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Last active December 17, 2021 16:20
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Javascript to draw lines in Yucata's Oracle of Delphi
// Draw paths of each ship through out the game
// Need to run code in console and replay the game
// Howto for Chrome:
// * Open finished game
// * Click on first move in game log
// * Right click on page and select "Inspect"
// * Select the "Sources" tab and in left pane, change Page to Snippets
// * Create "+ New Snippet" and give it a name
// * Copy/paste this code into the snippet
// * Right click on snippet and select Run
// * (Optional) In Oracle window, go to General Settings tab and uncheck "show animations", this will speed up the replay
// * Go back to Oracle window and in the replay tab and press the "Start replay" play button
// * Wait till game has finished running, lines should be getting drawn behind the ships
// * Snippet will stay saved so you can run it again without having to recreate it
// Clearing lines:
// * You can clear the lines by running the following javascript in the console or in a different snippet
// ** $(".paths").remove(); $(".warp").remove()
// SNAP SVG Cheatsheet:
if (!y$.game.animateOld) {
y$.game.animateOld = y$.game.animate;
y$.game.animate = function(idx, action) {
// Override the animate function so we can draw our lines and skip the other animation effects to save time
var playerNum = y$.utils.getIdx(action.PID);
// Determine color of player
const playerColorIdx = y$.basegame.getColorIdx(playerNum);
const colorPicker = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"];
const color = colorPicker[playerColorIdx];
// Offset drawn lines so they don't overlap other ships
const offsetPicker = [
{ x: 0, y: 20 }, // Red: Top left
{ x: 80, y: 10 }, // Green: Top Right
{ x: 0, y: 70 }, // Blue: Bot Left
{ x: 80, y: 80 }, // Yellow: Bot Right
const offset = offsetPicker[playerColorIdx];
// Select players ship
const ship = y$".boardship" + playerNum);
// The total number of actions since start of game
const moveNum = action.MoveNr;
/* Track round number
* I can't find a round counter so lets make one
// Track the last move number so we can tell if we stopped and restarted
// We have to assume we restarted in the first round...
if (!ship.lastMove || moveNum < ship.lastMove)
ship.roundNum = 1;
ship.lastMove = moveNum;
* Draws a ships path as the ships move on the board
function addShipPath(startPosition, targetCoord, offX, offY, scale, easing, duration) {
var row = y$.game.Row(targetCoord);
var isEvenRow = row % 2 === 0;
// Get start position
const x1 = startPosition[0];
const y1 = startPosition[1];
// Get end position
const x2 = (y$.game.hexColumnToPixelColumn(y$.game.Column(targetCoord), isEvenRow) + offX);
const y2 = (y$.game.hexRowToPixelRow(row, isEvenRow) + offY);
// Ignore zero length moves
if (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2) {
switch (action.ActionId) {
case y$.game.Actions.PoseidonSelectTargetField:
// ship jumps via Poseidon
console.log(color + ": Warping from " + x1 + "," + y1 + " to " + x2 + "," + y2);
// TODO Not sure if there is some css which would center the text instead of doing it manually
const centerX = -20;
const centerY = 15;
y$.game.snapBoard.text(x1+offset["x"]+centerX, y1+offset["y"]+centerY, "🌌").addClass("warp");
y$.game.snapBoard.text(x2+offset["x"]+centerX, y2+offset["y"]+centerY, "🌌").addClass("warp");
// fall into normal move handling so we draw a line as well
case y$.game.Actions.SelectShipDestination:
// Normal ship movement - Draw line
console.log(color + ": Moving from " + x1 + "," + y1 + " to " + x2 + "," + y2);
line = y$.game.snapBoard.line(x1+offset["x"], y1+offset["y"], x2+offset["x"], y2+offset["y"]).attr({
stroke: color,
// Workaround: For some reason you can't add this using attr()['marker-end'] = "url(#arrow)"
// Track if we moved
ship.movedThisRound = true;
// return end position, in pixels
return [x2, y2];
// Handle action
switch (action.ActionId) {
case y$.game.Actions.SelectShipDestination:
// Source from real animate function
// for (i = 1; action.ActionEffects.length >= 4 && i < action.ActionEffects[3].length; i++) {
// aSequence.push(y$.game.getAnimateObjectMoveToCoordFunction(y$'.boardship' + plrIdx), action.ActionEffects[3][i], 24, 39, 1, mina.easeout, 200));
// }
// addAnimationOfOracleResourceCleanup();
// Get start position, this is in pixels
var startPosition = [ship.matrix.e, ship.matrix.f];
for (i = 1; action.ActionEffects.length >= 4 && i < action.ActionEffects[3].length; i++) {
startPosition = addShipPath(startPosition, action.ActionEffects[3][i], 24, 39, 1, mina.easeout, 200);
case y$.game.Actions.PoseidonSelectTargetField:
// Source from real animate function
// aSequence.push(y$.game.getAnimateObjectMoveToCoordFunction(y$'.boardship' + plrIdx), action.ActionParams, 24, 39, 1, mina.linear, 600));
// aSequence.push(y$.game.getAnimateGodStepFunction(plrIdx, y$.game.GOD.POSEIDON, false, y$.game.GODSTEPS.BOTTOM));
// Get start position, this is in pixels
var startPosition = [ship.matrix.e, ship.matrix.f];
addShipPath(startPosition, action.ActionParams, 24, 39, 1, mina.linear, 600);
case y$.game.Actions.finishTurn:
// Write current round to ship position so we can track time
// but only if we've movedThisRound
if (ship.movedThisRound) {
delete ship.movedThisRound;
// TODO Not sure if there is some css which would center the text instead of doing it manually
const moveTextX = -20;
const moveTextY = 15;
y$.game.snapBoard.text(ship.matrix.e+offset["x"]+moveTextX, ship.matrix.f+offset["y"]+moveTextY, ship.roundNum).attr({
stroke: color,
// Next round
// If set to skip animations, exit and resolve promise to skip timeout
if (!y$.userPreferences.getPreference('animated')) {
return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
} else {
return y$.game.animateOld(idx, action);
// arrowhead marker definition
marker = `
<marker id="arrow" viewBox="0 0 10 5" refX="10" refY="2.5"
markerWidth="6" markerHeight="6"
<path d="M 0 0 L 10 2.5 L 0 5 z" />
// Create element case sensitive
markElem = Snap.parse(marker)
// Add css, delete the first two rules so if this is run multiple times, we only have one copy of these rules
// Note the first run does delete some unrelated css but at present they aren't used for anything...
/* 1 pixel black shadow to left, top, right and bottom */
/* text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black; */
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(".paths { stroke-width: 5px; font-size: 3em; text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black; }", 0);
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(".warp { font-size: 2em; }", 0);
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jjcf89 commented Aug 16, 2020

