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Created October 20, 2016 16:06
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Unit test for Open MPI Issue #2256:
* Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
* MPI_Ibcast, MPI_Iallgather, MPI_Iallgatherv non-uniform types test case
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mpi.h>
int test_ibcast(void);
int test_iallgather(void);
int test_iallgatherv(void);
int chkbuf(long long *buf, long count, int dt, int pattern, int from);
void fillbuf(long long *buf, long count, int dt, int pattern);
static MPI_Datatype i8space, i8i8;
#define i8 MPI_LONG_LONG
#define DTEXTENT(a) (((a)==0)?(8):(16))
#define MPIDT(a) (((a)==0)?(i8):(((a)==1)?(i8space):(i8i8)))
#define DTBYTES(a) (((a)==2)?(8):(4))
int mcw_rank, mcw_size;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int len;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mcw_rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mcw_size);
// Create some datatypes
MPI_Type_size(MPI_LONG_LONG, &len);
MPI_Type_create_resized(MPI_LONG_LONG, 0, 2*len, &i8space);
MPI_Type_contiguous(2, MPI_LONG_LONG, &i8i8);
if( argc == 1 || (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '0') ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Running MPI_Ibcast...\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size);
if( argc == 1 || (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '1') ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Running MPI_Iallgather...\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size);
if( argc == 1 || (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '2') ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Running MPI_Iallgatherv...\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size);
// Pass
printf("%2d / %2d) Passed!\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size);
return 0;
int test_iallgatherv(void)
int pattern = 1;
long long i, j, byteoffset;
int *sdt, *scount, *rdt, **rcount, *rdisps;
long long *sbuf, *rbuf;
MPI_Request myreq = NULL;
MPI_Status mystatus;
int err, nbytes, myflag;
int tcount;
if( mcw_size != 5 ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Test only works for MCW size = 4\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size);
// Allocate buffers
//nbytes = 721920;
nbytes = 332800;
sdt = (int* )malloc(sizeof(int ) * mcw_size );
scount = (int* )malloc(sizeof(int ) * mcw_size );
rdt = (int* )malloc(sizeof(int ) * mcw_size );
rcount = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * mcw_size + sizeof(int) * mcw_size * mcw_size );
rdisps = (int* )malloc(sizeof(int ) * mcw_size );
for(i = 0; i < mcw_size; ++i) {
rcount[i] = (int*) ((char*)rcount + mcw_size * sizeof(int*) + i * mcw_size * sizeof(int));
sdt[0] = 0;
scount[0] = 56548;
sdt[1] = 1; // Passes if set to 0
scount[1] = 41600;
sdt[2] = 0;//1;
scount[2] = 43212;
sdt[3] = 0;//1;
scount[3] = 48776;
sdt[4] = 0;
scount[4] = 66160;
rdt[0] = 2;
rcount[0][0] = scount[0] / 2;
rcount[0][1] = scount[1] / 2;
rcount[0][2] = scount[2] / 2;
rcount[0][3] = scount[3] / 2;
rcount[0][4] = scount[4] / 2;
for( i = 1; i < mcw_size; ++i ) {
rdt[i] = rdt[0];
for( j = 0; j < mcw_size; ++j ) {
rcount[i][j] = rcount[0][j];
tcount = 0;
rdisps[0] = tcount;
for(i = 0; i < mcw_size-1; ++i) {
tcount += rcount[mcw_rank][i];
rdisps[i+1] = tcount;
tcount += rcount[mcw_rank][mcw_size-1];
rbuf = malloc(tcount * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]) + 1);
memset(rbuf, 123, tcount * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]));
sbuf = malloc(scount[mcw_rank] * DTEXTENT(sdt[mcw_rank]) + 1);
fillbuf(sbuf, scount[mcw_rank], sdt[mcw_rank], pattern);
// MPI_Iallgatherv
err = MPI_Iallgatherv(sbuf, scount[mcw_rank], MPIDT(sdt[mcw_rank]),
rbuf, rcount[mcw_rank], rdisps, MPIDT(rdt[mcw_rank]),
