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Created March 3, 2018 03:23
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881 858
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856 869
889 856
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719 713
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840 803
864 856
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872 885
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888 889
825 889
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729 888
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861 729
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805 800
713 819
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729 876
872 887
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871 879
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708 869
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774 810
856 747
879 881
776 874
774 805
747 819
772 828
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889 886
856 864
864 893
747 719
861 889
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887 874
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878 889
889 753
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876 889
708 819
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856 708
800 810
708 830
729 882
887 776
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861 804
856 878
772 713
894 879
810 747
772 805
774 719
753 708
697 830
772 856
885 877
886 889
745 810
729 804
840 823
887 872
893 856
697 753
810 823
804 863
805 713
713 823
830 800
881 871
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830 745
866 881
863 804
800 805
840 708
859 885
828 880
868 865
889 825
745 747
884 825
888 861
872 867
889 729
830 713
747 713
856 804
856 825
871 857
800 719
886 863
703 828
866 879
800 774
819 880
805 830
753 769
772 800
697 800
708 713
823 719
819 753
856 840
886 729
876 886
804 876
708 747
873 776
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885 872
713 774
885 873
869 856
811 856
800 697
823 805
885 776
747 810
697 823
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811 800
753 729
774 811
879 894
825 884
747 774
870 894
713 805
884 893
729 856
747 804
747 769
745 800
774 708
810 856
856 772
869 811
703 747
877 867
811 890
856 888
867 872
703 805
719 697
800 713
713 810
729 863
888 876
856 863
889 888
876 856
823 830
747 803
886 878
774 869
776 867
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873 872
857 868
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840 830
828 830
697 828
774 747
747 697
830 708
819 747
871 895
776 873
856 810
864 825
828 703
774 800
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769 800
800 747
823 703
890 811
803 747
890 769
856 769
887 867
697 819
840 697
753 856
697 772
886 804
865 868
729 753
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697 719
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830 840
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697 745
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894 870
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805 880
881 879
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823 856
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828 819
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878 888
872 776
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810 800
803 840
804 882
747 856
878 886
753 890
830 697
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866 895
828 823
828 745
882 729
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856 823
880 823
804 888
830 719
861 888
719 805
697 747
880 819
776 872
830 856
882 863
863 856
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880 805
745 697
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810 713
856 800
880 828
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828 800
840 828
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772 719
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870 881
873 874
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867 885
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810 828
805 819
856 697
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804 878
823 713
878 729
861 753
745 823
878 861
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828 772
823 745
895 858
873 885
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878 863
882 889
880 803
881 870
863 878
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872 874
774 828
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856 889
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882 876
863 876
879 866
747 828
753 823
863 886
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823 747
823 828
800 811
769 697
874 872
753 697
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879 870
873 867
828 769
828 713
868 862
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874 885
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863 861
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830 823
830 805
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753 747
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886 876
895 870
887 885
800 769
888 878
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862 865
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772 697
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857 865
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774 840
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881 866
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881 895
893 884
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882 856
885 867
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856 876
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863 888
867 887
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870 879
876 878
894 866
876 888
889 876
857 862
879 871
863 889
890 697
729 878
747 753
805 719
858 870
745 719
713 745
819 856
805 774
798 769
708 828
729 889
800 830
830 774
769 708
776 885
886 882
867 873
747 708
819 697
861 878
893 864
697 713
805 703
774 819
753 861
858 895
703 823
856 882
874 867
877 885
805 697
719 747
805 828
747 800
823 880
804 747
804 886
805 840
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811 774
889 882
878 876
825 856
888 863
823 819
880 703
882 886
877 776
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776 877
871 881
819 713
856 753
719 800
876 729
840 819
861 876
804 889
889 804
828 719
871 858
889 861
840 805
769 747
805 772
888 729
874 887
840 719
703 719
753 819
871 870
810 805
866 894
889 863
876 863
697 769
882 804
856 729
856 819
774 830
800 856
858 881
823 774
830 819
var table;
var edges = [];
var nodes = [];
var w;
var l;
var area;
var k;
function preload() {
table = loadStrings('698.edges');
class Edge{
constructor(id1, id2){
this.id1 = id1;
this.id2 = id2;
class Node{
constructor(id, x, y){ = id;
this.posx = x;
this.posy = y;
this.dispx = 0;
this.dispy = 0;
function search(id, nodes){
for(var x = 0; x < nodes.length; x++){
if(nodes[x].id == id){
return nodes[x]
return 0;
function attraction(d){
return (d*d)/k;
function repulsion(d){
return (k*k)/d;
function setup() {
createCanvas(1000, 500);
var v = table.length;
w = 900;
l = 400;
area = w*l;
for(var x = 0; x < table.length; x++){
edgeInfo = table[x].split(" ");
var e = new Edge(parseInt(edgeInfo[0]), parseInt(edgeInfo[1]));
var result1 = search(parseInt(edgeInfo[0]), nodes);
var result2 = search(parseInt(edgeInfo[1]), nodes);
if(result1 == 0){
var node = new Node(parseInt(edgeInfo[0]), Math.random()*w,Math.random()*l)
if(result2 == 0){
var node = new Node(parseInt(edgeInfo[1]), Math.random()*w,Math.random()*l)
k = Math.sqrt(area/Math.abs(nodes.length));
function draw(){
for(var x = 0; x < nodes.length; x++){
fill(0, 0, 102)
var node = nodes[x]
ellipse(node.posx, node.posy ,15 ,15);
var node_1 = search(e.id1,nodes)
var node_2 = search(e.id2,nodes)
line(node_1.posx, node_1.posy, node_2.posx, node_2.posy);
for(var x = 0; x < nodes.length; x++){
var node = nodes[x]
if(mouseX < node.posx+8 && mouseX > node.posx-8 && mouseY < node.posy+8 && mouseY > node.posy-8){
fill(0, 2, 252)
ellipse(node.posx, node.posy ,15 ,15);
rect(mouseX+10, mouseY-(50), 75, 25)
text("Node: " +, mouseX+15, mouseY-(40))
for(var x = 1; x < 50; x++){
n1.dispx = 0;
n1.dispy = 0;
if(n1 != n2){
var diffx = n1.posx - n2.posx;
var diffy = n1.posy - n2.posy;
if(diffx != 0){
n1.dispx = n1.dispx + (diffx/ Math.abs(diffx))*repulsion(Math.abs(diffx))
if(diffy != 0){
n1.dispy = n1.dispy + (diffy/Math.abs(diffy))*repulsion(Math.abs(diffy))
var v = search(e1.id1, nodes)
var u = search(e1.id2, nodes)
var e_diffx = v.posx - u.posx
var e_diffy = v.posy - u.posy
if(e_diffx != 0){
v.dispx = v.dispx - (e_diffx/Math.abs(e_diffx))*attraction(Math.abs(e_diffx))
u.dispx = u.dispx + (e_diffx/Math.abs(e_diffx))*attraction(Math.abs(e_diffx))
if(e_diffy != 0 ){
v.dispy = v.dispy - (e_diffy/Math.abs(e_diffy))*attraction(Math.abs(e_diffy))
u.dispy = u.dispy + (e_diffy/Math.abs(e_diffy))*attraction(Math.abs(e_diffy))
n.posx = n.posx + (n.dispx/Math.abs(n.dispx))
n.posy = n.posy + (n.dispy/Math.abs(n.dispy))
n.posx = Math.min(w*40,Math.max(20, n.posx))
n.posy = Math.min(l*10,Math.max(20, n.posy))
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