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Created September 7, 2020 06:36
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const ROWS: u8 = 4;
const COLS: u8 = 15;
const KEYS = ROWS * COLS;
pub const Key = struct {
label: [:0]const u8,
width: u8,
col: u8 = 0,
row: u8 = 0,
pub const keys = calc_key_positions(.{
Key{ .label = "a", .width = 1 },
Key{ .label = "a", .width = 3 },
Key{ .label = "a", .width = 1 },
Key{ .label = "a", .width = 2 },
Key{ .label = "a", .width = 1 },
Key{ .label = "a", .width = 4 },
Key{ .label = "a", .width = 1 },
// Take a list of keys, determine column/row for each key based on width of preceding keys.
pub fn calc_key_positions(...) []Key {
var col: u8 = 0;
var row: u8 = 0;
for (...) |*key| {
key.*.col = col;
key.*.row = row;
col += key.*.width;
if(col >= COLS) {
col = 0;
row += 1;
return ...;
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