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Last active February 13, 2017 18:26
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DTR Memo

Project: Night Writer______________

Group Member Names: Jonathan and Riley__________

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project? Goals and expectations:

  • Better understanding of OOP
  • File IO
  • TDD
  • More knowledge of guts

Schedule Expectations: When are we available to work together and individually?

  • We are both available to work as long as needed on the weekday nights running up to the project.

Communication Expectations: How and often will we communicate? How do we keep lines of communication open?

  • We both prefer to communicate in person whenever possible - when this is not possible, Slack is a substitute. Checking in at breaks and over lunch works.

Abilities Expectations: Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement:

  • Jonathan feels good about testing and getting objects to work together, in general.
  • Riley is good at problem solving and generally figuring things out.

Workload Expectations: What features do we each want to work on?

  • TBD, based on what we discover as the project gets planned and scoped. We both hope to strike a balance between pair programming and individual contribution.

Workflow Expectations: Git workflow/Tools/Code Review/Reviewing Pull Requests:

  • We need to figure out git, at least at a basic leve, for this project. JK is going to git workflow spike on Friday, to get some information.

Expectations for giving and receiving feedback:

  • Both believe anything can be said, without trouble. Questions are always welcome and encouraged to keep the lines of communication open.

Agenda to discuss project launch:

  • Jonathan will get started digesting the requirements over the weekend, and get started on what he can, and Riley will do the same on the plane on the way home.



  • Slack, git, Github, pen and paper

Additional Notes:

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