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Jonathan Julian jjulian

  • Ad Hoc LLC
  • MD
  • 00:18 (UTC -05:00)
View GitHub Profile
jjulian / namely-team-browse.js
Last active March 24, 2022 22:05
UserScript - Make navigating namely team trees easier
// ==UserScript==
// @name Namely Team Links
// @version 0.2
// @description Make navigating namely team trees easier - adds a "team" link next to every profile link
// @namespace
// @author jjulian
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'erb'
source_dir = ARGV[0]
files = Dir.entries(source_dir).map do |fname|
fname =~ /\.png$/ ? fname : nil
image_template = '<a href="<%= fname %>"><img src="<%= fname %>" width="300"/></a>'
renderer =
jjulian / Management
Last active March 15, 2019 14:27
Good articles on management, added as I find them

What they should stop saying is “can I give you some feedback?” And they should start saying “here’s my reaction.”

Whenever you see one of your people do something that worked for you, that rocked your world just a little, stop for a minute and highlight it. By helping your team member recognize what excellence looks like for her—by saying, “That! Yes, that!“—you’re offering her the chance to gain an insight; you’re highlighting a pattern that is already there within her so that she can recognize it, anchor it, re-create it, and refine it. That is learning.

"The first agenda item is you. Tell me how you’re doing, how you’re feeling,”

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jjulian on github.
  • I am jjulian ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCZd7muoSaKj0aNZ6JusSH1O5BFDDpZflFX9hZLIt7OuQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

jjulian / * Android Version & API Level
Last active May 1, 2019 19:15 — forked from yicr/Android Version API Level
* Android Version & API Level List on 2016/08/28

Androidのバージョン表記及びAPI Level

Version Code Name Level Build.VERSION_CODES.
1.0 1 BASE
1.1 2 BASE_1_1
1.5 Cupcake 3 CUPCAKE
1.6 Donut 4 DONUT
2.0 Eclair 5 ECLAIR
2.0.1 6 ECLAIR_0_1
jjulian / file0.txt
Created November 14, 2016 17:53 — forked from YumaInaura/file0.txt
iPhone系端末の InternalName と 一般名の対応表 ref:
iPhone : iPhone1,1
iPhone 3G : iPhone1,2
iPhone 3GS : iPhone2,1
iPhone 4 : iPhone3,1
iPhone 4 : iPhone3,2
iPhone 4 : iPhone3,3
iPhone 4S : iPhone4,1
iPhone 5 : iPhone5,1
iPhone 5 : iPhone5,2
iPhone 5c : iPhone5,3
jjulian / Output iOS Icons.jsx
Last active August 29, 2015 14:28 — forked from tlinkner/Output iOS Icons.jsx
Photoshop script to output iOS icons, now with iOS 8 sizes
// Output iOS Icons.jsx
// 2014 Todd Linkner
// License: none (public domain)
// v1.2
// This script is for Photoshop CS6. It outputs iOS icons
// from a source 1024px x 1024px PSD
// bring Photoshop into focus
jjulian / gist:6b95ef6d15a33293c38a
Created May 6, 2015 03:24
Random draw from meetup page RSVPs
// Go to
// Open JS console
// Paste this code
var attendees = $.makeArray($('#rsvp-list li.memberinfo-widget .member-name > a')); var winner = attendees[Math.floor(Math.random()*attendees.length)]; $('body').prepend('<br>').prepend(winner);
// Describe how it works: find all RSVP links, choose one at random using js and array, prepend the html to top of page
// Run it a few times to prove randomness
// Run it one last time to draw a winner
// Open the winner's profile link in a new tab, view full bio and avatar
// Ask them to come formward!
jjulian / colors.rb
Created May 6, 2013 20:18
Generate colors that are between a start and end color. It's a gradient. Useful to pass to a Graphite graph as "colorList".
# Create a gradient color list.
# Shamelessly ported from php code at
begin_color = 0xfffde3
end_color = 0xffb715
samples = 30
def interpolate(b, e, step, max)
if b < e
(((e - b) * (step / max.to_f)) + b).to_i
jjulian / beers.rb
Last active December 16, 2015 14:20
Scrape the beer list from your favorite bar in Baltimore. Built at OSHN April 23, 2013
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'optparse' do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: #{__FILE__} [options]\nGet a beer list from your favorite bar."
opts.on("-s", "--site SITE", "Where are you?") do |s|