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Created October 30, 2020 18:41
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(defn re-ws-stream [url]
(let [s (ms/stream 10)
(fn this
([] (this 0 (System/currentTimeMillis)))
([conn-ct prev-conn-ts]
(-> (http/websocket-client url {:max-frame-payload 1e7 :max-frame-size 1e7})
(fn [conn]
(log/info "ws connected. connection count" conn-ct)
(let [conn-ts (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(ms/on-closed s (fn [] (ms/close! conn)))
(ms/on-closed conn
(fn []
(if (ms/closed? s)
(log/info "ws closed intentionally")
(do (when (= (quot prev-conn-ts 1000)
(quot conn-ts 1000))
(log/info "attempted to reset more than once per second, waiting")
(Thread/sleep 2000))
(log/info "ws closed unintentionally")
(this (inc conn-ct) conn-ts)))))
(ms/put! s conn))))
(md/catch Exception
(fn [e]
(println "error in ws connection")
(pst e))))))]
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