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Last active June 3, 2018 16:33
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LambdaConf 2018 - Exercise 5
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (log, logShow)
import Data.Array (fromFoldable)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)
import Data.Semiring.Free (Free, free)
import Data.String (null, length, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.String.Regex (Regex, regex, test)
import Data.String.Regex.Flags (noFlags)
import Data.Validation.Semiring (V, invalid, unV)
import Global.Unsafe (unsafeStringify)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import TryPureScript (render, withConsole)
-- * Switch from `Data.Validation.Semigroup` to `Data.Validation.Semiring`
-- * Update all validation functions to use `Free` and `free` instead of
-- `NonEmptyList` and `singleton` for error tracking
-- * Create a `UserId` sum type with `EmailAddress` and `Username` data
-- constructors
-- * Add an `InvalidUsername` data constructor to the `InvalidField` sum type
-- * Update `validateEmailAddress` to work with the `UserId`
-- * Write a `validateUsername` validation function that works with `UserId`
-- * Use `(<|>)` from `Control.Alt` to provide alternative validations for
-- email address and username fields
-- * Update `UnvalidatedForm` and `ValidatedForm` to handle the `UserId` input
-- and output fields
-- * Clean up any little helper functions we're using
type UnvalidatedForm =
{ emailAddress :: String
, password :: String
type ValidatedForm =
{ emailAddress :: EmailAddress
, password :: Password
:: UnvalidatedForm
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidField) ValidatedForm
validateForm { emailAddress, password } =
{emailAddress: _, password: _}
<$> (validateEmailAddress emailAddress)
<*> (validatePassword password 0 60)
main = render =<< withConsole do
let validForm = { emailAddress: "", password: "GreatPassword" }
let validFormTest = validateForm validForm
logShow (printValidation validFormTest)
log "\n"
let invalidForm = { emailAddress: "example", password: "badpw" }
let invalidFormTest = validateForm invalidForm
logShow (printValidation invalidFormTest)
-- | Newtype wrapper for `String` indicating a valid email address
newtype EmailAddress = EmailAddress String
-- | Newtype wrapper for `String` indicating a valid password
newtype Password = Password String
-- | Type of validation errors encountered when validating form fields
data InvalidField
= InvalidEmailAddress (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive)
| InvalidPassword (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive)
:: String
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidField) EmailAddress
validateEmailAddress input =
let result =
validateNonEmpty input
*> validateEmailRegex input
in bimap (singleton <<< InvalidEmailAddress) EmailAddress result
:: String
-> Int
-> Int
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidField) Password
validatePassword input minLength maxLength =
let result =
validateNonEmpty input
*> validateContainsMixedCase input
*> (validateLength input minLength maxLength)
in bimap (singleton <<< InvalidPassword) Password result
-- | Type of validation errors encountered when validating primitive input
data InvalidPrimitive
= EmptyField
| InvalidEmail String
| TooShort Int Int
| TooLong Int Int
| NoLowercase String
| NoUppercase String
-- | Validate that an input string is not empty
validateNonEmpty :: String -> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateNonEmpty input
| null input = invalid (singleton EmptyField)
| otherwise = pure input
-- | Validates that an input string conforms to some regular expression that
-- | checks for valid email addresses
validateEmailRegex :: String -> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateEmailRegex input
| test emailRegex input = pure input
| otherwise = invalid (singleton (InvalidEmail input))
-- | Validate that an input string is at least as long as some given `Int`
:: String
-> Int
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateMinimumLength input minLength
| (length input) < minLength = invalid (singleton (TooShort (length input) minLength))
| otherwise = pure input
-- | Validate that an input string is shorter than given `Int`
:: String
-> Int
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateMaximumLength input maxLength
| (length input) > maxLength = invalid (singleton (TooLong (length input) maxLength))
| otherwise = pure input
-- | Validate that an input string is within the minimum and maximum given `Int`
-- | lengths
:: String
-> Int
-> Int
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateLength input minLength maxLength =
validateMinimumLength input minLength
*> validateMaximumLength input maxLength
-- | Validate that an input string contains at least one lowercase character
:: String
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateContainsLowercase input
| (toUpper input) == input = invalid (singleton (NoLowercase input))
| otherwise = pure input
-- | Validate that an input string contains at least one uppercase character
:: String
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateContainsUppercase input
| (toLower input) == input = invalid (singleton (NoUppercase input))
| otherwise = pure input
-- | Validate that an input string contains some mix of upper- and lowercase
-- | characters
:: String
-> V (NonEmptyList InvalidPrimitive) String
validateContainsMixedCase input =
validateContainsLowercase input
*> validateContainsUppercase input
-- | Helper function to print validations
:: forall err result
. Show err
=> V (NonEmptyList err) result
-> String
printValidation =
unV (show <<< fromFoldable) (\result -> "Valid: " <> (unsafeStringify result))
-- | Derive a `Generic` instance for `InvalidPrimitive` so we can get a `Show`
-- | instance to print to the console.
derive instance genericInvalidPrimitive :: Generic InvalidPrimitive _
-- | Derive `show` for `InvalidPrimitive` using the `Generic` instance.
instance showInvalidPrimitive :: Show InvalidPrimitive where
show = genericShow
-- | Utility function to unsafely construct a regular expression from a pattern
-- | string.
-- |
-- | This will fail at runtime with an error if the pattern string is invalid.
unsafeRegexFromString :: String -> Regex
unsafeRegexFromString str = unsafePartial (fromRight (regex str noFlags))
-- | Regular expression for email address validation.
emailRegex :: Regex
emailRegex =
unsafeRegexFromString "^\\w+([.-]?\\w+)*@\\w+([.-]?\\w+)*(\\.\\w{2,3})+$"
-- | Manually derive a `Show` instance for `EmailAddress` so it prints nicely
derive instance newtypeEmailAddress :: Newtype EmailAddress _
instance showEmailAddress :: Show EmailAddress where show = unwrap
-- | Manually derive a `Show` instance for `Password` so it prints nicely
derive instance newtypePassword :: Newtype Password _
instance showPassword :: Show Password where show = unwrap
-- | Manually derive a `Show` instance for `InvalidField` that pretty prints the
-- | `NonEmptyList`s as `Array`s
instance showInvalidField :: Show InvalidField where
show = case _ of
InvalidEmailAddress errs -> "(InvalidEmailAddress " <> (show (fromFoldable errs)) <> ")"
InvalidPassword errs -> "(InvalidPassword " <> (show (fromFoldable errs)) <> ")"
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