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Last active February 4, 2023 23:04
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Don't pay for Cloudflare Pro just to get Mirage, use this script instead to cross fade and lazy load your images. No external js required!
// code used on to fade images
// MIT license, no support provided :)
// Setup:
// - you must put your img tag inside a span tag and set the img tag css to display: none. Make sure the css for the span and img tag has a height set. Width can be 100%.
// - query on all cross-fade spans in a script at the end of your body tag and call DailyTechNewsIoFade(eachSpan) for each one
// - i.e. _loop('.cross-fade', DailyTechNewsIoFade);
// - required html markup: <span class='cross-fade'><img class='your-image-class' src='/path/lowres/image.webp' title='title' alt='alt' data-src='/path/highres/image.webp' data-dim='1.5' /></span>
// - the src is a very low res image (32x32 max dimensions, with full res image aspect ratio as close as possible)
// - title and alt are up to you
// - data-dim is width/height of full res image
// - data-src is full image source
// javascript helpers to avoid using jquery
const _win = window;
const _doc = document;
const _qs = s => _doc.querySelector(s);
const _qsa = s => _doc.querySelectorAll(s);
const _ga = (o, a) => o.getAttribute(a); // object, attribute name
const _sa = (o, a, v) => o.setAttribute(a, v); // object, attribute name, value
const _ra = (o, a) => o.removeAttribute(a); // object, attribute name
const _ae = (o, e, f) => o.addEventListener(e, f); // object, event name, function
const _gi = i => _doc.getElementById(i); // id
const _ce = (t, h = '') => { var e = _doc.createElement(t); e.innerHTML = h; return e; } // tag, html
const _eu = c => encodeURIComponent(c); // string
const _hide = e => { = 'hidden'; = 'none'; } // element
const _show = e => { = 'visible'; = e.tagName == 'div' ? 'block' : ''; } // element
const _st = setTimeout; // shortcut for setTimeout
const _si = setInterval; // shortcut for setInterval
// loop through array, or if a is a string, loop through matching selector elements
const _loop = (a, f) => { a = typeof a == 'string' ? _qsa(a) : a; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { f(a[i], i); } }
_win.isInViewport = obj =>
var elementTop = obj.offsetTop;
var elementBottom = elementTop + obj.offsetHeight;
var wh = _win.innerHeight;
// total area is one vh up from top of viewport and 2vh down
var viewportTop = window.scrollY - wh;
var viewportBottom = viewportTop + wh + wh + wh;
return elementBottom > viewportTop && elementTop < viewportBottom;
// img is the span containing your img tag
function DailyTechNewsIoFade(img)
const crossFades = [0, 1000]; // instant and normal fade (ms)
var loaded = false;
var crossFadeIndex = 0;
var oi = img.firstChild;
var alt = _ga(oi, 'alt');
var ds = _ga(oi, 'data-src');
// if you want to dynamically change the source based on the screen width or height, you could do so here by changing the ds var
var dim = _ga(oi, 'data-dim'); // width/height ratio, needs to be known to keep low res image the right bounds
var cl = _ga(oi, 'class');
var ti = _ga(oi, 'title');
var dimFloat = parseFloat(dim);
var loading = 'lazy';
var priority = '';
var visibleFold = _win.isInViewport(img);
if (visibleFold)
// no lazy and high priority if in or near fold
priority = 'high';
loading = '';
_ra(oi, 'data-sric');
_ra(oi, 'data-dim');
_ra(oi, 'alt');
// keep the low res image the right dimensions
function oiResize()
var width = img.offsetWidth;
var height = img.offsetHeight;
var widthAspect = Math.min(width, (height * dimFloat));
widthAspect = Math.round(widthAspect * 2) / 2;
widthAspect = widthAspect.toFixed(1);
_sa(oi, 'width', widthAspect);
_sa(oi, 'height', height); = widthAspect; = height;
function oiFade()
crossFadeIndex = 1; = 'blur(0.5rem)';['mixed-blend-mode'] = 'plus-lighter';
_ae(oi, 'resize', oiResize);
// create new image tag for the final image
var ni = new Image;['z-index'] = 500; = 0; // keep hidden until we load
ni.className = cl;
_sa(ni, 'title', ti);
_sa(ni, 'alt', alt);
if (priority.length != 0)
ni.fetchpriority = priority;
if (loading.length != 0)
ni.loading = loading;
// image load event
function imgLoad()
if (loaded)
loaded = true;
_ra(ni, 'load');
_ra(ni, 'error');
_ra(ni, 'alt');
_ra(ni, 'title');
_ra(ni, 'data-cfidx');
var animationTime = crossFades[crossFadeIndex];
function animationCompletion()
oi.remove(); = '1'; = ''; = ''; = '';
if (animationTime <= 100)
// fade in new final img = `opacity ${animationTime}ms`; = '1';
animationTime *= 1.5; = `opacity ${animationTime}ms`; = '0';
_st(animationCompletion, animationTime);
// image error event
function imgError()
// failure, I guess the low res img is all they get :|
// set events
_ae(ni, 'load', imgLoad);
_ae(ni, 'error', imgError);
ni.src = ds;
if (ni.complete)
// setup cross fade from previous img tag, if more than 500 milliseconds, we put in the low image and cross fade from it to the full image
_st(oiFade, 500);
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