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Reimplementation of Brian Kernighan's Regular Expression Matcher on BidirectionalCollection
// RegularExpression.swift
// RegularExpressions
// Created by John Scott on 15/07/2020.
// Original matching implementation Brian Kernighan :
// Swift port Ben Cohen :
import Foundation
enum RegularExpressionElement<Element> : Equatable where Element : Equatable {
case any // .
case zeroOrMore // *
case begin // ^
case end // $
case element(Element) // a character
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element : Equatable {
typealias RegularExpression = ArraySlice<RegularExpressionElement<Self.Element>>
/* match: search for regexp anywhere in text */
func match(regexp: RegularExpression) -> Bool {
if regexp.first == .begin {
return matchHere(regexp.dropFirst(), self[...])
var idx = startIndex
while true { // must look even if string is empty
if matchHere(regexp[...], self[idx..<endIndex]) {
return true
guard idx != endIndex else { break }
// do while sufficed in the original C version...
formIndex(after: &idx)
} // while idx++ != string.endIndex
return false
/* matchhere: search for regexp at beginning of text */
func matchHere(_ regexp: RegularExpression, _ text: Self.SubSequence) -> Bool {
if regexp.isEmpty {
return true
if let c = regexp.first, regexp.dropFirst().first == .zeroOrMore {
return matchStar(c, regexp.dropFirst(2), text)
if regexp.first == .end && regexp.dropFirst().isEmpty {
return text.isEmpty
if let tc = text.first, let rc = regexp.first, rc == .any || .element(tc) == rc {
return matchHere(regexp.dropFirst(), text.dropFirst())
return false
/* matchstar: search for c*regexp at beginning of text */
func matchStar(_ c: RegularExpression.Element, _ regexp: RegularExpression, _ text: Self.SubSequence) -> Bool {
var idx = text.startIndex
while true { /* a * matches zero or more instances */
if matchHere(regexp, text[idx..<text.endIndex]) {
return true
if idx == text.endIndex || (.element(text[idx]) != c && c != .any) {
return false
text.formIndex(after: &idx)
func runTests() {
let tests: KeyValuePairs<String.RegularExpression, String> = [
[.begin, .element("h"), .any, .any, .element("l"), .element("o"), .zeroOrMore, .element("!"), .end] : "hellooooo!",
[.begin, .element("h"), .any, .any, .element("l"), .element("o"), .zeroOrMore, .element("!"), .end] : "hella noms",
[.any, .element("a"), .element("b")] : "abracadabra!",
[.element("s"), .any, .zeroOrMore] : "saaaad!",
[.any, .any, .any, .element("e"), .any, .end] : "\"Ganymede,\" he continued, \"is the largest moon in the Solar System\"",
[.element("🤠"), .zeroOrMore] : "even 🤠🤠🤠 are supported",
for (regex, text) in tests {
print("\(regex) : \(text) : \(text.match(regexp: regex))")
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