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Created July 3, 2013 08:21
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import random
########################## SOLVER ##########################
def findBestMove(node, color, getChildren, getValue, maxDepth = 8, maxValue = 1000):
def negamax(node, depth, alpha, beta, color):
children = getChildren(node, color)
if len(children) == 0 or depth == 0: # no moves left or too deep
return getValue(node) * color
for child in children:
value = -negamax(child, depth-1, -beta, -alpha, -color)
if value >= beta:
return value
if value > alpha:
alpha = value
return alpha
children = getChildren(node,color)
if len(children) == 0: # no moves left
return node
return min(children, key=lambda child : negamax(child, maxDepth, -maxValue, maxValue, -color))
########################## SOLVER ##########################
####################### tic tac toe ########################
def tictactoe():
return [0] * 9
def printtictactoe(bord):
print ""
print " %s" % "|".join(map(lambda x : " X " if x > 0 else " O " if x < 0 else " ", bord[0:3]))
print " ---+---+---"
print " %s" % "|".join(map(lambda x : " X " if x > 0 else " O " if x < 0 else " ", bord[3:6]))
print " ---+---+---"
print " %s" % "|".join(map(lambda x : " X " if x > 0 else " O " if x < 0 else " ", bord[6:9]))
print ""
####################### tic tac toe ########################
def makeMove(bord,move,player):
bord = list(bord)
bord[move] = player
return bord
def getWinner(bord):
wins = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[0,4,8],[2,4,6]]
if max([ bord[win[0]]+bord[win[1]]+bord[win[2]] for win in wins ]) == 3:
return 1
elif min([ bord[win[0]]+bord[win[1]]+bord[win[2]] for win in wins ]) == -3:
return -1
return 0
def getPossiableMoves(bord, lastmove=None):
if getWinner(bord) != 0:
return []
return [i for i in [0,2,6,8,4,1,3,5,7] if bord[i] == 0]
def nextBords(bord, player):
return [makeMove(bord,move,player) for move in getPossiableMoves(bord)]
def valueBord(bord):
return getWinner(bord) * 999
def AIvsAI2(bord, player):
print " ### AI vs AI ###"
while getWinner(bord) == 0 and len(getPossiableMoves(bord))>0:
bord = findBestMove(bord, player, nextBords, valueBord)
player = -player
if getWinner(bord) == 0:
print " DRAW!"
elif getWinner(bord) == -1:
print " O Wins!"
print " X Wins!"
def AIvsPlayer(bord, player):
print " ### player vs AI ###"
def doMove(bord, player):
if player > 0:
inputs = { '1':6,'2':7,'3':8,'4':3,'5':4,'6':5,'7':0,'8':1,'9':2 }
move = raw_input(" Play move: ")
while move not in inputs or inputs[move] not in getPossiableMoves(bord):
print " nope!"
move = str(raw_input(" Play move: "))
bord = makeMove(bord,inputs[move],player)
bord = findBestMove(bord, player, nextBords, valueBord)
return bord
while getWinner(bord) == 0 and len(getPossiableMoves(bord))>0:
bord = doMove(bord, player)
player = -player
if getWinner(bord) == 0:
print " DRAW!"
elif getWinner(bord) == -1:
print " O Wins!"
print " X Wins!"
_bord = tictactoe()
#bord = [0,1,1,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]
#bord = [1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0]
#bord = [1,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0]
#bord = [-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1]
#bord = [-1,-1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1]
#bord = [1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
#bord = [-1,-1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
#bord = [ 0, 0,-1, 1,-1, 1, 0, 1,-1]
#bord = [ 1,-1, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
#AIvsAI2(_bord, 1)
AIvsPlayer(_bord, random.randint(0,1)*2-1)
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