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Created December 19, 2020 21:19
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Godot Sprite with Parallax Shader
shader_type canvas_item;
//render_mode unshaded;
uniform float upScale = 1.0f;
uniform float bottomScale = 1.5f;
uniform float clampY = 0.0f;
uniform float expFactor = 0.0f;
void fragment(){
float height = UV.y;
float heightClamped = clamp((height - clampY) / (1.0 - clampY), 0., 1.0);
float heightFactor = mix(upScale, bottomScale, heightClamped);
float textureOffsetXNorm = (UV.x - 0.5) * 2.; // from texture center better :?
float screenOffsetXNorm = ((SCREEN_UV.x - 0.5) * 2.);
float screenOffsetXNormParallax = screenOffsetXNorm * heightFactor;
float offsetX = screenOffsetXNorm - screenOffsetXNormParallax;
offsetX = offsetX * exp(heightFactor * expFactor);
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE, vec2(mod(UV.x + offsetX, 1.0), UV.y));
COLOR = color;
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