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Created June 22, 2018 15:08
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module Main exposing (main)
import Html exposing (Html)
type alias Model =
List Bool
x = True
o = False
state : Model
state =
[ [ o, x, o, x, o ]
, [ o, x, x, x, x ]
, [ x, x, o, x, x ]
, [ x, x, x, x, x ]
, [ x, x, x, x, x ]
|> List.concatMap identity
moves =
[ ( 3, 2 )
, ( 2, 4 )
, ( 3, 3 )
, ( 0, 3 )
, ( 1, 2 )
, ( 3, 1 )
, ( 1, 4 )
, ( 4, 0 )
, ( 1, 4 )
, ( 0, 1 )
, ( 0, 1 )
, ( 0, 2 )
, ( 0, 2 )
, ( 3, 1 )
, ( 0, 4 )
, ( 2, 2 )
, ( 1, 3 )
, ( 3, 1 )
, ( 2, 2 )
, ( 1, 1 )
, ( 0, 0 )
, ( 4, 3 )
, ( 4, 4 )
, ( 2, 3 )
, ( 4, 3 )
lightsOnCount : Model -> Int
lightsOnCount =
List.filter identity >> List.length
type alias Msg =
( Int, Int )
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
validNeighbors =
neighbors msg |> index
(\index currentState ->
if List.member index validNeighbors then
not currentState
applyMoves : List Msg -> Model -> Model
applyMoves msgs model =
case msgs of
msg :: msgs ->
applyMoves msgs (update msg model)
[] ->
index : ( Int, Int ) -> Int
index ( x, y ) =
x * 5 + y
neighbors : ( Int, Int ) -> List ( Int, Int )
neighbors ( x, y ) =
allNeighbors =
[ ( x, y ), ( x - 1, y ), ( x + 1, y ), ( x, y - 1 ), ( x, y + 1 ) ]
validNeighbors =
allNeighbors |> List.filter (\( x, y ) -> x >= 0 && x < 5 && y >= 0 && y < 5)
main : Html msg
main =
Html.text ("Lights on after update: " ++ toString (lightsOnCount (applyMoves moves state)))
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