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Last active May 19, 2017 19:23
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My psql/tmux configuration
case "$TERM" in
alias psql='PAGER=vim_psql_pager psql'
bind-key d split-window -h -p 25 pg_set_service # sets #{selected_db}
bind-key p split-window -p 25 'PAGER=tmux_psql_pager psql -q service=${selected_db}'
bind-key P new-window 'PAGER=tmux_psql_pager psql -q service=${selected_db}'
# This script creates a nice prompt generated from your .pg_service.conf
# file (
# The selected service becomes the one that other tmux commands use
# Below, I map it to Prefix-d in tmux
options=$(grep '^\[.*]$' ~/.pg_service.conf | sed -e 's/^\[//' -e 's/]$//'| cat -n)
exec 3>&1
choice=$(dialog.exe --menu "Please select a database" 19 40 9 $options 2>&1 1>&3)
exec 3>&-
#echo $selected
selected=$(grep '^\[.*]$' ~/.pg_service.conf | sed -e 's/^\[//' -e 's/]$//' | head -n $choice | tail -n 1)
tmux set-environment selected_db $selected
tmux display "Default database set to #{selected_db}"
" Based on
function FoldScroll(lines)
let b:foldend+=a:lines
if b:foldend < 2
let b:foldend=2
elseif b:foldend > line('$')
let b:foldend=line('$')
norm zE
execute ':2,'.b:foldend.'fold'
" :Less
" turn vim into a pager for psql aligned results
fun! Less()
syn region Heading start=/^ \l/ end=/[-+]\+$/
syn match Border "|"
syn match IntVal " \d\+\(\n\| \)"
syn match NullVal " NULL\(\n\| \)"
syn match NegVal " -\d\+\(\n\| \)"
syn match FloatVal " \d\+\.\d\+\(\n\| \)"
syn match NegFloatVal " -\d\+\.\d\+\(\\n\| \)"
syn match DateTime "\d\{4}-\d\{2}-\d\{2} \d\{2}:\d\{2}:\d\{2}\(\.\d\{1,}\|\)"
syn match TrueVal " t\(\n\| \)"
syn match FalseVal " f\(\n\| \)"
hi def Heading ctermfg=246
hi def IntVal ctermfg=229
hi def FalseVal ctermfg=88
hi def NullVal ctermfg=242
hi def Border ctermfg=240
hi def NegFloatVal ctermfg=160
hi def FloatVal ctermfg=230
hi def NegVal ctermfg=160
hi def DateTime ctermfg=111
hi def TrueVal ctermfg=64
set nocompatible
set nowrap
set scrollopt=hor
set scrollbind
set mouse=a
set lazyredraw
set number
set laststatus=0
" hide contents of upper statusline. editor note: do not remove trailing spaces in next line!
set statusline=\
" This makes the folded line look like the existing header separator from
" pgsql!
set foldtext=getline(2)
let b:foldend = 2
" arrows do scrolling instead of moving
nmap ^[OC zL
nmap ^[OD zH
" Remap common motion keys to use the fold scroll stuff
nmap <silent> ^[OB :call FoldScroll(1)<CR>
nmap <silent> ^[OA :call FoldScroll(-1)<CR>
nmap <silent> <C-ScrollWheelDown> zL
nmap <silent> <C-ScrollWheelUp> zH
nmap <silent> <ScrollWheelDown> :call FoldScroll(3)<CR>
nmap <silent> <ScrollWheelUp> :call FoldScroll(-3)<CR>
nmap <silent> <Space> :call FoldScroll(winheight(0))<CR>
nmap <silent> <PageDown> :call FoldScroll(winheight(0))<CR>
nmap <silent> <PageUp> :call FoldScroll(0-winheight(0))<CR>
nmap <silent> G :call FoldScroll(line('$'))<CR>
nmap <silent> gg :call FoldScroll(0-line('$'))<CR>
" faster quit (I tend to forget about the upper panel)
nmap q :qa!<CR>
nmap Q :qa!<CR>
command! -nargs=0 Less call Less()
# Set this script to be your pager for psql (see bash alias below) to get pretty display and nice navigation
# * sticky column headers
# * arrow keys, Page Up/Down, and mouse wheel (ctrl+scroll for horizontal scrolling)
# * uses psql_pager vimscript above
# Create a fifo in a temp dir
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf "$tmpdir"' EXIT INT TERM HUP
mkfifo "$tmpdir/pipe"
tmux_window_id=$(tmux display-message -p '#{window_id}')
# Try to kill any existing psql result pane for this window
existing_result_pane=$(tmux show-environment psql_result_pane_${tmux_window_id:1} 2>/dev/null)
if [[ $? && ! -z ${existing_result_pane##*=} ]]
tmux kill-pane -t %${existing_result_pane##*=} >/dev/null 2>&1
new_pane_id=$(tmux split-window -P -F '#D' -fd -p 75 "vim -u NONE -R -S ~/.vim/plugin/psql_pager.vim -c Less - < $tmpdir/pipe")
tmux set-environment psql_result_pane_${tmux_window_id:1} ${new_pane_id:1}
cat <&0 >$tmpdir/pipe
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