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Created March 20, 2020 20:11
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Start WiFi debugging an Android device.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Connect to android device for debugging over WiFi. Simply plug it in, run this
# script, then unplug it again.
# Find path to ADB
function adbpath() {
# List of possible locations
PossiblePath2="$HOME/Library/Application Support/SideQuest/platform-tools/adb"
# Find one that exists
[[ -e "$PossiblePath1" ]] && echo "\"$PossiblePath1\"" && return
[[ -e "$PossiblePath2" ]] && echo "\"$PossiblePath2\"" && return
[[ -e "$PossiblePath3" ]] && echo "\"$PossiblePath3\"" && return
# Not found!
echo "Unable to find ADB!"
exit 1
# Output header
echo ""
echo " +----------------------+"
echo " | ADB WiFi Debug |"
echo " +----------------------+"
echo " v1 "
echo ""
# Set ADB to USB mode
echo "> Setting ADB to USB mode..."
eval "$(adbpath) usb" > /dev/null 2>&1
# Wait for user to connect their phone
echo "> Waiting for phone... (connect your phone via USB now)"
while true; do
# Check if device connected
Out=`eval "$ADB shell echo 'IsConnected'" 2>&1`
if [[ "$Out" == "IsConnected" ]]; then
# Nope, wait a bit
sleep 1s
# Get device's IP
echo "> Fetching phone's IP address..."
IP=`eval "$ADB shell ip -f inet addr show wlan0" | grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | head -1`
echo " Found IP: $IP"
# Set device to TCP mode
echo "> Setting TCP connect mode..."
eval "$(adbpath) tcpip 5555"
sleep 2s
eval "$(adbpath) connect $IP:5555"
# Out=`eval "$ADB connect $IP:5555" 2>&1`
# if [[ "A" =~ refused ]]; then
# echo "Failed, connection refused! Check that remote debugging is enabled on your phone."
# fi
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