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Created February 10, 2016 17:46
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//Allows multiple SceneView cameras in the editor to be setup to follow gameobjects.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class SceneViewCameraFollower : MonoBehaviour
public bool on = true;
public bool onlyInPlayMode = false;
public SceneViewFollower[] sceneViewFollowers;
private ArrayList sceneViews;
void LateUpdate()
if(sceneViewFollowers != null && sceneViews != null)
foreach(SceneViewFollower svf in sceneViewFollowers)
if(svf.targetTransform == null) svf.targetTransform = transform;
svf.size = Mathf.Clamp(svf.size, .01f, float.PositiveInfinity);
svf.sceneViewIndex = Mathf.Clamp(svf.sceneViewIndex, 0, sceneViews.Count-1);
public void OnDrawGizmos()
void Follow()
sceneViews = UnityEditor.SceneView.sceneViews;
if(sceneViewFollowers == null || !on || sceneViews.Count == 0) return;
foreach(SceneViewFollower svf in sceneViewFollowers)
if(!svf.enable) continue;
UnityEditor.SceneView sceneView = (UnityEditor.SceneView) sceneViews[svf.sceneViewIndex];
if(sceneView != null)
if((Application.isPlaying && onlyInPlayMode) || !onlyInPlayMode)
sceneView.orthographic = svf.orthographic;
sceneView.LookAtDirect(svf.targetTransform.position + svf.positionOffset, (svf.enableFixedRotation) ? Quaternion.Euler(svf.fixedRotation) : svf.targetTransform.rotation, svf.size);
public class SceneViewFollower
public bool enable;
public Vector3 positionOffset;
public bool enableFixedRotation;
public Vector3 fixedRotation;
public Transform targetTransform;
public float size;
public bool orthographic;
public int sceneViewIndex;
enable = false;
positionOffset =;
enableFixedRotation = false;
fixedRotation =;
size = 5;
orthographic = true;
sceneViewIndex = 0;
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