- Quick Start For Linux + OSX Users
- Distributed Version Control Using git
- Code Sharing + Collaborations Using github
- Run Gnu Tools Like Bash and Git Locally
- Three Levels to Git Pro Skills
- Git Ops Jumpstarts: Multiple Ways To Jump In
- Extra Support For Windows Users
- Gist Repo Root Page Index
- Side Notes:
- Getting To Simple Can Be Complex.
- Pave Roads, So That Others May Drive.
- There Are Many Ways To The Mountain Top.
Work-In-Progress Tasks:
- 1: Skim this doc and comment below, including file:line references.
- 2: Indicate Chosen Role: devs admins tpms creatives trainers ...
- 3: Report, document and share all onboarding friction and best practices.
- 4: Review the gihub markdown (ghmd) code behind this gist by clicking on the [Raw] button on the upper right.
Share Basic Details Privately:
- 1: Local desktop year + operating system + version. We support all desktop operating systems.
- 2: Software development language(s) of interest. We support all software development languages.
- 3: When are your most convenient regular times for support and training?
- 4: Would you like to work solo, paired or on a team?
Stage 1: Open Source Software Developer - Github 101
- Register For Your Free Github Account.
- Verify by sharing your github login id here: Open Source Web Dev FB Group.
- Inquire about github profile templates + analytics.
- Inquire about github markdown and github pages. NO HTML NEEDED!
- Learn how to barter by contributing to open source github projects.
- Register For Your Free Github Account.
Role Descriptions
Devs code to build apps, and devs are identified by: software development language(s) and framework(s)
Admins support systems + services + users + data, on-premise and in the cloud.
Engineers stand up infrastructure + provide custom security + testing + automation + tool-building.
Tech Project Managers support projects and teams with onboarding + task management + workflow analytics.
Creatives include photographers + illustrators + user interface designers + musicians + etc.
Trainers build and support labs for both teaching and learning curriculum + instruction + assessment
Stakeholders own the deliverables for an organization or business.
Lawyers, journalists and community activists might test and discover where github workflows and transparency are healthy for democracy.
- Devs and admins MUST do git on the command line.
- Creatives can use the desktop app.
- The key to team github skill-building is to learn to use the team dev dojo to learn:
- How to break things.
- How to fix those things.
- How team dev best practices allow those problems to thereafter be prevented.
Stage 2: Install Gnu Tools Locally
This section assumes we know where to find our local desktop terminal app.
- Linuxification of Apple OSX Requires Homebrew
- Article About Gnu Tools on OSX
- Public Github Repo: Linuxify => How can we trust this?
Windows Users: Run bash shell + git locally by installing Git For Windows.
Stage 2 Tests: Local Gnu Tools
Local bash shell
$ bash --version
Homebrew Health
$ brew doctor
Gnu Utils Installed + Configured
$ date --version | grep -i gnu || ( which date && echo 'date GNOT GNU!' )
Git Installed + Configured
$ git version ; git config --list
What is git:
- Git is versioning software used by software developers to version code or any type of file.
Who made git:
- In the 1990's, Linus Torwalds built git to support his open source software project, the linux ketnel.
Why learn git:
- Because versioning files and folders on our computers allows us to protect / retain / share all of our work.
- Because git supports all kinds of files, including very large files.
- Because git is the local command-line client to the many services that run on github.com.
What is github:
- Github.com is a web site built to help devs share and collaborate in public or private software code projects.
Why learn github:
Because all kinds of tools across dev languages are available on github for free, including the git source code itself.
Because team dev using local git and remote github is how most remote dev work is tested, reviewed and submitted.
Because github makes open source software development collaborative.
Because github.com automation and AI tools are excellent.
Common Github Quick Start Hurdles Include:
- We want to verify that the gnu tools are running:
$ date --version | grep -i gnu
- bash
$ bash --version
- git
$ git version; git config --list
- python3
$ python3 --version; python3 -m platform
Print out this diagram and inquire about workflow cycles, step testing and step undo options.
Git Ops Skill Levels:
1: Git Ops Solo Local => See Solo Local Workflow Cycle Diagram !!
2: Git Ops Solo Remote
3: Git Ops Team Dev
4: Git Ops Teams Admin
- Git Ops Skills Matrix
- Open Source Git + Github Training Skill Levels Table
Skills Level | Descriptions | Git Sub-Commands |
1 | Solo Local Git Ops | version config status init add rm mv commit sha log diff reset stash amend |
2 | Solo Remote Git Ops | clone pull push fork patch issue branch tag merge rebase |
3 | Team Dev Git ops | diff tdd mfa4 bashTests bashLogs bashTpls |
Report any system stability issues and/or browser stability issues.
Install + configure local git.
Register for a free github id and connect to github.
NOTE: ssh must be set up right in order to push code to a github project. (level 2 git ops training)
1: Jump into gitpod, unless browser issues get in the way.
Prerequisites: github free account + stable browser login to github
Get Started: Request scheduled 30 minute bash paired programming session using gitpod.
What Will We Do?
Start with a gist like this to learn some basic github markdown (ghmd).
Use bash and git and vscode together in a gitpod session.
Show how our session changes can be tracked and versioned in a github repo.
Barter for paving services (gives) while you learn to drive (gets).
Drive the entire process with docs and testing.
Diagram the entire process for accelerated training.
Create git ops docs using ghmd on github for the Win crowd.
Enable github pages for that repo, and choose a jekyll theme.
Look at i18n tools for Github Pages.
2: There are also git learning playgrounds/games:
- 3: Standing up vm with vbox running ubuntu is another option.
- Prerequisites: virtualBox
- Get Started:
- Install vBox locally.
- Restart desktop.
- Create local vBox virtual machine (vm).
- Deploy Linux Image on vm. (or Windows!!)
- Connect to linux running on vm using ssh from Git4Windows console.
- Find free windows terminal apps.
- 4: Git4Win is better than WSL until proven otherwise.
- Prerequisites: Might be wise to mess with a windows vm on vBox?
- Get Started: Since Git4Win can be completely installed into WIN_USER storage, it is easy to remove COMPLETELY!!
- The ssh key generate + configs + connect2github tests are usually the most troublesome.
- Devs can get started with Level 1 of 3 with ANY of the above setups.
- Admins should have all of these running
- devs can use any
- admins should use all
- Learn about github doc formatting style guides.
- 1: Linux or OSX Terminal Running Bash + Git
- 2: Code Editor
- 3: Chrome Browser With Tabs
- 4: Desktop File Explorer
- All four tools above ought to be TILED as indicated below!!!
Desktop File Explorer | Terminal Console |
Code Editor | Chrome Browser |
- This is verified by way of a screenshot:
$ bash --version; cat ~/.bash_profile
$ git version; git config --list
$ ssh --version ; ls ~/.ssh/
Microsoft Roadmap in 2023: github + azure
Remember that most win users know NONE of this stuff, and msoft NOW OWNS github!!
Microsoft now owns github and azure.
- Microsoft staff will be migrating their sofwtare projects from VisualSourceSafe to Github over the next several years.
- Several github competitors exist:
- bitbucket.org
- gitlab.com
- gogs
Bartering start with creating a bartering ladder, where trading is of mutual interest.
Admins could trade GIVES ( training ) for GETS ( docs + testing + code reviews ).
Admins could perhaps trade training for free cloud hosting credits.
- microsoft azure:
- digital ocean:
- amazon web services:
This public gist is an ad hoc type of github repo.
- Like any public github repo, this gist can be forked on gitub and cloned to your local desktop.
Files in this gist:
4: Create code team dev dojo for github project team testing.