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Last active June 26, 2018 22:37
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modified src/hoplon/core.cljs
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
;; Declare Variables ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(declare elem! do! on! ->node $text add-children! attribute?)
@@ -33,22 +35,24 @@
(let [x (.-childNodes this)]
(areduce x i ret [] (conj ret (.item x i)))))
+(defn- child-array [elem] (into-array (array-seq (.-childNodes elem))))
(defn- vflatten
"Takes a sequential collection and returns a flattened vector of any nested
sequential collections."
- ([x] (vflatten [] x))
- ([acc x] (if (sequential? x) (reduce vflatten acc x) (conj acc x))))
+ ([x] (vflatten (array) x))
+ ([acc x]
+ (if (or (sequential? x) (array? x)) (reduce vflatten acc x) (doto acc (.push x)))))
(defn- remove-nil [nodes]
- (reduce #(if %2 (conj %1 %2) %1) [] nodes))
+ )
(defn- compact-kids
"Flattens nested sequencences of elements, removing nil values."
(vflatten kids)
- (remove-nil)
- (mapv ->node)))
+ (reduce #(if %2 (doto %1 (.push (->node %2))) %1) (array))))
(defn- set-dom-children!
"Sets a DOM element's children to the sequence of children given."
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@
(let [new-kids (compact-kids new-kids)
new? (set new-kids)]
(loop [[new-kid & nks] new-kids
- [old-kid & oks :as old-kids] (child-vec elem)]
+ [old-kid & oks :as old-kids] (child-array elem)]
(when (or new-kid old-kid)
(= new-kid old-kid) (recur nks oks)
@@ -275,37 +279,51 @@
(if-let [hl-kids (.-hoplonKids this)] hl-kids
- (with-let [kids (atom (child-vec this))]
+ (with-let [kids (atom (child-array this))]
(set! (.-hoplonKids this) kids)
- (do-watch kids #(set-dom-children! this %2))))))
+ (do-watch kids #(when (not (array? %2))
+ (set-dom-children! this %2)))))))
([this child]
(with-let [child child]
(let [kids (-hoplon-kids this)
+ _ (js/console.log "kids" @kids)
i (count @kids)]
(if (cell? child)
- (do-watch child #(swap! kids assoc i %2))
- (swap! kids assoc i child))))))
+ (do-watch child #(swap! kids (fn [kids-arr] (doto kids-arr (aset i %2)))))
+ (swap! kids aset i child))))))
([this child]
(with-let [child child]
(let [kids (-hoplon-kids this)
before-count (count @kids)]
(if (cell? child)
- (swap! kids #(vec (remove (partial = @child) %)))
- (swap! kids #(vec (remove (partial = child) %))))
+ (swap! kids #(reduce (fn [acc x] (if (= child @x) acc (doto acc (.push x)))) %))
+ (swap! kids #(reduce (fn [acc x] (if (= child x) acc (doto acc (.push x)))) %)))
(when-not (= (count @kids) (dec before-count))
(throw (js/Error. "Attempted to remove a node that is not a child of parent.")))))))
([this new existing]
(with-let [existing existing]
- (swap! (-hoplon-kids this) #(mapv (fn [el] (if (= el existing) new el)) %)))))
+ (swap! (-hoplon-kids this) #(reduce (fn [el acc]
+ (doto acc
+ (.push (if (= el existing) new el)))) (array) %)))))
([this new existing]
(with-let [new new]
- (not existing) (swap! (-hoplon-kids this) conj new)
- (not= new existing) (swap! (-hoplon-kids this) #(vec (mapcat (fn [el] (if (= el existing) [new el] [el])) %)))))))))
+ (not existing) (swap! (-hoplon-kids this) #(doto % (.push new)))
+ (not= new existing) (swap! (-hoplon-kids this)
+ #(reduce (fn [el acc]
+ (if (= el existing)
+ (doto acc (.push new el))
+ (doto acc (.push el))))
+ (array)
+ %)
+ ;;#(vec (mapcat (fn [el] (if (= el existing) [new el] [el])) %))
+ )))))))
(defn ->hoplon [elem]
(if (element? elem) elem
@@ -352,7 +370,7 @@
(-append-child! this x)))))
(defn- remove-all-kids! [this]
- (swap! (-hoplon-kids this) empty))
+ (reset! (-hoplon-kids this) (array)))
(defn- invoke!
[this & args]
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