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Created December 26, 2011 17:26
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iOS AppStore private API usage checker
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# by Ryan Petrich, inspired by Dustin Howett's Logos
# Reads all Objective-C method names from an installed SDK, determines their visibility and optionally compares against an iOS app binary
sub read_methods {
my $cmd = shift;
my $when_found = shift;
my $current_class;
open(LS_CMD, "$cmd |") or die "Can't run '$cmd'\n$!\n";
while (<LS_CMD>) {
my $line = $_;
foreach my $statement (split(/;|(\/\/)|(\/\*)/, $line)) {
if ($statement =~ /\G([+-])\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)(?=\s*[\w:])/gc) {
# Method definition
my $return = $2;
my @sel_parts = ();
while ($statement =~ /\G\s*([\$\w]*)(\s*:\s*(\((.+?)\))?\s*([\$\w]+?)\b)?\s*(((__OSX_AVAILABLE)|(NS_DEPRECATED)|(NS_AVAILABLE)).*)?/gc) {
# Read selector component
push(@sel_parts, $1);
last if !$2;
my $sel = join(':', @sel_parts);
$when_found->($sel, $current_class);
} elsif ($statement =~ /\@((interface)|(protocol))/) {
# Class/Protocol definition
my @components = split(/\s/, $_);
$current_class = @components[1];
} elsif ($statement =~ /\@property\s*\((.*)\).*?\s\*?(\S+)(\s*(__OSX|NS)_AVAILABLE.*)?\s*$/) {
# Property definition
my $getter = $2;
if ($statement =~ /\@property\s*\(.*\).*?\(\^(\S*?)\)/) {
# Fix some macro silliness
$getter = $1;
my $setter;
if ($getter =~ /^_/) {
# Properties that begin with underscore are special cased
$setter = substr $getter, 1;
$setter = '_set' . ucfirst($setter) . ':';
} else {
$setter = 'set' . ucfirst($getter) . ':';
my $readable = 1;
my $writable = 1;
foreach my $attribute (split(/,\s*/, $1)) {
# Parse attributes
if ($attribute =~ /^readonly$/) {
$writable = 0;
} elsif ($attribute =~ /^writeonly$/) {
$readable = 0;
} elsif ($attribute =~ /^getter=(\S*)$/) {
$getter = $1;
} elsif ($attribute =~ /^setter=(\S*)$/) {
$setter = $1;
$when_found->($getter, $current_class) if $readable;
$when_found->($setter, $current_class) if $writable;
# Find SDK path
my $xcode = `xcode-select -print-path`;
chomp $xcode;
my @paths = glob("$xcode/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS?.?.sdk");
die("Cannot find an iPhoneOS.platform SDK!\n") if scalar(@paths) == 0;
my $sdk_path = @paths[0];
# Build map of method names used in the SDK
my %method_map;
foreach my $binary(split("\0", `find "$sdk_path/System/Library" -maxdepth 4 -perm -111 -type f -print0`)) {
# Class dump to find all methods
read_methods "class-dump-z -N -N -y \"$sdk_path\" \"$binary\"", sub {
# ...mark each as private and add class names
my $method = shift;
my $class_name = shift;
%method_map->{$method}{'visibility'} = 'private';
%method_map->{$method}{'classes'}{$class_name} = 1;
foreach my $header(split("\0", `find "$sdk_path/System/Library/Frameworks" -name "*.h" -type f -print0`)) {
# Find methods declared in headers
read_methods "cat $header", sub {
# ...mark each as public
my $method = shift;
%method_map->{$method}{'visibility'} = 'public';
# Generate list of names to output
my @names_to_output;
if ($#ARGV == 0) {
# Read selector table from the first argument
my $method_table = `otool -s __TEXT __objc_methname "$ARGV[0]" | sed -n '3,\$p' | cut -c10-`;
@names_to_output = split(/\x00/, scalar reverse (reverse unpack('(a4)*', pack('(H8)*', split(/\s+/, $method_table)))));
} else {
# If no first argument, list all
@names_to_output = keys %method_map;
# Ouput as TSV with the following fields visibility, method name, class names sorted by method name
foreach my $method(sort @names_to_output) {
my $visibility = %method_map->{$method}{'visibility'};
$visibility = 'new' if length($visibility) == 0;
my $classes = join("\t", keys(%{ %method_map->{$method}{'classes'} }));
print "$visibility\t$method\t$classes\n";
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Janyau commented Apr 29, 2018

May be you should show the detail step, that's better.

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