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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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A little Racket script to grab titles for the top 'n' submissions in a subreddit.
#lang racket
(require net/url json)
;; Make a valid URL to retrieve a JSON payload for the top
;; entries in a given subreddit over some range of time
(define make-reddit-url
(λ (sub time limit)
(string-append ""
sub "/top.json?"
"t=" time "&"
"limit=" limit))))
;; Generate a hash table from JSON information
(define (get-json link)
([(status header response) (http-sendrecv/url link)])
(read-json response)))
;; Filter post titles out of the hash table of JSON information
(define (filter-json json-data)
(let ([filtered
(hash-ref (hash-ref json-data 'data) 'children)])
(λ (elem) (hash-ref (hash-ref elem 'data) 'title))
;; Glue all the helper functions together and default to
;; pulling the top 5 entries from /r/listentothis for today
(define get-titles
(λ (#:sub [sub "listentothis"]
#:time [time "today"]
#:limit [limit "5"])
(make-reddit-url sub time limit)))))
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