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Last active July 6, 2018 18:53
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(ns shadow-hoplon.perf
(:require [hoplon.core :as h]
[javelin.core :as j :refer [defc defc= cell cell=]]
(defc total-count 10000)
(defc change-count 100)
(defn get-color [n]
(= n 0) "red"
(= n 100) "lime"
(< 0 n 1) "rgb(255,141,0)"
(<= 1 n 99) (str "rgb(255," (+ 140 (int n)) ",0)")))
(defn make-val []
(let [n (js/Math.round (* (rand) 100))]
{:val n :color (get-color n)}))
(defn init-data [n] (vec (for [x (range n)] (make-val))))
(defn change-data [data n]
(let [ixs (repeatedly n #(rand-int (count data)))]
(reduce (fn [acc i] (assoc acc i (make-val))) data ixs)))
(defc data [])
(defn init! [] (reset! data (init-data @total-count)))
(defn attach-page []
(h/title "Hoplon Performance Test")
(h/link :href "css/perf-bootstrap.css" :rel "stylesheet")
(h/link :href "css/perf.css" :rel "stylesheet"))
(h/div :class "container"
(h/h1 "hoplon performance test")
#_(h/div :class "row"
(h/div :class "col-sm-9"
(h/ul :class "nav nav-pills"
(h/li :role "presentation" :class "active"
(h/a "hoplon")))))
(h/div :class "row"
(h/div :class "col-sm-9"
(h/div :id "dashboard"
(h/for-tpl [{:keys [val color]} data]
(h/div :class "item" :css (cell= {:background-color color})
(h/label val)))))
(h/div :class "col-sm-3"
(h/div :class "form-group"
(h/label :for "total-input" "Total:")
(h/input :type "text" :class "form-control init" :id "total-input"
:value total-count
:change init! ;;#(when (not= @total-count @%) init!)
:keyup #(some->> @% not-empty js/parseInt (reset! total-count))))
(h/div :class "form-group"
(h/label :for "change-input" "Change:")
(h/input :type "text" :class "form-control init" :id "change-input"
:value change-count
;;:change init!
:keyup #(some->> @% not-empty js/parseInt (reset! change-count))))
(h/div :class "form-group"
(h/button :type "button" :class "btn btn-primary"
:id "update-btn"
:click #(time (swap! data change-data @change-count))
#dashboard {
padding-bottom: 50px;
display: inline-block;
#dashboard .item {
display: inline-block;
#dashboard .item label {
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
#progress-out {
margin-top: 50px;
font-size: 4rem;
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