.025+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 576
2024/01/05 21:26:27.172 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@1747b32
2024/01/05 21:26:27.216 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1102(201KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8718KB/17MB, paused 98us,63us total 115.661ms
2024/01/05 21:26:27.479 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:27.520 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 322(322),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12208,l:322,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:311
2024/01/05 21:26:27.533 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:27.533+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:27.533 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:27.533+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:27.534 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:27.534+8.0][25535,25859][]EncoderSupervisor: set expected encoded params: width=368, height=640, fps=15, gop=1, bitrate=600, annexb=true, encoderProfile=PROFILE_HIGH, bitrateMode=CBR, baseFrameIndex=20, baseGopIndex=1, fullIFrame=false, enableBFrame=false, referenceStrategy=FIX_GOP, codecType=H264, isTransCodingMode=false, mediaCodecDeviceRelatedParams=null, encoderComplexity=VERY_FAST
2024/01/05 21:26:27.535 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:27.535+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:26:27.537 25535 25861 Debug CCodec ISConfig not changed
2024/01/05 21:26:27.538 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 614400
2024/01/05 21:26:27.540 25535 25861 Debug CCodecConfig set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:4(BT601_6_525), M:255(Other), T:255(Other))
2024/01/05 21:26:27.551 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:27.550] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 123020, curr ts = 124054
2024/01/05 21:26:27.575 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@41fa39
2024/01/05 21:26:27.645 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.237656 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:27.648 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.810469 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:27.666 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6533] accel_sample [ 0.015, 0.018, 9.810] 214819823455196
2024/01/05 21:26:27.753 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1080(188KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8762KB/17MB, paused 104us,72us total 100.134ms
2024/01/05 21:26:27.837 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][55396] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.005, 0.003] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214820002207696
2024/01/05 21:26:27.862 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:27.859] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:26:27.866 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 812, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:27.868 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.021 ms / 379.719 Mbps (780 / 0.008 / 1.129)
2024/01/05 21:26:27.977 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@c9c3e8a
2024/01/05 21:26:28.026 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:28.026+8.0][25535,25753][]SetResolutionMode mode:1
2024/01/05 21:26:28.026 25535 25753 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:28.026+8.0][25535,25753][]SetEncodeSize(w:360 h:640)
2024/01/05 21:26:28.029 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:28.027+8.0][25535,25859][]HardwareVideoEncoder_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_47819714: SetBitrate 600
2024/01/05 21:26:28.155 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.658386 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:28.156 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.486042 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:28.201 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959203 162935029 w 1971713 27249280 d 771550 190148500 f 0 242203 iot 3182200 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27057.714
2024/01/05 21:26:28.246 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:61, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
2024/01/05 21:26:28.246 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512,, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:26:28.246 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=1
2024/01/05 21:26:28.247 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:26:28.249 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e24 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:28.250 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e25 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:28.252 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e26 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:28.254 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:26:28.254 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:26:28.255 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e27 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:28.256 1384 26294 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:28.256 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:26:28.257 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:28.260 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager registerListener :: 1511, STK33915 Light CCT Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:26:28.283 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:28.282] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:28.319 1384 26294 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:26:28.320 1384 26294 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:89, light_cct: ts = 214820483751081 ns; value = [322, 322, 2, 1, 311, 72, 2, 2, 763, -1]