@henningit Any idea where to get the move number?

I'd like to add the current round next to the ship when "y$.game.Actions.finishTurn:" happens

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@henningit Any idea where to get the move number?

I'd like to add the current round next to the ship when "y$.game.Actions.finishTurn:" happens

action.MoveNr within function animate (idx, action).

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jjcf89 commented Aug 22, 2020

@henningit hmm moveNr is much higher than I expected. It seems to be a global counter of every single action taken.

Is there a way to convert this to the current round number?


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jjcf89 commented Aug 25, 2020

I created my own round counter. But it only works if someone starts from round one... eh close enough
But now there are too many numbers on the board

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@henningit hmm moveNr is much higher than I expected. It seems to be a global counter of every single action taken.
Is there a way to convert this to the current round number?

If the game log of the sidebar has fully been rendered and is visible then you'll find elements like <div class="move move3 action4"> under the div with id 'gameLog'. The action number is the action.MoveNr whereas the move number is round number you're looking for. Not for every action number you will find such a move element in the DOM ("out of round" actions don't have it). But for the ship navigation actions you should find it. So I suggest you process the DOM based on the action.MoveNr you have available.

The implementation derives the move numbers in a similar way, see the definition of var cntMoves in the base function updateGameLog:

updateGameLog: function () {
    var newActions = y$.data.PartialActionList ? y$.data.PartialActionList : y$.data.Moves;
    var currentAction;
    if (newActions && newActions.length) {
        var lastEntry = $('#gameLog .move .player > div').filter('.name, .action').last();
        if (lastEntry.length) { // remove all 'old' gamelog entries
            var lastMoveNr ='yucataBaseLog').action;
            for (i = newActions[0].MoveNr; i <= lastMoveNr; i++)
                $('#gameLog .action' + i).remove();
        var cntMoves = $('#gameLog .endOfTurn').length + 1;
        newActions.forEach(function (action) {
            cntMoves = y$.basegame.addAction2GameLog(action, cntMoves);
        currentAction = newActions[newActions.length - 1];
    if ((!currentAction || currentAction.EndOfTurn) && y$.data.GameInfo.PlayerOnTurnIdx >= 0) { // add a header in case a new move has just started and the game has not yet ended
        y$.basegame.addMoveHeader2GameLog(y$.data.GameInfo.PlayerOnTurnIdx, { MoveNr: $('#gameLog .action').length + 1, PID: y$.data.GameInfo.PlayerOnTurn }, $('#gameLog .endOfTurn').length + 1);
        $('#gameLog .player.color' + y$.basegame.getColorIdx(y$.data.GameInfo.PlayerOnTurnIdx) + ' .name').last().addClass('headerOnly');
    $('#gameLog').addClass('old').removeClass('new'); // only add click handling once
    $('#gameLog .mayClick').not('.old').addClass('new');
    $('#gameLog').on('click', y$.basegame.gameLogClicked).css('cursor', 'pointer');
    if (y$.basegame.isActive()) {
        $('#gameLog').css('cursor', 'pointer').prepend(y$.basegame.getImg({ basic: 'undo.png' })
            .addClass('undo')).on('click.undoredo', y$.basegame.undoClicked);
        $('#gameLog').css('cursor', 'pointer').prepend(y$.basegame.getImg({ basic: 'redo.png' })
            .addClass('redo')).on('click.undoredo', y$.basegame.redoClicked);
    // now already handled with last IsCommitted
    /* else // no undo/redo if not on turn
    if ($.isFunction(y$.game.onGameLogLoaded))

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jjcf89 commented Sep 5, 2020

Updated to only print round numbers at end of turn if the person moved this turn. So much less spam of numbers.


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jjcf89 commented Sep 28, 2020


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jjcf89 commented Oct 12, 2020

Added outline to each number so they are more readable

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jjcf89 commented Dec 17, 2021

Ran it on a 16 move game for the fun of it. From this post

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