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Created February 10, 2016 17:42
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Fantastic Camera
/// <summary>
/// UnityTutorials - A Unity Game Design Prototyping Sandbox
/// <copyright>(c) HKM hesk 2014 </copyright>
/// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
/// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
/// arising from the use of this software.
/// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
/// and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
/// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
/// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
/// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
/// appreciated but is not required.
/// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
/// misrepresented as being the original software.
/// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
/// </summary>
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
/// <summary>
/// Struct to hold data for aligning camera
/// </summary>
struct CameraPosition
// Position to align camera to, probably somewhere behind the character
// or position to point camera at, probably somewhere along character's axis
private Vector3 position;
// Transform used for any rotation
private Transform xForm;
public Vector3 Position { get { return position; } set { position = value; } }
public Transform XForm { get { return xForm; } set { xForm = value; } }
public void Init (string camName, Transform parent)
//string paren_name_go =;
foreach (Transform g in parent) {
if ( == "body") {
foreach (Transform t in g.gameObject.transform) {
if ( == camName) {
position = t.transform.localPosition;
xForm = t.transform;
xForm.localPosition = position;
//Transform transform = GameObject.Find (paren_name_go + "/" + camName) as Transform;
//position = transform.position;
//xForm = transform;
// = camName;
//xForm.parent = parent;
//xForm.localPosition =;
//xForm.localPosition = position;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
[RequireComponent (typeof(BarsEffect))]
public class FantasticCamera : MonoBehaviour
#region Variables (private)
// Inspector serialized
private Transform
private float
private float
distanceAwayMultipler = 1.5f;
private float
distanceUp, surroundDisUp = 1f;
private float
distanceUpMultiplier = 5f;
private CharacterControllerLogic
private Transform
private float
widescreen = 0.2f;
private float
targetingTime = 0.5f;
private float
firstPersonLookSpeed = 3.0f;
private Vector2
firstPersonXAxisClamp = new Vector2 (-70.0f, 90.0f);
private float
fPSRotationDegreePerSecond = 120f;
private float
firstPersonThreshold = 0.5f;
private float
freeThreshold = -0.1f;
private Vector2
camMinDistFromChar = new Vector2 (1f, -0.5f);
private float
rightStickThreshold = 0.1f;
private const float
freeRotationDegreePerSecond = -5f;
public bool isTargeted = false;
public bool exit_fpv = false;
// Smoothing and damping
private Vector3 velocityCamSmooth =;
private float
camSmoothDampTime = 0.1f, firstPersonDampTime = 0.1f;
private Vector3 velocityLookDir =;
private float
lookDirDampTime = 0.1f;
private Vector3
firstPersonCameraPos =;
// Private global only
private Vector3 lookDir;
private Vector3 curLookDir;
private BarsEffect barEffect;
private CamStates
camState = CamStates.Behind;
private float xAxisRot = 0.0f;
private CameraPosition firstPersonCamPos;
private float lookWeight;
private const float TARGETING_THRESHOLD = 0.01f;
private Vector3 savedRigToGoal;
private float distanceAwayFree;
private float distanceUpFree;
private Vector2 rightStickPrevFrame =;
private float surroundingm;
private float
surroundSpeed = 0.5f;
#region Properties (public)
public Transform ParentRig {
get {
return this.parentRig;
public Vector3 LookDir {
get {
return this.curLookDir;
public CamStates CamState {
get {
return this.camState;
public enum CamStates
#region Unity event functions
/// <summary>
/// Use this for initialization.
/// </summary>
void Start ()
parentRig = this.transform.parent;
if (parentRig == null) {
Debug.LogError ("Parent camera to empty GameObject.", this);
//follow = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<CharacterControllerLogic> ();
//followXform = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").transform;
if (follow == null || followXform == null) {
Debug.LogError ("awaiting follow and followXform.", this);
lookDir = followXform.forward;
curLookDir = followXform.forward;
barEffect = GetComponent<BarsEffect> ();
if (barEffect == null) {
Debug.LogError ("Attach a widescreen BarsEffect script to the camera.", this);
// Position and parent a GameObject where first person view should be
firstPersonCamPos = new CameraPosition ();
firstPersonCamPos.Init (
/// <summary>
/// Update is called once per frame.
/// </summary>
void Update ()
/// <summary>
/// Debugging information should be put here.
