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Created February 10, 2016 17:10
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Save jjhesk/88fdacf90e920d11713a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
reflection problem issue
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[RequireComponent (typeof(LineRenderer))]
public class RaycastReflectionGameCom : MonoBehaviour
//this game object's Transform
private Transform goTransform;
//the attached line renderer
private LineRenderer lineRenderer;
//a ray
private Ray ray;
//a RaycastHit variable, to gather informartion about the ray's collision
private RaycastHit hit;
//reflection direction
private Vector3 inDirection;
public float total_ray_length = 20f;
//the number of reflections
private int nReflections = 5;
//the number of points at the line renderer
private int nPoints;
//private bool enabled;
//private bool current_state = false;
private enum State
private State current_state;
private List<Hashtable> ha = new List<Hashtable> ();
public List<Vector3> waypoints = new List<Vector3> ();
public Transform[] paths;
public Vector3[] lines;
public RaycastReflectionGameCom instance;
private float speed;
private GamePlay gameplay_controller;
//only draw on the controller interface
void OnDrawGizmos ()
try {
// iTween.DrawLineGizmos(paths, Color.yellow);
iTween.DrawPathGizmos (paths, Color.yellow);
iTween.DrawLine (paths,;
} catch {
public RaycastReflectionGameCom ()
//this is the constructor
// instance = new RaycastReflectionGameCom();
public void setFocus (Player player)
//nPoints = 1;
goTransform = player.get_transform ();
current_state = State.USER_CONTROL;
private void addRay (int n, Vector3 v3, Vector3 direction)
if (n < paths.Length) {
//just to get the waypoint information
GameObject cal = new GameObject ();
cal.layer = 8;
Transform trans = cal.transform;
trans.position = v3;
paths [n] = trans;
waypoints.Add (v3);
//lines[n] = trans.position;
private Transform moving_go;
private Vector3 floorPosition;
private float rayLength = 5;
private float lookAheadAmount = .0001f;
private float ySpeed = 0;
private float pathPosition = 0;
* starting the game to reset all the waypoints
public void Awake ()
//get the attached Transform component
//goTransform = this.GetComponent<Transform> ();
//get the attached LineRenderer component
lineRenderer = this.GetComponent<LineRenderer> ();
//waypoint = this.GetComponent<PathMaker>().linePoints;
//waypoints = new Vector3[nReflections + 1];
waypoints = new List<Vector3> ();
waypoints.Clear ();
//paths = new List<Transform> ();
paths = new Transform[nReflections + 1];
current_state = State.USER_CONTROL;
speed = 0;
private void makeReflection (Ray r, int index)
//float curDistance = Vector3.Distance (previous_hit_point, hit.point);
// if ((t - curDistance) > 0) {
if (Physics.Raycast (r.origin, r.direction, out hit, 100)) {
//cast the ray 100 units at the specified direction
//the reflection direction is the reflection of the current ray direction flipped at the hit normal
inDirection = Vector3.Reflect (index == 0 ? r.direction : inDirection, hit.normal);
//cast the reflected ray, using the hit point as the origin and the reflected direction as the direction
ray = new Ray (hit.point, inDirection);
//Draw the normal - can only be seen at the Scene tab, for debugging purposes
Debug.DrawRay (hit.point, hit.normal * 3,;
//represent the ray using a line that can only be viewed at the scene tab
Debug.DrawRay (hit.point, inDirection * 100, Color.magenta);
//Print the name of the object the cast ray has hit, at the console
//if the number of reflections is set to 1c
if (nReflections == 1) {
//add a new vertex to the line renderer
//lineRenderer.SetVertexCount (++nPoints);
//set the position of the next vertex at the line renderer to be the same as the hit point
//lineRenderer.SetPosition (index + 1, hit.point);
if (index == 0) {
addRay (0, goTransform.position, inDirection);
//else {
addRay (index + 1, hit.point, inDirection);
// index++;
//previous_hit_point = hit.point;
//} else {
private void SpeedControl ()
speed -= 0.002f; //fraction
if (speed > 0f && speed < 0.00001f) {