2024/01/05 21:26:28.321 2221 3297 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 1511
2024/01/05 21:26:28.321 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, en=0
2024/01/05 21:26:28.322 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:26:28.324 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:28.324 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e28 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:28.324 2221 3297 Debug SensorManager unregisterListener ::$2@f8c34bd
2024/01/05 21:26:28.379 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@8cbb771
2024/01/05 21:26:28.386 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1126(207KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8712KB/17MB, paused 113us,69us total 138.289ms
2024/01/05 21:26:28.504 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:28.539 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:28.539] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 22Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 124054, curr ts = 125054
2024/01/05 21:26:28.660 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.468594 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:28.664 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 3.142865 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:28.767 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:28.767+8.0][25535,25859][]FpsCalculate: meter name:VideoEncodeController(165990117) fps:14.471057891845703
2024/01/05 21:26:28.768 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:28.768+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.471057891845703
2024/01/05 21:26:28.781 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@bf0d6c4
2024/01/05 21:26:28.964 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:29.009 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1187(194KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(11MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8715KB/17MB, paused 101us,903us total 134.664ms
2024/01/05 21:26:29.168 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.346979 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:29.170 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.077656 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:29.184 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@29720cf
2024/01/05 21:26:29.527 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:29.554 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2118(174KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 19MB/19MB, paused 227us,59us total 113.786ms
2024/01/05 21:26:29.579 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:29.578] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 24Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 125054, curr ts = 126087
2024/01/05 21:26:29.587 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@d095e3a
2024/01/05 21:26:29.674 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.719948 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:29.676 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.269479 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:29.678 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6639] accel_sample [ 0.010, 0.013, 9.805] 214821835829675
2024/01/05 21:26:29.721 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1125(212KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8724KB/17MB, paused 345us,81us total 165.601ms
2024/01/05 21:26:29.824 2221 2926 Debug WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer Backhaul result - RSSI:-50, CE:27, PE:27, TI:35, PTI:35, TW:2, PTW:2, Tx:3779, Rx:2081, TxS:3076, RxS:2035, RESULT:true, IC:0, ICT:5, WC:0, WCT:5, R:0, RC:0, IE:0, EC:0
2024/01/05 21:26:29.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][56238] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214822000343477
2024/01/05 21:26:29.988 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@b1f2406
2024/01/05 21:26:30.087 2221 2924 Info SemWifiEleStateTracker Ele Parameters BD : 10 10 10 10 10 9 MD : -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 WD : -50 -49 -50 -50 -50 -50 GC : false false false false false false SC : false false false false false false SH : false false false false false false TB : false false false false false false
2024/01/05 21:26:30.202 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): 96
2024/01/05 21:26:30.202 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): f2fs_ckpt-254:5(1134) 120 init(1) 16
2024/01/05 21:26:30.283 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:30.282] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:30.345 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal set_config:65, no need to adjust sample_period_ns due to reporting_mode = 2
2024/01/05 21:26:30.345 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal batch:512, android.sensor.light/51, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
2024/01/05 21:26:30.346 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=1
2024/01/05 21:26:30.346 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal get_qmi_debug_flag:239, support_qmi_debug : false
2024/01/05 21:26:30.349 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e29 went down
2024/01/05 21:26:30.350 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e2a went down
2024/01/05 21:26:30.354 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e2b went down
2024/01/05 21:26:30.355 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sensor_config_request:578, dt=ambient_light: convert sample_period=200000000 to batch_period=200000
2024/01/05 21:26:30.355 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:450, send sync request
2024/01/05 21:26:30.355 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:476, wait for notification of response
