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Created May 24, 2023 16:43
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NATS KV Benchmark
+ clean='rm -rf ./js/*'
+ start='nats-server -c server.conf'
+ stop='nats-server --signal ldm'
+ nats='nats --no-context'
+ bench='bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB'
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64 --purge --pub 4
09:20:58 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:20:58 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:20:58 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:20:58 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:20:58 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:20:58 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 23,733 msgs/sec ~ 1.45 MB/sec
[1] 5,979 msgs/sec ~ 373.69 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 5,980 msgs/sec ~ 373.77 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 5,957 msgs/sec ~ 372.33 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 5,934 msgs/sec ~ 370.88 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 5,934 | avg 5,962 | max 5,980 | stddev 18 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64 --sub 1
09:21:01 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:21:01 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:21:01 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 312 msgs/sec ~ 19.54 KB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 256 --purge --pub 4
09:24:31 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:24:31 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=256 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:24:31 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:24:31 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:24:31 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:24:31 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 22,312 msgs/sec ~ 5.45 MB/sec
[1] 5,612 msgs/sec ~ 1.37 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 5,596 msgs/sec ~ 1.37 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 5,589 msgs/sec ~ 1.36 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 5,578 msgs/sec ~ 1.36 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 5,578 | avg 5,593 | max 5,612 | stddev 12 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 256 --sub 1
09:24:34 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:24:34 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=256 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:24:34 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 742 msgs/sec ~ 185.58 KB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 1k --purge --pub 4
09:26:02 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:26:02 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=1.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:26:02 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:02 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:02 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:02 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 23,059 msgs/sec ~ 22.52 MB/sec
[1] 5,813 msgs/sec ~ 5.68 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 5,780 msgs/sec ~ 5.65 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 5,773 msgs/sec ~ 5.64 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 5,765 msgs/sec ~ 5.63 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 5,765 | avg 5,782 | max 5,813 | stddev 18 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 1k --sub 1
09:26:05 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:26:05 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=1.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:26:05 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 2,020 msgs/sec ~ 1.97 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 4k --purge --pub 4
09:26:38 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:26:38 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=4.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:26:38 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:38 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:38 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:38 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 22,385 msgs/sec ~ 87.44 MB/sec
[1] 5,631 msgs/sec ~ 22.00 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 5,627 msgs/sec ~ 21.98 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 5,598 msgs/sec ~ 21.87 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 5,596 msgs/sec ~ 21.86 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 5,596 | avg 5,613 | max 5,631 | stddev 16 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 4k --sub 1
09:26:40 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:26:40 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=4.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:26:40 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 4,255 msgs/sec ~ 16.62 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 16k --purge --pub 4
09:26:56 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:26:56 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=16 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:26:56 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:56 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:56 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:26:56 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 19,407 msgs/sec ~ 303.24 MB/sec
[1] 4,893 msgs/sec ~ 76.46 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 4,887 msgs/sec ~ 76.37 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 4,859 msgs/sec ~ 75.94 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 4,851 msgs/sec ~ 75.81 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 4,851 | avg 4,872 | max 4,893 | stddev 17 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 16k --sub 1
09:26:59 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:26:59 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=16 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:26:59 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 4,128 msgs/sec ~ 64.51 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64k --purge --pub 4
09:27:16 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:27:16 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:27:16 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:27:16 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:27:16 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:27:16 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 8,764 msgs/sec ~ 547.79 MB/sec
[1] 2,218 msgs/sec ~ 138.67 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 2,201 msgs/sec ~ 137.62 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 2,194 msgs/sec ~ 137.17 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 2,191 msgs/sec ~ 136.95 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 2,191 | avg 2,201 | max 2,218 | stddev 10 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64k --sub 1
09:27:23 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:27:23 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:27:23 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 1,114 msgs/sec ~ 69.66 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -xeuo pipefail
clean='rm -rf ./js/*'
start='nats-server -c server.conf'
stop='nats-server --signal ldm'
nats='nats --no-context'
bench='bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB'
for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k; do
${clean} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
${start} >/dev/null 2>&1 &
${nats} kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file >/dev/null 2>&1
${nats} ${bench} --size ${s} --purge --pub 4
${nats} ${bench} --size ${s} --sub 1
