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Last active September 7, 2016 19:41
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Concrete5 Project Documentation

These instructions are for a concrete5 v5.7 project

Local Environment Assumptions

  • Your server name ends in .dev (e.g.,
  • You have the following installed:
  • You have a global gitignore which contains rules for your OS and IDE. This keeps our project-level gitignores from getting bloated. You can use to generate one


  1. Create an empty database

  2. Copy the .env.example to a new .env file and update the variables according to your environment.

  3. Use Composer to install the third party dependencies

    If composer is installed globally:

     $ cd www/application
     $ composer install
     $ cd ../concrete
     $ composer install
     $ cd ../packages/st_redirects
     $ git submodule update --init --recursive
     $ composer install

    If composer is downloaded as a .phar:

     $ cd www/application
     $ php /path/to/composer.phar install
     $ cd ../concrete
     $ php /path/to/composer.phar install

    This should install everything necessary into the vendor/ directory in the concrete directory.

  4. Use npm to install the theme's packages

     cd www/application/themes/theme_name
     npm install
  5. Use bower to install the theme's dev dependencies

     cd www/application/themes/theme_name
     bower install
  6. Build the theme assets with Grunt

     cd www/application/themes/theme_name

Vagrant Box

  1. Locate Vagrant Box

     $ cd ~/Resources/Vagary
  2. Start Vagrant Box

     $ vagrant up
  3. Edit your hosts file

     $sudo subl /etc/hosts
  4. Enable ssh

     $ vagrant ssh
  5. Start base services

     $ cd /var/shared/
     $ sh
  6. Compose docker file

     $ cd /var/www/SITENAME/
     $ docker-compose up -d
  7. Stop the Vagrant Box

     $ vagrant exit
     $ vagrant halt

The End

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