2024/01/05 21:26:30.356 1384 26296 Info sensors-hal ssc_conn_resp_cb:835, resp_value = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:30.357 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal send_sync_sensor_request:482, takes 1 ms to receive the response with 0
2024/01/05 21:26:30.357 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=1 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:30.358 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e2c went down
2024/01/05 21:26:30.389 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@96b081d
2024/01/05 21:26:30.400 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 321(321),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12176,l:321,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:308
2024/01/05 21:26:30.400 1384 26296 Info sensors-hal handle_indication_realtime:467, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
2024/01/05 21:26:30.400 1384 26296 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:135, [SSC_LIGHT] A: 321(321),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12176,l:321,r:88,bl:92,j:308
2024/01/05 21:26:30.402 2221 2235 Debug SensorService Calling activate off 51
2024/01/05 21:26:30.403 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:428, android.sensor.light/51 en=0
2024/01/05 21:26:30.404 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal deactivate:382, disconnect qmi to disable sensor
2024/01/05 21:26:30.404 1384 1384 Info sensors-hal activate:446, android.sensor.light/51 en=0 completed
2024/01/05 21:26:30.405 1361 1603 Error minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 1 port 5e2d went down
2024/01/05 21:26:30.552 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:30.593 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:30.593] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 126087, curr ts = 127087
2024/01/05 21:26:30.634 24828 25308 Info imsdk TIM: |-login.cpp:525 RequestHeartbeat |send heartbeat request
2024/01/05 21:26:30.655 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.142812 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:30.656 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.944115 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:30.661 24828 25308 Info imsdk TIM: |-login.cpp:568 HandleHeartbeatResponse |receive heartbeat response|client_address:|heartbeat_interval:120
2024/01/05 21:26:30.781 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:30.781+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.40635871887207
2024/01/05 21:26:30.792 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@fcf3060
2024/01/05 21:26:30.881 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 813, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:30.884 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.018 ms / 448.457 Mbps (866 / 0.007 / 1.131)
2024/01/05 21:26:31.022 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:31.022] [25718] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:26:31.107 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:31.107] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU transmitting data
2024/01/05 21:26:31.160 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.965312 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:31.162 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.745781 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:31.195 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@ae7dbbf
2024/01/05 21:26:31.305 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Stats: Pending(0) i/p-done(0) Works: Q: 1237/Done 1237|Work-Rate: Q(14.4/s Avg=14.5/s) Done(14.599/s Avg=14.450/s)| Stream: 14.93fps 637.1Kbps
2024/01/05 21:26:31.305 1423 25870 Info QC2Comp [avcE_309] Mem-usage: [In-2D: 5 bufs 4.746 MB] [2D-Conv-544: 3 bufs 1.102 MB] [1D-543: 9 bufs 3.164 MB] [1D-545: 4 bufs 0.062 MB] [1D-545: 2 bufs 0.031 MB] | Total: 9.105 MB
2024/01/05 21:26:31.361 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1251(194KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10071KB/19MB, paused 186us,55us total 169.999ms
2024/01/05 21:26:31.577 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:31.598 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e95c9ea
2024/01/05 21:26:31.612 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:31.612] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:1 recv:5000 214823775407592
2024/01/05 21:26:31.615 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:31.615] [25726] [INFO] [NRSDK] Devimu type:2 recv:5000 214823780676758
2024/01/05 21:26:31.664 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:31.664] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 22Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 127087, curr ts = 128154
2024/01/05 21:26:31.665 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.041615 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:31.667 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.945677 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:31.691 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6745] accel_sample [ 0.013, 0.013, 9.811] 214823848201915
2024/01/05 21:26:31.757 4606 4606 Info SDHMS:LOAD type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:229:14:806400:806400:806400:883200:883200:883200:220:220:220
2024/01/05 21:26:31.807 1423 25870 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be32748a8 : 3(706560 size) total buffers - 1(235520 size) used buffers - 1242/1245 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:31.815 1423 25876 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 bufferpool2 0xb400007be326ce18 : 9(3317760 size) total buffers - 5(1843200 size) used buffers - 1240/1249 (recycle/alloc) - 6/1244 (fetch/transfer)
2024/01/05 21:26:31.835 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][57081] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214824000850144
