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Created August 2, 2009 07:17
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- ATSUI compatible preferred fallback -->
<!-- default ordered fallback list - fallback entity has to be postscript name -->
<string>LucidaGrande</string> <!-- MAKE sure this matches the kCTFontSystemFontType in CTFontDescriptorCreateForUIType() & TDescriptorSourceImp::CreateDefaultDescriptor()! -->
<!-- language preferred fallback list - to be reordered according to AppleLanguages preferences -->
<!-- language preferred entity - index 0:BCP 47 language code, index 1:postscript name -->
<!-- for Japanese, use AquaHiraKaku, which uses AquaKana for Kana and HiraKakuProN for Kanji -->
<!-- for Traditional Chinese, use LiHei Pro -->
<!-- for Simplified Chinese, use STXihei -->
<!-- for Korean, use AppleGothic Regular -->
<!-- ordered fallback list for sans-serif style - fallback entity has to be postscript name -->
<!-- language preferred fallback list - to be reordered according to AppleLanguages preferences -->
<!-- language preferred entity - index 0:BCP 47 language code, index 1:postscript name -->
<!-- for Japanese, use Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3 -->
<!-- for Traditional Chinese, use LiHei Pro -->
<!-- for Simplified Chinese, use STXihei -->
<!-- for Korean, use AppleGothic Regular -->
<!-- ordered fallback list for serif style - fallback entity has to be postscript name -->
<!-- language preferred fallback list - to be reordered according to AppleLanguages preferences -->
<!-- language preferred entity - index 0:BCP 47 language code, index 1:postscript name -->
<!-- for Japanese, use Hiragino Mincho ProN W3 -->
<!-- for Traditional Chinese, use LiSong Pro -->
<!-- for Simplified Chinese, use STSong -->
<!-- for Korean, use Apple Myungjo -->
<!-- ordered fallback list for monospace style - fallback entity has to be postscript name -->
<!-- language preferred fallback list - to be reordered according to AppleLanguages preferences -->
<!-- language preferred entity - index 0:BCP 47 language code, index 1:postscript name -->
<!-- for Japanese, use Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3. The portions that are used are mono spaced. -->
<!-- for Traditional Chinese, use LiHei Pro -->
<!-- for Simplified Chinese, use STXihei -->
<!-- for Korean, use AppleGothic Regular -->
<!-- ordered fallback list for cursive style - fallback entity has to be postscript name -->
<!-- language preferred fallback list - to be reordered according to AppleLanguages preferences -->
<!-- language preferred entity - index 0:BCP 47 language code, index 1:postscript name -->
<!-- for Japanese, use Hiragino Mincho ProN W3. It's not a cursive font but we do not have "brush" typeface for J. -->
<!-- for Traditional Chinese, use BiauKai -->
<!-- for Simplified Chinese, use STKaiti -->
<!-- for Korean, use Apple Myungjo -->
<!-- ordered fallback list for fantasy style - fallback entity has to be postscript name -->
<!-- language preferred fallback list - to be reordered according to AppleLanguages preferences -->
<!-- language preferred entity - index 0:BCP 47 language code, index 1:postscript name -->
<!-- for Japanese, use Hiragino Mincho ProN W3. It's not a cursive font but we do not have "brush" typeface for J. -->
<!-- for Traditional Chinese, use BiauKai -->
<!-- for Simplified Chinese, use STKaiti -->
<!-- for Korean, use Apple Myungjo -->
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