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Created April 4, 2016 19:03
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A LISP parser
trait ASTElement
case class Expression(elements: ASTElement*) extends ASTElement
case class Literal[T](value: T) extends ASTElement
case class Function(name: String) extends ASTElement
object LispParser {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val ast = parse("(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))")
assert(ast ==
* Parse lisp code and returns the corresponding AST (abstract syntax tree)
* @param code code to parse
* @return the root node of the AST
def parse(code: String): ASTElement = code match {
case Patterns.List(listContent) => {
val listTokens = tokenize(listContent)
val astElements = listTokens map parse
Expression(astElements: _*)
case Patterns.IntegerLiteral(l) => Literal(l.toInt)
case Patterns.Function(name) => Function(name)
* Tokenize elements of a space-separated list
* @param rawList the list to tokenize
* @return
def tokenize(rawList: String): Seq[String] = {
* Extract a sublist token from the list to tokenize
* @param str list to extract sublist from
* @return a tuple (extractedList, remainder) containing the extracted list and the remainder that still needs
* tokenization
def extractListToken(str: String): (String, String) = {
var openedExpressions = 0
for((character, index) <- str.zipWithIndex) {
character match {
case '(' => openedExpressions += 1
case ')' => openedExpressions -= 1
case _ => ()
if (openedExpressions == 0) {
return (str.take(index + 1), str.drop(index + 2))
throw new RuntimeException("Malformed tokens: mismatched opening/closing parenthesis")
if(rawList.isEmpty) Nil
else {
val (token, remainder) = if(rawList.startsWith("(")) {
} else {
val nextSpaceIndex = rawList.indexWhere(_ == ' ')
if (nextSpaceIndex == -1) {
(rawList, "")
} else {
(rawList.take(nextSpaceIndex), rawList.drop(nextSpaceIndex + 1))
token +: tokenize(remainder)
object Patterns {
val List = """\((.*)\)""".r
val IntegerLiteral = """(\d+)""".r
val Function = """(.+)""".r
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