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Last active April 18, 2020 15:48
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(ns strat2
(:require [dev.jt.clojiex :as iex]
[tick.alpha.api :as t]
[clojure.repl :refer :all]
[clojure.pprint :refer :all]))
;;gist version
(set! *print-length* 20)
(set! *print-level* 5)
;rate of change with transducer version
(defn roc
(let [xs-atom (atom [])]
(map (fn [x]
(let [[fst :as xs] @xs-atom]
(if (= (count xs) n)
(do (swap! xs-atom #(-> % (subvec 1 n) (conj x)))
(/ x fst))
(do (swap! xs-atom conj x)
([n xs]
(concat (repeat n nil) (map / (drop n xs) xs))))
(def SYMS ["FB" "AAPL" "AMZN" "NFLX" "GOOGL"])
(def BARS (atom (zipmap SYMS (repeat []))))
;;(def t2 (-> (t/yesterday) t/midnight (t/in (t/zone "America/New_York"))))
;;(def t1 (t/- t2 (t/new-period 300 :days)))
(def iex-client
{:version "stable"
:url-base ""
:sse-url-base ""
:token "<redacted>"})
(doseq [sym SYMS]
[:stock/chart {:range "2y" :symbol sym}]
#(swap! BARS assoc sym %))
(Thread/sleep 500))
(def best-ct 2)
(def worst-ct 2)
(->> @BARS
(mapcat (fn [[sym bars]]
(let [bars (map (fn [old new]
(assoc new :ret
(- (/ (:close new) (:close old)) 1)))
bars (rest bars))]
(map #(-> %1
(update :date t/date)
(select-keys [:date :open :high :low :close :ret])
(assoc :roc %2 :sym sym))
(roc 30 (map :close bars))))))
(group-by :date)
(into (sorted-map))
(map (fn [[time bars]]
(->> bars
(filter (fn [{:keys [roc]}] roc))
(sort-by (fn [{:keys [roc]}]
(fn [ix bar]
(assoc bar
:pos (cond
(< ix worst-ct)
;;drop worst + middle count
(> ix
(dec (+ worst-ct
(- (count SYMS) worst-ct best-ct))))
:else 0)))))))
(remove empty?)
(apply concat)
(group-by :sym)
(reduce (fn [acc [sym bars]]
(-> acc
(assoc-in [sym :total-ret]
(reduce (fn [total {:keys [ret pos]}]
(+ total (* ret pos)))
0 bars))
(assoc-in [sym :bar-count] (count bars)))) {})
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