speed = 0f;
current_state = State.USER_CONTROL;
gameplay_controller.NotifyBallMovementDone ();
private void SimulateReflection ()
nReflections = Mathf.Clamp (nReflections, 1, nReflections);
ray = new Ray (goTransform.position, -1 * goTransform.forward);
Debug.DrawRay (goTransform.position, -1 * goTransform.forward * 100,;
for (int i=0; i<=nReflections; i++) {
makeReflection (ray, i);
public int currentWaypoint = 0;
private Player focus_player;
//called from another object
//moves when the mouse or touch is released
public void StartMovement (Player game_player_object)
focus_player = game_player_object;
GameObject go = game_player_object.goj () as GameObject;
game_player_object.Kinematic (true).Gravity (false);
gameplay_controller = game_player_object.get_center () as GamePlay;
//iTween.MoveTo (go, iTweenSettings ());
//iTween.PutOnPath (go, paths, 0f);
//iTween.MoveTo (go, iTweenSettings ());
//iTween.Hash(iTweenSettings ());
//iTween.PutOnPath (go, paths, 0f);
moving_go = go.transform;
pathPosition = currentWaypoint = 0;
speed = 10;
current_state = State.PROCESS_CONTROL;
MoveToWaypoint ();
// not in use for now
private Hashtable iTweenSettings ()
//try to take of this one
Hashtable args = new Hashtable ();
args.Add ("path", paths);
args.Add ("looktime", 1.0f);
args.Add ("lookahead", 0.1f);
args.Add ("easeType", iTween.EaseType.linear);
args.Add ("speed", 50f);
args.Add ("movetopath", false);
args.Add ("looptype", iTween.LoopType.none);
//args.Add ("orienttopath", false);
return args;
private void FindFloorAndRotation ()
pathPosition += Time.deltaTime * speed;
float pathPercent = pathPosition % 1;
Vector3 coordinateOnPath = iTween.PointOnPath (paths, pathPercent);
Vector3 lookTarget;
//calculate look data if we aren't going to be looking beyond the extents of the path:
if (pathPercent - lookAheadAmount >= 0 && pathPercent + lookAheadAmount <= 1) {
//lookTarget = iTween.PointOnPath (paths, pathPercent + lookAheadAmount);
//moving_go.transform.LookAt (lookTarget);
//nullify all rotations but y since we just want to look where we are going:
float yRot = moving_go.eulerAngles.y;
moving_go.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, yRot, 0);
if (Physics.Raycast (coordinateOnPath, -Vector3.up, out hit, rayLength)) {
Debug.DrawRay (coordinateOnPath, -Vector3.up * hit.distance, Color.magenta);
floorPosition = hit.point;
private void MoveGameCharacter ()
//apply gravity:
moving_go.position = new Vector3 (floorPosition.x, moving_go.position.y - ySpeed, floorPosition.z);
//floor checking:
if (moving_go.position.y < floorPosition.y) {
ySpeed = 0;
moving_go.position = new Vector3 (floorPosition.x, floorPosition.y, floorPosition.z);
private void CompleteWayPoint ()
speed = 0f;
current_state = State.USER_CONTROL;
gameplay_controller.NotifyBallMovementDone ();
currentWaypoint = 0;
public iTween.EaseType easeType = iTween.EaseType.spring;
public void MoveToWaypoint ()
if (current_state == State.USER_CONTROL) return;
//Time = Distance / Rate:
float travelTime = Vector3.Distance (focus_player.get_position (), paths [currentWaypoint].position) / speed;
// Debug.Log (travelTime);
GameObject go = focus_player.goj () as GameObject;
iTween.MoveTo (go, iTween.Hash (
"position", paths [currentWaypoint],
//"time", travelTime,
"speed", speed,
"easytype", iTween.EaseType.spring,
"oncomplete", "MoveToWaypoint",
"oncompletetarget", this.gameObject,
"onupdate", "Moveupdate",
"Looktarget", paths [currentWaypoint].position,
"looktime", .4f));
//Move to next waypoint:
//Debug.Log (currentWaypoint);
if (currentWaypoint > paths.Length - 2) {
public void Moveupdate(){
public void Update ()
if (current_state == State.USER_CONTROL) {
if (goTransform == null || lineRenderer == null)
SimulateReflection ();
// public void Update ()
// {
// if (current_state == State.USER_CONTROL) {
// if (goTransform == null || lineRenderer == null)
// return;
// SimulateReflection ();
// } else {
// if (paths.Length > 1 && paths != null) {
// SpeedControl ();
// FindFloorAndRotation ();
// MoveGameCharacter ();
// }
// }
// }
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