/// </summary>
void OnDrawGizmos ()
void LateUpdate ()
if (follow == null || followXform == null) {
// Pull values from controller/keyboard
float rightX = 0f;
float rightY = 0f;//Input.GetAxis("RightStickY");
float leftX = 0f;//Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float leftY = 0f;//Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 characterOffset = followXform.position + new Vector3 (0f, distanceUp, 0f);
Vector3 lookAt = characterOffset;
Vector3 targetPosition =;
// Determine camera state
// * Targeting *
//if (Input.GetAxis ("Target") > TARGETING_THRESHOLD) {
if (isTargeted) {
barEffect.coverage = Mathf.SmoothStep (barEffect.coverage, widescreen, targetingTime);
camState = CamStates.Target;
} else {
barEffect.coverage = Mathf.SmoothStep (barEffect.coverage, 0f, targetingTime);
// * First Person *
if (rightY > firstPersonThreshold && camState != CamStates.Free && camState != CamStates.Free && !follow.IsInLocomotion ()) {
// Reset look before entering the first person mode
xAxisRot = 0;
lookWeight = 0f;
camState = CamStates.FirstPerson;
if (rightY < freeThreshold && System.Math.Round (follow.Speed, 2) == 0) {
camState = CamStates.Free;
savedRigToGoal =;
// * Behind the back *
if ((camState == CamStates.FirstPerson && exit_fpv) || (camState == CamStates.Target && !isTargeted)) {
camState = CamStates.Behind;
// Set the Look At Weight - amount to use look at IK vs using the head's animation
//follow.Animator.SetLookAtWeight (lookWeight);
// Execute camera state
switch (camState) {
case CamStates.Behind:
ResetCamera ();
// Only update camera look direction if moving
if (follow.Speed > follow.LocomotionThreshold && follow.IsInLocomotion () && !follow.IsInPivot ()) {
lookDir = Vector3.Lerp (followXform.right * (leftX < 0 ? 1f : -1f), followXform.forward * (leftY < 0 ? -1f : 1f), Mathf.Abs (Vector3.Dot (this.transform.forward, followXform.forward)));
Debug.DrawRay (this.transform.position, lookDir, Color.white);
// Calculate direction from camera to player, kill Y, and normalize to give a valid direction with unit magnitude
curLookDir = Vector3.Normalize (characterOffset - this.transform.position);
curLookDir.y = 0;
Debug.DrawRay (this.transform.position, curLookDir,;
// Damping makes it so we don't update targetPosition while pivoting; camera shouldn't rotate around player
curLookDir = Vector3.SmoothDamp (curLookDir, lookDir, ref velocityLookDir, lookDirDampTime);
targetPosition = characterOffset + followXform.up * distanceUp - Vector3.Normalize (curLookDir) * distanceAway;
Debug.DrawLine (followXform.position, targetPosition, Color.gray);
case CamStates.Target:
ResetCamera ();
lookDir = followXform.forward;
curLookDir = followXform.forward;
targetPosition = characterOffset + followXform.up * distanceUp - lookDir * distanceAway;
case CamStates.AutoSurround:
ResetCamera ();
//lookDir = followXform.forward;
//xAxisRot += (leftY * 0.5f * firstPersonLookSpeed)
//lookDir = followXform.forward;
//curLookDir = followXform.forward;
surroundingm += surroundSpeed;
targetPosition = followXform.position + surroundDisUp * (1 + 1 / distanceUpMultiplier) * Vector3.up + Quaternion.Euler (0f, surroundingm, 0f) * followXform.forward * distanceAway;
lookAt = followXform.position + distanceUp * Vector3.up;
Debug.DrawLine (followXform.position, targetPosition, Color.white);
case CamStates.FirstPerson:
// Looking up and down
// Calculate the amount of rotation and apply to the firstPersonCamPos GameObject
xAxisRot += (leftY * 0.5f * firstPersonLookSpeed);
xAxisRot = Mathf.Clamp (xAxisRot, firstPersonXAxisClamp.x, firstPersonXAxisClamp.y);
firstPersonCamPos.XForm.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler (xAxisRot, 0, 0);
// Superimpose firstPersonCamPos GameObject's rotation on camera
Quaternion rotationShift = Quaternion.FromToRotation (this.transform.forward, firstPersonCamPos.XForm.forward);
this.transform.rotation = rotationShift * this.transform.rotation;
// Move character model's head
//follow.Animator.SetLookAtPosition (firstPersonCamPos.XForm.position + firstPersonCamPos.XForm.forward);
//lookWeight = Mathf.Lerp (lookWeight, 1.0f, Time.deltaTime * firstPersonLookSpeed);
// Looking left and right
// Similarly to how character is rotated while in locomotion, use Quaternion * to add rotation to character
//Vector3 rotationAmount = Vector3.Lerp (, new Vector3 (0f, fPSRotationDegreePerSecond * (leftX < 0f ? -1f : 1f), 0f), Mathf.Abs (leftX));
//Quaternion deltaRotation = Quaternion.Euler (rotationAmount * Time.deltaTime);
//follow.transform.rotation = (follow.transform.rotation * deltaRotation);
// Move camera to firstPersonCamPos
targetPosition = firstPersonCamPos.XForm.position;
// Smoothly transition look direction towards firstPersonCamPos when entering first person mode
lookAt = Vector3.Lerp (targetPosition + followXform.forward, this.transform.position + this.transform.forward, camSmoothDampTime * Time.deltaTime);
Debug.DrawRay (, lookAt,;
Debug.DrawRay (, targetPosition + followXform.forward, Color.white);
