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Created June 5, 2024 21:32
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; Adapted from the clojure source code to work with babashka
; original license info:
; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns bb-remote-prepl
#_(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.main :as m])
[clojure.lang LineNumberingPushbackReader]
[ InetAddress Socket ServerSocket SocketException]
[ Reader Writer PrintWriter BufferedWriter BufferedReader InputStreamReader OutputStreamWriter]
;;[java.util Properties]
;;[java.util.concurrent.locks ReentrantLock]
(defmacro ^:private thread
[^String name daemon & body]
`(doto (Thread. (fn [] ~@body) ~name)
(.setDaemon ~daemon)
(defn- ex->data
[ex phase]
(assoc (Throwable->map ex) :phase phase))
(defn- resolve-fn [valf]
(if (symbol? valf)
(or (resolve valf)
(when-let [nsname (namespace valf)]
(require (symbol nsname))
(resolve valf))
(throw (Exception. (str "can't resolve: " valf))))
(defn remote-prepl
"Implements a prepl on in-reader and out-fn by forwarding to a
remote [io-]prepl over a socket. Messages will be read by readf, a
fn of a LineNumberingPushbackReader and EOF value or a symbol naming
same (default #(read %1 false %2)),
:ret and :tap vals will be processed by valf, a fn of one argument
or a symbol naming same (default read-string). If that function
throws, :val will be unprocessed.
Alpha, subject to change."
{:added "1.10"}
[^String host port ^Reader
in-reader out-fn & {:keys [valf readf] :or {valf read-string, readf #(read %1 false %2)}}]
(let [valf (resolve-fn valf)
readf (resolve-fn readf)
^long port (if (string? port) (Integer/valueOf ^String port) port)
socket (Socket. host port)
rd (-> socket .getInputStream InputStreamReader. BufferedReader. LineNumberingPushbackReader.)
wr (-> socket .getOutputStream OutputStreamWriter.)
EOF (Object.)]
(thread "clojure.core.server/remote-prepl" true
(try (loop []
(let [{:keys [tag val] :as m} (readf rd EOF)]
(when-not (identical? m EOF)
(if (#{:ret :tap} tag)
(assoc m :val (valf val))
(catch Throwable ex
(assoc m :val (ex->data ex :read-eval-result)
:exception true)))
(.close wr))))
(let [buf (char-array 1024)]
(try (loop []
(let [n (.read in-reader buf)]
(when-not (= n -1)
(.write wr buf 0 n)
(.flush wr)
(.close rd))))))
(remote-prepl "localhost" 6662 *in* prn))
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