2024/01/05 21:26:31.915 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2073(205KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 20MB/20MB, paused 132us,62us total 119.315ms
2024/01/05 21:26:31.999 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e4874db
2024/01/05 21:26:32.078 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1725(217KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(13MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 105us,63us total 160.251ms
2024/01/05 21:26:32.173 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 3.355417 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:32.174 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.867656 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:32.204 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959203 162935029 w 1971723 27251964 d 771550 190148500 f 0 242203 iot 3182228 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27061.717
2024/01/05 21:26:32.281 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:32.283 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:32.283] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:32.402 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@4fe9ab6
2024/01/05 21:26:32.600 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:32.668 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:32.668] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 24Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 128154, curr ts = 129154
2024/01/05 21:26:32.679 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.764844 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:32.681 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.416198 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:32.738 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 2428(203KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 23MB/23MB, paused 4.165ms,59us total 121.902ms
2024/01/05 21:26:32.804 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@383328d
2024/01/05 21:26:32.835 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:32.834+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.605647087097168
2024/01/05 21:26:32.867 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:32.867] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2024/01/05 21:26:32.867 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:32.867] [25689] [INFO] [NRSDK] imu submit flag:1
2024/01/05 21:26:32.917 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1530(235KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(17MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10079KB/19MB, paused 135us,64us total 176.778ms
2024/01/05 21:26:33.205 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@abf7190
2024/01/05 21:26:33.439 1384 15452 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:311, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 321(321),m:7,c:0,b:72,c0:12176,l:321,f(r):88,u(bl):92,j:308
2024/01/05 21:26:33.493 2221 7020 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10085; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:33.498 2221 7020 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10085; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:33.498 2221 7020 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10085; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:33.499 2221 7020 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10085; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:33.500 2221 2308 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10085; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:33.512 1309 1309 Debug Zygote Forked child process 26297
2024/01/05 21:26:33.513 2221 2308 Info ActivityManager Start proc for content provider {}
2024/01/05 21:26:33.541 26297 26297 Info rivacydashboard Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
2024/01/05 21:26:33.549 26297 26297 Error rivacydashboard Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
2024/01/05 21:26:33.557 26297 26297 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator
2024/01/05 21:26:33.557 26297 26297 Debug ActivityThread setConscryptValidator - put
2024/01/05 21:26:33.562 2221 2235 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10085; state: DISABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:33.562 2221 2235 Info ActivityManager DSS OFF for
2024/01/05 21:26:33.565 2221 2235 Info ActivityManager Changes in 10085 20 to 5, 0 to 8
2024/01/05 21:26:33.576 26297 26297 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10085; state: ENABLED
2024/01/05 21:26:33.577 1475 1500 Info heimdall insert_task_to_group:67, insert tgid 26297 to group, ret = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:33.609 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@95ae1c1
2024/01/05 21:26:33.628 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:33.651 26297 26297 Info a setConfiguration start
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder java.lang.Throwable
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.bulkInsert(
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at android.content.ContentResolver.bulkInsert(
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at$
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2024/01/05 21:26:33.653 2221 7020 Warn Binder at
2024/01/05 21:26:33.660 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.396042 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:33.662 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.272552 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:33.668 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:33.668] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 129154, curr ts = 130154
2024/01/05 21:26:33.668 2221 2235 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:26:33.691 2221 7020 Info GenerationRegistry mBackingStore.isClosed() : false
