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Created September 11, 2020 12:22
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(defn map-prev
"maps f over values. f is a function of two arguments, the previous and current value, which is mapped over each value. previous value is initially nil"
(let [vold (volatile! nil)]
(map (fn [x]
(let [old @vold]
(vreset! vold (f old x)))))))
([f xs]
(map f (cons nil xs) xs)))
(def ch1
(chan 1 (map-prev (fn [prev x]
(if (some? prev)
(max prev x)
(go-loop []
(when-some [x (<! ch1)]
(println "max:" x)
(a/onto-chan!! ch1 [1 5 5 2 3 10 11 0 100])
;;max: 1
;;max: 5
;;max: 5
;;max: 5
;;max: 5
;;max: 10
;;max: 11
;;max: 11
;;max: 100
(defn assoc-xf
"returns transducer which calls lookup on each map it encounters, subjects that
transducer xf, and assoc's its result in the map as new-k"
[lookup xf new-k]
(let [next! (xf (fn [_ x] x))]
(map (fn [m]
(assoc m new-k (next! nil (lookup m)))))))
(def ch2
(chan 1
(map-prev (fn [prev x] (if (some? prev) (max prev x) x)))
(map-prev (fn [prev x] (if (some? prev) (min prev x) x)))
(go-loop []
(when-some [x (<! ch2)]
(println "value:" x)
(a/onto-chan!! ch2 [{:x 1} {:x 3} {:x 6} {:x 2} {:x -11} {:x 20}])
;;value: {:x 1, :max-x 1, :min-x 1}
;;value: {:x 3, :max-x 3, :min-x 1}
;;value: {:x 6, :max-x 6, :min-x 1}
;;value: {:x 2, :max-x 6, :min-x 1}
;;value: {:x -11, :max-x 6, :min-x -11}
;;value: {:x 20, :max-x 20, :min-x -11}
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