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myreq);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in MPI_Iallgatherv. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
// Wait for completion
do {
err = MPI_Test(&myreq,&myflag, &mystatus);
if (!myflag ) {
} while (!myflag);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in MPI_Test. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
// Check results
byteoffset = 0;
for(i = 0; i < mcw_size; ++i) {
err = chkbuf((long long*)(((char*)rbuf) + byteoffset),
rcount[mcw_rank][i], rdt[mcw_rank], pattern, i);
if (err != 0 ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in chkbuf. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
byteoffset += rcount[mcw_rank][i] * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]);
return 0;
int test_iallgather(void)
int pattern = 1;
long long i, byteoffset;
int *sdt, *scount, *rdt, *rcount;
long long *sbuf, *rbuf;
MPI_Request myreq = NULL;
MPI_Status mystatus;
int err, nbytes, myflag;
if( mcw_size != 5 ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Test only works for MCW size = 4\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size);
// Allocate buffers
//nbytes = 1082896;
nbytes = 1080704;
sdt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * mcw_size);
scount = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * mcw_size);
rdt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * mcw_size);
rcount = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * mcw_size);
rdt[0] = 0;
rcount[0] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(rdt[0]);
sdt[0] = 1;
scount[0] = nbytes / DTEXTENT( 0 );
rdt[1] = 1;
rcount[1] = nbytes / DTEXTENT( 0 );
sdt[1] = 0;
scount[1] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(sdt[1]);
rdt[2] = 2;
rcount[2] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(rdt[2]);
sdt[2] = 2;
scount[2] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(sdt[2]);
rdt[3] = 0;
rcount[3] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(rdt[3]);
sdt[3] = 2;
scount[3] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(sdt[3]);
rdt[4] = 2;
rcount[4] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(rdt[4]);
sdt[4] = 2;
scount[4] = nbytes / DTEXTENT(sdt[4]);
rbuf = malloc(rcount[mcw_rank] * mcw_size * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]) + 1);
memset(rbuf, 123, rcount[mcw_rank] * mcw_size * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]));
sbuf = malloc(scount[mcw_rank] * DTEXTENT(sdt[mcw_rank]) + 1);
fillbuf(sbuf, scount[mcw_rank], sdt[mcw_rank], pattern);
// MPI_Iallgather
err = MPI_Iallgather(sbuf, scount[mcw_rank], MPIDT(sdt[mcw_rank]),
rbuf, rcount[mcw_rank], MPIDT(rdt[mcw_rank]),
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myreq);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in MPI_Iallgather. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
// Wait for completion
do {
err = MPI_Test(&myreq,&myflag, &mystatus);
if (!myflag ) {
} while (!myflag);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in MPI_Test. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
// Check results
byteoffset = 0;
for(i = 0; i < mcw_size; ++i) {
err = chkbuf((long long*)(((char*)rbuf) + byteoffset),
rcount[mcw_rank], rdt[mcw_rank], pattern, i);
if (err != 0 ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in chkbuf. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
byteoffset += rcount[mcw_rank] * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]);
return 0;
int test_ibcast(void)
int root, scount, sdt, *rdt, *rcount;
long long *sbuf;
int pattern = 1;
MPI_Request myreq = NULL;
MPI_Status mystatus;
int myflag = 0;
int err, i, nbytes;
// Allocate buffers
root = 1;
//nbytes = 1925168; // Ok, with this # bytes
nbytes = 110576;
sdt = 0;
scount = nbytes / DTEXTENT(sdt);;
rdt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * mcw_size);
rcount = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * mcw_size);
