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Last active December 2, 2021 10:58
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std::vector to numpy array coercion via Cython
# Cython compile instructions
import numpy
from setuptools import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import build_ext
# To compile, use
# python build --inplace
extensions = [
define_macros=[("NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API", "NPY_1_7_API_VERSION")],
cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext},
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from cpython.ref cimport Py_INCREF
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from libc.math cimport sqrt
# Context:
# In some Cython implementations, one may need resizable buffers
# which they would like to return as np.ndarray to Python callers.
# In term of technical choice, C++ std::vector comes as handy
# datastructures in Cython for interacting efficiently with resizable
# buffers.
# Yet to my knowledge, there isn't a way to return those vectors to
# python callers within Cython, especially as np.ndarray.
# To return numpy arrays wrapping those resizable buffers,
# we can use PyArray_SimpleNewFromData by providing a
# pointer to the start of the buffer with some metadata.
# Though it is possible to access the buffer first element address
# with std::vector::data, the buffer themselves can't be stolen:
# the buffers' lifetime is tight to their std::vectors and are
# deallocated when their std::vectors are.
# Solution proposal:
# To solve this, we propose introducing a StdVectorSentinel, a
# sentinel to be used as np.ndarrays' base objects, allowing
# performing a proper coercion between std::vector and np.ndarrays.
# This way, std::vectors can dynamically be allocated in Cython
# and returned as numpy arrays without inconsistency nor memory leaks.
# Question and further work:
# 1. Is there already a way to coerce std::vector in numpy array efficiently
# within Cython?
# 2. If not, is the proposed fixture this a good technical solution?
# 3. If so, could it further be improved to support type covariances, allowing
# using it easily dtype-invariantly?
# The following defines portable dtypes that are to be used for vectors.
cdef enum:
ctypedef np.float64_t DTYPE_t
ctypedef np.intp_t ITYPE_t
ctypedef fused DITYPE_t:
ITYPE = np.intp
DTYPE = np.float64
## std::vector to np.ndarray coercion
# As type covariance is not supported for C++ containers via Cython,
# we need to redefine fused types for vectors.
ctypedef fused vector_DITYPE_t:
ctypedef fused vector_vector_DITYPE_t:
cdef class StdVectorSentinel:
"""Wraps a reference to a vector which will be deallocated with this object.
When created, the StdVectorSentinel swaps the reference of its internal
vectors with the provided one (vec_ptr), thus making the StdVectorSentinel
manage the provided one's lifetime.
# We necessarily need to define two extension types extending StdVectorSentinel
# because we need to provide the dtype of the vector but can't use numeric fused types.
cdef class StdVectorSentinelDTYPE(StdVectorSentinel):
cdef vector[DTYPE_t] vec
cdef StdVectorSentinel create_for(vector[DTYPE_t] * vec_ptr):
# This initializes the object directly without calling __init__
cdef StdVectorSentinelDTYPE sentinel = StdVectorSentinelDTYPE.__new__(StdVectorSentinelDTYPE)
return sentinel
cdef class StdVectorSentinelITYPE(StdVectorSentinel):
cdef vector[ITYPE_t] vec
cdef StdVectorSentinel create_for(vector[ITYPE_t] * vec_ptr):
# This initializes the object directly without calling __init__
cdef StdVectorSentinelITYPE sentinel = StdVectorSentinelITYPE.__new__(StdVectorSentinelITYPE)
return sentinel
cdef np.ndarray vector_to_nd_array(vector_DITYPE_t * vect_ptr):
"""Create a numpy ndarray given a C++ vector.
The numpy array buffer is the one of the C++ vector.
A StdVectorSentinel is registered as the base object for the numpy array,
freeing the C++ vector it encapsulates when the numpy array is freed.
typenum = DTYPECODE if vector_DITYPE_t is vector[DTYPE_t] else ITYPECODE
np.npy_intp size = deref(vect_ptr).size()
np.ndarray arr = np.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &size, typenum,
StdVectorSentinel sentinel
if vector_DITYPE_t is vector[DTYPE_t]:
sentinel = StdVectorSentinelDTYPE.create_for(vect_ptr)
sentinel = StdVectorSentinelITYPE.create_for(vect_ptr)
# Makes the numpy array responsible of the life-cycle of its buffer.
# A reference to the StdVectorSentinel will be stolen by the call bellow,
# so we increase its reference counter.
# See:
np.PyArray_SetBaseObject(arr, sentinel)
return arr
# Module callable front-end for interactive use and proof of concept.
cpdef np.ndarray get_np_array_std_vector_backed(ITYPE_t n_elements):
cdef vector[ITYPE_t] * vector_of_ints = new vector[ITYPE_t](n_elements, 1337)
return vector_to_nd_array(vector_of_ints)
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