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Created September 24, 2020 17:00
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(defn bucket
[accf init-acc splitf]
(fn [rf]
(let [acc-atom (atom init-acc)]
([] (rf))
(rf result))
([result input]
(let [old-acc @acc-atom
new-acc (accf old-acc input)
split? (splitf new-acc)]
(if split?
(do (reset! acc-atom (accf init-acc input))
(rf result old-acc))
(do (reset! acc-atom new-acc)
(defn current-bucket
[accf init-acc splitf ]
(fn [rf]
(let [acc-atom (atom init-acc)]
([] (rf))
(rf result))
([result input]
(let [old-acc @acc-atom
new-acc (accf old-acc input)
split? (splitf new-acc)]
(if split?
(rf result (reset! acc-atom (accf init-acc input)))
(do (reset! acc-atom new-acc)
(rf result new-acc)))))))))
(def pts
[{:size 0.01M, :price 10660.06M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.03M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.0272M, :price 10656.3M}
{:size 0.0913M, :price 10654.16M}
{:size 0.1143M, :price 10653.34M}
{:size 0.0045M, :price 10651.92M}])
(->> pts
(into []
(fn [acc x]
(-> acc
(update :agg-size + (:size x))
(update :points conj x)))
{:agg-size 0 :points []}
(fn [acc] (> (:agg-size acc) 0.1)))))
[{:agg-size 0.08M,
[{:size 0.01M, :price 10660.06M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.03M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}]}
{:agg-size 0.0272M, :points [{:size 0.0272M, :price 10656.3M}]}
{:agg-size 0.0913M, :points [{:size 0.0913M, :price 10654.16M}]}
{:agg-size 0.1143M, :points [{:size 0.1143M, :price 10653.34M}]}]
(->> pts
(into []
(fn [acc x]
(-> acc
(update :agg-size + (:size x))
(update :points conj x)))
{:agg-size 0 :points []}
(fn [acc] (> (:agg-size acc) 0.1)))))
[{:agg-size 0.01M, :points [{:size 0.01M, :price 10660.06M}]}
{:agg-size 0.03M,
:points [{:size 0.01M, :price 10660.06M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}]}
{:agg-size 0.06M,
:points [{:size 0.01M, :price 10660.06M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.03M, :price 10657.21M}]}
{:agg-size 0.08M,
:points [{:size 0.01M, :price 10660.06M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.03M, :price 10657.21M}
{:size 0.02M, :price 10657.21M}]}
{:agg-size 0.0272M, :points [{:size 0.0272M, :price 10656.3M}]}
{:agg-size 0.0913M, :points [{:size 0.0913M, :price 10654.16M}]}
{:agg-size 0.1143M, :points [{:size 0.1143M, :price 10653.34M}]}
{:agg-size 0.0045M, :points [{:size 0.0045M, :price 10651.92M}]}]
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