${stop} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ clean='rm -rf ./js/*'
+ start='nats-server -c server.conf'
+ stop='nats-server --signal ldm'
+ nats='nats --no-context'
+ bench='bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB'
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf './js/*'
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64 --purge --pub 4
09:29:49 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:29:49 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:29:49 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:29:49 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:29:49 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:29:49 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 18,777 msgs/sec ~ 1.15 MB/sec
[1] 4,741 msgs/sec ~ 296.35 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 4,717 msgs/sec ~ 294.82 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 4,711 msgs/sec ~ 294.50 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 4,695 msgs/sec ~ 293.45 KB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 4,695 | avg 4,716 | max 4,741 | stddev 16 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64 --sub 1
09:29:53 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:29:53 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:29:53 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 314 msgs/sec ~ 19.63 KB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 256 --purge --pub 4
09:33:21 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:33:21 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=256 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:33:21 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:33:21 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:33:21 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:33:21 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 20,224 msgs/sec ~ 4.94 MB/sec
[1] 5,083 msgs/sec ~ 1.24 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 5,080 msgs/sec ~ 1.24 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 5,078 msgs/sec ~ 1.24 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 5,056 msgs/sec ~ 1.23 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 5,056 | avg 5,074 | max 5,083 | stddev 10 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 256 --sub 1
09:33:25 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:33:25 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=256 B, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:33:25 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 762 msgs/sec ~ 190.68 KB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 1k --purge --pub 4
09:34:51 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:34:51 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=1.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:34:51 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:34:51 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:34:51 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:34:51 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 18,899 msgs/sec ~ 18.46 MB/sec
[1] 4,747 msgs/sec ~ 4.64 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 4,740 msgs/sec ~ 4.63 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 4,729 msgs/sec ~ 4.62 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 4,725 msgs/sec ~ 4.61 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 4,725 | avg 4,735 | max 4,747 | stddev 8 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 1k --sub 1
09:34:54 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:34:54 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=1.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:34:54 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 2,171 msgs/sec ~ 2.12 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 4k --purge --pub 4
09:35:24 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:35:24 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=4.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:35:24 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:35:24 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:35:24 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:35:24 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 15,975 msgs/sec ~ 62.40 MB/sec
[1] 4,027 msgs/sec ~ 15.73 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 4,012 msgs/sec ~ 15.67 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 4,010 msgs/sec ~ 15.67 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 3,994 msgs/sec ~ 15.60 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 3,994 | avg 4,010 | max 4,027 | stddev 11 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 4k --sub 1
09:35:29 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:35:29 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=4.0 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:35:29 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 4,229 msgs/sec ~ 16.52 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 16k --purge --pub 4
09:35:44 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:35:44 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=16 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:35:44 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:35:44 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:35:44 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:35:44 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 14,825 msgs/sec ~ 231.65 MB/sec
[1] 3,717 msgs/sec ~ 58.09 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 3,716 msgs/sec ~ 58.08 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 3,712 msgs/sec ~ 58.01 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 3,706 msgs/sec ~ 57.92 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 3,706 | avg 3,712 | max 3,717 | stddev 4 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 16k --sub 1
09:35:49 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:35:49 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=16 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:35:49 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 5,263 msgs/sec ~ 82.25 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
+ for s in 64 256 1k 4k 16k 64k
+ rm -rf ./js/jetstream
+ nats --no-context kv add bar --max-bucket-size 4500MB --storage file
+ nats-server -c server.conf
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64k --purge --pub 4
09:36:01 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:36:01 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=4, sub=0, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:36:01 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:36:01 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:36:01 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
09:36:01 Starting KV putter, putting 16,384 messages
Pub stats: 4,806 msgs/sec ~ 300.39 MB/sec
[1] 1,204 msgs/sec ~ 75.28 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[2] 1,204 msgs/sec ~ 75.25 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[3] 1,203 msgs/sec ~ 75.23 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
[4] 1,201 msgs/sec ~ 75.10 MB/sec (16384 msgs)
min 1,201 | avg 1,203 | max 1,204 | stddev 1 msgs
+ nats --no-context bench foo --kv --no-progress --multisubject --bucket bar --storage file --msgs 65536 --maxbytes 4500MB --size 64k --sub 1
09:36:15 KV mode, using the subject name as the KV bucket name. Publishers do puts, subscribers do gets
09:36:15 Starting KV benchmark [bucket=bar, kv=true, msgs=65,536, msgsize=64 KiB, maxbytes=4.4 GiB, pubs=0, sub=1, storage=file, replicas=1, pubsleep=0s, subsleep=0s]
09:36:15 Starting KV getter, trying to get 65,536 messages
Sub stats: 3,112 msgs/sec ~ 194.55 MB/sec
+ nats-server --signal ldm
jetstream {
store_dir: js
max_file_store: 4500MB
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