Debug.DrawRay (, firstPersonCamPos.XForm.position + firstPersonCamPos.XForm.forward, Color.cyan);
// Choose lookAt target based on distance
lookAt = (Vector3.Lerp (this.transform.position + this.transform.forward, lookAt, Vector3.Distance (this.transform.position, firstPersonCamPos.XForm.position)));
case CamStates.Free:
lookWeight = Mathf.Lerp (lookWeight, 0.0f, Time.deltaTime * firstPersonLookSpeed);
// Move height and distance from character in separate parentRig transform since RotateAround has control of both position and rotation
Vector3 rigToGoalDirection = Vector3.Normalize (characterOffset - this.transform.position);
// Can't calculate distanceAway from a vector with Y axis rotation in it; zero it out
rigToGoalDirection.y = 0f;
Vector3 rigToGoal = characterOffset - parentRig.position;
rigToGoal.y = 0;
Debug.DrawRay (parentRig.transform.position, rigToGoal,;
// Panning in and out
// If statement works for positive values; don't tween if stick not increasing in either direction; also don't tween if user is rotating
// Checked against rightStickThreshold because very small values for rightY mess up the Lerp function
if (rightY < -1f * rightStickThreshold && rightY <= rightStickPrevFrame.y && Mathf.Abs (rightX) < rightStickThreshold) {
distanceUpFree = Mathf.Lerp (distanceUp, distanceUp * distanceUpMultiplier, Mathf.Abs (rightY));
distanceAwayFree = Mathf.Lerp (distanceAway, distanceAway * distanceAwayMultipler, Mathf.Abs (rightY));
targetPosition = characterOffset + followXform.up * distanceUpFree - rigToGoalDirection * distanceAwayFree;
} else if (rightY > rightStickThreshold && rightY >= rightStickPrevFrame.y && Mathf.Abs (rightX) < rightStickThreshold) {
// Subtract height of camera from height of player to find Y distance
distanceUpFree = Mathf.Lerp (Mathf.Abs (transform.position.y - characterOffset.y), camMinDistFromChar.y, rightY);
// Use magnitude function to find X distance
distanceAwayFree = Mathf.Lerp (rigToGoal.magnitude, camMinDistFromChar.x, rightY);
targetPosition = characterOffset + followXform.up * distanceUpFree - rigToGoalDirection * distanceAwayFree;
// Store direction only if right stick inactive
if (rightX != 0 || rightY != 0) {
savedRigToGoal = rigToGoalDirection;
// Rotating around character
parentRig.RotateAround (characterOffset, followXform.up, freeRotationDegreePerSecond * (Mathf.Abs (rightX) > rightStickThreshold ? rightX : 0f));
// Still need to track camera behind player even if they aren't using the right stick; achieve this by saving distanceAwayFree every frame
if (targetPosition == {
targetPosition = characterOffset + followXform.up * distanceUpFree - savedRigToGoal * distanceAwayFree;
// SmoothPosition(transform.position, targetPosition);
// transform.LookAt(lookAt);
//if (camState != CamStates.Free) {
CompensateForWalls (characterOffset, ref targetPosition);
SmoothPosition (parentRig.position, targetPosition);
transform.LookAt (lookAt);
rightStickPrevFrame = new Vector2 (rightX, rightY);
#region Methods
private void SmoothPosition (Vector3 fromPos, Vector3 toPos)
float damp = camState == CamStates.FirstPerson ? firstPersonDampTime : camSmoothDampTime;
// Making a smooth transition between camera's current position and the position it wants to be in
parentRig.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp (fromPos, toPos, ref velocityCamSmooth, damp);
private void CompensateForWalls (Vector3 fromObject, ref Vector3 toTarget)
Debug.DrawLine (fromObject, toTarget, Color.cyan);
// Compensate for walls between camera
RaycastHit wallHit = new RaycastHit ();
if (Physics.Linecast (fromObject, toTarget, out wallHit)) {
Debug.DrawRay (wallHit.point, wallHit.normal,;
toTarget = new Vector3 (wallHit.point.x, toTarget.y, wallHit.point.z);
/// <summary>
/// Reset local position of camera inside of parentRig and resets character's look IK.
/// </summary>
private void ResetCamera ()
lookWeight = Mathf.Lerp (lookWeight, 0.0f, Time.deltaTime * firstPersonLookSpeed);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp (transform.localRotation, Quaternion.identity, Time.deltaTime);
#endregion Methods
#region Methods
public void startNextTurnPlayer (Transform t)
follow = t.GetComponent<CharacterControllerLogic> ();
followXform = t;
//follow = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<CharacterControllerLogic> ();
//followXform = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").transform;
camState = CamStates.Behind;
Start ();
public void triggerFocusMain (CharacterControllerLogic logic, Transform t)
follow = logic;
followXform = t;
camState = CamStates.Behind;
Start ();
public void ToFocusDice (Transform t)
//follow = t.GetComponent<CharacterControllerLogic> ();
followXform = t;
camState = CamStates.AutoSurround;
public void ToFocusBuilding (Transform t)
//follow = t.GetComponent<CharacterControllerLogic> ();
followXform = t;
camState = CamStates.AutoSurround;
public void ToFocusFirst ()
//follow = t.GetComponent<CharacterControllerLogic> ();
camState = CamStates.FirstPerson;
#endregion Methods
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