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Created February 21, 2021 16:05
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SOUL patch with a simple sine synth with LFO detune
== SOUL example code ==
== Author: Jules ==
/// Title: A simple MPE sine-wave synthesiser example
/// A simple sine-wave synthesiser featuring pitch-bend support, using a basic
/// envelope and voice-allocator.
// Modified from the example to add a detune LFO
graph SineSynth [[ main ]]
input smoothedGain.volume [[ name: "Volume", min: -40, max: 0, init: -6, step: 1 ]];
input event soul::midi::Message midiIn;
input DetuneParamProcessor.detuneDepth [[ name: "Detune amount", min: 0, max: 100, init: 1, step: 1 ]];
output stream float audioOut;
voices = Voice[8];
voiceAllocator = soul::voice_allocators::Basic(8);
smoothedGain = soul::gain::SmoothedGainParameter (0.5f);
gainProcessor = soul::gain::DynamicGain (float);
DetuneParamProcessor.detuneDepthOut -> SineOsc.detuneDepth;
midiIn -> soul::midi::MPEParser -> voiceAllocator;
// Plumb the voice allocator to the voices array
voiceAllocator.voiceEventOut -> voices.noteOn,
DetuneParamProcessor.detuneDepthOut -> voices.detuneDepth;
// Sum the voices audio out to the output
voices ->;
smoothedGain -> gainProcessor.gain;
gainProcessor -> audioOut;
processor DetuneParamProcessor
input event float detuneDepth;
output event float detuneDepthOut;
event detuneDepth (float newValue)
detuneDepthScaled = newValue/10.0f;
float detuneDepthScaled = 0.0f;
void onUpdate()
detuneDepthOut << detuneDepthScaled;
processor SineOsc
input event
soul::note_events::NoteOn noteOn;
soul::note_events::NoteOff noteOff;
soul::note_events::PitchBend pitchBend;
float detuneDepth;
input stream float detune;
output stream float audioOut;
event detuneDepth (float f)
detuneAmountUsed = f;
event noteOn (soul::note_events::NoteOn e)
notePitch = e.note;
bendSemitones = 0.0f;
event noteOff (soul::note_events::NoteOff e) {}
event pitchBend (soul::note_events::PitchBend e)
bendSemitones = e.bendSemitones;
float notePitch, bendSemitones, phase, phaseIncrement;
float detuneAmountUsed = 1.0f;
void calculatePhaseIncrement()
let noteFrequency = soul::noteNumberToFrequency (notePitch + bendSemitones);
phaseIncrement = float (noteFrequency * twoPi * processor.period);
void run()
phase = addModulo2Pi (phase, phaseIncrement+(detune*detuneAmountUsed));
audioOut << sin (phase);
graph Voice
input event
soul::note_events::NoteOn noteOn;
soul::note_events::NoteOff noteOff;
soul::note_events::PitchBend pitchBend;
float detuneDepth;
output stream float audioOut;
namespace LFO = soul::oscillators::lfo;
let lfo = LFO::Processor (LFO::Shape::sine, LFO::Polarity::bipolar, 0.1f, 1.0f);
amplitudeEnvelope = soul::envelope::FixedAttackReleaseEnvelope (0.2f, 0.02f, 0.1f);
attenuator = soul::gain::DynamicGain (float);
noteOn -> SineOsc.noteOn;
noteOff -> SineOsc.noteOff;
pitchBend -> SineOsc.pitchBend;
lfo.out -> SineOsc.detune;
noteOn, noteOff -> amplitudeEnvelope.noteIn;
SineOsc.audioOut ->;
amplitudeEnvelope.levelOut -> attenuator.gain;
attenuator -> audioOut;
detuneDepth -> SineOsc.detuneDepth;
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