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Created May 9, 2020 23:37
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Git: get historical versions of a filepath: adapted from
# we'll write all git versions of the file to this folder:
# take relative path to the file to inspect
# ---------------- don't edit below this line --------------
USAGE="Please cd to the root of your git proj and specify path to file you with to inspect (example: $0 some/path/to/file)"
# check if got argument
if [ "${GIT_PATH_TO_FILE}" == "" ]; then
echo "error: no arguments given. ${USAGE}" >&2
exit 1
# check if file exist
if [ ! -f ${GIT_PATH_TO_FILE} ]; then
echo "error: File '${GIT_PATH_TO_FILE}' does not exist. ${USAGE}" >&2
exit 1
# extract just a filename from given relative path (will be used in result file names)
# create folder to store all revisions of the file
if [ ! -d ${EXPORT_TO} ]; then
echo "creating folder: ${EXPORT_TO}"
mkdir ${EXPORT_TO}
## uncomment next line to clear export folder each time you run script
#rm ${EXPORT_TO}/*
# reset coutner
# iterate all revisions
git rev-list --all --objects -- ${GIT_PATH_TO_FILE} | \
cut -d ' ' -f1 | \
while read h; do \
COUNT=$((COUNT + 1)); \
COUNT_PRETTY=$(printf "%04d" $COUNT); \
COMMIT_DATE=`git show --pretty="%aI" $h | head -1`; \
if [ "${#COMMIT_DATE}" -ge 25 ]; then \
git cat-file -p ${h}:${GIT_PATH_TO_FILE} > ${EXPORT_TO}/${COMMIT_DATE}.${h}.${GIT_SHORT_FILENAME};\
# return success code
echo "result stored to ${EXPORT_TO}"
exit 0
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