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Last active December 14, 2018 19:35
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A minimum viable Interactive Brokers client from clojure with no dependencies!
(ns iboga.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:import [ BufferedReader DataInputStream DataOutputStream IOException]
[ InetSocketAddress Socket SocketException]
(defn socket-open? [socket]
(not (or (.isClosed socket) (.isInputShutdown socket) (.isOutputShutdown socket))))
(defn socket-read-line-or-nil [socket in]
(when (socket-open? socket)
(try (.readLine in)
(catch SocketException e
(println e)
(defn read-in [^DataInputStream in]
(while (zero? (.available in)) "")
(let [msg-size (.readInt in)
ba (byte-array msg-size)]
(.read in ba 0 msg-size)
(defn socket-read-or-nil [^Socket socket ^DataInputStream in]
(try (when (socket-open? socket)
(read-in in))
(catch IOException e :ignore)))
(defn socket-write [^Socket socket ^DataOutputStream out ^bytes x]
(println "writing to output")
(.write out x 0 (alength x))
(.flush out)
(catch SocketException e
(println e)
(defn close-socket-client [socket]
(when-not (.isInputShutdown socket) (.shutdownInput socket))
(when-not (.isOutputShutdown socket) (.shutdownOutput socket))
(when-not (.isClosed socket) (.close socket)))
(defn init-socket [address port f]
(let [address (InetSocketAddress. address port)
socket (doto (Socket.) (.connect address))
in (DataInputStream. (.getInputStream socket))
out (DataOutputStream. (.getOutputStream socket))]
(future (while (socket-open? socket)
(when-let [x (socket-read-or-nil socket in)]
(f x)))
(println "closing "))
{:close-fn #(close-socket-client socket)
:send-fn (fn [x]
(if (socket-open? socket) ;;deal with nil/false
(socket-write socket out x)
(close-socket-client socket)))
:socket socket}))
(defn ib-val->str [x]
(string? x) x
(boolean? x) (if x "1" "0")
:else (str x)))
(defn msg->bytes [coll]
(let [sep (char 0) ;;== (Character/MIN_VALUE)
msg-str (str (str/join sep (map ib-val->str coll)) sep)
ba (.getBytes msg-str StandardCharsets/UTF_8)
len (alength ba)
bb (ByteBuffer/allocate (+ len 4))] ;;4==(Integer/BYTES)
(-> bb (.putInt len) (.put ba) .array)))
(defn init-bytes []
(let [ver-str "v100..150"
pre (.getBytes "API\0" StandardCharsets/UTF_8)
ver (.getBytes ver-str StandardCharsets/UTF_8)
len (alength ver)
bb (ByteBuffer/allocate (+ len (alength pre) 4))] ;;(Integer/BYTES)
(-> bb (.put pre) (.putInt len) (.put ver) .array)))
(defn bytes->strs [^bytes ba]
(-> ba (String. "UTF-8") (str/split #"\x00")))
(def r (init-socket "" 7496 (comp println bytes->strs)))
((:send-fn r) (init-bytes))
;;figure out message format from:
;;to ib: tws-api/source/javaclient/com/ib/client/
;;from ib: tws-api/source/javaclient/com/ib/client/
;;have fun!
((:send-fn r) (msg->bytes [71 2 nil ""]))
((:send-fn r) (msg->bytes [1 11 123 nil nil "STK" nil nil nil nil "SMART" nil "USD" "AMZN" nil nil "" "" "" ""]))
((:send-fn r) (msg->bytes [2 1 123]))
;;((:close-fn r))
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