2024/01/05 21:26:33.703 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6851] accel_sample [ 0.006, 0.018, 9.812] 214825860572412
2024/01/05 21:26:33.748 26297 26311 Info PrivacyDashboard PermissionAccessInformationContentProvider bulkInsert : 159
2024/01/05 21:26:33.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][57924] Uncal_G [-0.003,-0.008, 0.003] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214826001355224
2024/01/05 21:26:33.897 2221 18428 Debug SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 814, isSameBssidAndFreq true
2024/01/05 21:26:33.900 2221 2906 Info SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor Link Qos Query: 0.022 ms / 357.033 Mbps (780 / 0.008 / 1.255)
2024/01/05 21:26:33.951 1384 15468 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:185, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,0.022,0.014,9.832, ar,0, ver,11, pedo,1,e,0,i,4
2024/01/05 21:26:34.016 2221 2235 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@2af0aab
2024/01/05 21:26:34.168 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.279271 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:34.169 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.875364 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:34.207 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ 8,0 r 5959338 162938613 w 1971726 27252120 d 771550 190148500 f 0 242204 iot 3182372 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 27063.720
2024/01/05 21:26:34.208 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Read_top(KB): rivacydashboard(26297) 3160 system_server(2221) 424
2024/01/05 21:26:34.208 1043 1043 Debug io_stats !@ Write_top(KB): kworker/u16:1(13987) 2684 system_server(2221) 156
2024/01/05 21:26:34.285 25535 25665 Info XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:34.284] [25697] [INFO] [NRSDK] IMU channel recv data len: 128
2024/01/05 21:26:34.418 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@e1b46c6
2024/01/05 21:26:34.575 2221 11695 Info AfterimageCompensationService AfcThread mLuminance : 98 , AfpcPeriodCount : 361 , rotation : 0 , AOD : false
2024/01/05 21:26:34.593 2221 11695 Debug system_server mAFPC_Read - w = 1080, h = 2340, s = 8, f = 4, s_size = 10183680, luminance = 98, count = 361, captureOrientation = 0
2024/01/05 21:26:34.651 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:34.657 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background young concurrent copying GC freed 1962(175KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free, 19MB/19MB, paused 99us,58us total 107.456ms
2024/01/05 21:26:34.668 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:34.668] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 23Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 130154, curr ts = 131154
2024/01/05 21:26:34.672 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.415625 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:34.673 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.609948 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:34.820 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@af50952
2024/01/05 21:26:34.840 25535 25859 Info liteav [I][01-05/21:26:34.840+8.0][25535,25859][]VideoEncodeController_STREAM_TYPE_BIG_VIDEO_199447726: encoder input fps: 14.46384048461914
2024/01/05 21:26:35.176 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.055938 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:35.177 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 0.928437 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:35.221 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@625f6d9
2024/01/05 21:26:35.253 3039 3246 Debug MobileStatusTracker(1/3) onSignalStrengthsChanged level=1, vendorLevel=5
2024/01/05 21:26:35.254 3039 3246 Debug MobileSignalController(1/3) notifyListener: enabled=true, connected=true, dataConnected=true, networkType=NR/NR_NSA is5gAvailable=false (5G_OneShaped_CHN), emergencyOnly=false, roaming=false, isDefault=false, dataActivity=, level=5, ca=false, mmWave=false, disabledDataIcon=true, simCard=ETC
2024/01/05 21:26:35.258 3039 3246 Debug NetworkController SignalStrength from intent slotId=1
2024/01/05 21:26:35.346 25535 25543 Info RTC_Yuv_RGBOnly Background concurrent copying GC freed 1093(185KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(10MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10081KB/19MB, paused 103us,66us total 171.213ms
2024/01/05 21:26:35.598 25535 25863 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.qti.avc.encoder#654] DEBUG: elapsed: n=8 [in=0 pipeline=0 out=4]
2024/01/05 21:26:35.624 2221 5213 Warn InputMethodManagerService Ignoring getInputMethodWindowVisibleHeight of uid 10227 :$Stub$Proxy@436689e
2024/01/05 21:26:35.665 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:35.665] [25718] [WARN] [NRSDK] Camera frequency is 22Hz < 28Hz, prev ts = 131154, curr ts = 132154
2024/01/05 21:26:35.672 2221 2922 Debug SemWifiSwitchForIndividualAppsService isSkipTcpMonitorInfo - result:2
2024/01/05 21:26:35.680 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Rt L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.205573 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:35.682 2221 2904 Debug SemNscXgbL2Nrt L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 2.010157 msecs
2024/01/05 21:26:35.715 1384 24982 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:550, [0][6957] accel_sample [ 0.012, 0.010, 9.814] 214827872942047
2024/01/05 21:26:35.836 1384 24800 Info sensors-hal handle_sns_client_event:658, [0][58767] Uncal_G [-0.004,-0.007, 0.002] [-0.003,-0.007, 0.003] 214828001859391
2024/01/05 21:26:35.962 25535 25665 Warn XREAL [2024-01-05 21:26:35.962] [25690] [WARN] [NRSDK] Glasses Event! D:false Q:false S:true F:true
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