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Created March 29, 2012 22:20
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Skrypt wysylajacy ostrzezenie do @ALERT_RECIPIENTS jesli
# zajetosc powierzchni urzadzenia $MAIL_DEV przekroczy $ALERT_LEVEL
# Last mod: 2007-01-08
# 2007 (C) Copyleft by GDP.
use strict;
# path to dir with virtual main domains
my $MAIL_DIR = '/var/spool/mail/virtual';
# command witch showing disk space usage of virtual domains
my $DU_CMD_STRING = "du --si --max-depth=1 $MAIL_DIR";
# device with virtual mail directory
my $MAIL_DEV = '/dev/sdb1';
# command witch showing percent usage disk with mail directory
my $DF_CMD_STRING = "df --si | grep $MAIL_DEV";
# list of recipients mail with alerts and warnings
my @ALERT_RECIPIENTS = ('','','','');
# mail command path
my $MAIL_CMD = '/usr/bin/mail';
# percent uage to send alert
my $ALERT_LEVEL = 70;
# percent usage to send warning
print "begin...";
my %domain_size;
my $df_res = `$DF_CMD_STRING`;
my $du_res = `$DU_CMD_STRING`;
my @df_res = split( /[\s]{1,}/, $df_res );
my $percent_u = substr( $df_res[4], 0, length($df_res[4])-1);
if( $percent_u >= $WARNING_LEVEL ) {
my $subject = "[Alert] Kończy sie miejsce na pocztę.";
send_alert( $subject, $du_res );
} elsif( $percent_u >= $ALERT_LEVEL ) {
my $subject = "[Warning] Kończy sie miejsce na pocztę.";
send_alert( $subject, $du_res );
print "end\n";
# procedure sending mail to person from recipients list
sub send_alert {
my $msg;
$msg = "Uwaga! Zajęto¶ć miejsca na dysku zawierajacym poczta\n";
$msg.= "powoli osiaga krytyczna wartosc. []\n\n";
$msg.= "Pozostało wolnego miejsa: $df_res[3]\n";
$msg.= "Procentowa zajęto¶ć dysku: $df_res[4]\n\n";
my ( $subject, $report ) = @_;
$msg.= prepare_usage_report( $report );
foreach( @ALERT_RECIPIENTS ) {
print "Wysylam mail to $_\n";
open( MAIL, "|$MAIL_CMD -s \"$subject\" $_" );
print MAIL "$msg\n\n";
close (MAIL) or warn $! ? "Blad: $!" : "Blad ze statusem $?";
# procedure preparig report content
sub prepare_usage_report {
my ( $result ) = @_;
my $to_return = "Raport zużycia powierzchni dyskowej dla domen.\n\n";
my @result = split( /\n/, $result );
foreach( @result ) {
my @res_line = split( /[\s]{1,}/, $_ );
my @domain = split( /\//, $res_line[1] );
if( @domain == 6 ) {
$domain_size{$domain[5]} = $res_line[0];
foreach my $key( reverse sort cmp_size keys %domain_size ) {
$to_return .= $key . " => " . $domain_size{$key} . "\n";
return $to_return;
# compare procedure to sort hash with
# domains and disk space order by disk space
sub cmp_size {
my $a_value = $domain_size{ $a };
my $b_value = $domain_size{ $b };
my %unit_val = (
"k" => "1000",
"M" => "1000000",
"G" => "1000000000"
my $left_unit = substr( $a_value, -1 );
my $right_unit = substr( $b_value, -1 );
my $left_num = substr( $a_value, 0, length( $a_value ) - 1 );
my $right_num = substr( $b_value, 0, length( $b_value ) - 1 );
$left_num =~ tr/,/\./;
$right_num=~ tr/,/\./;
my $l_val = $left_num * $unit_val{$left_unit};
my $r_val = $right_num * $unit_val{$right_unit};
return $l_val <=> $r_val;
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