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Created April 27, 2017 19:21
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module Main exposing (..)
import String
import Html exposing (text)
type Turn
= L
| R
| Stay
type alias Instruction =
{ turn: Turn
, steps: Int
type Direction
= North
| South
| East
| West
type alias Position =
{ x: Int
, y: Int
, direction: Direction
-- yay parsing!!!
input = """R3, L5, R2, L2, R1, L3, R1, R3, L4, R3, L1, L1, R1, L3, R2, L3, L2, R1, R1, L1, R4, L1, L4, R3, L2, L2, R1, L1, R5, R4, R2, L5, L2, R5, R5, L2, R3, R1, R1, L3, R1, L4, L4, L190, L5, L2, R4, L5, R4, R5, L4, R1, R2, L5, R50, L2, R1, R73, R1, L2, R191, R2, L4, R1, L5, L5, R5, L3, L5, L4, R4, R5, L4, R4, R4, R5, L2, L5, R3, L4, L4, L5, R2, R2, R2, R4, L3, R4, R5, L3, R5, L2, R3, L1, R2, R2, L3, L1, R5, L3, L5, R2, R4, R1, L1, L5, R3, R2, L3, L4, L5, L1, R3, L5, L2, R2, L3, L4, L1, R1, R4, R2, R2, R4, R2, R2, L3, L3, L4, R4, L4, L4, R1, L4, L4, R1, L2, R5, R2, R3, R3, L2, L5, R3, L3, R5, L2, R3, R2, L4, L3, L1, R2, L2, L3, L5, R3, L1, L3, L4, L3"""
split : String -> List String
split text = String.split ", " text
turn_from_string : String -> Turn
turn_from_string text = case text of
"L" -> L
"R" -> R
_ -> Stay
instruction_from_string : String -> Instruction
instruction_from_string text =
turnString = String.left 1 text
numSteps = String.dropLeft 1 text
{turn = turn_from_string turnString, steps = Result.withDefault 0 (String.toInt numSteps)}
instructions_from_string : String -> List Instruction
instructions_from_string text = instruction_from_string (split text)
make_turn : Direction -> Turn -> Direction
make_turn direction turn =
case turn of
L ->
case direction of
North -> West
West -> South
South -> East
East -> North
R ->
case direction of
North -> East
East -> South
South -> West
West -> North
Stay -> direction
make_move : Instruction -> Position -> Position
make_move {turn, steps} {x, y, direction} =
new_direction = make_turn direction turn
(new_x, new_y) =
case new_direction of
North -> (x, y + steps)
East -> (x + steps, y)
South -> (x, y - steps)
West -> (x - steps, y)
{x = new_x, y = new_y, direction = new_direction }
initialPosition = {x=0, y=0, direction=North}
main =
instructions = instructions_from_string input
endPosition = List.foldl make_move initialPosition instructions
distance = endPosition.x + endPosition.y
text ("distance = " ++ (toString distance))
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