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Last active September 7, 2019 09:37
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core.async database query fn
#^{:author "Jesse Wattenbarger"
:doc "pulled out of a production program for gist."}
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer
[chan go go-loop close! <!! <! >! >!!]]
[jdbc.core :as jdbc] ;; good jdbc interop
(defn q>!!
"Run a query in a future with a lazy result set and return a channel with the results.
Tries to use server-side cursors via 'with-query' to pull results lazily. Will block
after it fills up the channel and unblock once the channel has been drained so as not
to realize all of the result set in memory.
By default, politely closes the channel once [results] has been
exhausted. Leave the channel open if :close? is false. By default,
create and return an unbuffered channel.
It can also take an existing channel or buffer size, wherein it
will use that channel or a newly created buffered channel for results."
;; Yep, all this ^^^ functionality in 11 (really, 10) lines of clojure. Beat that, golang...
([dbspec query]
(q>!! dbspec query (chan)))
([dbspec query c-or-n & {:keys [close?] :or {close? true} :as opts}]
(let [channel (if (number? c-or-n) (chan c-or-n) c-or-n)]
(jdbc/with-connection [conn dbspec]
(jdbc/with-query conn results query
(doseq [x results]
(>!! channel x))))
(when close? (close! channel)))
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