for( i = 0; i < mcw_size; ++i ) {
if( root == i ) {
rcount[i] = -1;
rdt[i] = -1;
#if 0
// Fails here if mismatched datatypes, only at np >= 5
else if( 4 == i ) {
rcount[i] = scount;
rdt[i] = sdt;
else {
rcount[i] = scount / 2;
rdt[i] = 2;
else {
// Passes if uniform type / count
//rcount[i] = scount;
//rdt[i] = sdt;
// Fails here if signature does not match root, only at np >= 5
rcount[i] = scount / 2;
rdt[i] = 2;
pattern = 1;
if( mcw_rank == root ) {
sbuf = (long long*)malloc(scount * DTEXTENT(sdt) + 1);
fillbuf(sbuf, scount, sdt, pattern);
else {
sbuf = (long long*)malloc(rcount[mcw_rank] * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]) + 1);
memset(sbuf, 123, rcount[mcw_rank] * DTEXTENT(rdt[mcw_rank]) );
// MPI_Ibcast
if( mcw_rank == root ) {
err = MPI_Ibcast(sbuf, scount, MPIDT(sdt), root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myreq);
else {
err = MPI_Ibcast(sbuf, rcount[mcw_rank], MPIDT(rdt[mcw_rank]), root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myreq);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in MPI_Ibcast. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
// Wait for completion
do {
err = MPI_Test(&myreq,&myflag, &mystatus);
if (!myflag ) {
} while (!myflag);
if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in MPI_Test. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
// Check results
if( mcw_rank == root ) {
err = chkbuf(sbuf, scount, sdt, pattern, root);
else {
err = chkbuf(sbuf, rcount[mcw_rank], rdt[mcw_rank], pattern, root);
if (err != 0 ) {
printf("%2d / %2d) Failed in chkbuf. err = %d\n", mcw_rank, mcw_size, err);
return 0;
void fillbuf(long long *buf, long count, int dt, int pattern)
long i;
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
if (dt == 0) {
buf[i] = mcw_rank + (long long)pattern * i;
else if (dt == 1) {
buf[2*i] = mcw_rank + (long long)pattern * i;
buf[2*i+1] = -1;
else if (dt == 2) {
buf[2*i] = mcw_rank + (long long)pattern * (2*i);
buf[2*i+1] = mcw_rank + (long long)pattern * (2*i+1);
int chkbuf(long long *buf, long count, int dt, int pattern, int from)
long i;
long long l123;
((char*)(&l123))[0] = 123;
((char*)(&l123))[1] = 123;
((char*)(&l123))[2] = 123;
((char*)(&l123))[3] = 123;
((char*)(&l123))[4] = 123;
((char*)(&l123))[5] = 123;
((char*)(&l123))[6] = 123;
((char*)(&l123))[7] = 123;
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
if (dt == 0) {
if ( buf[i] != from + (long long)pattern * i) {
printf("%2d / %2d) buf[%ld] : actual %lld [%llx], expected %lld [%llx]. from %d\n",
mcw_rank, mcw_size,
buf[i], buf[i],
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * i),
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * i),
return -1;
else if (dt == 1) {
if ( buf[2*i] != from + (long long)pattern * i) {
printf("%2d / %2d) buf[%ld] : actual %lld [%llx], expected %lld [%llx]. from %d\n",
mcw_rank, mcw_size,
buf[2*i], buf[2*i],
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * i),
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * i),
return -2;
if ( buf[2*i+1] != l123) {
printf("%2d / %2d) buf[%ld] : actual %lld [%llx], expected %lld [%llx]. from %d\n",
mcw_rank, mcw_size,
buf[2*i+1], buf[2*i+1],
l123, l123,
return -3;
else if (dt == 2) {
if ( buf[2*i] != from + (long long)pattern * 2*i) {
printf("%2d / %2d) buf[%ld] : actual %lld [%llx], expected %lld [%llx]. from %d\n",
mcw_rank, mcw_size,
buf[2*i], buf[2*i],
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * 2 * i),
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * 2 * i),
return -5;
if ( buf[2*i+1] != from + (long long)pattern * (2*i+1)) {
printf("%2d / %2d) buf[%ld] : actual %lld [%llx], expected %lld [%llx]. from %d\n",
mcw_rank, mcw_size,
buf[2*i+1], buf[2*i+1],
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * (2*i+1)),
(long long int)(from + (long long)pattern * (2*i+1)),
return -6;
return 0;
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