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Created September 8, 2014 02:48
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Viterbi decoder in Julia
typealias State Uint
typealias Observation Uint
function decode(x::Vector{Observation}, transition_matrix::Matrix{Float64},
n_observations::Uint = uint(length(x))
n_states::Uint = uint(size(transition_matrix)[1])
@assert(size(transition_matrix) == size(transpose(transition_matrix)))
log_p_transition(s_next::State, s::State) = log(transition_matrix[s, s_next])
log_p_observation(obs::Observation, s::State) = log(observation_matrix[s, obs])
log_p_y = zeros(n_states, n_observations)
prev_state = zeros(State, n_states, n_observations)
# Initialize the likelihoods of the first state (assuming a uniform
# prior over states)
for s in uint(1):n_states
log_p_y[s, 1] = log_p_observation(x[1], s)
prev_state[s, 1] = s
for i in uint(2):n_observations
for s in uint(1):n_states
# Determine the log likelihood of the sequence terminating in state
# s.
log_p_prev, prev_state[s, i] = findmax([(log_p_transition(s, s_prev) +
log_p_y[s_prev, i-1])
for s_prev in uint(1):n_states])
log_p_y[s, i] = log_p_observation(x[i], s) + log_p_prev
# Determine the maximum likelihood sequence by finding the maximum
# likelihood end state and following the sequence back.
ml_sequence = zeros(State, n_observations)
ml_sequence[n_observations] = indmax(log_p_y[:, n_observations])
for i in (n_observations-1):-1:uint(1)
ml_sequence[i] = prev_state[ml_sequence[i+1], i+1]
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