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Jherich Silas jjsilas

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jjsilas / API Hack Capstone Thinkful
Last active March 11, 2020 19:10
Checkpoint 11.8 API Capstone
Link to Readme
Link to App
Link to Updated Portfolio
jjsilas / Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.7 Styling your app
Created February 28, 2020 16:28
Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.7 Styling your app
Updated CSS
jjsilas / Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.6 User feedback and iteration
Created February 27, 2020 07:55
Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.6 User feedback and iteration from
Do my users think the app is interesting or valuable?
- My users are somewhat politically minded and see value in making it easier for people to see factual information that can help them to make informed choices.
Did my users use the app as I intended?
- Yes the users were able to use the app as intended, but they also had suggestions for expansion. Some of them are in line with my original thoughts, and some a bit outside the scope of the original design.
Did my users encounter any bugs or broken features?
- Yes, the link on the far right does not always return an expected result. Its also some times hard to know the link to enter the app is the start button.
Did my users understand how to use the app?
jjsilas / Capstone 11.5 Implement your MVP
Created February 27, 2020 01:07
Implement your MVP
jjsilas / Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.4 User Flow
Last active February 22, 2020 09:06
Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.4 User Flow MVP images
The images are of the MVP user flow.
Showing the index/login page. As well as the Two main data pages, the Congressional Records, and The Explanations pages.
jjsilas / Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.3 User Stories
Last active February 22, 2020 06:42
Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.3 User Stories 1 - 11
Role Task Importance #
As a new user Can sign up for an account High 1
All Users Can login after account creation High 2
All Users Can Search for results High 3
All Users Specify the number of results to show Medium 7
All Users Can sign in and view account details Medium 8
All Users Can logout High 6
As an administrator Can remove or disable users Medium 10
As an administrator I want to view all user accounts Medium 9
As an administrator Can view use logs Low 11
jjsilas / Thinkful 11 Capstone 11.2
Created February 21, 2020 08:55
Thinkful Module 11 Capstone A Statement about my app.
My App will use the ProPublica - Congress API.
The app will help users to make voting choices based on being able to quickly look up the votes of there National Represenatitives.
jjsilas / Asynchronous web apps 10.7 NPS App
Created February 19, 2020 16:20
Asynchronous web apps 10.7 National Parks Service App. Searching for national parks.
The url to the app -
GetHub Repo -
jjsilas / Asynchronous web apps 10.6
Created February 18, 2020 19:41
Asynchronous web apps 10.6 Searching for a GitHub user
The url to the app -
GetHub Repo -
jjsilas / Asynchronous web apps 10.5
Created February 14, 2020 06:12
Asynchronous web apps Dog API assignments 1 - 3
1.Create an app that lets users choose to display between 1 and 50 random dog images, then prints the results to the console.
2. Building on the previous app, create an app that lets users choose to display between 1 and 50 random dog images, then loads the images in the console.
3. Create an app that loads a single random image for a specific breed, based on a user input.